Fear surrounding an increasing and persistent avian influenza outbreak has not left mainstream media headlines, and new worries have now recently been published that virus has been found in pasteurized milk, and purportedly can now spread from cow-to-cow.
This latest update comes roughly several weeks since The WinePress reported on a media blitz by the mainstream press, about bird flu reportedly being found in dairy cattle and even infected a farmer. The reported outbreaks cropping up across the country prompted some egg processing facilities to temporary cease operations. A number of articles were very quick to invoke fears of this quickly turning into a ‘pandemic’ situation. SEE: Bird Flu Detected In Cattle And Infects American, Largest Egg Facility Closes Due To Spread. Media Launches Blitzkrieg Of ‘Next Pandemic’ Fears
Since The WP reported on this several weeks ago, the mainstream media has remained resolute in warning about the grave threat an outbreak poses, and its grand potential of spring-boarding a new pandemic.
For example, not long after that WP article was published, a report from the New York Post went viral, titled “Bird flu pandemic could be ‘100 times worse’ than COVID, scientists warn.”
The paper cited Dr. Suresh Kuchipudi, a bird flu researcher from Pittsburgh, said at a panel discussing the outbreak, explaining: “This virus [has been] on the top of the pandemic list for many, many years and probably decades. And now we’re getting dangerously close to this virus potentially causing a pandemic.”
“So therefore, in my view, I think this is a virus that has the greatest pandemic threat [that is] playing out in plain sight and globally present,” Kuchipudi added.
At this same conference John Fulton, a pharmaceutical industry consultant for vaccines and the founder of Canada-based BioNiagara who organized the meeting, also commented: “This appears to be 100 times worse than Covid — or it could be if it mutates and maintains its high case fatality rate. Once it’s mutated to infect humans, we can only hope that the [fatality rate] drops.”
This has been one of many headlines that have stoked the possibility of bird flu being the ‘next pandemic,’ warning about the spread to people via contact with animals and even pets, through the air, or through food. Some of these include:
- “Bird flu outbreak is an ‘evolving situation.’ Here’s what to know about symptoms, spread” – (USA Today)
- “What we know now about bird flu and food safety after it spreads to humans in America” – (USA Today)
- “Experts Sound Alarm Over H5N1 Bird Flu: Warn of Potential Pandemic Worse than Covid” – (The Artistree)
- “Can cats get bird flu? How to protect them and what else to know amid the outbreak” – (USA Today)
- “Bird flu outbreak in NYC prompts new health alert” – (Daily Mail)
- “Bird flu detected among chickens in Texas and Michigan” – (The Guardian)
- “Bird flu found in South Dakota dairy herd” – (Agriculture Dive)
- “Texas health officials issue warning after individual contracts virus following direct exposure to cattle: ‘I wouldn’t have predicted that'” – (The Cool Down)
- “Bird flu fears as 18 states place restrictions on cow movement to prevent spread of virus” – (Daily Express US)
- “Bird flu is spreading to more farm animals. Are milk and eggs safe?” – (Associated Press)
- The paper said at the time, “Agriculture officials in at least 17 states have restricted imports of dairy cattle from states where the virus has been detected;” adding that cow-to-cow transmission was unlikely but still possible; pasteurized milk should kill it, but raw milk is questionable.
- “Opinion: The next pandemic threat demands action now” – (CNN)
- “6 Symptoms of Bird Flu in Humans” – (Best Life)
- this list includes eye redness, fatigue, fever, flu-like symptoms, gut problems, seizures).
- “What are the symptoms of bird flu in humans? How does avian flu spread?” – (AS USA)
- Lists modes of transmission as direct contact, inhalation, eating contaminated food, and person-to-person transmission
The list goes on as this is just a small sampling of them this month.
But, more recently this week, defying previous warnings and statements, now officials and the media are reporting bird flu is now confirmed to be transmitting between cows, and has been found in pasteurized milk, after claiming that the process kills the virus and is safe to drink. A number of MSM publications have sounded-off on this, such as ABC News.
Yesterday the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) posted a new update on their findings concerning the A (H5) and A (H7) viruses, confirming contamination in pasteurized milk with the used of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. They wrote:
Today, the FDA received some initial results from its nationally representative commercial milk sampling study. The agency continues to analyze this information; however, the initial results show about 1 in 5 of the retail samples tested are quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-positive for HPAI viral fragments, with a greater proportion of positive results coming from milk in areas with infected herds.
As previously noted and outlined in our summary below, qPCR-positive results do not necessarily represent actual virus that may be a risk to consumers. Additional testing is required to determine whether intact pathogen is still present and if it remains infectious, which would help inform a determination of whether there is any risk of illness associated with consuming the product.
The FDA is further assessing any positive findings through egg inoculation tests, a gold-standard for determining if infectious virus is present. Early work by NIH-funded investigators indicates an absence of infectious virus in their studies of retail milk.
To date, the retail milk studies have shown no results that would change our assessment that the commercial milk supply is safe. Epidemiological signals from our CDC partners continue to show no uptick of human cases of flu and no cases of H5N1, specifically, beyond the one known case related to direct contact with infected cattle. These important efforts are ongoing, and we are committed to sharing results from both the qPCR and egg inoculation tests as soon as possible.
In a separate post published the day before, the FDA notes of a potential risk in raw dairy products. “Based on the limited research and information available, we do not know at this time if HPAI A (H5N1) viruses can be transmitted through consumption of unpasteurized (raw) milk and products (such as cheese) made from raw milk from infected cows,” they say. ‘However, we have long known that raw milk can harbor dangerous microorganisms (germs) that can pose serious health risks to consumers.”
Moreover, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has come out with their own statements this week, claiming that transmission between cow-to-cow has been confirmed, in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). They announced a new set of mandates for required testing to test for the virus in cattle in certain contexts, which go into effect starting April 29th. The USDA states:
Mandatory Testing for Interstate Movement of Dairy Cattle
- Prior to interstate movement, dairy cattle are required to receive a negative test for Influenza A virus at an approved National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) laboratory.
- Owners of herds in which dairy cattle test positive for interstate movement will be required to provide epidemiological information, including animal movement tracing.
- Dairy cattle moving interstate must adhere to conditions specified by APHIS.
- As will be described in forthcoming guidance, these steps will be immediately required for lactating dairy cattle, while these requirements for other classes of dairy cattle will be based on scientific factors concerning the virus and its evolving risk profile.
Mandatory Reporting
- Laboratories and state veterinarians must report positive Influenza A nucleic acid detection diagnostic results (e.g. PCR or genetic sequencing) in livestock to USDA APHIS.
- Laboratories and state veterinarians must report positive Influenza A serology diagnostic results in livestock to USDA APHIS.
USDA has identified spread between cows within the same herd, spread from cows to poultry, spread between dairies associated with cattle movements, and cows without clinical signs that have tested positive. On April 16, APHIS microbiologists identified a shift in an H5N1 sample from a cow in Kansas that could indicate that the virus has an adaptation to mammals.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted further analysis of the specimen sequence, which did not change their overall risk assessment for the general public, because the substitution has been seen previously in other mammalian infections and does not impact viral transmission. Additionally, APHIS’ National Veterinary Services Laboratories found H5N1 in a lung tissue sample from an asymptomatic cull dairy cow that originated from an affected herd and did not enter the food supply.
The novel movement of H5N1 between wild birds and dairy cows requires further testing and time to develop a critical understanding to support any future courses of action. This Federal Order is critical to increasing the information available for USDA. Requiring positive test reporting will help USDA better under this disease and testing before interstate movement will limit its spread.
While we are taking this action today, it is important to remember that thus far, we have not found changes to the virus that would make it more transmissible to humans and between people. While cases among humans in direct contact with infected animals are possible, our partners at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believe that the current risk to the public remains low.

Since these updates the mainstream media is now bemoaning and lamenting this news, claiming that this mirrors what happened with the Covid-19 pandemic. These headlines include:
- “As bird flu spreads in cows, fractured U.S. response has echoes of early covid” – (The Washington Post)
- “The response has echoes of the early days of 2020, when the coronavirus began its deadly march around the world,” they wrote
- “Bird flu particles were found in pasteurized milk. A former surgeon general says he isn’t changing what he eats.” – (Business Insider)
- “As bird flu outbreaks worsen, experts say the situation threatens to spiral out of control” – (Salon)
- “Katelyn Jetelina, an epidemiologist and author of the newsletter Your Local Epidemiologist, told Salon “the worst case scenario” is that this turns into a “massive pandemic.” If a person asked a group of epidemiologists what the next pandemic is going to be, a majority would likely say “bird flu,” she said.”
- “Such steps include making more vaccines, starting to get frontline workers vaccinated and more.”
- “Some public health experts are concerned that human cases are flying under the radar, likely because they are asymptomatic, highlighting anecdotes about dairy workers who have pink eye and other symptoms, but are avoiding testing or being seen by doctors. Earlier this week, James Lowe, a researcher who specializes in pig influenza viruses, told ScienceInsider, “I believe there are probably lots of human cases.””
- “The Bird Flu Situation Is Not Looking Great” – (Gizmodo)
- “The major worry with avian influenza strains such as H5N1 is that they could someday develop the right assortment of mutations that would allow the virus to spread easily between humans while also causing severe illness in many. So, the longer it’s able to remain in cows, the greater the likelihood that some strains will adapt and become better at transmitting between mammals, humans included.”
- “Bird flu in milk is alarming — but not for the reason you think” – (Vox)
- “Since 2022, it’s ravaged the US poultry industry, as more than 90 million farmed birds — mostly egg-laying hens and turkeys — have either died from the virus or have been brutally killed in an attempt to stop the spread.”
- “The H5N1 Outbreak Is Not a Test Run, It’s a Warning Shot” – (Medpage Today)
- “There may be economic, social, and political barriers to expanding such testing, which need to be weighed against the costs of a larger outbreak. Surveillance could also be expanded by increasing the number of human influenza samples that are PCR-positive being genotyped weekly at public health laboratories to detect possible sporadic human cases of H5N1 in areas with large animal outbreaks.”
- “[…] vaccines, coupled with other robust public health measures — remains crucial in mitigating the risk of zoonotic transmission to humans. A true public health success would be to stop the virus from adapting to humans in the first place, rather than waiting for it to evolve to become a threat.”
UPDATE: Just after this article was published, Gizmodo reported: “Florida Dolphin Dies of Bird Flu as Alarm Grows Over Species Spread.” The post stated:
‘The report was published Friday in the Nature journal Communications Biology. According to the paper, the flu-infected dolphin was first identified on March 29, 2022. Researchers with the University of Florida’s Marine Animal Rescue Program were notified of a dolphin that appeared to be in clear distress around the waters of Horseshoe Beach in North Florida. By the time they arrived, however, the dolphin had already died. It was subsequently packed in ice and taken to the university for an autopsy the following day.‘
Moreover, a week before these recent updates the World Health Organization also put out a warning citing their concerns with this purported outbreak, insinuating that there is worry that the disease is spreading virally.
H5N1 is (an) influenza infection, predominantly started in poultry and ducks and has spread effectively over the course of the last one or two years to become a global zoonotic – animal – pandemic.
The great concern, of course, is that in doing so and infecting ducks and chickens – but now increasingly mammals – that that virus now evolves and develops the ability to infect humans. And then critically, the ability to go from human-to-human transmission.
Do the milking structures of cows create aerosols? Is it the environment which they’re living in? Is it the transport system that is spreading this around the country? This is a huge concern and I think we have to … make sure that if H5N1 did come across to humans with human-to-human transmission that we were in a position to immediately respond with access equitably to vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.
Dr. Jeremy Farrar, chief scientist at the World Health Organization, said
The WHO also said they have created new terminology to classify how aerosols are spread. ‘These include “infectious respiratory particles” or “IRPs”, which should be used instead of “aerosols” and “droplets” to avoid any confusion about the size of the particles involved,’ the WHO explained.
The WinePress has been following the progression of the bird flu fears since 2021 when reports of the outbreak began to proliferate around the world. Former CDC Director Robert Redfield has explicitly warned that the “next great pandemic” would be bird flu, caused by a gain-of-function escape, with a lethality of anywhere between 10-50%.
I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.
And we should get great prepared for it. I do believe the pandemic risk is a greater risk of the national security of the United States more than [North] Korea, China, Russia, Iran; and we ought to start investing proportional to that national security risk so that we’re prepared.
He said at the time, urging the need and benefits of mRNA vaccination to treat it
He would later again affirmatively assert in another interview in 2023, claiming that this will be seen as the “great pandemic” caused by gain-of-function.
I do believe the next pandemic, and we’re going to have another pandemic and I think it’s going to be the great pandemic. I consider Covid a minor pandemic, the great pandemic’s going to come.
And normally, it would come from spillover – bird flu that learns how to transmit to humans and then go to human-to-human. But I think the species barriers are very real. But it’s much more probable that it will happen because of gain-of-function research in a laboratory and then escape and then we’re going to have a pandemic… which will be much more brutal to the world than Covid was.
I told you that the great pandemic is coming. I think it’s gonna come not from spillover, it’s going to come from gain-of-function research or intentional bioterrorism. Alright, it’s going to be a bird flu virus that is manipulated to be able to transmit human-to-human, very similar to what we saw with Covid.
You know in 2014 that laboratory published that they finally learned to take their Covid virus, and have it bind to the H2 receptor and humanize mice, and therefore it could go human-to-human. […] He warned
The World Health Organization (WHO) had warned the world needed to prepare for bird flu in 2023, advocating for increased surveillance and vaccines to be ready for the moment should it start to spread rapidly.
Indeed, what the media and government are doing is patently identical to 2020 and the buildup to the Covid scam: they’d downplay the risks whilst propagandizing it, then a week or two later the “virus” surpasses the risks, and will continue this process until it all comes to a head in March when the world shutdown and everyone lost their minds. It’s happening all over again, and people will be programmed and condemned to do what they are told. Roughly 80% of the country got at least one shot last time, and 70% got two in the U.S. – that tells you how obedient the masses are…
But seriously, HOW long have I been warning about this?! Regulars of The WP know that I have REPEATEDLY been sounding-off on this very thing; that the media is now blitzing the world with right now, and all this fearmongering about contamination and spreading among livestock populations, and eventually to people.
Now, how much of this is even legitimate in of itself? Probably very little. It’s the narrative and spin job that I’m talking about.
Dr. Joseph Mercola had quoted my earlier predictions about this years ago in an article, and in one part I had written, “… did you catch that little subtle influence and propaganda of COVID in animals transmitting to us? It is becoming clearer that that is where the narrative is heading … The wicked handlers need to get the masses off of meats, and so, the ‘solution’ will be to artificially kill them off, vaccinate them to death, and mandate it be taken off the shelves.”
And here we are now, exactly as I have been saying for years. The ultimate goal is to get the masses to stop eating meat, so this “next pandemic” will be used to achieve that goal, by initiating mass cullings at farms across the Western nations; clamp down on small independent farmers that are not pasteurizing milk, for example; remove meat and dairy products from the store shelves; and all kinds of taxes and stipulations on purchasing them.
[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.1 Timothy 4:1-3
Get ready for what’s to come. After all, prior simulation games run by global elitists and corporations have already said that by 2024 meat and carbon taxes would be implemented; and even a movie produced in 2020 depicted that Covid evolved into “Covid-23,” and led to mass deaths and quarantines in 2024.
And, as I suspect, when the go-ahead has been given to put the plan into overdrive, I suspect mostly the people getting really sick will be the people who received the “safe and effective” vaccines these past years…
Warn who you can, share these reports, and warn your local farmers about this, and setup deals in the event restrictions get overbearing, and they are forced to go to the black market. Imagine it, fathom the insanity we are living: getting clean food on the black market to survive stay healthy!
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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PCR testing. Yeah. Right. It’s already known it’s not accurate. No thanks. Lockdowns? No thanks. Mandates? FU! Freedom? Hell yes!!!!
They are doing to our dairy and livestock what they just did to us. Amazing that people are so stupid as to let them.
Make detailed notes regarding everyone involved with the vaxx rollout for well, you know,..future reference.
Wake up my friends, DO NOT TAKE ANY mRNA fake vaccine, and even before that do not submit to any PCR test as they have proven to be over 65% false positive. BECAUSE THE HOSPITALS GET MORE MONEY WHEN TELLING THE AUTHORITIES THAT ALL THE TEST ARE COMING UP WITH COVID.
They are lying as it is no more than money grubbing and we’re the saps who get caught in the middle between corrupt Hospitals, Doctors and the reporting agencies. Do not buy into the hype being espoused by the mainstream legacy media, because they are !d!ots and have an agenda they are supposed to purvey as authentic and righteous when it is a lie from top to bottom !!!
So they think that they are going to use the FAKE PCR test again?
I don’t think so and I don’t think that there is such a thing as bird flu any more than
there was a COVID viruse.
but but but isnt pasteurization supposed to kill that sorta stuff? you know the ultra pasteurization? all about removing milk from the shelves. and beef from our meat.
Beef is priced high enough now that people had to go to chicken and pork more often. Why doesn’t the meat industry encourage more ranching? Also goat ranching and raising more sheep in colder areas of the country? This should get prices down and more protein in the marketplace. Younger growing people need more protein in their diets than seniors who eat smaller portions. Prices need to come down. Some raise rabbits for food, but eating rabbits is not acceptable to some because their paws are like a cat. photo:https://www.startpage.com/sp/search?query=rabit+paws+photo&cat=web&pl=opensearch&language=english
GANS generative adversarial network systems
David patron
Bot update
Government abuse.net
Shadow gate
Millie Weaver
Dr. Nils Cyber torture
Gangstalkers are hired by AI networks
Polly St. George
Hive minds controlled through 5G technologies
Machine learning mastery advanced neural networking development
DONT REACT TO PSY-OPS they trying to find out how people will react in resistance for the future.
What’s you take on Millie weaver? Controlled opposition?
In summary: Covid was a scam – period. No pandemic then or forthcoming. No bird flu or anything of the like. The Chicken Littles are screeching to cover for the wave of illnesses and deaths soon to come from people who willingly took the jab that now have severely compromised immune systems. They will be taken out (die) by the slightest thing.
Just more donkey dung from the foreign owned teleprompter. Talk about mis- information! Wackos have no authority over us!
The basis of a positive test for said ‘Bird Flue’ is the PCR test – this test has been proved to be positive anything it touches. NOTE: A Covid Virus has never been isolated except for the PCR test!
As the article clearly implies – Here we go again! Round 2 for removal of humans from Earth using scare and FEAR again – and the public will be begging for the new ‘death’ vaccines. I have credentials I will not post.
Kary Mullis, they Nobel Prize winner who made the PCR test, is on record saying his test is not designed to test acute respiratory diseases, and you can basically make it say whatever; and these goons in charge know that – testing a for a “virus” that does not exist. *IF* there is something going around, it would be because of something such as 5G radiation, among other things.
EXACTLY!!! It’s radiation sickness!
Will the same dimwits who took COVID shots and boosters fall for this bird flu hype? if so, they will be given a new vaccine and more dying off means less stupid people in the world.
Dolphins dying of Bird Flu? How stupid are these people? They’re just trolling us now… they think it’s hilarious because 72% of the idiot vaxxed population are zombies and will believe anything. What’s next…. the trout population needs to be destroyed because they are breaking out with hoof and mouth disease?
Don’t hold your breathe on that last one LOL. If you go through some of my older reports chroniciling this bird flu ataxia, the media wants us to believe a myriad of animals in the wild are dying from it. It’s nuts.
Brother, have you heard of TI (targeted individuals)?
Holy crap, PCR testing? A test that is a failure from the go? And viruses? Haven’t seen one yet except for what artists are hired to create… bird flu? Another stinking load of garbage….. remember, people, psyops are all the rage!
Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me. Not going to happen again.
Repeat after me. There are no proven viruses… There are no proven viruses… There are no proven viruses. COVID and bird flu is a lie.
Check out Mike Stone at… Viro LIE guy.com…. all one word. Viroliegy.com.
The fact is, since the “bird flu” virus was first discovered it had mutated enough to be totally irrelevant. It will NOT have any effect on humans. But as anyone knows, it’s not about the flu. It’s about power and control and the creation of a useless vax.
I agree. I’m just reporting their language.
I suggest you read “Virus mania” by Dr Sam Bailey. There is no evidence of bird flu virus.
Thank you. I don’t believe in all the hoopla either. I’m just reporting on the narrative.