This article was first published on November 1st, 2023. New information has been added.
After Kevin McCarthy was ousted from his position as Speaker of the House, Republican Representative Mike Johnson of Louisiana was selected as the newest Speaker, after multiple rounds of voting and weeks of vacancy at the position. McCarthy’s removal was the first ever in the history of the United States.
Johnson, who is a supporter of former President Donald Trump and contended that he had won the 2020 election against Joe Biden, touts himself as a strong Evangelical Christian and staunch supporting of Israel.
In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Johnson told the host that if people want to know how Johnson views things, he said to “go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it — that’s my worldview.”
During his first speech as Speaker, Johnson pledged more support for Israel.
Our nation’s greatest ally in the Middle East is under attack—the first bill that I am going to bring to this floor, will be in support of our dear friend Israel. And we’re overdue in getting that done.
We’re going to show, not only Israel but the entire world that the barbarism of Hamas that we have seen play out on our television screens is wretched and wrong and we are going to stand for the good in that conflict.
He said
Going back to that interview with Hannity, Johnson would go on to say that China, Russia, and Iran make up this “axis of evil” in the world today.
We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.
Hamas and Hezbollah are proxies of Iran, and they’re tied in now with Russia and China. I mean, it is a new axis of evil. That’s how we see it.
He told Hannity
He went on to call the threat the U.S.’s largest since WWII. Johnson also emphasized that the U.S. needed to keep funding Ukraine so they could defeat Putin and Russia. However, since that interview new spending for Ukraine appears to have been derailed for the time being.
NBC reported on October 30th that ‘ House Republicans released Monday includes $14.3 billion in emergency funding for Israel while rescinding the same amount of IRS funding from the Inflation Reduction Act.’
I understand their priority is to bulk up the IRS, but I think if you put this to the American people and they weigh the two needs, I think they’re going to say standing with Israel and protecting the innocent over there is in our national interest and is a more immediate need than IRS agents.
Johnson told Fox News
For more on Johnson’s dealings and prior associations, Jewish paper Haaretz did a piece on him last week titled, “New House Speaker Mike Johnson, an Evangelical Christian, Holds Ties to Israel’s Far Right.”
Ben Samuels for the Jewish outlet wrote this confirmation “is also the most significant victory to date for evangelical Christians’ pro-Israel movement.” The article went on to explain:
Louisiana Rep. Johnson traveled to Israel in February 2020 with an under-the-radar group called the 12Tribe Films Foundation. The organization’s CEO is a social media activist named Avi Abelow, who emigrated from New York more than 30 years ago at age 18 and lives in the West Bank settlement of Efrat.
Abelow switched his vote from right-wing Likud to far-right Religious Zionism in last November’s general election, helping elevate Bezalel Smotrich to a position where he could demand a key role in Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition. He told Haaretz following the election that his decision was motivated by his deep distrust of the Arabs serving in the Israeli parliament and genuine fears for his own safety living in the occupied territories.
Johnson’s first stop on his Abelow-organized visit was to the Kohelet Policy Forum – the conservative think tank that has been an essential partner to the government’s efforts to weaken the judiciary.
The fourth-term congressman also visited the Temple Mount compound alongside Yehudah Glick, a former Likud lawmaker who has led the fight to change the status quo and permit Jewish prayer at the flash point Jerusalem holy site – in opposition to both official Israeli government policy as well as that of the international community, particularly the Biden administration and Jordan.
Johnson later described his visit as “the fulfillment of a biblical prophecy,” while blaming the Temple Mount status quo on “the radical left” on college campuses and the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel.
Johnson is expected to bring rhetoric emerging from leading evangelicals in the weeks since the Hamas attack to the highest levels of Republican leadership.
Ninety evangelical leaders – later joined by nearly 2,000 others – signed a statement stating: “In keeping with Christian Just War tradition, we also affirm the legitimacy of Israel’s right to respond against those who have initiated these attacks as Romans 13 grants governments the power to bear the sword against those who commit such evil acts against innocent life.”
Top evangelical preachers such as John Hagee – whose Christians United For Israel has evolved into perhaps the most important pro-Israel organization among the GOP – and Greg Laurie have both invoked end times and Armageddon when discussing the Hamas attack and the resulting war.
Separately, Samuels wrote in a message on X: “House Speaker Mike Johnson holds ties to Israel’s far-right—traveling on a private visit organized by a top settler, meeting with the group behind Israel’s judicial overhaul and touring the Temple Mount with an activist against maintaining the status quo.”
For context, since 2021 Israel was beginning to grow restless concerning a number of pressing issues, but a big one being that civil war was starting to brew, that saw lynch mobs committed by Arabs and Jews, and reports mass robbery and anarchy.
Then by late-2022 and into early-2023, massive protests and demonstrations began breaking out across Israel as many protested against a set of judicial reforms Netanyahu was trying to get passed. Prior to the war launching this past month, Netanyahu was on trial for corruption charges that could land him in jail for a long time if convicted. Essentially, Netanyahu and his coalition were trying to get rid of Israel’s judicial system and checks and balances, so Netanyahu would not have to stand trial and could effectively pass whatever laws he wanted without any oversight.
You can read up on the details in these reports published earlier this year:
- Israel Sees Large-Scale Protests Breakout After Netanyahu Touts “Reform” Plans
- Israel On The Brink Of Civil War Over Netanyahu’s Policies To Erase Country’s System Of Checks And Balances
- Israeli President Herzog Says That Israel Is On The Verge Of Civil War, As Netanyahu Continues To Remove Judicial System
Oh, your “worldview,” huh? You mean like this:
A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.
For I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right.
Proverbs 18:16; Amos 5:12
Johnson is just another corrupt, lying neocon, that is buddie-buddie with his crooked partner Netanyahu and crew; that wants to bankroll other countries and wars, to enrich the lives of the military industrial complex, but does not want provide any real help to people here at home.
Like always, so many people get suckered in when politicians wave around or simply speak of a Bible, and then everyone gets all jelly for these people. I mean, if you have no more discernment and perception than that then I really don’t know what to say. I am certainly no fan of this guy, but once again comedian George Carlin said it best: “Politicians have traditionally hidden by three things: the flag, the Bible, and children.”
Seriously, did you think that the war party in D.C. that has long since been co-opted by evil, slimy, corrupt warmongers, would hand select someone that would stymie their operations? Think people, think!
The corruption and egregious duplicity on display is not surprising really; but do you not find both comical and yet disgusting, that we, apparently, have to keep raising the debt ceiling and “borrowing” trillions into the now, and keep averting government shutdowns by continuously funding the Treasury just to keep the lights on; and while everything is insanely inflated, everything costs so much as our dollars keep buying less; and homelessness continues to mount, small business and the middle class becomes a fable, and so on – Republicans and Democrats do not hesitate to fund and start every war imaginable without second guessing?
Expect more of the same with Johnson, nothing will change.
As for the prosperity and Evangelical ministers of Satan listed in his article, Hagee and Laurie – Laurie is just an effeminate fruitcake who routinely changes the scripture whenever he feels like it.
And Hagee is a prosperity gospel sleaze, teaching some ridiculously heretical things about the Jews, saying they can be saved without going through Jesus Christ, and even implies that there are many Jews were who forcibly elected to salvation through “irresistible grace” and “unconditional election;” two heretical doctrines derived from Calvinism’s TULIP.
I believe that every Jewish person who lives in the light of the Torah, which is the word of God, has a relationship with God and will come to redemption.
I’m not trying to convert the Jewish people to the Christian faith.
In fact, trying to convert Jews is a ‘waste of time.’ The Jewish person who has his roots in Judaism is not going to convert to Christianity. There is no form of Christian evangelism that has failed so miserably as evangelizing the Jewish people. They (already) have a faith structure.’ Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus, he says. But not Jews. Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced by Christianity.
Hagee once said, just one of many blasphemies has said (San Antonio fundamentalist battles anti-Semitism,” Houston Chronicle, April 30, 1988, sec. 6, pg. 1.)
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
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Greg Laurie is so obvious of a false prophet, it’s as easy as pointing out Joel Osteen, but John Hagee is super insidious and sly, he sounds legit and sound AT FIRST, but as you examine and hold him against Scripture and especially with that statement Hagee made in the Houston Chronicle, he is a genuine minister of Satan.
I even heard John Hagee say that Jesus did not come to be the Messiah, lying devil! He’s another lying false prophet who uses the pulpit for political agenda, and his god truly is his belly. Have you seen the girth on Hagee’s waist? He’s been eating too much Texas BBQ.
Ok winepress, what is the solution? From what I see prophecy is starting to be fulfilled once the confederacy of nations come against Israel.
The dumb corrupt machine in DC and some in the State Gov’ts are leaving us all open to sleeper cells! What is the solution? America has been infiltrated on purpose by evil, power hungry people that want America destroyed within so they can initiate their insane world agenda.
Psalm 37:1 A Psalm of David. Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. [2] For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb. [3] Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. [4] Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. [7] Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
The country is going to fall. The dollar will lose its reserve currency status, the economy will collapse and implode, the government will probably dissolve, and a lot of people are going to die due to starvation, thirst, pestilence, war, and anarchy. What you need to do is lean upon the Lord and trust in him, get sin out of your life, and it would be prudent to make other preparations like sufficient means of obtaining food and water, medical supplies, means to make a fire and stay warm, and have ample means of protection and security. I can’t predict everything but it’s going to be very rough in short order, and that’s putting it quite mildly; but I do believe that the Lord can help us see it through, and perhaps thereafter the opportunities for some actual peace, return to some righteousness, witnessing will increase.
Good answer
Amen, Jacob.
Galatians 2:4-5
4 and that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: 5 to whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.
Psalms 22:28 How often we forget.
Matthew 6:5-15 This should be our prayer.
Revelation 17:17 G-d is in control.
Another connection to the uniting antichrist solution/salvation of idolatrous humanism that I’ve learned of but not had time to totally vet: this guy is said to have links to the ethics committee monster of the Southern Baptist Convention which ‘transformed’ many & turned them to idolatrous humanist wickedness & craft compromise, giving over the word for the perver$ion$, many in the midst never entered in through the strait gate as a result & naught but whited sepulchers, men & women of craft …..and to the ‘pro-life’ compromising union headed by Rome that shoots for cut-off dates for the legitimate murder of babies, the fruit of sin & fornication, by making rules of comparative sin (rape, incest etc) rather than preaching the whole truth, the whole word & convicting Law & potentially saving grace of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures which best restrains all sin even in this remaining even in this corruption by sin-covering grace favoring life without exception, and purity….with power against sin for those receiving the word with humility & turning to serve & fight with God who gives & preserves it, and by his Spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ. Cunning craftiness is at play with Trump’s ‘art of the deal’ and the other waving hand….working toward another compromise away from truth & toward judgment & Hell. We must stand for truth without uniting to any of that, else we’re not truly ‘letting’ or resisting anything, but allies.
Who didn’t see the fore-coming ridicule re: the new Speaker of the House? Another classical fulfillment of Isa. 5: 20…calling good evil, and evil good; calling boys “girls” and girls “boys”…It’s very difficult to know what to believe anymore. Add A.I. to the mix and watching, reading, or listening to much is a huge waste of time, depending upon the source of course.
I believe an intelligent person would be prudent to stop following any and all news stories, and focus upon praying for Israel, and watching and waiting for our Lord’s very brief appearance, and sharing the gospel to a lost, confused, hurting, and dying world.
Like corrupt pastors, evangelists, et al, there are just far too many corrupted news stories for any one person to follow on any given day. Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger” has been a key player in shoving out the anti-Semitic rhetoric since Oct. 7. For years, I trust him; not any longer! I delete all his news offerings now. The longer one sits reading and typing, the greater the chances of getting diabetes or blood clots. I’ll have to find other things to keep my up and busy.
Yesterday, I dumped close to 500 news stories and videos from various sources I’ve subscribed to. I don’t plan on leaving Winepress any time soon, as long as Jacob will have me. Maranatha, Beloved in Christ!
What are you saying? Are you at disagreement? If you are, that’s fine, but then just say it, please. If I have read your comment correctly, to lump my assessment in with ‘calling good evil and evil good’ is a stretch, and that’s putting it very mildly. I only block comments and ban users if they spam my site, use a ton of profanity and lewd remarks, or come here to sow strife and especially when it comes to posting blatant heresies. I read Natural News on occasion. They have cited my work before and I appreciate it, but they have published a lot of actual fear-mongering and infrequently post “fake news.” I pick out what I can get here and there.