“Anyone who has intercourse with someone who is not their husband or wife shall be punished for adultery with a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year or a maximum fine of category II,” the bill reads.

Fornicators and adulterers maybe imprisoned for engaging in sexual relations outside the confines of a marriage, after the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights and Commission III of the Indonesian Parliament moved to codify these proposals to making adjustments of the Criminal Law Code.

The bill would also ban identifying and having LGTBQIA+ relations.

The WinePress recently reported that Russia has moved to prohibit the promotion of LGTBQIA+ in most forms of printed and televised media, along with open homosexual relationships.

Other things have been included into this bill in Indonesia, but the most controversial one is the ban of sexual relations outside of the marriage bed, according to Indonesia Expat.

Article 413 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Law Code clearly states:

Anyone who has intercourse with someone who is not their husband or wife shall be punished for adultery with a maximum imprisonment of 1 (one) year or a maximum fine of category II.

The Indonesian publication adds, ‘In the implementation of this crime, the new article will apply if there is a report from the husband or wife of the perpetrator of adultery or the parents of their children who are not bound by marriage.’

Furthermore, cohabitation before marriage is also forbidden and punishable as well:

Anyone who lives together as husband and wife outside of marriage is subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 6 (six) months or a maximum fine of category II.

Article 414 paragraph 1

Prosecution for this can only incur when there is a complaint filed from the husband or wife ‘of the perpetrator of adultery or the parents of their child who is not married,’ Indonesia Expat adds.

SEE: “Christian Cohabitation” Is Becoming The New Trend. Fornication Runs Rampant

Both articles also apply to visitors and travelers as well.

‘The implementation of the new RKUHP will be carried out for 3 years as a time of the old Criminal Code transition to RKUHP which will be ratified soon,’ Suara.com reported.

SEE: Indonesians Will Fine Citizens Who Reject The Covid Vaccine

Indonesia’s deputy justice minister, Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, told Reuters that bill is expected to pass on December 15th, and is happy the change is being implemented.

We’re proud to have a criminal code that’s in line with Indonesian values.

He said

Reuters also notes that this bill can jail residents for three years for insulting the President, if the President declares that he has been antagonized, among other things in the Criminal Law Code.

Indonesia lays claim to having one of the largest Muslim populations, pushing almost 90% of the population, with almost 7% of the country professing to be a Protestant, followed by 2% listing as a Catholic at third, followed by a smattering of other religions.

Indonesia-Investments wrote: ‘Although Indonesia is not an Islamic state, Islamic principles do influence political decision making. Moreover, certain hardcore Muslim groups have been able to influence political and judicial decision making through (the threat of) violence.’

SEE: Indonesian Health Minister Calls For Global Digital Health Passports Controlled By The WHO For ‘The Next Pandemic’ At G20 Summit


It’s a tale of two different sides of the planet: East vs. West. Similar to the comments and sentiments I shared as concerning Russia’s move to mostly ban the LGTBQIA+ garbage there – citing attempts to stave off the “darkness” from America and the West, officials said – it is the same here with Indonesia. Indonesia certainly has their own set of issues, but I can tell you that the Bible speaks VERY harshly about fornication.

Of course, condemning fornication in the U.S. and the West has been taboo for some time; as the West has gotten so sick and abominable small children know and can describe hardcore pornography to you! As I have reported before, it is becoming more common for so-called “Christians” to cohabitate and whoremonger than actually get married. For that matter, a crazy number of people no longer are getting married but are now sharing “life partners,” and engaging in “open relationships.” Truly it is a tale of two different sides of the world, save Western allies like Japan and South Korea where fornication is arguably worse in some aspects than America.

Will this bill greatly squander attempts to fornicate and adulteries? Perhaps, though I would not be shocked if peradventure it gets worse. Nevertheless, seeing people trying to stymie it is far better and the polar opposite of “tolerant” and “free” America.

Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

John 8:34

As I said, the Lord has a lot to say about fornication. Fornication is the gateway to all other sexual sins and perversion; turning into a snowball effect quite rapidly once fornication starts to become more normal. In addition, it should be carefully noted that the Lord says that Sodom was destroyed for FORNICATION, as what is known as “sodomy” is a derivative of fornication, though plenty of ‘ordinary’ fornication was already taking place (Jude 7).

[13] Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body. [14] And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power. [15] Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. [16] What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. [17] But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. [18] Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. [19] What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? [20] For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

[1] Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. [2] Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. [3] Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. [4] The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. [5] Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. [6] But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment. [7] For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. [8] I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. [9] But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

1 Corinthians 6:13-20, 7:1-9
[1] Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more. [2] For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. [3] For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: [4] That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; [5] Not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God: [6] That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. [7] For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. [8] He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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    • Indonesia, which is a Muslim nation with more Muslims than Saudi Arabia, has better morals than professing christian America.

      TRUE STORY: Playboy tried to open a printing and modeling office in Indonesia and the people were furious and up in arms. They took up arms, protested angrily, and they vandalized the Playboy office!
      Why wasn’t America doing that in 1953 when Playboy was first founded?

  • Remember how the coming man of sin, the Antichrist, will ‘confirm the covenant with many for one week’?? That’s the reinstatement of the Law. And don’t get too excited about ‘more moral’ Islamic nations, but remember that Islam is like Rome. Big on words & hypocrisy, mullahs to be blindly obeyed, exempt & their sins ignored….like the pedophile & pervert priests of the confessional. Remember, they’re ‘celibate’, & free of all fornications & adulteries, too. They teach hate, and are so proud of their libido that they have a ‘heaven/paradise’ that only those who die in jihad are assured of & the accounts of which would make most Playboy readers blush. Muslim parents in many nations prepare their sons by manipulating them to erection & orgasm from infancy on the testimony of converts from Islam, & let’s not forget the butchery of female ‘circumcision’ which has led to the painful infection & death of many young women, a practice akin to the Dark Ages with their iron chastity belts. Talk about prisoners of zero trust!

    Stonings are generally of women accused of adultery by husbands seeking to get rid of them, and the accounts strongly make one acquainted with the scriptures think of the case in the opening verses of John 8 KJB. Did you know that those verses are ‘strongly contested’ and ‘questioned’ by Rome, & the new versionists, most Augustinian reformed & ‘ecumenical’, falling back to Mama? Jesus wasn’t having any of their hypocritical games & misapplication of the Law, knowing all things: and Joseph was NOT reproved for thinking to put Mary away quietly, making a difference.

    Keep an eye on that three Abrahamic atrocity they’re building over there in ‘new’ Kuwait, & their ‘new’ unity.

    In Islam, rape of ‘infidels’ or infidels’ wives & daughters, doesn’t ‘count’ as fornication or adultery, nor sodomite rape of the conquered. Yet, there is plenty of rape, lusting after & using belly dancers etc in Islam: the women cultivated to that profession treated like dogs….& a lot of it inner circle stuff like Temple Mormonism, things many of the lower level & useful ‘faithful’ would never dream of nor participate in.

    Only where they are in utter power do they show their true colors to all. Shariah law is hypocrisy to the nth degree & evil to the same. That is why they keep all discussion of it on the philosophical ‘religious’ level without actually discussing the particulars of what they do or what it entails: like the sodomite lobby & every layered Craft idolatrous humanist cult going.

    Do not forget that Mohammed consummated w/an 8 or 9-year- old ‘wife’, Aisha…and like the Mormons, Muslims can have numerous wives & concubines, slaves etc. You can get translation of the Quran & Hadiths by native Arabic speakers into English & see for yourself, & Steve Van Nattan, raised in Africa, witness to the Mau-Mau uprising in his youth, to the Ethiopian communist coupe as a young adult & pastoring in both high desert AZ-CA, then later working in evangelism in Dearborn, MI in the Arabic community gave much testimony & documentation on this. As well as much well-deserved criticism of the loose morals, the militaristic, bigoted & shameless ignorance, misrepresentations & lack of evangelism from certain Reformed and Baptist groups towards that evangelism needy people group during the Bush wars.

    More than one confided in him over Arabic coffee etc how that their fathers counseled them to never be in the company of the mullahs without them being present, & even to cross the street when passing by mosques to avoid their unwanted advances on ‘pretty’ young boys. Men yet retaining conscience actually resigned military commissions over orders to ignore the screams of our allies’ young slaves chained to their beds, as well as the pleas of mothers frantic for the rescue of their abused children in Afghanistan. Part of my waking up to the truth was reading quran & hadith’s by Dakdok & others, Van Nattan’s testimony, & the actions of a rising young star officer & Ranger who suddenly resigned his commission, went mum and found honest employment that would allow him to sleep at night corroborating what I was hearing elsewhere. The guy not even saved. Finding that all the credit banks were shariah compliant decades ago, the people daring to mention that & ‘honor deaths’ on American soil ‘disappearing’….was sobering stuff. The Lord was faithful to expose much to those with eyes truly willing to see, & humble enough to admit past deception.

    David Cloud also has a decent read on the history of Islamic & Turkish abuses of Christian communities through the centuries w/ documentation, though I believe he blindly received the ‘moon god’ nonsense which Van Nattan lays bare for what it is with archaeology & documentation of the Arabic Allah/Allat merger & syncretism of the old pagan fertility stuff. You can read it for free online at wayoflife.org & find Van Nattan’s at blessedquietness.com scrolling down to Steve’s book: Who is Allah. (Something happened there during covid & his wife’s death to change the tenor of new material, but the old is pretty sound, & good documentation of good men learning & exposing, teaching against many things as they came to light & became aware. Amazing that it’s still available.)

    Witnessing to the deceived is dangerous work as the closing verses of Jude make plain, though a distinction should be made when dealing with nominal Catholics & Muslims, & Jews (as all the semitic peoples tend to embrace the principal of taquiyya: justifying lying to ‘infidels’, what the Jesuits call ‘mental assent’, & the relativists who embrace the darkness & serve the devil making deceit & lying an ‘art’) ……and when dealing with the deeper initiated (more highly educated….just not in whole truth) & consciously deceptive. Lying masters & sorcerers of Craft such as the ‘web’ Marilyn Ferguson spoke of (but Isaiah 59 KJB) and the ‘open conspiracy’ Quigley let out of the bag before he was supposed to, are proud of their sin & evil accomplishments, & they get ‘points’ & advancement for defiling & recruiting innocents, or duping Christians.

    Don’t forget, many martyrs died for trusting wicked men & women, loving enough to tell souls the truth, & sharing in the sufferings of Christ for doing so. Remember Naboth, too. The Lord has his limits to his longsuffering, though, & they paid dearly for that one….as will these today.

    As for what happened when Playboy & Penthouse etc made their debut in the US, many Independent Baptist, & even Methodists & American Baptists DID take to the streets. They picketed all of the early gas station/early convenience store places where they began to be sold, & were called prudes, busy-bodies, unenlightened & uneducated by the science falsely so-called crowd & the social engineers. They marched in parades in Columbus, Ohio where Kinsey & the early sod-mob were putting down filthy roots, as well as at Indiana State.

    The political compromise was to cover them with brown paper & make them only available to id checked adults, like the liquor & cigarette monopolies, but many backed down because the stores were still locally owned & ran, or leased to corporations by locals. And it slowed the demoralization because people were ashamed to go in & ask for them. So, they ‘evolved’ international corporate law to get around all of that….as they worked for international treaties with the U.N. and so forth to get around the Constitution, and especially the Bill of Rights protections which they were redefining through evolving ‘natural law’ & such doctrines of Rome & her Daughters. Baptists always fought against State endorsement or enforcement of religion, focusing on the rights of freedom of speech, association & religion so that people could hear the truth & scripture alongside the world’s, Rome’s and the nicolaitans’ sophistry. So those things had to be ‘redefined’ & ‘revised’ right along with the scriptures. Man as the measure of all things, not God. Evolving, not absolute & settled, final. But our Bible says not to meddle with those given to change; and that we should not hate our brother, suffering sin upon him, but rather faithfully warn & rebuke him. Proverbs 24:21 and Leviticus 19:17 KJB….as well as New Testament teaching on the same matters.

    Then they began the attack of gradualism & artistic demoralization with nudity & witchcraft & such things making people laugh in the sitcoms, ‘Laugh In’, ‘Bewitched’, ‘I Dream of (half-naked) Jeannie’, & the really confusing things like ‘Heehaw’, the country music variety & slapstick show replete with Playboy bunnies, Doc & Nurse ‘Goodbody’….slapping girls on the rear in one segment, then with the same men all slicked up & singing 4-part Gospel harmony in the next. The Dukes of Hazard etc where ‘Daisy Dukes’ got their name.

    The devil loves to get God’s people & the nominal laughing at sin, normalizing it or just gradually coarsening them so it seems no big deal anymore & the bad guys are coolest, most sympathetic characters: Miss Kitty even of the old Gunsmoke. Soon you had ‘The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas’ and such things. Water dog ‘Duck Dynasty’. Falwell’s Liberty. Part of Purpose Driven and Craft from the early days onwards.

    ‘Golden Girls’, ‘Touched by an Angel’ and the way off script of the books ‘Little House on the Prairie’ were in your face witchcraft & antichrist normalization of MYSTERY religion. They used the names of old time famous witches & Catholic mystical saints for the characters, just mocking those thinking those things were just stories, good clean fun, or ‘Christian’. Baals of Peor and the doctrine of Balaam, Jezebel. Numbers& Revelation 2&3 KJB.

    In fact, that was what the big deal was with Lester Rolloff. As the demoralization became entrenched & State religion while screaming ‘separation of church & state’, back in the Monarch days & confusion…the supposedly spontaneous ‘hippie’ movement with so many military & Tavistock type connections that it’s insane looking back: but the major media was pretty controlled, and education, even back then. It was easier to hide things, and frankly, men weren’t used to being so confronted & courted by whorish women prior to that onslaught & full attack from multiple directions: the arts, the schools, ‘science’, etc.

    Then the well-paid, high profile & promoted Jack Hyles took center stage amongst the IFB. An accident? Random? Sure & the roots of the error were back when the baptists dropped every doctrine scriptural teaching & separation to join with Reformed & Protestant ‘conservatives’ resisting biological evolution, while totally & absolutely ignoring Augustinian evolutionary teaching, and not touching the pagan & Romish humanist roots of evolutionary ‘science’. No one had heard of Erasmus Darwin back then, or any of the filthy pagan philosophers he & others were reading & inserting into their ‘scientific societies’ and ‘gentleman’s clubs’ discussions & consciousness, with men like Huxley…..not to mention the spiritist, then charismatic movement of the eighteenth into the nineteenth century, the ‘Romantics’ and so forth.

    Except Ruckman that I know of….& he was so easily marginalized, attacked through the women & written off for his unnecessary insults. All of God’s men are but men, after all. The key is to examine what they teach from the scriptures to see if they be so. Not public consensus.

    There was no real excuse for that amongst the educated circles. There were men faithfully pointing these things out & trying to warn way earlier than Ruckman. They just weren’t promoted,and were mocked & slandered when they did make the news somewhere. World parliaments & parliaments of religion were all the rage in the 1890’s – 1910’ish time period, riding on Augustinian error & unbiblical, but very Romish, ‘Manifest Destiny’ hubris.

    Still, plenty of folks were trying to resist in the ’50’s. You had Ruckman. Later Riplinger.

    Rolloff was running schools where people were sending their young people caught up in that ‘new’ looseness & gangs, drugs etc in the inner cities especially, and where those caught up & brainwashed by known sex cults like the Moonies could sometimes be helped. ‘All in the Family’ created by scientologist types, Disney, Talmudic Jewish craft & commies were all part of that norming, along with the transplanted fascists & nazis.

    Things like the afternoon soap operas were aimed at the at-home mothers & women….and who could forget ‘Soap’ with the first prime time openly queer character, ‘Three’s Company’ and all of that…..not to mention the transhumanist conditioning of the ‘Six Million Dollar Man’ (‘6’, go figure…) and ‘Knight Rider’? How do you think a Dame of Malta power DC lawyer name of Phyllis Schlafley, and Craft biggie Rainbow Girl Beverly LaHaye became the recognized spokespersons for ‘conservative’ Christian American women? Just ‘randomly’ happened??

    Even the Jesus Movement charismatic hippie ccm artist from Texas…young man, name escaping me at the moment, I think his wife’s name was Melody, died in a plane crash in Texas after running a series on Rome. The whole deal went down like Captain Morgan & his widow being well-taken care of & married off to a craft faithful in the early 1800’s scandal that led to the Anti-Masonic Party & movement in America. Morgan had published Craft secrets. The 1970’s widow got rich & was well promoted in her music & writing, never a peep about Rome or idolatrous humanism, or ecumenism after that. Green. Keith Green. Today’s young don’t know about much with regard to those things….and that is purposeful, too.

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