“I’m just a hype man.” -Economic Ninja, 1/29/2024.

This report was published on February 1st, 2024. New information has been added.

Financial guru “The Economic Ninja,” whose real name is Travis, has been caught using deceptive and sleazy business practices to sell his financial courses, on top of him just simply straight-face lying and using the Lord’s name in vain to do it; and I have the receipts to prove it.

I’ve shared a few of his videos in times past because of some interesting insights he presented, but after taking some closer looks and monitoring his actions and statements, I can assuredly say that not only will I no longer share his material, but so much so I urge you to stop listening to him, as he is going to twist your mind and potentially pick-pocket you out of your hard-earned cash.

Before I present the hard evidence, let just offer up some context and a few disclaimers.

First of all, I am not a “financial genius” or someone who is an “expert” in financial know-how. I’m no fool but I certainly am still more of an apprentice than anything else, in my humble opinion. Having said that, if him and I were to have a sit down debate on economics, he’d whip me around and I am not too proud to admit that. Be that as it may, I KNOW what deception and a liar looks like, and it’s not hard at all to sniff it out; and Ninja smells of it. So, I will not will be getting too detailed about his advice but rather their tactics, and that should suffice it to say that a lot of what he peddles is probably not all that it’s cracked-up to be.

Though he does not like his name getting out there, Travis (I cannot find his last name) has a large number of subscribers on YouTube, currently just shy of 440,000 subscribers. He has another channel called “Real Estate Ninja.”

He also has a twin brother who goes by the pseudonym “Johnny Bravo,” both sporting mohawks and both talking about financial matters, but has roughly less the subscribers Ninja does.

But, unfortunately, like so many con men and “financial gurus” and “prophets” that have arisen in the vacuum created by the lying mainstream media, these two play on people’s sentiments for views, using fear, emotional panic, and “FOMO” (fear of missing out); and use that to also sell their e-courses. But the focus here will be about Ninja.

You see, ever since 2020 a number of people got on the trend of selling digital courses and e-books, since their jobs were uprooted and this was a way to recoup some of that missing cash. And that’s all well and good, but a lot of social media influencers and financial guys hopped on this train, too. Again, this is fine, and I am not saying that it is wrong to sell courses, but as with anything one must use discernment and discretion.

Travis in particular is big in to real estate; and a big part of his schtick is touting the idea that there is an imminent real estate crash coming; and with his teachings and experience, Travis will teach you how to “crush it,” as he says, when this purported bubble pops.

This is nothing new from him but this past year (2023) in particular, Travis has seriously gotten really over-emotional and melodramatic in his videos, the titles being completely clickbait, and going on a lot of these unscripted and incoherent rants – something a growing number of followers have been pointing out, and is being reflected in his declining viewership to start 2024.

As I said, he sells a number of courses viewers can purchase to get his advice for this apparent real estate crash. But here is where the duplicity shows up, and that is how he prices them and the manner he goes about promoting them.

Laying aside the fact that Ninja has been shouting about an imminent residential real estate crash for years at this point – which have all failed – Travis has increasingly pushed harder and harder to sell his courses. Particular in November and December 2023, Travis started making all these really emotional videos to sell his courses; even shedding some fake tears and sniffles, and claims of how he cares so much about people and does not want to see them get hurt, but make sick amounts of wealth in the upcoming collapse; and furthermore, will now occasionally pepper in some Bible verses for good measure, and his profession of faith and his prayer life, and how he makes sure he tithes on a consistent basis.

Now, allow me to demonstrate the duplicity:

In this first example, Ninja was running this supposed fire sale on one of his courses, where he claimed this one and only special is coming to an end. The course, called “Prepare For The Next Housing Crash,” was purportedly on sale for 80% off, or $199. In other words, he’s claiming that the course normally costs $2,000.

There were people who called his bluff on this and said that the course has always been $199, and that Travis was just grifting. Travis would leave comments such as “bet against me” to mock the naysayers. Those comments were deleted and I unfortunately forgot to screenshot those. Nevertheless, as Ninja clearly wrote in his description, he said that once the “sale” ends the link should no longer work. Spoiler alert: when I went to click on the links after the “sale” ended, the price was still the same.

But here’s where the deception really gets out of hand. About a few weeks later and more recently he is now back to pumping that course. This time he priced at 70% off, or $299.

However, right around the same time that video was published, he did another livestream he did with a guest and provided an affiliate link for 75% off a bundle of courses for only $300, normally $1,200, he says.

Clicking the link takes you to his Teachable page where customers can buy the courses, and where Travis explains what you are getting in this bundle.

But apparently the Ninja can’t even keep his lies straight, because, on that same page if you scroll down to the bottom where it provides the related courses he’s selling in the bundle, the prices are not accurate to what he said they normally are worth:

The first course listed is actually and normally priced at $1,000, not the alleged $2,000 he once tried to imply; and his “Home Seller Pro” course actually costs $500, not the $100 he said that it normally costs. Clearly Ninja can’t get his facts in order. Moreover, in other links Ninja has been providing, his “Prepare For The Next Housing Crash” still only costs $299. In other words, he’s running phony sales and the prices of that one particular course vary in price depending on which link he wants to provide you.

Unsurprisingly, Ninja has since sold this aforementioned bundle with another 75% off price tag, that he called the “I’m pissed off 75% off deal.”

And then just a few days ago he is now selling the bundle at 50%.

But wait, there’s more! Then he came out just a few days ago selling an entirely different course about how to start a side hustle gig, claiming “this is the lowest price the side hustle course has ever been ($199).” It is? You mean just like your other deals, Travis?

Needless to say, the disparities are obvious once you line them all up. These are just dummy sales and flat-out lying about the real price of his products.

I called out Travis twice in his comment section and got some likes, but no response from him, unsurprisingly.

As I said earlier, I don’t care if someone sells courses or not, but you don’t have to lie to get people to buy your products. This is just sleazy, grifter tactics. And, he’s been using the Bible and using his profession of faith more and more, so I’m sure he’ll appreciate some scripture in this rebuke.

[14] It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth. [15] There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.

Proverbs 20:14-15

Verse is 14 is the credo of all get-rich-quick, Ponzis, and other greedy scams, and it absolutely fits like a glove here with Ninja. By the way the verse is written the inverse is true. The seller comes along and says, “my [such and such] will change your life. You need it; but if you want to stay broke, then don’t buy it: but if you want to be rich like me, then buy now before it’s too late!”

A word of wisdom and whit: if someone like him supposedly has all this experience and all this money, then why does he have to keep shilling courses and use emotional tactics to get sucker innocent people out of their money? But, just don’t tell him that you can’t afford his courses, or he’ll call you out and rip into you.

Even the content of his courses are scrupulous enough as is, as he is part of the habitual “crash callers,” who repeatedly keep calling for these imminent real estate, stock market, and crypto crashes that never come to pass. It’s easy content to pump out, and it usually works in retaining a steady viewer base that makes them money through monetization, products and merch, and affiliate links. Of course, they’ll get it right eventually, after having thrown a thousand darts at the board blindly, I suppose they’ll eventually land a bullseye, right?

Admittedly at one point I entertained the idea that a housing crash would be coming, but based on the current environment, all signs and the data clearly indicates that a residential housing crash is not going to happen. ClearValue Tax has a good video he recently put out that proves it. And he’s just one of many resources saying this, but I won’t get into that too much here for now.

SEE: Sorry, There Will Be No Housing Crash. Stop Listening To The Liars And Sensationalists

So, not only is Ninja shilling courses and lying about them, but it’s courses for something that probably won’t even come to pass, or at least not for a while at the very best! I am not interested in “hopium,” I am interested in facts, truth, and honesty. But people have called him out for this in other videos of his as well.

Changing Scripture

As I said also, his videos anymore are just these emotional crying spells and all this sycophantic ranting, that look something like this:

Moreover, one his most recent videos demonstrates these emotional games he plays, and how he uses scripture and the Lord’s name in vain to try and build repour with his audience. On January 29th, 2024, he did an emotional video (see picture above) about this trucker convoy protesting the ongoing border crisis, and how we need to pray for all them, and that they are indeed “God’s Army” (as they call themselves), which prompted him to talk about scripture and putting on the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18.

As he started reading through the passage – around 18:00 minutes into the video – he brings up “the sword of the Spirit” (verse 17); which says, “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:”. Only problem is Travis decided not to read aloud the highlighted part, which defines what the sword is, but instead said this:

“The sword of the Spirit”… It’s a weapon, we are to be weaponized. One of the main weapons is our tongue, it builds you up or cuts you down.

Uh, that’s not what the text says. But you see, this is a classic trick Satan did when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, by quoting scripture and lied by omission by not finishing the verse he quoted, but supplanted it with something else. (Matthew 4:1-11). As a matter of fact, the King James Bible has something to say about your tongue:

[5] Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! [6] And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. [7] For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: [8] But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

James 3:5-8

How interesting is that? This liar would change scripture, turning the sword of the Spirit into your tongue instead of the word of God. But most of his audience is not going to notice that since it’s still a secular channel, and neither would most people think to check him out in the first place to see if he is right.

This emphasis on the tongue is not hard to understand though, as, if you know anything at all about the word of faith/name it & claim it/health & wealth prosperity gospels, then you know that scripture is tossed out the window completely, and it’s all about feelings, emotions, “miracles,” and speaking in tongues. Don’t believe me? Then listen to how Travis concluded his video:

I’ve talked to you about tithing before – if you don’t understand tithing start learning about it right now. It’s not a slot machine, it’s a way of life, and that will open up your eyes to healing.

I’ve seen a dead person raised from the dead, I’ve seen weather stopped, I’ve seen arms grow back where someone’s hand was growing out their arm, sixty-years-old, grows full arms – I’ve seen these things. I’ve seen demons, I’ve seen satanic people do horrible, horrible things. I’ve seen these things that are behind the veil, and they are being opened […].

No, Travis, you have not seen any of this, you liar. You completely made that up.

[17] Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. [18] For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

[1] But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. [2] And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. [3] And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Romans 16:17-18; 2 Peter 2:1-3

Friend, if you are a follower of Ninja, you need to get away from him. The game he is playing is nothing new; and it’s why I am exposing this because I hate seeing people getting conned by some huckster, who will straight-face lie and utter brazen deceit using the Lord’s name in vain. I don’t care what good things he does and says, avoid him.

More Scams: Heresy Financial

Going back to the scams and paid shilling, Travis and another individual, Joe Brown, better known as “Heresy Financial,” have been caught secretly promoting stocks for revenue on the backend. This was exposed on a subreddit page for Wall Street Silver.

Joe Brown

The user wrote:

Two days ago, two popular youtubers in our community, Economic Ninja and Heresy Financial, both released sponsored videos (paid ads) shilling the same junior exploration stock (GoldMining Inc). They start the video like a normal video, then they quickly mention GoldMining Inc as the sponsor, then the rest of the video is an infomercial using the exact same talking points that were clearly provided by a third party. Yesterday it was up 20%+ at the open on massive volume. I’m sure it will be falling back to Earth over the following days and weeks.

Hersey Financial was paid $10,000 to shill the stock. Source: company press release dated 5/20/2022. “On 05/20/2022, we hired a subcontractor, Heresy Financial to perform public awareness services on behalf of GoldMining Inc and paid Heresy Financial ten thousand dollars.”


I can’t find amount paid to Economic Ninja. I imagine it was similar. Here are the links to their videos:

Heresy Financial

Economic Ninja

This is not a FUD post. I own silver as well as mining stocks. Just thought the community should know that these two are paid shills though. This seems somehow a little worse than TV ads or stock pumping on CNBC as many people who have fled mainstream media now trust these people for advice, and they are acting no different than the prostitutes on TV. The analysis of the stock was awful by the way. They both made it seem like a no-brainer and didn’t even mention quality of the grade or anything. Just some very simple canned analysis followed by “HURRR DURRR THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADCVICE, I’M JUST A RETARD ON THE INTERNET.”

However, since the original publishing of this article, more information has since come out revealing that they were paid even more initially than first believed.

Financial and scam reporter Chris Norlund exposed that Heresy and Ninja received much larger payouts for pumping blatant pump & dump stock scams. In January, 2023, Heresy published a video promoting a company called “Tearlach.” Ninja also shilled for this same company, too, both using identical sales pitches.

Long story short, it was yet another classic pump & dump.

But, Travis and Joe still made-out well. A press release from the scam group revealed they paid Ninja a cool $60,000 in cash upfront; and, “At the time of entry into the agreement, a principal of Ninja held 240,000 Shares and 120,000 Warrants. Both Ninja and its principals are arm’s length to the Company.”

The release noted that Heresy was paid $20,000 upfront, and held “600 Shares in the Company. Both Heresy and Joseph Brown are arm’s length to the Company.”

Other groups such as “Financial Star” were paid-out as much as $400,000 initially.

And there you have it. These two chumps sold out to pump scams and were companions in a pump & dump scheme, of which of God only knows how many people got suckered into it. Like we looked at earlier, “It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth” (Proverbs 20:14). And again, if these two bozos were so financially successful, and their advice worth taking, then why did they sellout for this?

These two are more closely related than you may realize, as they both were guest speakers together at a silver symposium last year. Birds of the same feather flock together.

And speaking of Mr. Brown, he’s just scripturally illiterate, and yes, a heretic, just as Ninja. In a video published in August of last year, titled “The Real Reason the Government Became So Large,” Brown made this wild claim that we are supposed to bring heaven to earth, citing the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:9-13, where it says, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (10).

Most Christians think that Jesus came to take a bunch of people away from this wicked world, but if you actually read the Bible you find out he said the exact opposite.

[…] Our job is to bring heaven to earth, not to just sit around and wait to die some day and wait to be taken away from this world.

Brown said

Heresy Financial – no doubt!

This is absolutely absurd. Matthew 6:9-13 implied nothing of the sort and is just a framework for your prayers. Jesus never taught that we are supposed to bring heaven to earth. To even think that sinful, wicked man could ever even conceive that is just asinine and deranged. Brown is teaching what is known as “dominion theology,” also called “kingdom now,” or “the Seven Mountain Mandate” taught by the New Apostolic Reformation and Christian Nationalism. There’s plenty of scripture debunking that.

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

[20] And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: [21] Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

[1] If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. [2] Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. [3] For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. [4] When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

John 18:36; Romans 14:17; Luke 17:20-21; Colossians 3:1-4

I agree that we should not just sit back and do nothing and let our countries burn to the ground, but to think that we are mandated to bring heaven to earth is lunacy. But, this is the type of “advice” you are going to from a guy who literally calls himself a heretic, and two sleazy used car salesmen who parody their personas after a cartoon character who constantly struck out with women.

IAllegedly Shills Scams

Unfortunately, there are others wrapped up in these similar schemes. Dan Golca of “i Allegedly” is another finance YouTuber promoting scams. He is an acquaintance of Ninja.

Going back to the afforementioned Reddit post, a commentor noted that Dan was pumping an identical scam. The commentor wrote:

“I like the Economic Ninja and really was kind of pissed to see him, Rob Kientz , Mario Innecco and Dan Gulca from I Allegedly all pumping this same stock. I mean when 4 or 5 different channels pump the same “AMAZING OPPORTUNITY”, you know that they are being given some type of advertising kickback to sell it. Jake Ducey promotes more of these type of stocks than I can count. I guess these guys want to add some extra revenue and maybe feel promoting a mining stock is perfectly fine. However, they are basically promoting a meme stock and almost every one of these junior mining stocks have the worst technical outlook and it does kind of make me question some of the integrity of these guys who I normally have respected.”

Unlike “Gold Mining Inc” that Heresy and Ninja shilled, Golka’s scam is virtually the same thing but with a new name called “Ataley Mining Co.” – or at least that’s what it was called at the time Dan shilled it.

According to archived posts on the Wayback Machine, it appears that whoever is running this operation is constantly shuttering their doors and rebranding themselves repetitively. At one point it was called “Teslon Mining” before Dan signed-on for the deal, and now more recently is branded as “Luca Mining Corp.”. Before Golka made his video, Ataley had announced earlier that year they were restructuring $26 million worth of accumulated debt.

While I am unsure what his payout was for this sponsorship, judging by Ninja and Heresy’s cuts Golka presumably made at least $10,000 from that.

Golka has also promoted gold companies that are simply not trustworthy. I explained this in greater detail in his report here: Beware Of Gold Companies Trying To Scam You Out Of Your Money

Long story short, a number of gold companies charge hefty mark-ups on the spot price of gold, by staggering margins of anywhere from 100-250% in many cases, and inversely when it comes to the exchange rate. These groups do not list the immediate price directly on their websites, which is how they get away with these extortionate prices. The reviews, most of them, are totally fake and were paid for to look like they are legit. Again, read my report for more details.

Another one that I remember seeing was one Dan Golka’s channel I Allegedly, who had on CEO of Patriot Gold Group, Jack Haney (on more than one occasion), and this guy, in my opinion, just wreaks of a slick conman. I mean, the hair all over my body stood up just listening to this greaseball trying to get people to call their 1-800 number to convert their retirement into a gold-backed IRA, among other things. And again, this company will not list the spot price for their products.

The duo also filmed a TV-spot that is airing nationally.

Needless to say, like the others, has no issue with selling-out for scams and fraudulent companies.

In short, I felt compelled to warn people about these guys. They are liars and deceivers looking to make a quick buck off of you. Sure, they know some things, and certainly not everything they say is wrong; but what I have presented is more than enough reasons to stay clear of them. Do not watch them, do not buy their materials, and do not follow their advice. They are cons.

[10] For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: [11] Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. [12] One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

Titus 1:10-12

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • Oh my gracious! These two are total slime balls, running their pyramid get-rich-quick schemes and distorting scripture while doing it in the process!
    I have to remember that a false prophet isn’t always and isn’t limited to Joel Osteen, Jimmy Swaggart, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, or Brian Tome, sometimes wolves can come to you as these investing “experts” who exploit their victims with false hopes and chasing rainbows. Same rules apply of Matthew 7:15-17:

    15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    Matthew 7:15-17

  • Yes, I knew something was very off about Eco Ninja when he started crying and talking about Jesus. I thought to myself, This guy has this large platform for years and years and then suddenly spills out all this knowledge of the Bible, Jesus, and the Gospel. I remember thinking why did he hold all that back from his audience, even if the Gospel message could have saved even one of them. In addition, I thought it strange how he would peddle his courses because he LOVES all his viewers and wants to see them get very RICH, but that means they get very RICH at the cost of someone else whose life and home is brought to nothing, and there’s no real remorse for the ones they’re getting RICH off of. Glad I saw this article to confirm what I’ve been thinking for years now.

  • Good article Jacob. I guess about 3 months ago or so I stopped watching ninja. Once he started all the overly emotional garbage the Lord kind of guided me away from ever watching any of his videos. I am going to unsub from him now as i have not cared to watch anything he puts out. I would rather listen to Jeremiah Babe, and yes i know he is not a saved man either, but at least he tells it how it is and isn’t trying to con you and sell you something constantly. If i am not mistaken, i believe Jeremiah and Ninja used to talk or be friends, something happened between them and Jeremiah, without naming Ninja outright, has come out exposing and warning others about these con men that want to sell you something and play off of your emotions, and they refuse to tell you to get armed and ready for what will be coming in the future. I knew something wasn’t right with the Ninja guy. Now you have confirmed my suspicions.

    • Honestly I don’t really watch Babe that much anymore also. I tend to agree more than I disagree with him, but I’ve noticed after a while his financial calls and forecasts are often completely wrong, and he just puts on all these emotions also – not remotely close to Ninja by any stretch, but I suppose just kind of just stopped watching him because I follow economic news daily so I don’t need to follow him, if that makes sense. He gets the basics but I have found that when it comes to investment and any intermediate level of financial advice, to me, it becomes apparent he’s just shooting from the hip. Honestly, I can’t stand how nearly every video he talks about the collapsing economy and society, but then mentions how he just ate out at some crappy restaurant and paid an arm and leg for it. I mean, c’mon man, save your money.

      • true, i listen once or twice a week to him. i stopped with ninja awhile ago. I get tired of hearing the doom and gloom sometimes also. All my family can do is buy extra food and water and stay in prayer for the times ahead.

        • Ditto. Ninja, for example, but really a lot of these financial guys on YT and Reddit, keep pandering all this stuff and hopium so that people can buy and capitalize on this; but, hey geniuses, you need some serious cash to actual do something, even after the crash as you compete against the Blackrocks of the world, and holding onto a pocket of gold coins isn’t going to solve anything either. I will say I do think that a massive wealth transfer is happening right now, and some brethren I believe will be blessed greatly, and by chance, because of inheritance and there being less people around. Supply and demand. (Ecclesiastes 9:10-11; Proverbs 13:21-22).
          I’m probably going to have start exposing more of these scams and scammers because I fear a lot of brethren are getting suckered into this. I warn about the economy, too, as you know, but I’d like to think I’m just trying to give helpful advice and observations, and not hysteria and outlandish wishful thinking.

          • good points brother, at the end of it all, we came into this world with nothing and it is certain we cannot take what we have with us at our departure from this evil world. I look forward to our home in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ.
            God bless

      • Guess what, you have no money, It’s a lie in itself, because it’s actually debt..not really actual money.. Just fiat Ponzi scheme, Everyone is being deceived by everyone else.. Don’t cry though, or I will label you a fraud too..

  • yup we in those kinda times its all about money even more so since 2020 shamdemics, its been an all put “Get rich fast” rat race schemes everywhere using patriotism, freedom and fear of low stock items, price gauging.

    Even more so now people going so low to “flip for bucks” from buying at good wills stores items priced low and flipping it for outrageously “High Dollar”on amazon, etsy and ebay, instagram. wherever you name it!

    I get the economic hit the shamdemics took on all nations of peoples but thats what happens when people take God out of their life, the devil moves in.

    I am glad and thankful to the LORD for revealing this to you AND YOU SHARING IT with everyone and not keeping it selfishly to yourself. I point this out because that is another problem facing society that stupid trend “if you know, you know” or “In the know” pure mind game clíques.

    If people stayed with God they’d be 2000+ years ahead of it all. Just saying.


    • Something I am praying and meditating on, but I think I need to start exposing more of these financial gurus and some of the scams. With everything collapsing these guys are trying to siphon out every last dollar they can, and it’s just disgusting seeing all these scams, and the last thing I want to see is people in the body of Christ trying to do right and they get conned out of their money.

      • your mind and heart are in the right place. Continue as the Lord leads you to do. i can feel it so sure that as time advances the love of money will wax more and more over many peoples. sad.
        I hope you get good quality of sleep.
        you work hard.

  • Thank you again for warning us about more con men. I have not really watched ninja in a few months because it really started to feel less like he was giving useful “insider” insight into incoming economic trends and more like he was trying to advertise a way of life which is not what I watch economists for. I would also like to add that some of the things he is involved with on the spiritual side of things are extremely dangerous. He once touted a book titled “He Came to Set the Captives Free” by Rebecca Brown MD and I got it because I wanted to know what kind of stuff he was trying to direct more spiritually minded people to and I will tell you that it espouses some very scary stuff. It essentially comes down to teaching “spiritual warfare” that goes beyond even the normal charismatic craziness and strays into straight up witchcraft. It goes into a bunch of stuff about “faith shields” (aka wards), talking with and seeing angels and demons as well as a bunch of other nonsense. I am of the opinion that Ninja and others like him are being used to push this style of religion because as we get closer to the end people are going to become more enamored with the supernatural and will get sucked into all this stuff while believing that they are following God’s will.

    • Luke 11:29 And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.
      Good point, brother. I have heard of that book before never really looked into it. I never knew he promoted that book, but now knowing this it confirms that he is indeed getting into all these NAR teachings. The NAR people are some craziest lunatics out there. They’re the same type of maniacs who worship Trump. All this crying too is a sign of devil possession.
      Mark 5:5 And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.

  • This was actually a good reminder; I think for all who teach or share Gods word. Make sure we do not change God’s word, lean to our own understanding, or use the word of God deceitfully. Something to pray about. Thank you for exposing this guy.

  • 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. from the true and only word of God (Jesus Christ) the KJV Bible.

  • I know you are very busy, Jacob. Just wondered about your opinion of Barry James Dyke? The Pirates of Manhattan guy. He makes a profession, tho not sure how much stock to put in it. Would say on what I’ve seen, definitely not a NAR guy. Lost his real treasure, wife&children to self-obsessed rat race, & honest enough to admit it, so maybe the Lord DID get hold of him. Works that way sometimes. Definitely not a showman.

    I watched a little Ninja by I’ve never liked or trusted showmen, so not for long. Once in awhile I hold my nose & watch Mannerino, but he’s a broken record, too. If it’s so bad, why’s he still in making money on it? Maybe because his, uh, fraternal connections give him the tip-off on what the big boys are playing next? That’s my guess.

    Anyways, he, Dyke, realized how rigged& corrupt it all was, started looking where the wealthy put their money…& suddenly nobody would talk to him. Turns out, they use whole life insurance to save& for liquidity….NOT BANKS…..& invest in hard assets. He recommends smaller, still privately held companies that usually service fraternal organizations etc….because otherwise your money is still exposed to, & usable by, the crooks. Everyone would have to consider the ethics of which fraternities etc, so far as the Lord’s opinion on them & your involvement with them.

    One thing’s for sure: you don’t want money in anything in an ownership loop-chain ending at Blackrock.

    They don’t like talking about it because then they might have to address it which would mean that they couldn’t use it to save or keep their own money liquid as easily either. That makes sense to me, and 401K’s are so obviously rigged at this point. He’s written two Pirates of Manhattan books, one on retirement investing using the whole life method, and has two in the works for this year because things are changing so fast.

    Thanks for the real estate link, & all your hard work. We are called to steward well what the Lord blesses us with & we earn honestly, & we do not know how long this could drag out before we all go home. The next generation must be equipped, if there’s to be one, which is the Lord’s call: & whether there is or not, he WILL consider how we went about doing that, or whether we presumed on his word.

  • I don’t like the whole ” we’re gonna crush it” as the rest of the world is going homeless and hungry, elderly living in cars, people having to choose between “heat or eat”, the imminent mark of the beast, etc . Does he not realize the lateness of the hour? Rev. 13:5.

  • Yes he is a con man that sells fear. He lies for money. He needs to be stopped. I wondder if he can be sued for defamation and causing people to lose money by his lies.

  • Honestly, you both are disobeying the Lord and His Word! True God-fearing and Bible obeying Christians operate strictly by faith, without asking for any money. Without your contribution, God can and still does save people! For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:17)

    • 1 Timothy 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. [18] For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward.
      1 Corinthians 9:7 Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?

  • Ninja,

    I purchased 2 courses back around August 2024.

    I went to my email and was not able to pull up the courses.

    Foreclosure Course and Crypto Currency Course. I paid $400.

    I am disappointed. I time limit, cut-off?

    I have a busy life!!. Open up the courses for me or refund my money.

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