• I have a LOT of $$$ in Chase with multiple accounts. I sent this article to my Chase account rep who has yet to get back to me on the bank’s decision to sell customer transactions for a profit.

    i will start to press the issue. let’s see how long before the bank kicks me out. I am wondering why i bother busting my butt when it is so easily taken away, but we must press on. No quitting because that is why they are instituting these policies. heck, even Coca Cola is woke in case no one has yet noticed

  • Two words describe this whole deal; EVIL GREED!

    What more needs to be said;
    1Ti 6:9  But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 
    1Ti 6:10  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 

  • Desperation. While it’s yet to be revealed which banks are in big trouble, I suspect this answers that question. For awhile, folks have been leaving these larger institutions who basically got themselves into this mess by not properly vetting those worthy of the loans (of all kinds) they gave out.

    Bonus is . . . they want to discourage use of cash.

  • All their customers should file a HUGE class action lawsuit or threaten to close their accounts and go elsewhere leaving the bank to file bankruptcy lol

    People need to start taking real stances and control back of all these businesses and their taxes
    Creating a law that does not allow and government employee of an position to touch or move and of their tax dollars without all the people’s (excluding new migrants and asylum and refugee) that have contributed the longest.

    But one can only dream to live on a RIGHTEOUS world, right!

    May God raise the godly men within the churches to lead the nation’s

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