Vivek Ramaswamy announced last night that he would be surrendering his campaign to become the official Republican Presidential nominee. He announced his suspension after former President Donald Trump dominated the Iowa Republican Caucus. He said that he will endorse Trump and that he might even speak at one of his upcoming rallies.
Though Vivek has dropped out from the race, his face has been plastered all over social media, and was routinely promoted by right-leaning and alternative platforms and outlets, and will most likely will not just fade away into obscurity.
However, just days before Vivek dropped out of the race evidence surfaced that might partly explain his meteoric rise, and ability to relentlessly campaign. A collection of authors and journalists dug into how Vivek made his money, and it has been revealed that he ran a number of get-rich-quick schemes and scams, and profited off of technology used in the Covid-19 vaccines.
The 2nd Smartest Guy in the Room on Substack provided a brief overview of some of these schemes:
After working in Silicon Valley and Wall Street, Ramaswamy founded biotech company Roivant Sciences in 2014. The following year he raised $360 million for the Roivant subsidiary Axovant Sciences in order to market an Alzheimer’s drug that had previously failed four separate clinical trials. He then raised another $315 million in the IPO. Shortly thereafter, the company’s market value reached almost $3 billion. Two years later, their drug failed its fifth clinical trial. The company cratered, losing over 70% of its value in a single day. Ramaswamy’s investors would be the quintessential bag-holders, while he made out with windfall profits at their expense.
And yet in 2017, Roivant partnered with the private equity arm of the CCP’s CITIC Group to form yet another fraudulent company called Sinovant. Shortly thereafter, SoftBank invested $1.1 billion in Roivant. In 2019, Roivant sold its stake in five subsidiaries, and Ramaswamy pocketed $175 million from the deal.
Roivant has never produced a single viable product, and has never turned a profit; in other words, Roivant was always nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme, and an egregious one at that.
Despite never having created anything in his life other than a series of companies engaged in various blatant scams, Forbes recently estimated Ramaswamy’s net worth to be more than $950 million.
And yet, it has been found that Vivek was receiving funding from the likes of Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street – the three major investment firms that Vivek has routinely railed against in his speeches, for monopolizing and vastly influencing economic conditions through a shadow hand.
Podcaster Matt Kim explained this and more in a short video:
Moreover, in a resurfaced 2017 article by Forbes, it was revealed that 2017 Roivant invested $116 million in nanoparticle delivery systems – the same technology to later be used in the Covid-19 vaccines, and therefore Vivek would have gotten cut a check in royalties. Forbes reported at the time:
Roivant Sciences and Moderna Therapeutics, two of the most highly-funded and controversial companies in the biotechnology world, are headed for a collision course over medical technology.
On Monday, Roivant said it had agreed to invest $116 million in Arbutus Biopharma, a small biotech company focusing on hepatitis B that is locked in a proxy war with Moderna over a liquid nanoparticle delivery system.
[…]Led by Stephane Bancel, Moderna has raised $1.9 billion from deals it has made with big companies like Merck, Alexion an AstraZeneca and investor cash raised at valuations as high as $5 billion. Moderna is trying to develop a new class of mRNA drugs that would turn the body into a drug factory by directing cells to produce therapeutic proteins. But creating these so-called mRNA drugs is highly complicated and many scientists are skeptical Moderna’s effort will ever work.
Dr. David Martin exposed this during an interview:
[9] Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men: [10] In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes. [11] But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me. Psalms 26:9-11
In an archived Twitter post in 2020, Vivek said something very true of politicians, and now even of himself: “Politicians are like flags: they look good but just wave in whatever direction the breeze is blowing.”
That is so very true (and I perhaps I might even borrow that quote for future use); and this scumbag liar is like all the rest. He’s just another pawn in the club, and he’s trying to climb the totem pole by riding Trump’s coattails and being his little lapdog. Even Trump called him out for being a weirdo not that long ago.
I know WinePress regulars understand this but I still report on this type of stuff so you can be warned and reminded as to how the game is played. You do NOT even get to be in the bottom-middle of the totem pole without having oodles of money, connections, charisma and schmoozing, lying with a straight face and without conviction, shrewdness and immense greed, and no fear of God at all. That’s it. And the higher you go the sicker it gets…
A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.
Proverbs 19:5
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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oops, guess he got caught with his hands in the cookie jar; didn’t meet the Roman criteria for advancement, just a fly in the ointment to make things look real, cough. cough.
I’m not surprised to see an Indian involved in biotech & silicon valley, ponzi schemes, or right wing politics: ie fascism, ‘public-private’ partnerships. The nazis were heavily into the occult & Hindu/Buddhist rationalisms for sin & carnality, & the Jesuits are the masters of it all. Upper caste Hindus are natural partners for fascist schemes, while lower caste for playing the communist class warfare game. And ignorance of true Bible faith keeps them all ‘in their place’.
Rather than the bad old days of colonialism, when the East India Company forbid Bible missionaries to bring the light of God’s word to people because it was ‘bad for business’ (like what Thomas Jefferson about dealing fairly with the native peoples here: the first thing is to teach them 2+2=4 so the Indian agents can’t rip them off so easily, or Isaac McCoy & the Moravians who sought to teach them Bible to preserve them from the satanist shamans & more sophisticated Augustinian ones)….when there were sufficient folks who knew their Bibles that men like William Carey, & dozens more whose names we won’t know this side of glory, took the word to those people regardless, & sacrificially, enduring great hardship to do so. Today the Vatican II fake & strategy prevails for a bit longer.
Back in Carey’s day, the lower castes were especially receptive to the Gospel, though superstition (we’d call it engrained brainwashing & conditioning nowadays…only the terminology changes) often prevailed, while the upper castes riding &/or preying upon the people were more resistant. Women & children were especially oppressed: widows burned on their husbands’ funeral pyres left an unhindered inheritance for the deceased family & priests, and children were used as prostitutes in the temples: peace & love, man. To this day, young women are serially married by colluding son & mother murder teams, and knocked off in turn, for dowry in India, and witchcraft is rampant. One Indian Bible believer visiting America just shook his head over how the King James Bible & British & American missionaries hindered, & in many ways, defeated witchcraft….only for it to be transplanted here by academics & Catholics playing the priestcraft game. Hollywood, Bollywood.
What you get when you merge cultures.
Idolatrous craft is big business.
They still use those people in their immigration schemes to ‘transform’ nations that had formerly received the knowledge of God & the King James Bible: to promote relativism, gross carnal sin, idolatrous humanism & cruel, karmic, survival-of-the-fittest ‘ethics’….just as they used the lower castes to experiment their glyphosate & gmo prototypes upon back in India: not to mention vaccines& birth control. I’ve never known a Hindu pediatrician or gyno who wasn’t huge into pushing shots, birth control & abortion.
Of course, David Aaron’s veiled ‘criteria for advancement’ meaning there are still levels of advancement in the Roman system yet closed to them, is also very true….and resented: but hey, when you choose to dance with the devil…. It doesn’t really matter how much melanin there is in your flesh as far as final outcomes go.
Remember the Indian fellow they groomed for the Rhodes scholar thing, like they did Clinton, who made it to the governorship of very Catholic Louisiana? He was the darling of right wing ‘Christian’ politics there for awhile. Whatever happened to him?
And, what about that Indian fellow who made all the noise about the covid game and shots at the beginning of the scam? Something Shiva? Both he, and the Arabic doctor who was prominent in the ‘counter’ movement for awhile, warning & teaching people about detoxing from heavy metals & helping the autistic kind of got stomped. Canceled.
The Arabic fellow died. Not sure what happened with the Shiva fellow, but looking into him turned up all sorts of nefarious & shady dealings, too….just like this guy. He claimed to be the inventor of email or something, and was a very bitter individual.
Pharma & silicon valley, the chemical industry at large, have heavy investment in India. Both the Clinton’s and Gates were deeply involved there. So, no surprise the Blackrock backing etc.
If you look into these things, it becomes very plain how they play peoples’ sins to their use, & then ‘expose’ them. Very Satanic is it not? Bryan Denlinger has some good older Bible teaching on both the revision of the definitions of race, the Jesuit LeFarge, the Jesuit magazine …what is it? the New American or some such thing? and how Rome plays the communist/fascist game politically & socially for power & control.
History tells the story, and shows the difference between Rome’s involvement with other peoples, and that of Bible believers, too: when it isn’t revised to common ground, ecumenical ‘church’ history.
Check into who created the ‘Palestinian people’, too. Never been any such thing until they needed to get an antisemitic transformative terror organization with voting privileges into the U.N.
And Arafat had a French Catholic wife. All those bogus Catholic ‘prophecies’ concerning the endtimes that precede the Lord’s second coming with their man of sin have the French aristocracy & Germany figuring in there. Emmanuel Macron plays that up some….and what a name! Not like that wasn’t purposely crafted: Macron means ‘mark’.
At some point the mockers are going to get more than they bargained for. And all of them at death, if it comes first. Rome plays the long game.
The U.N. manipulation reminds you of how Bill Gates got nation voting privileges in the U.N. as a corporation. And, of how they bought/strong-armed the headship of the W.H.O. position for that Ethiopian former communist professor & agitator —-with absolutely NO health or medical background or training.
Ultimately it will be the guy with Jewish and Roman credentials …probably Syrian, who’ll head their final ‘Christian’ deal & be enthroned there in Jerusalem. The rest don’t meet the ‘criteria for advancement’ in humanist terms, but then, they don’t fit prophecy either.
Best bet for any is to receive and believe the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures, & to the new birth of God’s power, changed man salvation, while they still can. John 2,3 & 8; 1 Peter 1; 1 Corinthians 15 & 2 Corinthians 5 KJB for starters.
All that work & bondage for seven short years of Hell on earth before Hell forever: bad deal.