“I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This report was first published on April 10th, 2022. New Information has since been adding. Click HERE for the latest update.

Is the world heading for an even greater pandemic, to wit, one that of a highly pathogenic bird flu? That is what the media and health officials would have you to believe. And not just coming, it is a guarantee, and it will far exceed the scope of anything Covid-19 had to offer.

In a recent interview that has gone widely unnoticed by the masses, the former Director for the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the Trump Administration, Dr. Robert Redfield sat down for an interview on March 30th with Doug McKelway of the Trinitarian Broadcasting Network (TBN), for their news show called CenterPoint.

2/3rds of this episode can be viewed on The WinePress’ Rumble page.

McKelway interviewing Redfield

The interview begins with McKelway citing a quote from Dr. Scott Atlas, President Trump’s Health Advisor. Atlas was a major critic of Fauci, and was a contrarian to much of the primary narrative being pushed as to how to deal with Covid-19. Atlas’ quote from his book citing how Fauci was purposefully and habitually creating fear on purpose, stating that he felt it was “immoral,” but did not say anything at the time – was presented to Redfield, asking for his take on it. He explained that he corroborated with Atlas in regards to Fauci’s fearmongering.

I’m sort of an old Pope John Paul advocate: ‘Be not afraid.’

Redfield explained, who received two of his degrees at the Jesuit college of Georgetown University; and whose parents both worked at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Redfield noted that they need to tell people the truth and not instill more animosity into them.

He also addressed one his statements where he once said that masks were more effective than the Covid vaccines themselves, which drew criticism from President Trump, leading to Redfield retracting such statements. But after clearing up some confusion, he said that “vaccination [is] the most important gift of science to modern medicine, and people should embrace it.”

As for masking now, he says that the CDC should stop requiring it for public travel.

Asked about the politicization of Covid-19, Redfield said “I’ve never been an advocate of mandates. I don’t think mandates help people” make informed decisions and help people trust the leadership among public health. Rather, he again emphasized telling the truth and then letting the public decided what they want to do.

However, he did state this:

Covid-19 is here for the rest of time. It is not going away. It is constantly going to rear its head and pose a threat to certain people, particularly those of us who are older, and have significant comorbidities.

Redfield does not believe it’s “plausible” for Covid-19 originated from bats. He does give credence that it was manipulated in a lab, that could have originally stemmed from a bat. He says this came from the arrogance of scientists. Redfield also explained that he disagrees with the gain-of-function research being studied in the U.S. and other countries. He notes that he and Dr. Anthony Fauci very much disagree on this.

Then they decided to publish amino acid sequence changes that were required to make bird flu a pathogen to humans. I felt we shouldn’t publish that. -(referring to the past experiments of scientists splicing avian strains of influenza, that could in turn infect mankind).

We shouldn’t be doing this research. It’s potentially too dangerous and could cause a pandemic.

And I do believe when it is all said and done, it will be shown that [Covid-19] did in fact evolve from a laboratory.

And unfortunately, that was accidently leaked as respiratory pathogens can, and caused one of the greatest pandemics of the 20-21st century

Redfield stated

In his final question, looking for a positive note to end on, McKelway asked: “Based on what you have learned from the pandemic, what can we apply to future pandemics which will surely come down the pike, perhaps more than ever because it is a crowded planet? We’re getting on airplanes which are constantly traversing the world, thousands of them everyday, which are then petri dishes intermingling in continents.”

Redfield then gave a very pointed warning of what is to come:

Yeah I think we have to recognize – I’ve always said that I think the Covid pandemic was a wakeup call. I don’t believe it’s the great pandemic.

I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble.

And we should get great prepared for it. I do believe the pandemic risk is a greater risk of the national security of the United States more than [North] Korea, China, Russia, Iran; and we ought to start investing proportional to that national security risk so that we’re prepared.

Unfortunately we’re not more prepared today then when the [Covid-19] pandemic, when I was [the] CDC Director. And we need to make proportional investment so that we are prepared, not the least of which is enhancing our manufacturing capability.

So now that we have new technology like the mRNA technology: it’s great that I can make a vaccine in 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks. But it doesn’t help me if I can’t manufacture 330 million doses.

So, this is a serious issue. I don’t think our politicians are focused on the magnitude of this issue. This needs to be approached with a budgetary perspective measured in multiple aircraft carriers, not in the 5, 8,10 million dollar budget we spend on public health on this nation.

Military Intelligence Group Forecasts A 70% Decrease In The U.S. Population By 2025

He ended the interview by telling McKelway, “God bless you.”

Destroying The Meat Supply

This warning from Redfield is coming at a time when the world is culling and euthanizing their poultry livestocks at lightning speed, due to fears of an avian bird flu outbreak spreading rapidly – a continuing story that The WinePress has been following since 2021. And the way this culling is being justified is through the use of the PCR tests – tests that were never designed for acute illness such as a flu.

CDC Quietly Gets Rid Of PCR Testing Admitting They Can’t Tell The Difference Between Covid And The Flu

Moreover, The WP has warned on these coming fears of a zoonotic threat, as the media and health officials have been slowing priming the masses for this ‘event horizon.’ Such as the case with doctors warning that Russian farm ducks could cause a new pandemic, and advocating for greater farm surveillance to prevent this threat.

And not just birds, but even the fears of deer contracting Covid, it then evolving, and then spreading back to humans, which can be read in these two WP reports: “Media Says Covid Outbreak Among Iowa Deer Could Allow For The Virus To Thrive. Calls For Their Vaccination,” and “Fear The Deer: Scientists Continue To Propagate Covid Variants Are Spreading From Deer And Can Jump To Humans.”

And there are many more examples. But a major point that I have emphasized and warned about have been the attacks on the meat industry and food supply. In another report on the media’s promotion of the U.S. Army’s spike protein vaccine they developed, I noted this:

And speaking of animals, did you catch that little subtle influence and propaganda of Covid in animals transmitting to us? It is becoming clearer that that is where the narrative is heading, too – something I have been sounding the alarm on for sometime now. The wicked handlers need to get the masses off of meats, and so, the “solution” WILL be to artificially kill them off, vaccinate them to death, and mandate it be taken off the shelves. Hence, amidst the artificial supply chain issues, buy up on the grass-fed, grass-finished, pasture-raised meats while it is still accessible.

Moreover, in my report about the Russian farm duck fears, I commented with:

What interests me is not the flu virus – which, the way I see it, is just more propaganda and fear tactics – but what these doctors wish to implement. WinePress readers know that I have warned that a major Bible prophecy being fulfilled right now is the push to stop eating meats and the acceptance of lab-grown meats; but there is still way too many people that still enjoy their meats (which is normal). I have warned that the elites will have to manufacture a new crisis to get the masses too scared to eat meat and/or justify the mass culling of livestock.

And yet, interestingly enough: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a recent visit to the Ukraine and meet with President Zelensky. And during their many photo-ops, one Ukrainian woman gifted them both with ceramic pitchers shaped like a cock.

But, these reports of the bird flu culling continues to rapidly increase by the day. As noted by a recent update from Christian the Ice Age Farmer, Germany is warning of egg shortages, with France going even further to say they are facing a chicken shortage.

United Kingdom Will Now Ban Free-Range Eggs From The Store Due To Bird Flu Fears

North Carolina has also decided to mull all of their chicken festivals and public sales of them. North Carolinians will no longer be allowed to restock on their chicken and chick supply. Farmers and owners will now have to make due with what they have on hand, and can only sell them.

A post from the agricultural department for North Carolina

It has gotten so bad that now the prospect of mandatory vaccination for birds is being proposed, similar to the warnings that were placed against deer for the same reasons, according to a Reuters report posted one week ago – something The WP warned would be coming.

Christian responded by stating:

What this means is we’re really toying with that complete corporate takeover of protein production, where only a licensed poultry producer – that has the latest Pfizer bird flu vaccine, in all their birds – can be allowed to produce chickens.

If you got birds in your backyard, that’s an illegal animal: it’s way too dirty and dangerous to allow that.

And to add insult to injury, chicken processing facilities are shutting down and laying off hundreds of workers in the process, after having to euthanize entire flocks. But these facilities have no intention on reopening, thereby shutting down another avenue for people to get poultry.

Bird Flu Virus Research

Redfield, in his interview, made allusions to prior gain-of-function research. And yet, most of this research and experiments have been funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 2020, Bill Gates infamously remarked:

So we will have to prepare for the next one. That I’d say will get attention this time.

As fully documented in the Ice Age Farmer’s video, Bill Gates, as far as back as 2008, was providing grants to a Wisconsin doctor, Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, to examine ‘mutations in avian influenza viruses that could lead to a pandemic, or global outbreak of flu.’ This same researcher then published a study explaining that he mixed and matched those strains with Spanish Flu, making a very deadly disease. Namely, affecting the lungs of mammals. This allows for a virus to transmit to humans as well.

The following year Gates provided exponentially more millions of dollars to this research group. This time the cover story was ‘to identify virus mutations that would serve as early warnings of potential pandemic influenza viruses.’ The research conducted concluded that if found early, “intervention methods – such as social distancing, antiviral compound distribution, and vaccine development/production – could be implemented early.”

This Dr. Kawaoka merged this H5N1 bird flu with the seasonal flu strains, capable of infecting people, that was also highly pathogenic in mice and forests.

Scientists since 2010 have pushed back and warned about this type of research. One doctor warned at the time: “Dr. Kawaoka and his research team have taken a human PB2 gene segment and spliced it to H5N1 bird flu. The result is a lethal and even more virulent virus than the parent H5H1 strain!”

NIH And Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Are Developing A Needle-Less Vaccine That Spreads Like A Virus

In 2014 many other researchers were utterly terrified over this, as this new virus ‘could render the human immune system defenseless,’ The Independent wrote at the time.

The pushback was so much so, it caused a temporary ban on gain-of-function research, until it was resumed in 2019 and research on these altered bird flus commenced forth. Critics, according to one post said, this spliced virus could cause “a pandemic if an enhanced virus escaped from the lab or was replicated by terrorists.”

Furthermore, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have also funded other researchers to study H5N1 and its zoonotic spread on mankind as well.

But bringing this research full-circle, Christian notes that the Russian Defense Ministry announced that they purportedly discovered research on H5N1 and infections on migrating birds, in these reported biolabs in Ukraine operated by the U.S. The research is called code-named “UP-4.” If it can make the jump, the lethality of it is touted to be around 50% – the same numbers that Redfield was warning of.

In other reports, The WP have pointed out the media fervor regarding these biolabs, along with President Biden’s son Hunter and his laptop, that supposedly contains information and links to these biolabs in Ukraine.

Surmising all this data, along with predictive programming in the media over the fears a bird flu pandemic, Christian makes this point worth noting:

Notwithstanding, it will roll us right back to lockdowns, social distancing, and all the medical marshal law that we’re now “protected” for a couple years under Covid-19.

It would necessitate even more killing of poultry, [and] push birds inside forever – solidifying control by the corporatocracy of the protein production; and really accelerate a lot of these [climate] agendas that are already at play.

This could just be a powerplay the handlers are concealing in their deck of cards, or could just be used to maximize the current hysteria even further.

Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy

Consumers May Now Be Forced To Turn To Plant-Based Meats Amidst Skyrocketing Inflation And Shortages

UPDATE 4/12: Spreading In China

The timing of it all seems rather strange, but, right now within the last couple of days, there are now reports of Chinese residents contracting a strain of an avian bird flu, likely linked to a wet market.

Reported by several such as The Express, Outbreak News Today, and BNO News, there are now a total of 19 confirmed cases of H5N6 bird flu in China this year, with the Express writing: ‘FEARS of a major avian flu outbreak are growing as China reported its 19th case of H5N6 avian influenza in humans.’

Two people in mainland China were rushed to the hospital after testing positive for the H5N6 bird flu, as officials bring the number of cases detected so far this year to 19. The first of these cases is a 28-year-old man from Puyang in Henan Province, who developed symptoms on March 18 after exposure to live poultry. According to a statement from the Hong Kong Health Department, the man was hospitalized the next day and remains to be in a critical condition.

The second case was detected in a 53-year-old woman from Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu Province, who fell ill on March 24 after visiting a live poultry market.

So far, five people have died from the flu so far this year amidst growing calls for increased surveillance of the disease.

H5N6, which causes severe illness in humans of all ages, has killed almost half of those infected with it, according to the WHO.

Thijs Kuiken, a professor at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, said: “It could be that this variant is a little more infectious (to people) … or there could be more of this virus in poultry at the moment and that’s why more people are getting infected.”

Outbreak News Today writes, ‘Avian influenza is caused by those influenza viruses that mainly affect birds and poultry, such as chickens or ducks. Clinical presentation of avian influenza in humans may range from flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches) to severe respiratory illness (e.g. chest infection). Eye infection (conjunctivitis) and gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) have also been reported. The incubation period ranges from 7 to 10 days. The more virulent forms can result in respiratory failure, multi-organ failure and even death.’

UPDATE 4/26: Another Case

Mainstream media is increasingly warning that this bird flu is now spreading to even more states, such as Texas; and other countries like Bulgaria are now sounding the alarm on bird flu cases. There are even reports that bald eagles are dropping dead, and it is being blamed on this bird flu. Currently, more than half of U.S. states are reporting cases of bird flu, leading to the subsequent euthanizing of entire flocks.

It is now being reported that the 20th case of a man contracting the H5N6 bird flu in China has been reported, and reportedly is still in serious condition.

BNO News writes, ‘Only 79 people have been infected with H5N6 bird flu since the first confirmed case in 2014 but most infections were diagnosed during the past year. At least 20 cases, including five deaths, have been reported so far this year. H5N6 bird flu is known to cause severe illness in humans of all ages and has killed nearly half of those infected, including children and young adults. The outcome in most of the other cases has not been disclosed and only 8 people are known to have recovered.’

The increasing trend of human infection with avian influenza virus has become an important public health issue that cannot be ignored.

Researchers said in a study published by China’s Center for Disease Control in September. The study highlighted several mutations in two recent cases of H5N6 bird flu.

Granted, 20 cases are not a lot, especially in the largest populous nation in the world. Howbeit, one must remember the prelude to the Covid-19 hysteria, which kicked off in high gear in March of 2020. In early January the media began to float out the warnings of Covid spreading in China, and at the time, the case numbers were hysterical to everyone.

The January 28th, 2020, edition of the Trends Journal

But, the point is, it doesn’t matter if there are only 20 cases of a bird flu in mankind right now: that and then some more than “justify” new lockdowns, new vaccines, more surveillance, more censorship, more food shortages, and so on.

Roughly a week ago, Gary D. Bennett of Lew Rockwell cited this very report on this bird flu issue, and corroborated with previous statements that The WP has made throughout last year and now as well:

These are planned tactics of fear-mongering and brainwashing the public, destroying the food supply, and eliminating meat in human diets.

Every announcement and every warning by the state is by design, as nothing is what it seems, and all is based on the indoctrination and psychological manipulation of the public in advance, so as to lessen the risk of exposure to the state once any real weaponized ‘virus’ is released, or any fake pandemic scenario is announced.

Consider Redfield’s warning (threat) that 10% to 50% of humanity will die during the next government manufactured ‘pandemic.’ This number fits in exactly with Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation’s estimates due to his funding of the earlier gain of function research concerning the same bird flu now being forecast to kill possibly billions. In fact, Redfield is stating emphatically that 800 million to 4 billion will die in the next fraudulent ‘pandemic; the “real” pandemic as he calls it. Any that do not grasp or understand the depopulation and eugenics agendas, should take notice of what is being openly projected and predicted in advance by the very purveyors of this scam.

It should be brutally obvious at this point that this is the beginning of the set-up of the American public to be prepared for and to expect a bird flu ‘pandemic.’ The real set up of course, is to condition the public to expect and accept tyranny and mass death. The fact that these evil monsters are saying that this is going to happen, and not that there may be a possibility of new ‘viruses,’ is telling to say the very least. Even the framing of this so-called warning leaves only the indication that this is the definite next ‘threat’ to mankind, even though nothing of the sort has happened. How can they predict the exact future? It is because they are perpetrating and purposely creating that future. This is what should be called the plan to commit criminal mass genocide.

Expect more lockdowns, expect more surveillance, expect more distancing, expect more masks, expect more economic devastation, expect more atrocities, expect more sickness, expect more rioting, expect more restrictions, expect more brutal enforcement, and expect more death.

Excerpts from that piece

UPDATE 4/27: A New Strain In China

If the animosity surrounding zoonotic threat of H5N6 was bad enough, now there is an entirely different strain of avian flu being reported.

Reported by Reuters per The Strait Times, the first human case of a strain called H3N8 was documented on the 26th by a Chinese health official. This strain was found in a four-year-old boy from the central Henan province, after the child developed a fever and other symptoms.

The child was purportedly in contact with chickens and crows raised at his home. Bearing this in mind, this will only further justify the mass euthanizing of birds taking place worldwide, and sequestration, mitigation, and destruction of private farms and ranches. Chinese officials have been seen destroying crops and privately owned farms and gardens.

China Is Now Putting Citizens In Cages For Quarantine. Authorities Are Caught Destroying Farms And Food Rations

Reuters added,

The H3N8 variant has previously been detected elsewhere in the world in horses, dogs, birds and seals, but no human cases of H3N8 have been reported, said the NHC.

The commission said an initial assessment determined the variant did not yet have the ability to effectively infect humans, and the risk of a large-scale epidemic was low.

Many different strains of bird flu are present in China and some sporadically infect people, usually those working with poultry.

China has huge populations of both farmed and wild birds of many species, creating an ideal environment for avian viruses to mix and mutate.

Update 4/29: First U.S. Case In Humans

Following the warning that a Chinese man contracted a new strain of bird flu, now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are reporting that the first case of an H5 avian flu strain has been detected in someone in Colorado, according to a statement.

Reuters said, ‘The person tested positive for avian influenza A(H5) virus and was involved in the culling of poultry presumed to have had H5N1 bird flu.’ The patient was reportedly fatigued for a few days as the only symptom, and has recovered since then. He was isolated and treated with the flu antiviral drug oseltamivir.

This case does not change the human risk assessment for the general public, which CDC considers to be low.

CDC is taking routine preparedness and prevention measures, which includes an existing candidate vaccine virus that could be used to make vaccine for people if one were needed.

CDC has tracked the health of more than 2,500 people with exposures to H5N1 virus-infected birds and this is the only case that has been found to date. Other people involved in the culling operation in Colorado have tested negative for H5 virus infection, but they are being retested out of an abundance of caution.

The CDC said in a statement

Of course, as we all know, the U.S., Europe, and other nations, have been on a bird killing spree because of this purported bird flu.

The CDC suspects it came from surface contamination.

As noted in prior updates on The WP, while only one case is infinitesimal in the grand scheme of it all, that did not stop the Covid-19 pandemonium from being unleashed in the media. It would seem the same script is being employed right now, in the view of The WinePress’ that is… If you recall in the early days of the Covid panic, everything was being wiped off and rubbed down, as stores boxed up their open and exposed foods, while some stores wanted customers to only pay with credit cards and not cash: for fears that the virus could transmit that way. So, if the CDC is floating that out again, it could be another ploy to remove cash from people’s pockets. This can be seen below:

The REAL Reason Sweden Did Not Lockdown

Are You Ready For A New World Order? The World Government Summit Is Asking

Continue for more of this subtle priming of the masses to continue, before it goes “warp-speed” again.


UPDATE 10/13 – Outbreak In California And United Kingdom, With Fears That In Can Spiral Out Of Control

Coming out of the previous winter season and entering into the early days of Spring, there was a lot of uncertainty and animosity regarding a purported outbreak of bird flu that had spread from Israel and the United Kingdom – fears and wonder that was compounded upon by the grim forecast via Dr. Redfield. Since April a lot of these fears simmered down, though never truly going away.

Now it appears that same bird flu outbreak has reemerged in the media and in parts of the world, just in time for cold and flu season and prologue to the upcoming Holiday season.

On October 3rd The Los Angeles Times reported that, ‘After proliferating globally, a historic wave of avian flu has entered Southern California, where it is worrying farmers and bird lovers and could add to complications with supply chains and food prices,’ the outlet wrote. Just like in other previously reported cases (as noted in this post), farmers have had to euthanize thousands of chickens and turkeys over suspicions that their flocks could be harbingers for this avian flu. Authorities reportedly said this the situation is “unprecedented.”

‘”Unfortunately, we’re really just at the beginning” of this highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak, said Dr. Maurice Pitesky, an expert in poultry health and food safety epidemiology at UC Davis. He noted that millions of birds are just beginning their southward migration from summer feeding grounds in the Arctic — a place where they’ve been mingling and communing with species from across the globe,’ The LA Times added.

Some disease models show that we are going to get hammered this fall.

There’s a lot of virus in the environment. In the Central Valley, we have 600,000 resident waterfowl. In a few months, that number will be 6 million.

Pitesky noted, adding that this could more pressure to the already fractured food supply this winter.

Just today Fox 13 Seattle reaffirmed this outlook.

Meanwhile in the United Kingdom, the nation is having their own issues with an avian outbreak.

According to the BBC, the British government declared that East Anglia seems to be the epicenter of the currently problem in what is being heralded as the U.K.’s worst outbreak in history. 3.2 million heads of poultry and captive birds have been culled.

Because of this the government has renewed their mandates for all farmers to keep any and all poultry of all sizes and sex from being able to leave the barn, affecting ‘Norfolk and Suffolk, which includes the Broads National Park, and parts of Essex.’

‘This will be the second lockdown, or “flockdown” – as it has been termed by some birdkeepers – this year,’ The BBC wrote

We’re seeing dead birds floating in rivers and on ponds and on lakes throughout the whole of East Anglia and they stay there and they rot.

No-one is picking up those infected carcasses and disposing of them properly.

[It was] a most unusual year [with an] unprecedented level of infection in wild birds over the winter that came in migratory birds.

That has lasted in our own wild bird population over the summer for the first time ever.

Another lockdown across GB is quite possible.

With the level in wild birds there is little we can directly do to manage it. That’s a global phenomenon.

Dr. Middlemiss said

RELATED: United Kingdom Will Now Ban Free-Range Eggs From The Store Due To Bird Flu Fears

Dr. Christine Middlemiss is the person who had the final say to make this declaration, who also said the rise in cases is a “global phenomenon.”

But one egg producer says the tactics being enforced by The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is simply “not working.”

We really have little or no control over the wild birds that are visiting your site – the flu is now ahead of the curve.

Defra are scrambling, trying to catch up.

I fear the weather will get worse and the virus will get stronger.

UPDATE 11/2 – United Kingdom Orders Farmers To Keep All Birds Indoors To Reduce Spread

In the last update there was speculation that the British Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), would enforce a “flockdown” – the cutesy name mainstream dubs forcing poultry to exclusively live inside a barn – if reports of avian flu did not damper down.

However, it was announced on Monday that Defra officially issued that mandate effective immediately. This means that free range and pastured-raised poultry will effectively be taken off of the market for the foreseeable future until the mandates are reneged.

This mandate effects are farm-raised chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese.

‘Alongside keeping their animals indoors, bird keepers are being instructed to follow very strict biosecurity measures to help limit the spread of the disease and keep their flocks safe. This will include regularly cleaning and disinfecting equipment, clothing and vehicles and limiting access to non-essential workers or visitors,’ The Grantham Journal wrote.

We have taken swift action to limit the spread of the disease and are now planning to introduce a legal requirement for all poultry and captive bird keepers to keep their birds housed or otherwise separate from wild birds.

Whether you keep just a few birds or thousands, from Monday, November 29, onwards you will be legally required to keep your birds indoors, or take appropriate steps to keep them separate from wild birds. We have not taken this decision lightly, taking this action now is the best way to protect your birds from this highly infectious disease.

The UK’s four chief veterinary officers said in a joint statement

UPDATE 11/30 – Millions Of Fowl Euthanized In Nebraska

Just days after Thanksgiving the state of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA), in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), reports just a single case of avian flu was documented at a farm of birds bred lay eggs.

Because of just this single case, the entire 1.8 million flock has been ordered to be euthanized.

According to NDA State Veterinarian Dr. Roger Dudley, the affected flock will be depopulated and will be disposed of in an approved manner. NDA will establish a 6.2-mile control zone, as is USDA policy, around the affected premises. Poultry producers should know the signs and symptoms of HPAI and notify NDA immediately of sick or dying birds.

Governor Pete Ricketts said in a press release

Nebraska has already been on a killing spree this year, euthanizing millions of chickens and fowl across multiple counties. Some farms had less than 100 birds that were ordered to be slaughtered, some other farms were ordered to execute millions of their foul, including one farm with 2.1 million forced to be composted.

Table from the press release

UPDATE 12/5 – Media Declares Outbreak Is Worst Ever

The CDC has now declared that this current reported spread of avian flu is the worst thus far in the history of the U.S. Prior to this point the worst recorded outbreak of bird flu was in 2015 hat killed 50.5 million birds. The CDC says this latest outbreak has seen 52.4 million birds killed or ordered to be euthanized.

A county-by-county breakdown of all the reported cases and cullings at farms.

Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and chief innovation officer at Boston Children’s Hospital and an ABC News contributor, said in a statement:

There are multiple versions of influenza, some that infect humans, some that infect animals. It’s been something we’ve been monitoring for two decades now and it creates a real problem, not only for wildlife but it can have dramatic impacts on domestic stock.

Because this virus is so contagious, drastic measures have to be put into place to stop the spread and that ultimately results in the death of millions of birds.

We have to remind people the risk to humans is low, but at the same time, unprotected contact with birds that look sick can pose a risk. An additional layer is when you have this much virus spread, there’s opportunities for mutation and this is where there’s an opportunity for a version of this virus that could actually have deeper impact in the human population as well.

Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and chief innovation officer at Boston Children’s Hospital and an ABC News contributor, said

Brownstein added that there is no evidence to suggest that the avian flu can be spread via eggs and meat.

The CDC is now urging people to stay away from wild birds if at all possible; and those that work at zoos, farms, meat packing facilities, and the suchlike should wear forms of protection such as N95 masks, and gloves.

Right now you want to use protective equipment, like gloves and N-95 masks. Just like any virus, you want to avoid touching your mouth, nose, your eyes after contact with birds. It’s important changing clothes if you’ve had any contact.

Brownstein added

Furthermore, Brownstein also encourages getting a flu vaccine for added precaution.

It won’t prevent infection from bird flu but can reduce the risk of getting sick.

Brownstein said

Richard Webby, director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals, also said according to NPR: “I’m hopeful that this is not the new normal for us.”

We don’t know exactly what it is about it, but it does seem just to be able to grow and transmit better in wild birds.

Wild birds are the perfect mechanism to spread a virus because they, of course, fly everywhere.

The bird populations haven’t seen viruses like this before, so in terms of their immune response, they’re all immunologically naïve to this.

Right now, it’s like a kid in a candy store racing around [infecting bird populations].

UPDATE 12/16 – Hundreds Of Thousands Of Turkeys Get Slaughtered In U.S., U.K., And Ireland

One week before Christmas this year, hundreds of thousands of turkeys in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland were euthanized this past week due to fears of avian flu cases.

The Irish Farmers Journal reported, ‘Between 700,000 and 800,000 turkeys will be killed for the Christmas market for December 18th, chair of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) poultry committee Nigel Sweetnam has said.’

In just this month, alone farmers in the state of Iowa have been ordered to cull around 420,000 heads of turkey.

Poplar Preparedness has more on the story.

UPDATE 1/16/23 – Bird Flu Declared Worst Ever In History. Talks Of Vaccination To Stop The Spread

The bird flu ataxia has not stopped and now health officials and the media are declaring this to be the worst outbreak of avian flu ever in history, with no signs of slowing down.

As reported by France 24, well-over 140 million birds have had to have been exterminated and culled over fears that both farm-raised poultry and wild birds.

The infection is purportedly taking its toll on Japan now as well. 10 million chickens have been ordered to be euthanized ‘at risk of exposure to the virus,’ France 24 wrote – not that they definitely have it, but just over the paranoia that they could be infected and transmit it.

As for the U.S., at the start of this year it reported that around 58 million heads of birds have been culled, and another 50 million or so across Europe.

South American countries reportedly are also now starting to deal with an outbreak as well.

In terms of the numbers of birds, farms, and countries affected, the number of birds that have been killed and the duration of the outbreak, the current epidemic is truly the largest we’ve seen in history.

At the moment, it does not have a high ability to spread and infect people, but we can’t assume that will always be the case.

[In 2022] the virus managed to maintain itself, particularly in northern Europe through the summer. That’s the first time it’s done that – it’s become a year-round disease.

Ian Brown, chair of the joint World Organization for Animal Health and Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN’s Scientific Network on Animal Influenza, says

France 24 adds that a bird flu vaccine is on the way, writing: ‘For some farmed birds in Europe structured intervention is probable: immunity through vaccination would reduce the need for culling and the likelihood of infected poultry going on to infect other bird species. Although it is unlikely every farmed bird would be inoculated, some may get vaccines as soon as summer 2023.’

There’s been intensive work on vaccine trials and The European Commission has developed a framework on how these vaccines can be delivered with an ambition to be able to roll that out by summer.

We are facing a continuous threat that these outbreaks might occur every four or five years. So, we have to look at interventions and how we control the disease to tip the balance in favour of removing this problem. Vaccination clearly is going to have an important role to play.

Brown added

As noted in previous updates in this report, and others, The WinePress has warned that an avian flu vaccine seems like a highly-likely formality.

These reported outbreaks have reportedly resulted in massive shortages at the grocery store, which in turn has added to skyrocketing prices on top of already ever-rising food inflation with no end in sight.

We’ve had a significant reduction in supply from depopulation this spring and again in the fall and winter. Couple that with inelastic demand for eggs, and you get the price spikes we’re seeing.

If I take the total number of egg laying hens that were hit by bird flu in 2022, it’s about 11% of the total 2021 inventory numbers. Of course some producers have been able to expand a bit as others have been hit, so overall production is running about 6% to 7% lower than last year.

Jayson Lusk, head of the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue University. told Farm Journal


[6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. [8] All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Matthew 24:6-8

Just as Jesus prophesized would occur, we are seeing playout right now. Again, could it be more hype? Perhaps, but when you have Redfield explicitly and unequivocally stating that there will be a bird flu pandemic, it is hard not to ignore those warnings. How soon will it be? I am unsure, but with all that is going right now, we are certainly in the makings for one.

Regulars of The WP know that I was quick to criticize the whole biolabs thing; not saying they do not or did not exist, but with so much literal fake news coming out surrounding that, it is to be noted why the media is pushing really hard to make sure the masses understand that narrative, as Christian pointed out. It is certainly something they can use as an alibi…

After all, the WHO said that conflict could be the spark to ignite a new outbreak of something deadly – exacerbated by the fact that the media also is pushing a refugee crisis as well.

WHO Warns Ukraine Crisis Could Cause New Outbreak Compared To ‘Horseman Of The Apocalypse’

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

We are watching the scriptures continually prove themselves true, as we see yet more undeniable evidence that meats are being targeted and demonized at a rapid pace, which will only increase as time moves on.

As noted earlier, what we are witnessing is what I have been emphatically warning would come, and is now knocking at the door.

Moving forward, we are going to see a LOT of deaths. Will it be a laboratory released-pathogen, like the ones these sinister scientists have been engineering? Plausible. Could it be those who took the Covid vaccines, and the EMF and 5G radiation is cranked up causing the vaxxed to suffer greatly and die (because the Covid shots contain radio wave communication technologies)? I think so as well. Could both happen? Probably. Couple that with definite famine and war, on top of other sicknesses: we’ve got one recipe for some depopulation.

UPDATE: In light of this new information, it is still too early to say, but it seems the media is definitely putting these fears out there; and with heavy lockdowns going on right now in China, the situation is stating to build. Of course, do I think it is real bird flu? No, more likely the vaxxed dying from the shot. With bird flu causing a massive organ failure (some the Covid death shots infamously do), it would be a great cover story for that.

Moving forward: stay calm, by alert and walk circumspectly, continue your preparations, and trust the Lord for protection.

Please, help get the word out so we can warn as many people as we can, and try to slowdown and thwart some of this evil. Ever since Duck Duck Go announced they will start burying outlets that post “Russian disinformation,” The WinePress is slowly being lumped in with that. So please, help spread the word and show people the truth.

[1] He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. [2] I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. [3] Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. [4] He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. [5] Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; [6] Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. [7] A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. [8] Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. [9] Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; [10] There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

Psalms 91:1-10

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • May the God of glory see this arrogance, bravado and devilish boasting & threatening, be displeased & deal with it as he did the Assyrian of old. Turning it back upon them while the humble lepers are fed, provided for, & freed. Ending it once & for all for him & the pharaohs at Carchemish in the north country….foreshadowing. 2 Kings 6-7, 18-19; Zechariah 6 KJB. The Lord will break the rod of his chastisement with their own unrighteousness & treachery, & all things are in his hand.

    Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

    Psalm 73:19 How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors.

  • I will spread the news to the forum that sister has.

    Titus 2:13-15 KJV – looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 14 who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. 15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

    I’m tired of this life, but we must still fight the good fight.

  • Fires Destroying Food Processing Plants All Over The Country Right Now (Food Supply Chain Collapse)

    I don’t know if Economic Ninja is saved or not, but this vid is still very informative concerning the manufactured famine to come, tying into the purported Avian Flu to destroy supplies of bird meats.

    (If you’re already planning to include report on this, just delete my comment brother Jacob. Vid is from brother Bryan’s rumble page.)

  • I had the feeling you were going to report on this. I’m already starting to see empty shelves in grocery store where I grab stuff.

  • This chucklehead Redfield predicts the bird flu a few days ago as something that is coming in the future, and 4 days later we get a report of it and that some person has caught it. Pure horse doo doo. and not very good liars ‘ technique as far as I am concerned. They have been waving that bird flu flag since at least 1999 when comedian George Carlin used it in a monologue he did called “Germs”. Probably why he eventually died while in good health. Now Carlin was not a saved person and did not have God’s protection and most likely was “whacked” for that remark. The powers that be do not like to be ridiculed and shown to be the stuffed windbags that they are. The skit was still on YouTube last I looked, but it does have vulgarity in it, although not as much as some of his other skits. I think making up a pandemic and then injecting people with poison is a lot worse than some foul language.

    • Gerald Celente hasn’t been “whacked”, though I doubt he’s been drawn.

      John 6:44
      King James Version
      44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

  • Sin is sin, and Carlin turned from the remedy for a piece of the world’s pie & promotion. Like so many over the years, you can’t fight what you’re an active part of, though many try. They even kid themselves that it’s ‘being salt & light’ as they obey antichrist rules against witness & end up calling it ‘hate’ & ‘unnecessarily offensive’ with the world. At some point, when men & women persist in willful self-delusion, turning, turning from truth to the point of becoming reprobates: God gives them over to the real deal, or allows the ‘brotherhood’ & its spirit, which they’ve attached themselves to & refused to come out of to obscurity & ‘beta’ living, identifying with Christ & taking up the cross to ‘whack’ them, or simply lets them meet death in that condition.

    The book of Acts gives the accounts of those ‘hooked in’ to wealth & power such as Pilate, Herod Agrippa and Bernice (read nabataea.net on the Ptolemies & Daniel 11 for a clue on their ancient incestuous sin going back through Egypt to Babel & Canaan), Felix who had a Jewish wife & knew the Law & prophecies, and Festus. The problem with the foul language is the real connection to porneia that shipwrecks many now, as then.

    Brother John Asquith just did an excellent series on James 1:21 concerning how it addresses this, and many ministries, including this one & Brother Bryan Denlinger’s have warned on the issue of porn and the need to lay aside all filthiness & superfluity of naughtiness, & for meekness, that men might receive the engrafted word that is able to save their souls. I personally witnessed how porn was sent into church offices in emails disguised by email addresses such as fbcanywhereville purposely attempting to hook in the unwary professing Christian to the end of demoralization & useful extortion, even if only to the end of softening preaching on matters in which a pastor or elders were compromised by (Craft). But James 1 also addresses that by laying a due measure of guilt & responsibility on those with receptive sin hooks in them receiving & continuing in that filthiness despite all scriptural & conscientious warning, & refusing to faithfully warn others. Preaching LESS THAN all the counsel of God (Acts 20 KJB).

    Redfield’s Jesuit background fits. He & scarf lady were reprimanded by earlier & more honest NIH agency oversight for rigging early HIV-AIDS vaccine development & results. Like Carlin in the ‘arts’ though, their compromise for position trumped their witness & doubleminded service, so that it availed little for good or for God in the end. And there were those like Hezekiah who said, “well, it will all be good in my lifetime, so be it”…..without exercising themselves to vigorous warning as Jude commends to us. Manasseh & his grievous idolatries & blasphemies came of that. See 2 Kings 18-21, and note 2 Kings 20:19 regarding the emissaries of Babylon & trouble that would bring. Then read Revelation 17-19 KJB.

    And, here we are. Days of Noe. Days of Lot. Days of judgment. Days of death. If we’re not careful, it will coarsen us & cause us to be hard & unloving & not faithfully witnessing as well. Elder brothers to the Prodigals. Luke 15 KJB.

  • Forgot a practical note. Homestead Heart and others in the homestead community have been following this as well. She’s discussed the bird flu issue & developments in North Carolina, as has the Texas Boys – Our Family Story. She & her husband are homesteading in Georgia, & have an especial concern for those city-bound & late to realize the dangers shaping up. Quail is a bird that can be raised for protein, both eggs & meat, in small, & even inside, spaces. They’ve been raising them for awhile now, & have learned a thing or two about them & their care, & are currently urging people to invest in the things necessary to incubating & raising your own, even if you have to do it in the spare room of an apartment, in a suburban garage etc. Soon may not be able to obtain birds as is already the case in NC….best to have your own going now, for those not able to leave their current situation & responsibilities, & as the Lord provides & wills. Cheap, high protein, and fast maturing.

    Her latest post showed a hutch her son built economically using materials from some surprising sources, such as Autozone oil drip pans for dropping catchers, & marked down, warped 2×2’s salvaged from a lumber supply, & fairly inexpensive wire mesh hardware cloth. Very practical & useful tips. I was looking at restaurant supply trays, but these work so much better, being coated, & are much cheaper. The birds are quiet, & most city ordinances ignore them to focus on the bigger noisier birds. Grass-fed is best, but you can do that with quail, too, in the meantime if you choose (they need more protection from scares which can send them into heart attack…seriously!, and lower cages so they don’t startle & fly as in the wild, only to kill themselves hitting a roof). Good to have a backup in what looks to be shaping up. (Both of these are on youtube & have some different views & doctrine than those here, just like Ice Age Farmer does, but closer to our own & potential brethren in the end….so use discernment, but some practical counsel & advice is good.)

  • If the famine is prolonged & harsh then eugenics could be employed by governments in terms of who gets fed, they could exclude what they see as undesirables (useless eaters) such as the elderly, the disabled, those with chronic health conditions, prisoners (Christians) etc.

  • If you’re worried about food, read some free books by Hindhede, M., available at archive(org). He studied protein requirements, and it doesn’t seem to be anywhere near the requirement in the short term. In fact, we could live quite healthily from a majorly potato or bran diet.

  • A little remark to 1 Timothy 4,3: “…and commanding to abstain from meats… ” For “meats” the original Greek text reads “βρωμάτον” which in modern language means “foods” in general. Could it be the English in the 18th century used meats for foods…?

    • Sounds like you hit a dead end. That usually happens when one is dealing with the fake scripts.

      Best to stay away from strong’s greek and the lexicon.

      I attached a video explaining clearly about the MANY fake greek texts.

      Hope it helps you in your journey.

  • Redfield left his post at the CDC so why would anyone think he is still in the loop and really knows what is going on regarding bird flu. Also, he is Georgetown-educated formerly placed in a high position in government and given lots of power. There’s no reason to trust this bottom feeder on that basis alone. It also looks like he collaborated in the past in all the bogus AIDS research that sentenced a lot of sodomites to their early deaths from AZT. I do not particularly like people who take it upon themselves to play God. I am so weary of listening to these disease prognosticators tell us when the next plague is coming and which animal in the food chain will be spreading it.

  • This is just more bollocks ,to make y’LL FEEL THREATENED ,PLEASE RISE ABOVE IT ,,it’s the establisnment trying to control us ,i refuse to be cowed and intimidated by the central theme of doom and gloom ,stay strong guys keep your sanity thanks cliff longlands

  • Its no wonder as to why they want to destroy the birds:
    And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;

    The birds will have their feast!

  • Well, Pretty billy boy gates and his (Then) husband (Manlinda) sat and snickered about ‘The Next Plandemic Will Get Everyone’s Attention

  • So here we are a few months later and we still have to be vexed with the Jesuit Redfield (or as I like to call him, Renfield, (after a fictitious crazy person). Not a surprise that Nebraska went ahead and euthanized all those birds or that the state of North Carolina is taking restrictive measures. I have always suspected these states to be Jesuit strongholds, Nebraska for its Boys Town pedophilia going back to the 1940s in particular. What’s next? Getting rid of every housecat in the nation because the powers that be would prefer a large rodent population to carry disease more efficiently? How very Dark Ages and exactly what people like Fauci and Redfield would like to bring back to the 21st century. I like the comment from the person who mentioned that it will be birds encircling and dining on the flesh of those slain on the field in the Book of Revelation, but someone should let Fauci and Redfield know that those birds will most likely not be domesticated chicken and geese, perhaps just their distant cousins taking vengeance perhaps?, lol. Maybe they need to watch “The Birds” again.

  • Why is “Renfield” making these prognostications when he’s no longer at the CDC?

    He says he’s more of a Pope John Paul advocate in this current update. Word has it that John Paul advocated Zyklon B gas as a young salesman for IG Farben in Krakow, Poland during WW2.

    Birds of a feather.

    Masks? No way never again! I refuse to wear some piece of sheeple face cloth that’s as scientific as a horoscope…and just as wicked as one, too.
    Vaccines? Death shots? When turtles fly!

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