• Bingo! Execution, torture, and forced castration are the punishments given for sodomy. Even Muslims as satanic and Catholic as they are, have better morals than the western world.

  • I’ve never been a football fan – soccer football or American football, all it is is a golden calf and bread and circuses, and unrepentant idolatry and I won’t have any part of it.
    There’s professing christians that not only obsess over their game, but modulate their “sermons” after the super bowl. Well, I guess if I have to show someone the truth, I’ll wear a football helmet then maybe they’ll pay attention to me (sarcasm.)
    I wonder what disasters will be coming in the not too distant future.

  • They are a pack of mentally disturbed rainbow sissy’s full of pride.They are proud to support the sodomite nation.I bet that prideful countenance will fall when the Lord leaves them desolate.I’ll be so happy when the day comes no more hearing or seeing Sodom and Gomorrah it will be like it never existed.

  • I also was never that big into sports. Sure, I occasionally played a round or so of the ball games on the Playstation 2 era games (2000-2007), but it was so rare that it’d be a game once every two or three months. That’s for basketball, football, baseball, ect.

    Nascar was somewhat of an exception to the rule as I liked all the decals on the cars and running around trying to time my passes and drafting was fun, but even then I wasn’t obsessed with the sport. I’d run a few 12 minute races a day, one, maybe two days during a week, with week long breaks in between, and I might buy two or three of the die-cast cars a year.

    Even so, nowadays I can’t stand these sports what with the manner of people these athletes tend to be. They are always getting up to idiotic stunts, rumors of pedos running among, the foul language, (especially among many of today’s Nascar drivers,) the cheating scandals, the support of the LGBT+ community, and so much more.

    And don’t get me started on the sports video games of today. They are filled with grievous gambling-like micro-transactions, so much so that it is commonly reported of gets getting their parents credit-card and racking up $20,000 in debt trying to get their favorite character. Many of the racing games are also just as bad, though from what I’ve heard the modern Nascar games were a lot better.

    Ultimately the micro-transactions don’t matter to me as much as in a personal manner as I’ve been weening myself off video games as of late, mostly because I’d rather read and or listen to the Bible and good bible sermons than waste time with childish entertainment. Even so, the idea of this happening in video games that are supposed to be designed for child friendliness is very grievous to me. What the actual sports organizations and athletes get up to these days are even more grievous.

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