Food processing plants and distribution centers are now burning to crisp in rapid succession, a peculiar trend that has been growing since 2021.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This article was first published on April 24th, 2022. New information has been added. Click HERE for the latest update.

The WinePress has covered some of these mysterious acts since last year and going into this year. Now they are, dare I say, spreading like a wildfire across America. The prevalence of such fires have grown so much that at the time of this publication, the topic was a trending search question on Google.

NOTE: The WinePress has explained in other reports that these fires and mass culling of livestock is not by accident, and aligns with previously established initiatives to purportedly curtail harmful emissions. According to the Absolute Zero agenda goals for 2030 and 2050, some of these actions as detailed in this article, help fulfil these initiatives – to which the masses do not realize nor does the media on either side dare to acknowledge. Some of these goals include:

[By 2030] National consumption of beef and lamb drops by 50%, along with reduction in frozen ready meals and air-freighted food imports. [Afterwards] Beef and lamb [are] phased out, along with all imports not transported by train; fertilizer use greatly reduced.

There are currently no freight ships operating without emissions, so shipping must contract [by 2030]. [By 2050] All shipping declines to zero.

This list goes on, but these goals established by Western think-tanks years ago are being directly or indirectly fulfilled by these fires, shipment delays, derailments, and cullings. You can be the judge. Another such example of this can be seen in this latest WinePress report: “International Ports Going “Net Zero” And “Smart” Could Explain Some Of Supply Chain Shortages And Famine.”

In the last weeks the U.S. has seen Taylor Farms, a packaged salad plant in Salinas, California, burn to a crisp; and the Azure Standard headquarters, “the nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food,” also was burned to smithereens.

Azure HQ Fire
Courtesy: Azure Standard

But these are just the two most recent ones, of a significantly larger string of fires burning down food factories, stores, and distribution centers.

Reallygraceful, The Economic Ninja, and the Western Standard, recently compiled a list of just some of these fires that are ripping through the nation since 2021. These include:

  • Maid-Rite Steak Company (Pennsylvania)
  • Food Processing plant in San Antonio, Texas
  • Cargill-Nutrena (Los Angeles, CA)
  • Van Drunen (Illinois)
  • Potato plant in Maine
  • Potato plant in Washington state
  • Harpers’ Market (Ontario, Canada)
  • Mauston Meat Processing Plant (Wisconsin)
  • Bonzana Meat Company (El Paso, Texas)
  • Sheorers Foods (Oregon)
  • Nestlte Hot Pockets plant (Arkansas)
  • Walmart distribution center (Indiana)
  • Walmart storefront (Edgewood, New Mexico)
  • Walmart storefront (Clark County/Las Vegas, Nevada)
  • Rio Fresh Onion facility (Southern Texas)
  • East Conway Beef & Pork (New Hampshire)
  • Deli Star (Illinois)
  • Tyson poultry plant (Kentucky)
  • Rice dryer at Kellogg’s plant (Indiana)
  • Tyson feed ingredients (Alabama)
  • Meat provider in Georgia
  • JBS meat plant (Nebraska)
  • Smithfield Foods plant (North Carolina)
  • Fertilizer plant in North Carolina
  • Wisconsin River Meats
  • Louis Dreyfus – largest soy processing plant in U.S. (Indiana)
  • Potato plant processor in Oregon
  • Fertilizer plant in Kansas
  • Plane crash near General Mills cereal plant (Georgia)
  • Plane crash into Gem State [Potato] Processing facility (Idaho)
  • East Conway Beef & Pork butcher shop and meat market (Maine)
  • Industrial food preparation and processing facility (Quebec, Canada)
  • Maricopa Food Pantry (Arizona)
  • Patak Meat Production company (Georgia)
  • River Valley Ingredients plant (Alabama)

And that list comprises only the ones these three outlets were able to find and present. The likelihood that there may have been more is great.

UPDATE 4/28: It is not just the U.S. and Canada facing these peculiar fires, but the BBC reported yesterday a “ferocious” fire broke out at the Riverway Foods, a sausage factory in Harlow, Essex, England. Dorottya Spányik, wife of the owner of the plant, said “the latest is my husband told me one of the buildings is now gone.”

Fire on River Way in Harlow
Riverway Foods fire. Courtesy: Dorottya Spányik

UPDATE 5/2: The fires and supply-chain disruptions are continuing around the country since the last WinePress update.

Reported a day after the WinePress’ initial post, it was reported that a General Mills plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, suffered from fire damage. That plant processed fruit snacks, cereals, and frosting.

On April 30th, a Perdue Farms plant that processes grains and stores goods, suffered an industrial fire, in Chesapeake, Virginia.

And just yesterday in Burlington, North Dakota, at least eleven train cars derailed and caught fire. Paper products and frozen foods were destroyed.

As a “bonus,” The WP reported that millions of bees were scorched on a tarmac, which will only slow down honey production: “Millions Of Imported Bees Died After Being Scorched On A Tarmac.”

UPDATE 5/9: The fires keep on rolling in. First reported on May 2nd, a spark ignited a fire at food processing plant in Northwest Fresno, California. Just a few hours later firefighters responded to an ammonia leak at the same building, though it is unclear if the leak was related to the fire.

I believe there is a squeeze coming this year that is going to be intense. And is going to put people in a position where they are hungry, they’re scared, and they’re angry. We’re going to have rising inflation and food shortages. The food shortages are going to exacerbate the inflation.

The Economic Ninja explained

These fires are getting so out of control that it is leaving many wondering if these acts are deliberate, partly due to the spurious and repetitive occurrence of these fires: especially considering, as Reallygraceful points out, compared to 2019, these fires have skyrocketed in frequency.

The Media Fires Back *Update 5/9*

In response to critics, Food Processing – “the magazine of the food industry” – published an opinion piece on April 22nd, stating:

For as long as I can remember, conspiracy theories have swirled around food and the companies that process it.

This company is in secret league with the devil. That one uses cat meat and calls it chicken. The other uses slave labor. Maybe it’s a natural consequence of food being produced far away, out of sight; you can’t help getting a little paranoid about just what’s in it and how it’s made.

I thought I’d heard it all, but this is a new one: Apparently a bunch of firebugs want to keep food prices high by setting fire to food plants.

[…] maybe the whole thing is yet another manifestation of how paranoid conspiracy theories are taking over the discourse about politics, business and pretty much everything else in American life.

And as noted in the magazine’s report, Tucker Carlson of Fox News had also briefly touched on this issue, insinuating that there might be deliberate attacks against these facilities to weaken the food systems.

Moreover, since this article was first published in April, more outlets and fact checkers have picked up on these cryptic events. They too, just like Food Processing, are ridiculing the claims made.

Daily Dot, on May 2nd, while noting that these fires are indeed real, the outlet mocked those who think there is more to these fire than mere coincidence.

Is it mere coincidence? Just some bad things happening at the same time? Or is it a sinister plot to starve the United States and cull the herd of useless eaters?

People who assume that nothing happens by accident believe the latter. And they’re spreading an emerging conspiracy theory that food processing plants around the country are being burned down or destroyed as part of a concerted effort to take control of America’s food supply. Starting around April 20, conspiracy blogs and social media accounts began spreading lists of meat-packing plants, food processing facilities, cereal mills, and other buildings related to the packaging of food that had all “mysteriously” burned down or been destroyed. 

Perhaps The WinePress is one these “conspiracy blogs…”

Whatever the case maybe, other media outlets have attempted to dispel the rumors. A local Hawaiian news outlet said, “No, people are not setting food processing plants on fire intentionally in order to create a food shortage.” (See additional commentary at the end of this report for my thoughts). said on May 4th that “there’s been no significant increase in fires at food production facilities so far in 2022, according to the National Fire Protection Association.”

There have been approximately 20 fires in U.S. food processing facilities in the first 4 months of 2022, which is not extreme at all and does not signal anything out of the ordinary. The recent inquiries around these fires appears to be a case of people suddenly paying attention to them and being surprised about how often they do occur. But NFPA does not see anything out of the ordinary in these numbers.

NFPA spokeswoman Susan McKelvey told the fact checker

However, the information provided by “Reallygraceful” seems to indicate a different story in 2019 as a comparison, for example. Moreover, “The Economic Ninja” is a retired firefighter who worked in that field for roughly 3 decades. It should be noted – as later discussed in this report – the FBI decided to release a warning about these fires all around the same time. Either they are, no pun intended, trying to add more fuel to fire to stoke a false narrative; or perhaps are indirectly admitting something is happening, and are pointing the finger at something, just so they have something to point at in the first place.

Someone(s) are deceived or deceivers: you be the judge.

Chicken Farms Burn And Trains Derail – Update 6/1

The fires have not ceased and the shortages will persist.

In Minnesota a chicken plant was set a blaze with 200,000 chickens inside. Many more were also affected by the smoke inhalation. A bystander who filmed the fire said, “It’s a lot of chickens. It’s a hit to the egg market, it’s people’s jobs, it’s a local community. So any time anything big like that happens, it’s not good.”

As noted in earlier in this report, food is not the only thing being effected. Last week a large train derailment occurred in southern Alberta, Canada, carrying tons of fertilizer ingredients and supplies. This only adds to the rapidly increasing fertilizer shortages.

Courtesy: Rhonda Sauerberg

Just a few days later another train crashed into the Allegheny River, near Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. One car of the 17 leaked gas and “sweet crude” into the river, and other plastic pallets.

Courtesy: WTAE

European Factories Forced To Close Due To Energy Costs And Shortages – UPDATE 6/14

Insider reported today that some European factories that produce steel, chemical, and fertilizers, are being forced to shutdown; ‘amid rising costs and concerns that Russia may cut off its supply, per the [Wall Street Journal].’

On top of that it is being reported that energy costs continue scream higher, and restrictions levied against Russia are backfiring.

Therefore, Europe could expect to see even more fertilizer shortages and inflation on those goods, along with other items as well; which will also most likely affect its importers of these goods.

European Union Votes To Block 90% Of Russian Oil Imports By Year’s End *Update*

India Is Buying Up Cheap Russian Oil And Then Reselling It At Higher Prices To US And EU. UPDATE: Russia Becomes India’s 2nd Largest Oil Supplier

Meat And Food Plant Fires, And Thousands Of Sheep Drown – Update 6/14

The fires at food processing plants are not stopping.

Last week a fire broke out at a JBS meat plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin. According to Meat + Poultry the fire affected only the roof and did not look to be too severe and was quickly contained. It has resumed normal operations. Last year JBS’ operations were stymied by purported cyber attacks, and another fire that caused “significant damage” at a JBS plant in Nebraska occurred last year as well.

But yesterday a much more severe fire broke out at a food plant in Belmont, Maryland, where crews declared it a “five-alarm fire” (which means it was quite serious).

Moving more Eastward, in Sudan a couple of days ago, a ship packed full of 15,800 sheep mostly drowned as the ship sank in the Red Sea, en route to Saudi Arabia. Of the rough 700 sheep that did survive were found to be very sick and most likely do not have long to live.

The sunken ship will affect the port’s operation. It will also likely have an environmental impact due to the death of the large number of animals carried by the ship.

An official explained

Thousands Of Cattle Dead In Kansas – Update 6/16

Approximately 10,000 heads of feedlot cattle have died in Ulysses, Kansas, which mainstream media was quick to report on after firsthand accounts began to surface on social media platforms. And while feedlot cattle is not the most ethical and humanely raised, or provides the heathiest meats, it still will only increase the shortages at the markets for the masses’ consumption.

Four Deceptive Marketing Tactics To Watch Out For When Buying Meat And Animal Byproducts

New Study Shows That Regenerative Agriculture Boosts Nutrient Density

The narrative being purported is that they all died of a heat stroke, or something similar, as temperatures were reportedly over one hundred degrees. But heat is nothing new, so the touted cause of death is dubious. Others online have speculated things like poisonings, 5G and EMFs, or a planned execution that the media has taken to create a narrative.

Bill Gates Funded Grocer Burns Down – UPDATE 7/18

Amidst protests in The Netherlands by farmers rebelling against the country’s climate edicts, that will ultimately result in the loss of their entire livelihoods, a grocery store that has ties to Bill Gates, has been burned down.

According to Dutch News, the store is called Picnic and it completely burned to the ground last week. ‘The fire may have been caused by a short circuit in an electric delivery van, it has been suggested, but investigators are still trying to identify the exact cause,’ the outlet reported.

The New York Post explains that Picnic is store that touts itself as being more climate-friendly, by selling plant-based meats and many other vegan items, transporting deliveries via electric-powered vans. The company’s CEO, Michiel Muller, said last year a good portion of the $604 million in funds they earned came via the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Oregon Flour Mill Destroyed In Fire – UPDATE 8/10

The following is by KGW 8:

Firefighters battled a fire that destroyed a building at Pendleton Flour Mills in eastern Oregon. No injuries were reported.

The Pendleton Police Department asked people to stay away from the mill near Southeast Emigrant Avenue and Southeast 6th Street Wednesday morning.

Dispatchers received a report of black smoke coming from the mill on Aug. 9 at 2:55 p.m. Crews with the Pendleton Fire Department extinguished a small fire and remained on scene to monitor the situation. The fire reignited around 4 a.m. and destroyed a building due to dry grain and a wooden structure inside, police said.

As of 10:55 a.m., Pendleton police said crews were able to knock down the flames and were focused on monitoring hot spots. A total of eight agencies are assisting the Pendleton Fire Department.

Although the building is a total loss, this will be an ongoing emergent situation due to the amount of grain that is [slowly] burning.

Said Pendleton Police Chief Chuck Byram in a news release.

Largest Produce Plant In World Catches On Fire In France – Update 9/26

Near Paris, France this past weekend, what is being touted as the world’s biggest produce market caught on fire – a plant to the produces all sorts of sorts fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, meat, flowers, and more.


The plant employs roughly 12,000 people.

The cause of the blaze was unknown but will be investigated, said Captain Marc Le Moine, a spokesman for the Paris fire service, the Associated Press reported.

One Of The Largest U.S. Egg Suppliers Burns To The Ground – UPDATE 1/31/23

Hillandale Farms, one of the top egg producers in the United States, recently burned to a crisp – a facility that was 150-foot-by-400-foot, housing around 100,000 egg-laying hens were roasted. The facility was located in Bozrah, Connecticut.

NBC Connecticut broke the news on January 28th. It took over 100 firefighters to put out the flames. “It’s unclear what may have started the fire,” NBC reported.

Hillandale’s eggs could be found in many different chains such as Walmart, relatively priced a bit cheaper because they were the typical conventional egg. Now these eggs may be gone from the shelves for a while in some locations.

Wherefore the price of eggs are only going to rise even more. The WinePress has previously reported that the egg prices are purportedly ratcheting higher because of an avian flu that are causing farms to be mandated to cull their flocks. A division of the UN said several weeks ago that this has been the worst bird flu ever in history.

SEE: Former CDC Director Redfield Warns The ‘Great Pandemic’ Of Bird Flu Is ‘Going To Happen.’ UPDATE 10: Outbreak Declared Worst Ever. WHO Discusses New Vaccine This Year

The WinePress has warned about the crippling food supply systems in our report about the direct threats of a super deadly bird flu, that is being touted as the next “great pandemic.”

Lew Rockell recently cited our reported on this issue, and surmised these acts of slaughtering millions of flocks across the nation, and how it would eventually deemed “zoonotic” by spreading and contaminating mankind:

Every announcement and every warning by the state is by design, as nothing is what it seems, and all is based on the indoctrination and psychological manipulation of the public in advance, so as to lessen the risk of exposure to the state once any real weaponized ‘virus’ is released, or any fake pandemic scenario is announced.

What is going on here is not just about another pandemic conspiracy, it is also part of the plot to vastly curtail the food supply, all in the guise of animal transmission of a human lab manufactured bioweapon called ‘avian bird flu.’ By targeting animals as a risk to spread flu to humans, the slaughter of domesticated and wild animals will gain more support from this ignorant population. The elimination of meat as a food source in favor of lab grown GMO poison is now being pursued actively, as the regulation, control, and eradication of private farms and ranches is now underway. This can eventually lead only to corporate farms in strict adherence to government and pharmaceutical guidelines meant to destroy the quality and quantity of our food supply.

Every announcement and every warning by the state is by design, as nothing is what it seems, and all is based on the indoctrination and psychological manipulation of the public in advance, so as to lessen the risk of exposure to the state once any real weaponized ‘virus’ is released, or any fake pandemic scenario is announced.

What is going on here is not just about another pandemic conspiracy, it is also part of the plot to vastly curtail the food supply, all in the guise of animal transmission of a human lab manufactured bioweapon called ‘avian bird flu.’ By targeting animals as a risk to spread flu to humans, the slaughter of domesticated and wild animals will gain more support from this ignorant population. The elimination of meat as a food source in favor of lab grown GMO poison is now being pursued actively, as the regulation, control, and eradication of private farms and ranches is now underway. This can eventually lead only to corporate farms in strict adherence to government and pharmaceutical guidelines meant to destroy the quality and quantity of our food supply.

The FBI Responds

Interestingly enough, now that the word is spreading that food plants and processors are burning down, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has now issued a statement in regards to this, attributing some of these attacks on cyber attacks and ransomware.

The (FBI) is informing Food and Agriculture (FA) sector partners that ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain.

The FBI noted ransomware attacks during these seasons against six grain cooperatives during the fall 2021 harvest and two attacks in early 2022 that could impact the planting season by disrupting the supply of seeds and fertilizer.

Cyber actors may perceive cooperatives as lucrative targets with a willingness to pay due to the timesensitive role they play in agricultural production. Although ransomware attacks against the entire farm-to-table spectrum of the FA sector occur on a regular basis, the number of cyber attacks against agricultural cooperatives during key seasons is notable.

Download/read the full FBI warning below:

This warning brings back memories of the reported cyber attack against the JBS meat plant in 2021.

World’s Largest Meat Processing Plant Shutdown Due To Cyberattack

Hack Attack: The Next Scripted Powerplay For Control Is Soon Approaching


This is why I have been urging people since The WinePress began to make the necessary preparations needed. If you have been doing so, you’ll be much better off. A lot of these places are processing toxic food – food that I do not eat or recommend you do either; but the masses are going to be suffering and beginning to starve as the months roll by, as they are addicted to these foods, are unhealthy, and have not been preparing in the slightest.

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Proverbs 4:7

There indeed is a conspiracy going on, as these acts are no mere coincidence: only a fool would think so, and mock at the blatant desolation that is being wrought.

I’ve learned over the years that when things don’t make sense, it is because it is a spiritual thing that has been transpiring. And the fact here is the Lord is bringing to pass famine in the U.S., along with the rest of the West.

[17] Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will send upon them the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, and will make them like vile figs, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil. [18] And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them: [19] Because they have not hearkened to my words, saith the LORD, which I sent unto them by my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them; but ye would not hear, saith the LORD.

Jeremiah 29:17-19

I did not cherry-pick a passage to ‘sound scary:’ you can find plenty of warnings of famine, pestilence, war, desolation, all throughout the scriptures that are applicable to today. The Lord is destroying this nation, for its hatred of God’s word the KJB, despisement of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the celebrating of wickedness and sin.

[5] For who shall have pity upon thee, O Jerusalem? or who shall bemoan thee? or who shall go aside to ask how thou doest? [6] Thou hast forsaken me, saith the LORD, thou art gone backward: therefore will I stretch out my hand against thee, and destroy thee; I am weary with repenting. [7] And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my people, since they return not from their ways.

Jeremiah 15:5-7

The time for national repentance is long gone. Right now the Lord is determined to destroy this nation, completely and utterly. He has been doing it through pestilence (the Covid death shots, which will be getting worse, on top of more fraudulent pandemics), the famine that is coming right now, and then the sword: war; civil, anarchy, invasion from foreign nations.

To those that are saved, and who are awake to what is going on, and living righteously, and have taken heed to the warnings; then the Lord will provide for you.

[19] They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. [20] But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

Psalms 37:19-20

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • The female fire marshall that was on site for azure standard said there were two possible causes, extra corn azure standard had in a cooler had a higher moisture content and it spontaneously combusted, or the dust from the tote or the corn in the tote (inside a cooler) ignited near a wall outlet and caused the fire. My mom and I have been ordering from Azure, they sent this information out by email to all their customers earlier this week.

    • I make 85 dollars each hour for working an online job at home. I never thought I can do it but my best friend makes 10000 bucks every month working this job and she recommended me to learn more about it.
      The potential with this is endless…

      • Well if u earn $85 per hour then u must earn just as much as ur friend who earns $10,000 per month or even more actually no?!? Cause if u work a standard 8hours per day u earn $680 per day and if u work again a normal working week long Friday each week of the month then u should earn $13,600 every month…is this not correct???
        What is it that u do online to earn this money?? U must be scamming people of there hard earned money cause if it was so easy to do this work and earn as much as $680 for an 8hour day then every1 would be doing this job online,so please explain to me what it is that u do?!??

  • I need the Lord to send someone to help me learn everything I need to survive from basic car maintenance to hunting and fishing to tools. Being raised in a single mother family (my father divorced my mom because he’s a cowardly adulterer and a Muslim) so I’m a man, but I’m crippled!

    With all the evils in this country of Great Satan America, the church buildings which are actually allowing the other evils and sins to flourish because they build self righteousness and they’re FAKE they pose no threat to evil and they go back to the Vatican and they’re not harkening to the words of the KJB, even the ones that supposedly use it they’re just putting on a show-and they sing God Bless America, oh you’ll see how God is going to “bless” this country!

    • Andrew if you want to email me . I keep a low profile in the comments but read and support the winepress when I can and King James video ministries . The Lord has and is using these ministries to open my eyes. I was a false convert raised in a southern Baptist (non)church mislead on every issue including salvation and God’s words . Never taught that the Lord had a perfect word for us in the KJV . Sad most of us have been raised that way in this country seemingly. But God uses kjvm to open my eyes and I got saved 1-31-19.

      So back to the reason I reached out you said you could use some help in some areas . I am a shade tree mechanic and I currently am building a homestead on land I inherited last year I’m the north Carolina mountains in the deep boonies just how I like it . So I know some things (emphasis on some). My wife of 21 years will tell you I’m a jack of all master of absolutely none ! So if I can help you I surely will in any way possible. Just let me know through email I can also give you more of a testimony.

      • Thanks Ty. I greatly appreciate it, sad part is I live in Laredo, Texas which is pretty far from North Carolina. Unless you take a bus to see me so you can physically show and teach me skills.

        • Hi Andrew, sometimes things come up and I wonder if I can fix them myself, minor home repairs, repairs to my car. I google what I want to do, as an example “how do I replace the brake light blubs in my car”? I search by year, make, model and videos come up that show how to do the repair. Sometimes I watch a few of them to get to the one that is clearest to me, and then will watch it a couple of times before attempting the repair, and sometimes I decide the repair is something beyond my capabilities. But there is a lot of really helpful stuff on the internet that can teach you how to do things.

          • Easily work do it for everyone from home in part time and I have received 30K$ in last 4 weeks by easily online work from home. (gre23) I am a full time student and do in part time work from home. I work daily easily 4 hours a day in my spare time.
            Details on this website >>>>

    • Hi, Andrew, YTube has LOTS of DIY videos. Just find the content you are looking for, find several people with lots of followers and likes, then download/collect their videos like I do 24/7/365. Allavsoft is great for DL list and is perfectly legal.

    • I’d say you are a blinded man. Get back to the faith, the Christianity God sent his Son to bring to this earth. The first Christianity was Catholicism, then called “The Way”. Catholic means Universal-the Universal Church.
      Now, I have been part of many faith groups in my growing up years, most of which touched our traditions given on a surface level. Oh! How deep, rich and profound our Catholic Church is. I invite you to learn more before slandering Christ’s Church.
      It is Biblical that there will be evil infiltration in the last days- read Revelation again (yes, we rely on scripture). As always, there are evil men, wherever you are, whichever Church, government or office. We, personally, need to seek truth and live it out, according to God’s words.

      God’s blessings over you. God provides, we trust in Him.

      • “we rely on scripture.” No, you don’t.
        #85 of the Catholic Catechism: “The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition, has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the Church alone. Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ.”47 This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.
        You’re tradition trumps the scriptures, and then the Pope can then overrule that as well.
        Matthew 15:3 “But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? [6b] Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.”

    • I know rhetorical question, but I can’t help it!
      They’re prattling on about bake sales, potlucks, their golf game, stories about their awkward first date or a crush they had or their kids playing Call of Duty and he thinks he’s a soldier in training, and about football and donuts, blah blah blah. Then they’ll run around like a chicken with its head cut off when the doodoo hits the fan!

  • Weird how we’re not hearing these things on the news…. (sarcasm)….Pittsburg is but a hop, skip and a jump from here, and not a whisper of this reached us….though I bet if I frequented the feed mill more as in the days of my youth, I’d have heard about it.

    Pittsburg: monopolist-industrialist, death-care & abort-&-living-tissue chop-shop, and Catholic-ville central. Not hard to find a willing gangster crony there. That’s where the infamous Dr. Day delivered his purpose-driven prophetic speech to the graduating pediatric ‘health professional’ class in what? 1969? Before going off to head Planned Parenthood’s demoralize & butcher operation so handily located in impoverished immigrant & minority neighborhoods.

    In my opinion they’re just crassly positioning themselves for the next big bloody money-maker with war, made-to-order gmo children (no worries: return to maker for resale alive or dead if they become a nuisance), virtual parenting and porn ….not to mention the next big growth industry in mortuary ‘services’ and ‘experiences’, holograms & such for the hopeless idolatrous unable to deal with death & turning to necromancy and more and more insane & unnatural craft. Praying God cuts it short.

    It’s hard to imagine the kind of traitor & self-righteous evil that vandalizes & causes fires & train derailments with the intent to harm far beyond the immediate damage…..though getting easier with the passing of time, more & more fulfillment of what many of us thought was somewhere way down the road.

    We can be sure that God will judge these wicked even as he did the first Assyrian, the Babylonians and even Moab for going over the top against already judged Edom. The burn layers in the archaeological digs still testify to that fulfillment, underlining the verity of the scriptures, & the elite & their crony conspirators shall not escape their own appointment for judgment in the end, even as those of that day did not: the princes & judges, it says.

    The Lord will not be swayed by their ‘Dark Knight’ excuses & self-justifications for doing evil that good might supposedly come…..calling good evil and evil good all the way.

    Wicked as sold-out-to-Rome, and pragmatic, cunning political Caiphas, and his wicked, puppeting father-in-law, Annas.
    John 11:50 Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not. (11 confusion & the nations gone out from Babel, and five ten’s….the law of death & those serving the lord of death….not as pentecost and the hope of Christ’s victory over death as the resurrected lord of life, the mighty God & one through whom all things were made, but the anti- reversal)

    Amos 2:1 ¶ Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Moab, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime:
    Am 2:2 But I will send a fire upon Moab, and it shall devour the palaces of Kerioth: and Moab shall die with tumult, with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet:
    Am 2:3 And I will cut off the judge from the midst thereof, and will slay all the princes thereof with him, saith the LORD.

    On the other hand: The suffering of those humble & repentant, realizing their unworthiness & inability, trusting only in the righteousness of Christ by scripture evidenced faith, has an end. With the promise of grace equal to the trial in the meantime. How precious are the Psalms of David to the saints of this hour.

    Justin Trudeau last week introduced legislation hindering legal gun ownership & carry for folks who might hinder some of the arson & vandalism, while simultaneously introducing legislation to lower the sentence for illegal firearms assaults. All of this is so obviously connected as the wicked think they’re ‘winning’ & achieving godhood while truly only manifesting the evil of their hearts, & the righteousness & justice of the Lord in their coming judgment.

    Meanwhile the FBI continues making ‘deals’ to longtimer jailbirds, & one wonders how these vandals & arsonists are managing to totally escape detection, or how an 18-year-old trannie high school drop-out manages to find the money for weapons, ammunition and a pickup truck to use in the murder of multiple children & teachers while a traitor police chief with blood on his hands orders a stand down, & conveniently the lady blamed for propping a door open ends up dead, & with the security guard only come waltzing in AFTER the gunman was locked inside.

    Who leaves a door open when hearing gunshots outside in the street for 12 minutes?

    Nobody. That’s who. And the mortuary people who reported that twelve minute shooting & brandishing outside the school in the street between them should be ashamed, too. Fellow Masons staying out of the way? Even the barber had a shotgun to lend the off-duty border patrol agent & fellow officer who finally disobeyed to go in & get his own & some of the children out & to take down the shooter.

  • We have had 96 such fires/explosions of food related facilities since April of 2021 so it’s impossible for this to be pure coincidence. Anyone with eyes can see that we are being systematically destroyed from within. We can’t let 94,000 unvetted Afghanis plus millions of others from all over the world into this country without getting a large percentage of terrorists. Not including how close Biden has put us to actual nuclear war, this perverted administration has opened the door to our doom.

    • 96 in a little less than 2 years is blatant as it gets to point us in the direction of exactly what there game is and there’s still some fukin idiots trying 2 say there’s not been any more than usual in that sorta timescale, which is complete tuning insanity 4 sum1 2 even say something like that but this is the times were living in at the minute, borrowed time if I may add aswel cause something HUGE is on its way,I’m not exactly sure what’s gona transpire but its not gona be anything good that’s 4 sure!
      These devil worshipping satanic elite have been slowly trying 2 destroy mankind for the longest time but they’ve certainly put there foot on the gas these last 25 years or so and the fact that still around 85% of the worlds population are completely oblivious is extremely worrying,especially after the Plandemic/Scamdemic and the outcome of the deadly toxic concoction that theyve managed to get 70% of the worlds population to take which is seriously worrying cause we all know what the outcome eventually is going to be for the people that took that,I myself knew from the outset what the score was and wasn’t going near it no matter what bullshit they threatened me with,homelessness,lose my job,etc etc.they could of offered me £1 million each shot and I still would of refused and the amount of FB messages I sent out so all my friends could see, the amount of times I tried to speak to friends and tell them no to go near it and the reasons why,the fact it was 99.6% survivable,there was no trials or testing to see the long term effects of what was in these vax’s etc and that it normally takes roughly 12-15 years minimum to get to market and be fit for human consumption,natural immunity etc etc all valid and factual info but I was laughed at,ridiculed and made a fool of,called a conspiracy theorist etc etc and cause of this have ended up losing life long friends+family cause of this but know nearly everything I said has all come true and the facts are slowly but surely coming out to the public if they look at different brilliant independent media channels and not the MSM who spew out complete bullshit+propaganda and these people eat it up and believe nothing but what they say,they have become brainwashed and its very very sad,but I’d rather be on my own journey to find the truth rather than be a sheep and follow the masses to my early grave.
      When something isn’t right iv always been able to tell just through critical thinking and common sense also alongside independent thinking also and just an inner feeling frm within when something just doesn’t sit right and I think any1 can and should have this but in this day and age there is so much distractions that people can’t concentrate for more than 30 seconds with being glued to there phone which is the worst 1,I myself refused to get a smart phone and only use n carry and old £20 cheap mobile to text n call so when I’m out and about and I go to meet the very small amount of friends I do have I give them my time and communicate with them properly without checking my home every 2 seconds for my Fb,IG,Twitter,TikTok or just sit and still trough pointless shit while supposedly spending time with my friend so I dnt have 1 and if u go out these days every single person u see in the street, in ahops,in McDonalds,eating lunch in a cafe,people on the bus…..what’s the common theme….nearly every single 1 of these people are head down glued to there phones and the whole world is passing them by which is so so sad and nobody lives in the moment anymore its phones out videoing everything instead of just enjoying it!
      Anyway its time we as the people fought back against these evil evil twisted elite cause were the 99% and we really have all the power and we need to realise it and try n put all our differences behind us in whatever way its been manufactured by them,race,religion,colour,sex,class…whatever it may be we just need to rid our world of these manipulators and come together to build a better future,yeah its gona be hard but nothing is impossible when we all want the same thing,a better world,a better future for our kids+our kids kids,to live a fulfilling+happy life that’s not about materialism+money+power cause we’ve all been programmed to live a certain way and its not what a fulfilling life as a human should be I feel but that’s only my opinion, anyway hope all’s well with u and urs,I’m sorry for blabbing on and on but I just needed to speak and get this off my chest as I dnt really communicate much anymore with family or many friends and hardly leave my flat and have had a.really hard last few years with all that’s gone on and my mental health has really suffered and I just bottle everything up,so all the best with everything u have planned for the future and here’s hoping things get better for mankind and we get rid of these evil people involved at the top making all the decisions in this world and by some miracle we move forward in a more loving and positive way!
      All the best

      • Hi MIke McGill ,just red your rant , what a rant it’s magic my man , and i totally agree with you for sure ,i am of the same mind . Just a thought .I dont have a very busy life with friends or family ,although my boys are on the same page as us ,But they live in the UK and i am in France .I am like you ,lost my wife 4 years ago ,just before this shit hot the fan . I am horse breeder in Normandie ,i am English , so’s of ya like i send my e mail and you and me can chew the cud for sure ,if you wish ,as we are of the same snssible mind ,I leave it up to you , i send my Email ,—clifford-johnlonglands @orange .fr .stay strong and fight ,bless you for sure cliff

  • There are many cultivated ‘activist’ devils doing evil that their supposed ‘good’ might come. God sees them all, and the cultivators behind the scenes appearing all righteous & sanctimonious ESPECIALLY do not escape his notice as they do most of us.

    Sudan is a prime example. The UN purposely drew the lines of that nation arbitrarily & against the petitioning of the Southern Christian tribes, willfully refusing to protect the Christians of Southern Sudan as they were methodically persecuted & as wholescale genocide was carried out by the favored Muslims to the north. Culminating in the ’90’s and ’00’s with the wicked cultivation of partnership with bloody antichrist Muslim kingdom-builders and much double-crossing as with former Egyptian and Libyan allies. Even the Romish backed & promoted petro-dollar which followed the establishment of the unConstitutional Fed and monetary system, the income tax etc, was made with the direct partnership & Islamic common ground ‘partner’ most easily visualized in the wicked Bush family’s affinity with the Saud, or queered ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ romanticized by the ‘Romantics’ and radicals.

    There is a reason the gnostic elite of the Masonic -Jesuitical craft with their Baphomet have their Muslim affinity & partners: Allah is a false god & front for Lucifer-Satan, historically is rooted in the ancient antichrist god & goddess paganism of the ancients & Babel with its devilish trinitarian counterfeit of god, goddess, mangod which go by many names. Blessedquietness dot com (figure it out), scroll down to Steve’s documenting book, Who is Allah.

    Allah is cobbled from the Arabic pantheon & out of the Allah/Allat partnership. There were also the ‘three swans’ vile & bloody, deceitful goddesses originally, before Mohammed decided with both Romish and Jewish mystical & covert influence & advising, that ‘monotheism’ was the way to go. (consider Revelation 16 KJB)

    Most likely, & matching the Quranic descriptions, the original center of worship for Mohammedanism was at Petra where Edom, the Arabs of Sheba & Dedan, & the Hagarites controlled the area’s trade for centuries. There were cistern pits (some still existing up to today) for catching and preserving the scarce rainfall hidden throughout the desert areas) such as the one that Joseph’s brothers cast him into. These were carefully constructed & disguised, known to the caravan leaders & desert peoples, & scientists are still studying the sophisticated concrete they used to line them with which has lasted right down to today in some cases…..people like the Ishmeelites on their way down to Egypt, to whom Joseph was sold.

    With the antichrist empires of Alexander the Great (3rd) & then the Romans (4th & still with us today–see Daniel 2 &8), that shifted to become subservient, though the fiercely independent desert Arabs, the Bedhouin, were never totally conquered by anyone. Men of the field like Esau/Edom and untameable wild men: like was foretold of the angel of the Lord to Hagar of Ishmael….who had God’s name ‘El’ on him by his father Abraham. A substantial remnant of Dedan, Sheba, and Nabataeans …along with Syrians and Egyptians, will go into the kingdom according to the prophet Isaiah.

    After Mohammed’s death, his Luciferian-pagan empire was fought over much like Alexander’s generals & their descendants did his…and the winning faction & tribes moved their center of worship from Petra to Mecca which has little to no potable water, & which is far removed from any of the ancient trade routes. The inscriptions to their gods along those ancient trade routes tell the story, support the biblical account, show the ‘evolution’ by tradition & craft, and the merging of the ancient god/goddess/mangod identities into many cultures…the antichrist ‘common ground’ of idolatrous humanism progressing in the power of Satan, the god of this world, to their last & final manifestation drawing in both Rome & Jerusalem, Babylon and all the rest.

    Anyways, that antichrist portion of America, tapped & initiated, promoted & supposedly ‘superior’ & justified in their craft & occult manipulations, which cultivated & worked such evil whether with the sons of Ham and Canaan, or of Japheth…or Shem…is not alone in its judgment. The shed blood cries out from the ground of Southern Sudan in particular, & many other places of Mohammedan with covert ‘Western’ partnering conquest….and this sick & drowning sheep incident between infidel Mohammedan nations is a clear indication of that fact.

    It’s written, famine in divers places, Matthew 24 and Mark 13 and Luke 21 and Revelation 6’s black & pale horses following (those horses defined back in Zechariah 1&6 as spirits & angelic, and judgment coming on the unnatural graffed in branches even as it fell upon the natural branches broken off & the olive tree).

    Many a ‘dangerous’ rival or heretic, inconvenient heir etc, was covertly sold off & disappeared to the Mohammedan slavers by the Romish elites & their crony kings w/ Joseph just an early picture of that, even as he pictured & foreshadowed the true coming seed of the woman of the line of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob….and the witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ, the peculiar people and nation that was no nation prior to the resurrection & change of the dispensation of God’s grace to men, the priesthood of believers, to the world, to Egypt.

    ALL of that is going to be exposed, and not just the latest pharma sorcery & technocratic devices of the antichrist merchandisers & the lying spirit they serve as knowledge increases and men run to and fro who happen to be identified as ‘American’. Sin, it’s evil fruit, and judgment, are universal & God who is holy, holy, holy and the Faithful and True, is no preferer of men winking at this sin or the other for a most favored harlot.

  • One of the things the gnostic euthanasia crew does is their ‘sorting’ of the useful ‘smart’ ones who figure things out & survive, & those who believe their poisonous purpose driven lies to their destruction. Like the Masons talk about ‘those deserving of the truth’…..or nicolaitan ‘election’.

    That may be out the window with AI, automation, and so forth, but that is still frought with error & failures….and resisted. But they still need cronies to build & maintain that infrastructure, augmented or not.

    There are cattle popping up all over the place around here in my neck of the woods. Seems everyone with a bit of land is pasturing cattle, & those with less land or less suitable land, are pasturing sheep & goats. People who once pooh-poohed backyard chickens are quietly putting little coops in their backyards all over the place. So America is being balkanized, pushed toward civil war like so many other nations before her by the world elite factions, & all the things done to weaken are because there is still a remnant they must deal with….their intent quite different from God’s in these things he allows them to get away with to a point & the manifestation of the content & first love of many hearts.

    I was intrigued by what craft insider & pagan, alien enthusiast and big, fat, fake ‘Great Awakening’ warrior-fascist-influencer, Mike Adams, reported as being the potential cause for this. Seems they have their counter-story to God judging the sun worshippers with relentless heat in the time of Jacob’s trouble, Daniel’s 70th week…foretold in the Old Testament prophets & psalms as well. See Revelation 16 KJB.

    Ro 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
    Ro 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
    Ro 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
    Ro 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
    Ro 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    Ro 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

    Whatever it was: it wasn’t heat that killed all those cattle at once, and not just the weaker ones here & there ….that’s just stupid. They raise a LOT of cattle in hot, dry West Texas and in Kenya, for heavens sake. The Masai & their cattle are well-known, & many other such could be named. Only the purposely ignorant & dumbed down, disconnected from all truth & reality, would buy that. Targeted medication, some other form of poisoning, or DEW might explain it; & then there’s that weird alien/devil angel stuff occurring with cattle, like Skinwalker ranch, always with occult pagan influences surrounding it & unhindered by King James Bible proving or influence or spiritual armor.

    Not to mention that this occurred in idolatrous humanist, Masonic founded ULYSSES, Kansas, no less. They’re signaling to ‘the brotherhood’ and warning them sinisterly, if you ask me. And remember how they played Kansas to get their first civil war when it looked like America might achieve what Wilberforce already had in Great Britain with regard to abolition & emancipation. They learned from that and made SURE that it happened in a way they could spin to their advantage, looking like a loss for tyranny when the turn to federalism only enslaved more, black and white, and allowed for them to play the dialectic division game demonizing real middle class freedom & honest capitalism, confounding it with their dishonest, fixed, crony crapitalism: a Babylonian thing as they did with filthy, occult Marx (and as the French Revolution before)…….weaponizing race….then gender. And with truth out the window, there is no limit to their lawlessness and evil imagining…til the Father & Son say ‘enough’ & remove he who now letteth.

        • Amen! I also vote before that I continue repenting, my members are totally mortified, and I have assurance of true salvation.
          After that: I believe I’m ready…I mean, we’re ready.
          In the twinkling of an eye…

  • I can’t wait to go home to be with the Lord some days. Philippians 1:23 KJV- For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:

  • I guess if any of us lives thru Vax,Vax-shedding, More-Plandemics, then food scarcity and Nuclear-annihilation we will be forced to eat bugs or go to McDonald’s!
    (:They” pretty well have all angles planned out!)……Also, you will have to show proof of vaccination before you can get Bugs or a Big Mac!

  • The majority of the fires have been at CabaI companies but of course the naysayers will call me a conspiracy theorist for pointing that out lol. Anything that’s not on the mainstream media can be dubbed a conspiracy. It’s gotten that ridiculous.

  • In light of our dwindling meat supply, I would like to suggest that we eat the rich. Not all the rich, mind you, just the bitchy, no excuse for living rich, like Bill Gates, Larry Fink, Nichole Wallace and Hillary Clinton. I’ll bet they would be tasty with enough extra crispy coating and bbq sauce.

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