“The end of the American empire is near,” said former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski.

It’s no secret anymore that the United States is facing a severe military recruiting deficit, and the Armed Forces is desperate to shoehorn new recruits in, but many aren’t biting, none more so than Gen-Zer’s. Now the Army is desperate for recruits and they are using some odd ways to get them.

Some Context

The WinePress has been documenting the U.S. Armed Forces’ recruiting woes, including the continuous softening-up of the different branches of the military.

In October a year ago roughly 20,000 active-duty soldiers across multiple branches were issued a honorable discharge for not receiving mandated Covid-19 vaccinations, and was defended by President Biden at the time. This news also came at a time when the Army had announced that they had their worst recruiting miss in history.

These same woes have been felt by the Air Force and Navy as well.

Compounding on that has been the relaxation of physical and training standards as a way to try and fill their ranks. Now Army drill instructors are being told to do way less screaming and instead be more like “strict football coaches.”

Additionally, to allow for more recruits to join the Army has expanded the weight limits to allow for more bulkier and pudgy enlisters to join, along with increased tolerance to things like plenty of tattoos.

But the U.S. Armed Forces are already in seriously poor shape as is. One report published earlier this year says 10,000 active-duty Army soldiers fell into obesity since the lockdowns. More recently a new report claims that nearly 70% of all the combined branches in the military are considered overweight and obese.

Additionally, the U.S. military, to the chagrin and mockery of many both domestically and abroad, has really prioritized promoting so-called “woke” philosophies and pushing LGTBQIA+ awareness and inclusion. A prime example of this was an official U.S. Army commercial published in 2021 that featured a young woman who said he has two lesbian moms, and marched for LGBTQIA+ rights before joining the Army, but it was her experiences that helped shape her into the courageous soldier she is now, the ad asserts.

The cartoon-style commercial was in stark contrast to other military recruitment trailers from around the world, and thusly was mocked and made fun of. One video compiled a number of country’s recruitment videos, including America’s, and nearly who commented ripped on the U.S. ad, many of them receiving tens of thousands of likes, including some Americans facetiously saying they feel compelled to go fight for anyone else by the U.S. Just some of the comments include:

Turkey showed love for the state
Serbia showed strength
Brazil showed passion
Italy showed patriotism
China showed power
Germany showed sacrifice
Russia showed mental power
USA showed how to get hired at Disney


Russia: We’re taking Ukraine
Serbia: We’re taking Kosovo
China: We’re taking Taiwan
Turkey: We’re taking Cyprus
USA: We’re taking Emma to Disneyland…


It’s amazing how many people from different countries came together to laugh at America’s military ad.


If you were an alien and watched these, you’d think the US is the only country in the world without a military


This is just one example of the proliferation of this type of mindset and who the Department of Defense (DoD) is seeking out and highlighting. The Navy in 2022 put out a promotional guide on how to properly use gender pronouns for Pride Month. This year the DoD made sure to highlight that all 6 branches stand in solidarity for Pride Month, and those who align with that lifestyle who serve.


Political commentor Mark Dice has also highlighted some of the other instances where the U.S. military has prioritized LGTBQIA+ and progressive ideals, including high-ranking figures who post themselves online wearing their decked-out vestures while wearing their doggy gimp masks.

SEE: US Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men In Their Showers

So bearing all of this in mind, the U.S. is facing a major recruitment crunch and is having a difficult time getting recruits, especially at a time when the U.S. has signaled that they are going to keep sending weapons to Ukraine, and now with the U.S. providing plenty of support for Israel.

These recruiting woes are known internationally. Just recently India’s FirstPost did a short segment about this, highlighting that Gen-Z’ers absolutely do not want to join. Host Palki Sharma highlights how the U.S. has spent a large amount of money on marketing but it has flopped. She again notes how a good portion of Gen-Z does not even meet the basic physical qualifications, also noting that many in this age bracket are depressed, diagnosed with mental disorders, and seek therapy.

And yet President Joe Biden wants Americans to still believe in America’s might. During a CBS’ 60 Minutes interview President Joe Biden was asked in the country can support two wars, one in Ukraine and one in Israel, and Biden retorted with:

We’re the United States of America for God’s sake, the most powerful nation in the history […] of the world, the history of the world. We can take care of both of these and still maintain our overall international defense.

But others would disagree of course. Former U.S. Marine and former weapons inspector Scott Ritter blasted this notion, lamenting that the U.S. is far from being the most powerful military in the world, and certainly cannot sustain two wars at the same time.

The fact of the matter, and it pains me to say this, but we’re not the most powerful nation.

‘We’re the United States of America for God’s sake’ – I know that Mr. President: unlike you I wore the damn the uniform! I know what it means to put my life on the line for my country, and you’re gonna sit there and lecture me? You’re going to lecture the people who served in Iraq, served in Afghanistan, knows what it’s like to be portrayed by the likes of you!

No way. The fact of the matter is if you took an America brigade right now, put it into Ukraine against the Russians, it would be destroyed in a matter of days. That’s the God’s honest truth. Our military is not trained, equipped, organized, it doesn’t have proper leadership; and to be honest, the physical fitness, the makeup of this military, it’s gone woke, […] we are not the same military that we used to be, and that’s because of people like Biden.

[…] Mr. President, what do you have to offer? To aircraft carrier battle groups and one Marine amphibious ready group, 2,000 Marines, and I love the Marine Corps, we’re pretty damn good but we’re not that good. What are you going to do with 2,000 Marine against 100,000 Hezbollah fanatics dug into the hill, waiting for you to come?!

A similar sentiment was echoed just several weeks ago by former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, who has experience working at the Pentagon and the National Security Agency (NSA), has warned that the United States cannot much the power and production of nations like Russia. Her statements came off of the back of the news that shipping giant Maersk was cutting their contracts with the U.S. military, giving them to a smaller and newer company, creating a logistical bind to transport America’s weaponry.

We have an inability to outproduce the Russian military, we cannot out produce the Chinese military in terms of our weapons production, our technology cannot match theirs, in terms of hypersonics or any other advanced technologies.

I mean, [look at] the story of our F-35 [going missing] in South Carolina not long ago. This is putting a face to the reputation of what modern military technology has done to us. It is not making us stronger, better, faster.

If we can’t logistically go other places, and if we could with these ships, we don’t have the stuff to point on the ships to bring to fight a war, to bring a war to other places like China, like Russia, or anywhere else.

We are not a force to be reconned with, and, it doesn’t matter what you tell the American people, ‘oh rah-rah, we’re great, we can do it’ – in reality, the folks that are our near peer competitors, or anybody in this planet, that have access to the same information that you or I do, and they are drawing these conclusions.

The end of the American empire is near.

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Nevertheless, the DoD is determined to fill their ranks, and they now have been resorting to “e-girls” to seduce young men to join.

Wikipedia provides a succinct definition of an e-girl:

E-girls and e-boys, sometimes collectively known as e-kids, are a youth subculture of Gen Z that emerged in the late 2010s, notably popularized by the video-sharing application TikTok. It is an evolution of emo, scene and mall goth fashion combined with Japanese street fashion (such as anime, cosplay, kawaii and lolita fashion) and Korean street fashion (such as K-pop).

Videos by e-girls and e-boys tend to be flirtatious and, many times, overtly sexual. Eye-rolling and protruding tongues (a facial expression known as ahegao, imitating climaxing) are common.

According to Business Insider, the terms are not gender-specific, instead referring to two separate styles of fashion, stating that “While the e-boy is a vulnerable ‘softboi’ and embraces skate culture, the e-girl is cute and seemingly innocent.”

Earlier this year RT, formerly known as Russia Today, did a detailed featured piece into Hailey Lujan, who, by her own admission, is a Psychological Operations Specialist for the U.S. Army; and according to the Army’s website, “these Soldiers are known for their communication expertise—using unconventional tactics to persuade and influence foreign allies and enemies in support of U.S. Army objectives,” which a picture of two soldiers dumping propaganda leaflets from the back of a dropship.

RT says, ‘One of today’s most popular ‘military influencers’ is Hayley Lujan, also known as lunchbaglujan. Lujan is known for her provocative, somewhat cynical sense of humor, friendship with Donald Trump’s son.’

Hailey Lujan, with TV personality Rick Harrison of “Pawn Stars,” and Donald Trump Jr. Courtesy: Instagram

Know Your Meme says her goal is “to get ‘simps’ and the dudes who reply to every picture of boobs with ‘OMG DM me’ to enlist.” The outlet notes that Lujan’s first Instagram post in 2013 and her first TikTok post in 2020, but did not reveal her military status until around 2021, when her blatant psyop started to go viral.

Lujan has a long list of very short TikTok videos and some longer videos on YouTube.


RT provides a little more background her and the content of some of her videos:

She often posts videos from military bases, posing with weapons and expensive military equipment. In many publications, Lujan flirts with the audience and shows a cynical, provocative sense of humor popular with Millennials and GenZ. She even makes fun of the Army, which would be impossible for someone with an official armed forces account.

However, some of her posts are quite serious. In one video, Lujan says that military service helped free her from gender stereotypes, and in another, she criticizes the way of the modern world and calls people to a simpler kind of life. “Don’t go to college, become a farmer or a soldier instead,” she says.

The influencer does not conceal her unusual military specialty. In her latest videos, Lujan calls herself a psyop e-girl and half-jokingly admits about having parasocial relationships with subscribers in order to recruit them to the army. In one video, she jokes about having slipped one of her fans an army service contract under the guise of a prenuptial agreement.

Lujan frequently responds to comments which call her a “fed” or undercover federal agent. One of her replies was, “What if it was the best Glow Job you’ve ever had in your life?” The term “Glow Job” usually refers to government agents who work undercover and try to change public opinion or push someone to specific actions. What other term it rhymes with is also clear.

Lujan has over 654,000 subscribers on TikTok. One of her most popular videos, which shows her meeting with Eric Trump, has accumulated over 1.9 million views. The influencer has also become one of the faces of Weapon Outfitters and has participated in a photo shoot for its calendar.

In an interview, Lujan said that no one had instructed her to popularize the army or recruit GenZ. Her social media posts are not curated by the government and are her own initiative – she says that most often (though not always) her commanders simply ignore them. She has also stressed that PSYOP agents are not allowed to influence the public opinion of Americans.

The US PSYOP Forces doctrine indeed states that agents “will not target US citizens at any time, in any location globally, or under any circumstances.” However, the same document notes: “When authorized, PSYOP forces may be used domestically to assist lead federal agencies during disaster relief and crisis management by informing the domestic population.” 

The history of the CIA’s secret operations targeting US citizens, like the infamous MK ULTRA project, also cast a shadow on the sincerity of Lujan’s words.

We may wonder who needs such content if the “psyops” theme and the cynicism of the “army e-girl” can be a “turn-off” for ideologically-minded young people and give rise to further criticism of the Army. But in fact, the military doesn’t need to convince detractors or inject more confidence into people who already respect the military. They need to motivate those who have thought about enlisting but have not yet taken a decisive step. 

Lujan and other military influencers operate in a different way. They do not admit that they work for the government. They share their thoughts and show army life in a supposedly honest context. They can even openly criticize the military. But their main message is no different than regular propaganda: army life is fun and interesting, and service will help you unlock your potential and find happiness.


If I could describe the current state of the U.S. military in 5 seconds it be this right here:

Look, all jokes aside, this is so pathetic. The U.S. military is done; and it’s not just me saying it, people who actually hold some rank are readily admitting this.

How say ye, We are mighty and strong men for the war?

Jeremiah 48:14

As a young adult and Gen-Z’er, with a strong military family, I am qualified to give me reasoning why recruitment is so low, and why I absolutely will not be joining. I’ll try to keep my tangent succinct as there are many reasons why.

There are plenty of videos and articles online trying to analyze why, but some of the things we’ve already covered play into it

The way I see it there are two broad groups of Gen-Z: one that is totally useless and good for nothing, are rude, inappropriate, slothful, vile people that don’t who they are, how they got here, or where they are going, carried about where the wind blows; and then you another camp that are just your average Joes trying to get on with life, but are stuck in this box and they can’t find a way out, because opportunity and freedom has been stripped from them;

They understand the completely corruptness of our government and military, and how all of our wars are just to enrich the lives of a very few, fighting to sustain oil prices and oil companies, lining the pockets of the military industrial complex. People are figuring out that war is a racket, as Major General Smedley Butler famously has said; and that was nearly a century ago when he said that.

I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.

He wrote
Smedley Butler quote: War is just a racket. A racket is ...

And, to varying degrees, people understand the old adage that is “all wars are banker wars,” something that has been documented time and time again.

But the United States’ killing is just disgusting and unfathomable, and is not hard to understand why so many countries and people absolutely just loathe and vehemently hate the U.S. and Americans. John & Nisha Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute have a really good article covering some of this, titled “Guns for Hire: America’s Crisis State Goes Global.”

That article cites an article I’ve quoted before and it discusses how under the Trump administration the U.S. was dropping the equivalent of a bomb every 12 seconds, surpassing the previous the Presidents and their bombings. The article, written by Lee Camp, perfectly encapsulates just how bloodthirsty, maniacal, and godless the government is. But here are just some of excerpts from his 2018 piece:

We live in a state of perpetual war, and we never feel it. While you get your gelato at the hip place where they put those cute little mint leaves on the side, someone is being bombed in your name. While you argue with the 17-year-old at the movie theater who gave you a small popcorn when you paid for a large, someone is being obliterated in your name. While we sleep and eat and make love and shield our eyes on a sunny day, someone’s home, family, life and body are being blown into a thousand pieces in our names.

Once every 12 minutes.

The United States military drops an explosive with a strength you can hardly comprehend once every 12 minutes. And that’s odd, because we’re technically at war with—let me think—zero countries. So that should mean zero bombs are being dropped, right?

However, we now know that Donald Trump’s administration puts all previous presidents to shame. The Pentagon’s numbers show that during George W. Bush’s eight years he averaged 24 bombs dropped per day, which is 8,750 per year. Over the course of Obama’s time in office, his military dropped 34 bombs per day, 12,500 per year. And in Trump’s first year in office, he averaged 121 bombs dropped per day, for an annual total of 44,096.

Trump’s military dropped 44,000 bombs in his first year in office.

Under Trump, five bombs are dropped per hour—every hour of every day. That averages out to a bomb every 12 minutes.

And which is more outrageous—the crazy amount of death and destruction we are creating around the world, or the fact that your mainstream corporate media basically NEVER investigates it? They talk about Trump’s flaws. They say he’s a racist, bulbous-headed, self-centered idiot (which is totally accurate)—but they don’t criticize the perpetual Amityville massacre our military perpetrates by dropping a bomb every 12 minutes, most of them killing 98 percent non-targets.

When you have a Department of War with a completely unaccountable budget—as we saw with the $21 trillion—and you have a president with no interest in overseeing how much death the Department of War is responsible for, then you end up dropping so many bombs that the Pentagon has reported we are running out of bombs.

Journalist Witney Webb wrote in February, “Shockingly, more than 80 percent of those killed have never even been identified and the C.I.A.’s own documents have shown that they are not even aware of who they are killing—avoiding the issue of reporting civilian deaths simply by naming all those in the strike zone as enemy combatants.”

That’s right. We kill only enemy combatants. How do we know they’re enemy combatants? Because they were in our strike zone. How did we know it was a strike zone? Because there were enemy combatants there. How did we find out they were enemy combatants? Because they were in the strike zone. … Want me to keep going, or do you get the point? I have all day.

This is not about Trump, even though he’s a maniac. It’s not about Obama, even though he’s a war criminal. It’s not about Bush, even though he has the intelligence of boiled cabbage. (I haven’t told a Bush joke in about eight years. Felt kind of good. Maybe I’ll get back into that.)

This is about a runaway military-industrial complex that our ruling elite are more than happy to let loose. Almost no one in Congress or the presidency tries to restrain our 121 bombs a day. Almost no one in a mainstream outlet tries to get people to care about this.

Do you know where they’re hitting? Who they’re murdering? Why? One hundred and twenty-one bombs a day rip apart the lives of families a world away—in your name and my name and the name of the kid doling out the wrong size popcorn at the movie theater.

We are a rogue nation with a rogue military and a completely unaccountable ruling elite. The government and military you and I support by being a part of this society are murdering people every 12 minutes, and in response, there’s nothing but a ghostly silence. It is beneath us as a people and a species to give this topic nothing but silence. It is a crime against humanity.

That article about sums it up it well; and that reason alone (though there are many others), is why I could not fathom to join the military. And this bleeds into another issue as to why I don’t waste time voting. How could I with a sound conscience, and in the sight and fear of God, vote and directly attach my name to a bunch of monsters who are so evil and reprobate they don’t care at all who they kill, but how much they can profit from it?? And how could any of you do the same?

Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.

1 Timothy 5:22

So, that’s the U.S. military for you: bringing and teaching “freedom and democracy” to the world.

But getting back to the other underlying issues with recruiting, you have a lot of people who have given up on life, and have come what meme culture calls a “doomer” and “black-pilling;” because they look out at the utter mess that is our Western society, and see it for what it is, and have just given up, and have resorted to booze, drugs, porn, and video games.

That’s not me, but as a born-again child of God, I have pity for a lot of these people because I was saved from the same pit nearly a decade ago, so I understand the feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. But this is going on on a massive scale, factoring in all the things we’ve talked about and more. Wranglerstar has a great video explaining this to those who can’t comprehend the underlying problems at bay. The video was reuploaded by someone else:

I could keep ranting and raving but I think you get my point.

At the end of the day, beyond just the military, but the whole country is completely finished. We are dead physically, economically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually; and this country’s end will not be pretty.

SEE: Are You Awake? Are You Ready For What’s Coming? Do You Loathe The Honeycomb?? *Updated*

Psalm 10 perfectly describes this mess well: who do you think this sounds like?

[1] Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? [2] The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. [3] For the wicked boasteth of his heart’s desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. [4] The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. [5] His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight: as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them. [6] He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in adversity. [7] His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity. [8] He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor. [9] He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net. [10] He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones. [11] He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it. [12] Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble. [13] Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it. [14] Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless. [15] Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none. [16] The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land. [17] LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear: [18] To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress.

Psalms 10:1-18

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • I wouldn’t join any branch of this satanic hell-bound military if I was offered a million dollars and a captain’s rank!

    One of the biggest atrocities America has ever committed was falsely accusing Iraq for 9/11 and invading that nation and murdering over a million innocent Iraqi men, women, and children, stealing their oil, and forcing democracy on Iraq!

    While Iraq was being wrongfully attacked and terrorized as well as grieving over their murdered husbands, wives, children, grandchildren, and parents or grandparents even their pets perhaps, America was living fancy free going on their shopping sprees, watching and idolizing the NFL, rotting their brains in front of the Tell-Lies-Vision, getting drunk and high, and going to their church buildings!

    I’m thankful to God that the recruiting numbers are below the freezing point, America deserves it! And who knows, Lord only knows, maybe Russia will deploy their troops to U.S. soil and make carnage of these wicked, abominable Americans!

    • Amen brother, people are too spoiled in this nation. If any born again child of God prays for this wicked nation then they are a partaker of its sins. Can’t wait to see this country burn by the Lord’s wrath.

      • Me too!

        I’m so glad that our military is being dismantled and made weak. It was already being made weak with female troops and officers and feminism as well as sodomy. Now with the wokeness and office politics and the Army being made a worldwide laughing stock with Emma and her two sodomite pervert mommies and girl recruits turning basic training into a sleepover plus overweight or obese soldiers, they are toast!

  • How sick and disgusting; the military is full of sissies, fruits and nuts. If ya went to an old folks home , ya find tougher people.
    Put a fork in the US, it’s done.

    • The homes are filled with WWII and Korean War veterans, sadly they were also pawns in the game no fault of their doing, but they are a lot tougher than what we have nowadays.

      My principal Mr. Buford, a World War II Navy veteran, fought in the pacific, he would burst into tears over this if he were alive today!

  • I had read somewhere that old Claus Schwab is pressuring the US to recruit more Americans into military service, and, no doubt, Biden or the next fanatical Catholic traitor-in-chief will buckle and bring back the draft. Why would anyone fight in an outfit like the Air Force who is poisoning its citizens from the air with their chemtrails? Or any other branch of the service, who, all through the 20th century, were bamboozled to fight for the ‘infidel”=hating Pope, and not for our own country. If the military has to use up it’s “weekend warriors”, that’s good news for the U. S. citizen who doesn’t want them going door-to-door confiscating guns as they did during Hurricane Katrina.

    • Yeah a massive draft is coming, probably including young women too; and all these neo-passivists standing in solidarity for whomever the latest “oppressed” nation is, like a good programmed NPC, will change their tune REAL quick!

  • This will be used by the powers that shouldn’t be, traitors within & without the US who set her up & used her to those ends: namely the Vatican, arms right AND left, international corporatist nicolaitan craft par excellence…..to the culling & killing of many poor men & women, just like they did in Vietnam when the judges were shuttling them into the military & into Spellman’s fruitless, non-winnable war meant to enrich creeps with the Asian Golden Triangle profits, while continuing the dumbing down & demoralization necessary to their control with the surviving drug-addicted & porn dogs they created & used to their ends for building their antichrist universalist world organization for the UN & Rome. Opium Arm East is no different from Opium Arm West, & many were deceived & killed, or irreparably damaged, families destroyed etc. Such is the way of Craft making heroes of the likes of Machiavelli or Sun Tzu, & Jesuits behind both, merchandising in souls. Still, some were saved out of that mess & came to understand what it was truly about, including the world bank, the fed, the establishment of the US dollar as the world currency backed by Rome because Rome was part & parcel of the corporate craft clamoring for it, & being enriched by it all along, even as now ….and tried to warn. Some not even saved, but not utterly turned from evident truth & of seared consciences, tried to warn, but the controlled media, Scholasticism etc go back a long ways, and God is not impressed with haters on either side, nor with those who embroider the full truth & do not continue warning rather than devouring with the devils, spirit & evil they think they are ‘outing’ and fighting while aiding & abetting it.

    We were not established to be an empire, but a nation limited by Constitutional law informed by the King James Bible received by a large believing & preaching remnant of those who fled to America both to escape persecution, & to the sharing of the Gospel here & worldwide for a time as Great Britain succumbed to European Romanism & the receipt of the Revision.

    These liars & revisionists seek to deceive, & God’s people must be wiser than that….yet without succumbing to joining with them in their vain & wicked endeavors. Just because the majority succumbed to the 1 Timothy 6 temptations of Mammon & wishy-washy, lowest common denominator religion having a false christ & gospel does not mean that the remnant that did not, or which repented & returned, should not be acknowledged. That’s as bad as what Hamas does.

    We have division in our own family over this, losing them to the world & antichrist militaristic, do-gooder, social justice thing….serving it despite warning, cutting themselves off from both God & his word, & us. It serves little to go further cutting off the nose to spite the face, & certainly Oliver Cromwell and John Newton both would rebuke & exhort by the word & example of Christ those doing so to beware ignorance and full understanding of the matter beyond what the craft influencers have taught, lack of humility, arrogancy, pride & bitterness coming to rule in their hearts: those things are right up there with covetousness & lack of contentment with such things as one has for bringing God’s judgment upon those so sinning, along with the wicked.

    Or else causing God to turn from his intent to judge the wicked because of such things as it is also written. God knows his own, and who is yet to come. Our commission is to watch & pray, to wait….as those awaiting the Lord, seeing to those good works of Ephesians 2 following repentance & true new birth salvation. The battle is the Lord’s & he is more than capable of sorting beyond what things we think we see or fully understand, and don’t.

  • I firmly believed growing up that I’d become a solider/marine. Im glad I never finished through with that plan.

  • Every true, red-blooded male, saved or lost, will be stirred up by a pretty face. But knowing the evil scam or manipulation behind this should keep these fleshly feelings in check. Praise the Lord saved men have the KJV bible and the Holy Spirit to help control and correct the flesh.

    And if stubbornness persists, some painful chastisements from God should be more than enough to halt you quickly from acting as a fool.

      • It surely is. I hear you. Humiliating way for a God-hating, KJB-rejecting nation to go. Hard lesson to be learned. To not just simply be destroyed. But also to suffer the scorn and mockery of other nations while falling. It’s like someone who is crashing toward the ground from a skyscraper, meanwhile being pelted, spat on and shot at through the windows while falling.

        • And it is a well-deserved destruction for Great Satan America.

          Rejecting the King James Bible and the true Jesus thereof in exchange for pagan unScriptural 501(c)(3) government buildings falsely called churches.
          The laundry list of America’s evils so long it would reach from Biloxi, Mississippi to Toronto, Canada.

          Now, economic collapse, a sissy infiltrated woke and toothless military that will get grilled on both sides when World War III becomes officially official and every nation from Albania to Zimbabwe is rightfully mud slinging and crapping all over the US!

          • Canada won’t be far behind. Other nations mocked when this country clapped their hands for that veteran Nazi, including pervert Zelensky, a Jew. Just incredible. And I’m sure scorned as well for Trudeau’s other public blunders.

            This nation needs to get judged.

  • Screw you, Lance! You had to throw in the “Jew” part didn’t you! As if being Jewish had something to do with anything. No better than Hitler with your comment!

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