The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a company founded by multibillionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, revealed earlier this month they are in the process of delivering mRNA-based vaccines via a small ingestible wafer patient’s pop in their mouth.

CEPI says on their website they were ‘founded in Davos [in 2017] by the governments of Norway and India, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the World Economic Forum.’

Since then CEPI has received investments from a plethora of nations, along with other notable groups such as Gavi, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the WHO, among others.

According to a mission statement, CEPI is creating “new vaccines for a safer world.” As for their approach, CEPI says,

First, CEPI will advance vaccines against known threats through proof-of-concept and safety testing in humans and will establish investigational vaccine stockpiles before epidemics begin—”just in case”.

Second, we will fund new and innovative platform technologies with the potential to accelerate the development and manufacture of vaccines against previously unknown pathogens (eg: within 16 weeks from identification of antigen to product release for clinical trials)—”just in time”.

Third, CEPI will support and coordinate activities to improve our collective response to epidemics, strengthen capacity in countries at risk, and advance the regulatory science that governs product development.

One of their latest innovations was announced on December 5th, explaining a new partnership with Jurata Thin Film, Inc. (Jurata), to create “Jurata’s thermostable under-the-tongue mRNA vaccine films as a needle-free vaccine delivery platform,” CEPI wrote. CEPI will be awarding $1.2 million to Jurata for this venture, which will go to helping produce some of the materials needed for these vaccines, including some of the trials.

CEPI boasts of the success of the mRNA vaccines distributed since late-2020, but notes that a shortfall of the shots courtesy of Moderna and Pfizer is they need to be cooled at a certain temperature. For this cause, CEPI sees value in Jurata’s mRNA wafer vaccine.

Jurata aims to improve vaccine accessibility to remote regions by stabilising the 3D structure of mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccine materials, provided by Quantoom Biosciences, part of Univercells, into a thin thermostable film, thereby removing frozen storage needs.

The vaccine films are also lightweight and compact, simplifying the transportation process and potentially allowing for more doses to be shipped at any one time compared to current needle-and-syringe distribution.

CEPI wrote in its press release

Speaking of their proprietary technology, Jurata says on their website,

Our thin film technology can even be used to directly deliver vaccines and therapeutic payloads through buccal (inside the cheek) or sublingual (under the tongue) routes. Alternatively, our films can be rehydrated to recover the therapeutic payload in an aqueous solution, which can then be administered via intranasal or parenteral routes.

These routes of administration can improve the potency of biologics without using needles, for wholly non-invasive vaccine and drug delivery. We are also optimizing the MSI-TX thin film for rapid and/or continuous release of therapeutic payloads, further increasing its potential applications in the clinic.

Courtesy: Jurata

Ingrid Kromann, Acting Director of Vaccine Manufacturing and Supply Chain at CEPI, said in a statement: “Jurata’s proprietary thin films have the potential to transform the way in which we store, deliver, and distribute mRNA vaccines, advancing CEPI’s pandemic preparedness plan to accelerate the speed and scale of our response to future epidemics and pandemics, and heighten access to vaccine doses.”

Dr. Irnela Bajrovic Chief Scientific Officer for Jurata, added: “Our stabilising formulations have the potential to facilitate global access to mRNA vaccines and our thin film delivery platform could make vaccine administration far easier than needle-and-syringe injections.”


Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

Proverbs 1:31

Independent journalist and author Leo Hohmann noted in a recent blog post that Gates spoke of CEPI in a now infamous interview he did with his ex-wife Melinda, ‘when he snickered and predicted with ominous confidence that if Covid doesn’t scare you the next pandemic “will get attention next time,”‘ Leo wrote.

Moreover, Mr. Hohmann made an interesting observation:

Some Christian denominations receive a “wafer” on the tongue for Holy Communion. Is this an attempt by Satan to mock that solemn Christian expression of God’s love and presence among us? Here we have a satanic wafer offered by the secular humanists and technocratic tyrants trying to beat us into submission to their false ideologies while enticing us with a false global religion. God is the lover of souls. Lucifer is the god of this world who hates humanity and wants to destroy it.

To be more specific, it is Roman Catholicism, the Vatican (Mystery Babylon, Revelation 17-18), who is the original and infamous distributor of these blasphemous death cookies, of which the Protestants, Baptists, and Pentecostals “borrowed” from. Be that as it may and notwithstanding, I think Leo might be onto something with that insight. Will their come a day during Mass and the process of Transubstantiation, where these wafer vaxes will distributed in like manner, or conversely?

The media, government, and globalists have continued to drill it in everyone’s heads that another shamdemic is coming. And it was Gates, exactly one year ago, who got on Al Jazeera last year that we need “to moderate some of the insanity online” during the “next pandemic.” SEE: Bill Gates Tells Al Jazeera How To Prepare For The ‘Next Pandemic’ And ‘To Moderate Some Of The Insanity’ Online

Also worth noting, earlier this month I reported on a vaccine administration system, where scientists have revealed the capability of distributing vaccinations via ultrasound. SEE: Scientists Create Needleless Vaccine Delivery System Via Ultrasound

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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    • Me too. I would never have thought 20 years ago that Billy Gates of Hell would have anything to do with murdering the world since he was always known to be just a computer geek, but his parents raised him to believe these things since they were leaders in the Planned Parenthood murders years ago. Well for sure I’m not taking their deadly lozenge, so they can pound sand. I pity these people on their Judgment Day, but hey, they asked for it. P.S. HIs ex looks like a man. Has anyone ever seen her when she was pregnant? She looks more like a man than Michelle (Michael) Obama. lol Shame on me, but just TOL! ha

  • World needs to wake up to these demons….Bill Gates A demon from the sea…..Yet no one will hear me or anyone to awaken the masses because everyone has been blinded. Humanity is so dumb it deserves to die. A reptiles wet dream. Thanks Satan you win the global elimination game of the humans you want to get rid of.

  • Only some people will survive in some cave Petra or something. Only those people or some others will survive tribulation.

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