Censorship is everywhere and has become such a common occurrence online to the point where now the vast majority of people worldwide just accept cancelation as being “normal” and permissible, where people simply just obey and conform their speech to try and trick the algorithms into passing over certain posts, videos, and articles.
And The WinePress is certainly no stranger to being censored, that’s for sure.
For example The WinePress YouTube channel was terminated in September of 2022 because of alleged “medical misinformation” – even though the two videos YouTube flagged were both filmed in 2020 and were simply just covering headlines concerning Covid-19 at the time, and nothing more. But YouTube no longer wanted them on the platform and took the whole channel with it. I tried to appeal it, obviously, but I did not even get a response back. So, that was that.
SEE: YouTube Will Now Certify Doctors And Nurses Aligned With The WHO To Combat “Misinformation”
Another example of this was in 2021 when PayPal started to harass The WP. In October of that year they cutoff The WP from being able to collect donations. Prior to this PayPal had already explicitly said publicly they would begin closing accounts they deemed to be pushing “extremism,” “hate groups,” and other stuff like anti-Covid sentiments.
Furthermore, PayPal has been shutting down accounts, at random, of other independent journalists, including seizing their unclaimed balances. So the threats are indeed real and PayPal is not bluffing. And bare in mind this was before PayPal decided to mandate a ridiculous $2,500 credit for pushing “misinformation,” to which was quietly reinstated a little after the mainstream media blasted it.
On top of that, I have heard from readers that many times they are not receiving their daily newsletters, largely because the email aggregators are throwing many of the emails into spam on purpose.
But beyond all that, the concept of internet browsers and search engines burying and blacklisting websites and information is certainly nothing new.
Google of course is easily the most infamous for doing this for many-many years. Even Wikipedia, which is course is not the most reliable of sources and is too heavily manipulated, has a broad list of some of these censorship controversies.
Unfortunately, though not unsurprising, The WinePress is being heavily buried, blacklisted, and algorithmically shadow-banned – which The New York Times recently did a short post about, discussing how this very practice has been long occurring at Twitter, according to Elon Musk. “The term often refers to stealth actions by social media platforms to limit a post’s visibility. And it’s been coming up a lot lately,” The NYT wrote.
Most outlets do not disclose their metrics and visitation, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that, and normally The WP does not either; but after long thought and some prayer, I decided to disclose some of these numbers to prove just how bad the censorship has been.
For this, I will show some data from AW Stats – a free analytics tool that I use to occasionally check and examine the overall data, that was provided when I purchased the web address with my hosting platform. I also use a free one associated with WordPress called Jetpack, though I have found it to be inaccurate and incomplete, but I will not get into that for now.
To prove that The WP is getting heavily censored I will show the overall metrics for 2021 and 2022 for the whole year, and for this month of January in 2023.
I should also note that since The WP’s launch in late-December of 2020, I have not spent a cent on search engine optimization (SEO); neither does The WP have any social media presence to speak of, save an account I opened in Gab in the later end of 2021 to try out, but ultimately abandoned after a short length of time. So, these numbers generated are from people sharing WP articles on social media, searching for articles on the internet, and through word of mouth. Therefore these numbers have not been artificially or monetarily pumped-up.
The first image are the numbers for 2021:

The number I am mainly honing in on are the “hits.” A hit is basically a click. Each time someone clicks or taps on something on the website, that counts as a hit. A single hit does not equal the same as “unique visitors,” which is a separate category.
In 2021 The WinePress received 14,176,000 hits. However, the second category underneath that number lists the “not viewed traffic.” This refers to all the bots and crawlers browsers and search engines sent out to collect data. That number was 6,242,768. So the true number of unique views is the difference between the total and the “not viewed traffic.” The “not viewed traffic” will be important for later.
And as a quick note, the numbers in November and December of that year were down a bit because I was unable to post for several weeks to a debilitating “glitch” The WP had – something I had discussed in other posts at the time.
So now here are the numbers for 2022 on the whole year:

The total views for last year were 5,260,634, and the bot traffic was 3,580,672.
Clearly, the amount of viewership curtailed dramatically. And remember that the real number of views is the difference between those two denominations.
Now, for a little pleb like me, I am certainly happy and honored to have earned millions of views in 2022, but that is clearly a stark contrast from the year before. And if you notice as well, each month was basically netting the same amount of views, never getting above 500,000.
Now this is where the “not viewed traffic” comes into play. AW Stats provides a breakdown of the actual bots and crawlers themselves, which therefore indicates which engines were collecting the most data to help them better populate and augment their platforms.
Here are the list of top bots in 2021:

Now compare the list and order of bots in 2022:

You can notice, for example, that Google fell from the first place down to fourth, and the number of bots they sent out were significantly less.
But another interesting one is Duck Duck Go. A direct reference to their bots can be seen near the bottom of the 2021 list, but is nowhere to be found in 2022.
But “coincidently,” Duck Duck Go officially announced they would algorithmically start “Down-Ranking Sites Associated With Russian Disinformation,” in March of that year. Duck Duck Go’s founder and CEO Gabriel Weinberg announced this and made it explicitly clear on social media.
Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. #StandWithUkraine️
At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation.
In addition to down-ranking sites associated with disinformation, we also often place news modules and information boxes at the top of DuckDuckGo search results (where they are seen and clicked the most) to highlight quality information for rapidly unfolding topics.
DuckDuckGo’s mission is to make simple privacy protection accessible to all. Privacy is a human right and transcends politics, which is why about 100 million people around the world use DuckDuckGo. (We don’t have an exact count since we don’t track people.)
He stated
And since I refuse to bow the knee to Zelensky and the narrative surrounding that war, but rather expose and post the truth about what is happening there, it is quite clear that Duck Duck Go has me blacklisted as one of these “Russian disinformation” sites; and if DDG is doing it, then you know the likes of Google and others are burying The WP as well.

We then look at the 2023’s analytics for this year thus far:

And here are the order of bots for this month so far:

Even though this is only looking at January, Google has fallen another spot and Duck Duck Go is once again no where to be found. The good news is, if we are looking at this with a glass half empty – half full approach, if this month is indicative of future months, then The WP is poised to have a much better year in terms of general viewership, Lord willingly that is, assuming the tech overloads don’t increase their shadow banning.
But these stats just go to show how much The WinePress is being censored and buried from more people finding the site.
Let’s be clear: I am not hungry and desperate for views in the sense that I am seeking clout and self-admiration like so many do today; but I’d also be disingenuous if I pretended the numbers did not matter to me, in the sense that it tells me who is seeing what and who am I reaching, and how many people am I retaining.
But the censorship is just so apparent and obvious I thought I would show readers what it actually looks like analytically.
Several weeks ago I published a report titled, “Ivanka Trump Admits In Tweet That The Trump Admin. Already Partnered With Moderna To Produce MRNA Vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed.” The day after I published the report, the 14th, the article began to quickly go viral. You can see this reflected on this site’s “15 Most Viewed Post” widget, which quickly ascended to the 9th spot where it is right now. The post was getting traffic and shared on Twitter, for example.
However, after the initial spike in views and for a couple days after (though cooling down), the post hardly gets any traction and attention anymore. Call me a “conspiracy theorist,” but it sure seems like the handlers and tech geeks were quick to jump in there and bury the article before it spread too far; cause if it got enough attention, like it was, then it surely could have influenced a small narrative change in the masses: but that cannot be allowed to happen.
That tweet, according to Twitter’s new open metrics monitor, only says that 143 people saw that post. (This is but one of many others who retweeted the story). However, as can be seen below in another tweet, this person who retweeted the story got thousands of supposed views, but the thumbnail picture was removed and the larger button redirects people to the homepage on The WP – when I distinctly saw with my own two eyes that it was not like that at one point! So, unless this person changed the post manually, I am left to believe Twitter did that on purpose, because that particular tweet was getting more views.
But this is not shocking: Elon Muck confirmed that tweets that they don’t want people to see WILL get buried.
“It’s A Big Club, And You Ain’t In It!”
Indeed, I am not in the big club, nor would I ever want to be.
But everything we see on social media, and televised and streamed news media, both mainstream and alternative, are totally fraudulent and controlled and told to present only a certain narrative, while making sure never to cross the boundaries. This is common knowledge to anyone who’s brain has not leaked out of their ears long ago.
I have often said that whatever is presented in the media, both mainstream and most alternative platforms, are presented there for a reason. The media does NOT give news: they create news, and perpetuate narratives and emotions to lead the audience in a certain direction and belief.
Again, this is old news to people who are not sucked into the endless pantomimes the media perpetuates.
The former Fox News pundit Megyn Kelly once again revealed as such in a recent interview with John Stossel. In this interview Kelly revealed that she is still just in deeply in bed with big-tech and bid-media, even though she is supposedly independent and on her own. When asked by Stossel about the effects of social media censorship and being canceled, Kelly said that she is still yet to have been canceled or had a post taken down yet.
You [Stossel] are a fun target. You’re always pressing buttons, Stossel, that’s what your problem is. I mean a press some buttons too but I think I’ve tried to be somewhat careful about it, I don’t want that to happen to me.
We have a pretty good relationship with YouTube, so we’ve worked with them. Like I got RFK Jr. on the air for four hours – and we did the show on the vaccines, not just Covid vaccines, MMR vaccines, I mean the stuff that got him canceled. As a commentator is where we went to the place that hurts.
We reached out to [YouTube] beforehand and said, ‘We’re giving you a heads-up that we’re doing a very controversial interview –
Stossel: There’s actually a “them” there? People you can talk to?
Kelly: Yeah. We have a real contact. We weren’t giving them the chance to censor anything, we were just letting them know. And they said, ‘Okay, we’re probably going to slap one of our little “For more information on Covid and vaccines, go here.” We’re like, ‘Great, go for it.’ It worked out fine.
It is any real surprise that pundits like Kelly are sucking-up and are in the good graces of big-tech and big-media? Only the people that they want to be shown will be shown. Hence, why in the beginning on the interview she beamed with such pride and said, “I am totally uncancelable.”
But beyond just that, Kelly in the early part of the interview described the cutthroatedness of working at Fox News and NBC, and how there is a team of people that work there to act as brutalizers to make sure the reporters don’t step out of line on what the current narrative is. And if they did, like Kelly did in 2016 when she dared to critique Donald Trump on small issues, she revealed that this secretive team then worked with a network of other outlets to pump-out numerous hit pieces, slander, and smear campaigns against her designed to ruin her reputation. More specifically, when sexual harassment allegations surrounding the former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes began to surface, with Kelly at the center of it, this group within Fox worked with the rest of big-media to pump hit pieces about Kelly.
My experience at Fox was, first of all, yes, if you crossed paths with the media relations department you know they would cut you. So, you had to be afraid of that.
You’d get it. You’d get a phone call, you’d get threatened, you’d get yelled at, you’d get told you’re a bad person –
Stossel: And you’d get bad publicity.
Kelly: Yes! And the next thing you knew, there would be a negative article on you.
I experienced this mostly when I didn’t support Roger [Ailes] during the whole “Me Too” crisis. […] In any event, I wasn’t being protected by him and sure enough, you could see the hit pieces drop, and that was of course the media relations department trying to gin up support for him. So it’s a sophisticated operation.
Stossel: It gets reporters to write nasty stories about their own employees?!
Kelly: It’s not just Fox. I’d love to tell you, ‘Oh, it’s just the mean people over at Fox News.’ Not even close. They look like absolute teddy bears compared to where else I’ve been. I’ll put it that way.
And there you go: Kelly just confirmed how a large piece of the media propaganda machine works. It confirms the Right Vs. Left paradigm lie that continues to divide this country more and more by the day, and the endless semantics, rhetoric, drama, he said-she said garbage, etcetera.
Everything the media pushes is all just a big joke. It’s not news: it’s mind control, it’s agenda pushing, it’s thought manipulation.
You are not allowed to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth. There is no such thing any more as telling just the news. Everything must be carefully controlled; and the small few that can see through it are irrelevant.
We often joke that the media is the brain of the masses. The media thinks for them: the people cannot formulate their own thoughts and opinions of their own anymore. Whatever the media says, whatever is the person’s favorite flavor, that’s what they believe and think is gospel truth.
But I digress. Lies get pushed, and truth and honest journalism get suppressed.
Now that you have seen further evidence of just how crooked the media is, and how The WinePress is getting censored, where do we go from here?
I would seriously like to hear your thoughts on this – whether in the comment section or via email (winepressnews@aol.com) – but going into this year I have been greatly considering joining some social media platforms. Namely these would be the alt platforms, as Twitter would not doubt cancel me for sure.
I am thinking more along the lines of trying to do Gab again, along with others like Telegram, and perhaps some others. Post in the comments if you think that is a good idea or not.
I am also greatly considering joining more foreign social platforms, such as Russian and African ones just so I can expand there. The West has become so polluted anymore and oversaturated that perhaps I could land a footing in other parts of the world more easily. Something I will be praying about.
But like I said, please give me your thoughts and any other ideas The WinePress could do.
I will say that merchandise is in the future, as are the rerelease of some of my books, so hopefully that will help increase traction.
At the very least, please subscribe to the daily newsletter so you can stay informed with what’s going on and to be sure you won’t miss any updates.
Furthermore, even though The WP is shadow banned, I still ask that you continue to try and share the site as much as you can to get the truth out there, and news that is actually important to know about.
And, I do humbly ask that you please support and donate to The WinePress. I am doing everything I can to bring you the best information that I can that I think people should know, and your support only furthers the continuation of this platform. So, if you like what you read, your help would be greatly appreciated and will not go unnoticed.
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.
I share your articles on facebook a lot but they pretty much always shadow ban it or they will not allow a picture to be shown with the article.
Well, I appreciate the attempts. It’s not surprising but it is just so frustrating.
Don’t be too worried about it, Jacob! These devils doing this WILL answer for it, likely not in this world, but in the one to come, right? 😉 Jesus has GOT this! 🙂
I figured as much. Praying for you all of the remnant remaining. Otherwise, I’m sorry that I could offer no technical advice on these things. And, I have pretty much figured that my sharing things would be more poison that help since my old attempts at sharing scripture & so forth just got me shadow-banned before I even knew what it was! Gave it up & tried to find work-arounds, & ways of being iron sharpening iron & encouragement because they seem to allow more freedom in our intercommunications as King James Bible believers…..so long as we stay ghettoized, rather like they worked their ‘keep it in the church building’ thing, pushing most public preaching & evangelism into their corrals.
I appreciate the continued the help. It keeps me going.
It is the famine of hearing the word of the Lord slowly coming to pass. We are in the end times. There are very few people left who are looking for the truth anymore. This tells me we are coming to a close soon. That is the positive aspect of it. The Lord knows our work is not in vain. We can only do our best. We have never been popular and will never be. Stay encouraged brother! You have helped so many people, the ones whom the lord chose, and the angels rejoice each soul that gets saved!
Thanks for the encouragement. Indeed, people just don’t want truth anymore, and like you said, the Lord is hiding it from people.
Keep on going Jacob! We Need You and the Truth has to come forth! The Lies must be Exposed!
Oh I’m not quitting, I’m just showcasing the insanity on display. It can get taxing but the Lord keeps me going. But thanks for the continued support.
Keep on telling the truth. They will never beat us but God!
There’s a bill here in Canada that’s being pushed, Bill C-11, that aims to bury independent content producers and censor online speech.
Thanks to the Lord that my recent comments on YT channels directing people to the Winepress (not links, just the Winepress website name and a brief description) have not been getting deleted lately. It’s when I post direct links that they immediately get scrapped. Lord knows, more people need to see what’s going on.
I did an article on that last year. The censorship is just getting out of control. But I do appreciate your support and continued efforts.
Yes they are likely shadow banning. My own website usually can’t be found by searching for anything to do with the vaccine being the first WOE, 5th trumpet of Revelation 9 which is its premise.
At least you can be encouraged by their censoring because it shows you are on the side of truth.
Will continue to share yours and Bryan’s websites’ names and descriptions, not links, since when I post them as links, they either never get posted or get deleted immediately from comments. I’m hoping that most of the people aren’t as lazy as I suspect they are, that they won’t even be able to type or copy and paste the names of the websites onto their search engines, as opposed to a quick click to a link to bring them there.
I say go for the social media accounts, but be vigilant, because you never know if some would censor you.