“More than 4,000 people went into the voting booth on September 8 this week, and they all filled in the circle by my name despite knowing absolutely nothing about the person they were nominating to the most powerful law enforcement position in the county.”

In case you have been living under a rock, today are the United States midterm elections, where the media is out in full-force hyping up the elections as if the world will flip upside down if you don’t vote, or if a certain Republican and Democratic candidate does not get in.

These elections, for those living abroad, will mostly determine if Republicans can retake the Congress and Senate for the federal government, along with all other 50 state governments. If Republicans win the House and Senate, President Biden will become a “lame duck.” In other words, next to nothing will get done (at least what the mainstream and alternative media wants to talk about). The same thing happened with President Barack Obama post-2012 elections, when Biden was the Vice President.

But since today is election day, I thought it befitting to recount a marvelous event that happened in 2020 that you may have forgotten about, or never even heard about.

I had filmed a video about this story two years ago, days leading up to the 2020 Presidential elections, however the video has since been deleted per YouTube’s termination of the official WinePress channel. For this cause, I decided to rehash and add onto some of the statements I had once made now that two years have passed.

It is no secret to anyone that regularly follows my work that I am quite critical and pessimistic of politicians and voting, especially with each passing day and watching this once blessed nation turn into an indescribable trash heap. And, as a disclaimer: I did not vote today nor did have any intention on doing so.

But one of the things that really abhors me is “straight ticket” voting. For those don’t understand, a straight ticket is when the person voting simply votes for every candidate that is listed as a Republican or Democrat in one click or a single bubble-fill-in. Absolutely no research or foreknowledge is required, including the names, campaign and propositions, and voting records of these people. Of course, removing the option does not really resolve the issue, but it is at least one infinitesimal barrier I suppose.

As of 2020, only 6 states actively allow straight-ticket voting: Alabama, Kentucky, Michigan, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and my home state of Indiana.

What I wish happened – though it will never ever happen because of the two-party dictatorship we have via both the Republicans and Democrats – is that the little “R” and “D” next to candidate’s names would be erased, including any color-coding. This will actually force people to at least do some shoddy research at best, to at least learn the names of these people before casting a ballot, and elevating Joe Shmoe to political office! But I digress.

Howbeit this very same problem I am bringing to your attention is what caused a transsexual Satanist and anarchist to win the Republican (GOP) nomination for the county sheriff in Cheshire County, New Hampshire; who ran on a literal campaign slogan that said “F*** the Police,” in 2020.

Courtesy: AP Photo/Charles Krupa

Meet Aria DiMezzo, the High Priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church, in New Hampshire:

Courtesy: Facebook

DiMezzo really had no intentions on ever really winning let alone running, especially as a Libertarian/Independent. However, DiMezzo noticed that the Republican slot was open, DiMezzo listed himself as a Republican. To his surprise (and to the many that eventually figured out what happened) DiMezzo won the nomination.

DiMezzo then lauded all those who so ignorantly voted for him, without so much as ever doing any homework into who the candidate is or what he believes! DiMezzo said these people were “totally oblivious.”

You feel betrayed. You may even be wondering how the party that you so believed in could do something like this. But, odds are, you’re blaming me.

More than 4,000 people went into the voting booth on September 8 this week, and they all filled in the circle by my name despite knowing absolutely nothing about the person they were nominating to the most powerful law enforcement position in the county.

The system that let you down by allowing me–the freaking transsexual Satanist anarchist–be your sheriff candidate is the same system I’m attacking. I’m sorry, and I know it hurts to hear, but that system is a lie.

What of Donald Trump, a Democrat who won the Republican nomination for President for exactly the same reasons I just won the Republican nomination for Cheshire County Sheriff? It’s all a lie. It’s all broken.

DiMezzo additionally praised another write-in Republican candidate, Earl Nelson, who initially did not plan to run but later decided to after DiMezzo’s victory, who actually did the research and warned those would listen about who DiMezzo really was.

One person did their research prior to the election, and he spread what he found everywhere. Good on him. That is a person I respect.

DiMezzo added

DiMezzo was nominated for the very problem I spoke of earlier, and DiMezzo even mocked people some more on his official blog, a little over a week out from the election:

Circulating on social media today was the topic of bringing back straight ticket voting in New Hampshire. This is a ballot that presents you with “Republican” or “Democrat” at the top, and you fill in one bubble, and it’s counted as voting for the Republican or Democrat in every race. No thought needed, no research needed. Just vote for the party.

New Hampshire eliminated this in 2007, thankfully. It’s at least slightly better to make people put in the work to fill out individual bubbles–maybe they will use the time it takes to actually think about who they are voting for.

But why in the love of Satan is this making the rounds again? Did people learn nothing from my nomination? People voting based on party lines is literally how I got here (presumably).

(Emphasis by DiMezzo)

On the day of the election DiMezzo had this to say as well:

It’s Election Day, for those who wish to engage in the exercise of futility that is voting. Personally, I am not a fan of voting. If it mattered, the powers that be wouldn’t let us do it. That’s generally my position, but it isn’t necessarily true in local elections, where the Powers That Be don’t exercise nearly as much control. Let’s be real for a moment, though. The two party system in the United States meticulously selects your candidates for you, and it’s why amazing stories like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s get so much attention–when we have someone who bypasses the party apparatuses to create real change and momentum, it surprises us.

When it was all said and done DiMezzo lost big.

The Keene Sentinel reported, “In the race for Cheshire County sheriff, incumbent Democrat Eli Rivera easily won re-election with 27,674 votes compared to Republican Aria DiMezzo’s 7,950. Earl Nelson, a Republican running a write-in campaign, received about 2,800, though a half-dozen towns did not report write-in votes.”

[27] He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. [28] Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Proverbs 17:27-28

If this fool would have just kept his mouth shut, instead of lining up interviews with the Associated Press, and allowing his blog posts to be seen by publications like The Sun – mocking all those that got him the nomination, the fool just might have actually gotten more votes. I am saying he would have won? I don’t know, but you seriously have to wonder.

However, according to his official blog, he noted how there was a massive gap between himself and Democrat Eli Rivera, hinting that a lot of Republicans most likely jumped party lines and voted for a Democrat: the “lesser of two evils” philosophy, but noted that he received basically double the amount of votes he received since the primaries.

I’m sure there were still some Republicans who went into the voting booth and blindly voted on party lines, but it honestly couldn’t have been that high of a percentage of people. It’s hard to entertain the possibility that 25% of Republican voters in Cheshire County missed all of the headlines about their… unusual… sheriff candidate. In fact, the landslide victory for Rivera suggests that the bulk of Republicans voted for him instead of myself or the write-in candidate Earl Nelson.

But who knows why people voted how they did. Regardless, 25% of voters in Cheshire County cast their ballot for a transsexual anarchist and High Priestess of a Satanic church. Despite so much about me being repugnant to ignorant Republican voters who didn’t bother to actually learn my positions beyond my slogans, I received nearly twice as many votes in the general election as I did in the primary. This means that even more people voted for me Tuesday, after I became a figure that was almost impossible to miss in Cheshire County.

For those that are curious as to what ever happened to this chap since 2020, he pled guilty to “Operating An Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business,” per a police report filed on September 12th of this year. He still awaits his sentencing slated for December 20th of this year.

Should I Run?

Now, bearing all of this in mind, I want you to chew on this for me: do you realize the sickening amount of people who voted today and do not even so much as know who they are voting for in the slightest?? Am I saying that everyone just voted for a transsexual Satanist and anarchist in their counties, too? No, and the likelihood is probably very slim to none. But, if you voted without doing your due diligence, how would you know? How many little Satanists and anarchists are covertly running right now, and quite possibly winning? How many liberals and progressives are running as Republicans? And how Neo-Cons, Rhinos, and conservatives are running as a Democrat?

If DiMezzo can win the GOP nomination, and STILL garner some votes, even after he’s shouted on the rooftop that’s he a freak, then you know what I just laid-out has just happened in all 50 states in some facet or another: and nobody knows or cares about the difference; and those that do know the names of the candidates at the bare minimum, most of them will forget about them in a day or two, like always; and these newly-elected politicians, many of them, will fade away, collect a check and benefits, and will never be seen or heard from ever again until next election cycle…

After seeing all the propaganda this year – and as an independent researcher and journalist I see a TON of it: I am compelled – I have been compelled so much so that I am strongly tempted to run for office myself, and here’s how I’d do it:

I will pick an open slot for the 2024 elections, get in early as I can, and simply say that I am a Republican (I am nothing, just a red-blooded man). I will put next to no money into advertising and hardly do any outreach. Maybe some social media posts. And I will run on three core tenets: eliminate the state income tax, eliminate the state property tax, and eliminate the state gas tax. I will then, when forced to do so, market myself on those issues solely, and emphasize that I will do all that I can to make these changes; whilst diverting blame on my opponents and current constituents for not supporting such a splendid move, and/or slowing it down on purpose, forcing the people to grow restless against my opponents and the establishment, thereby taking any burden off of me if my plans succeed or not. Even if I am running for Sheriff, let’s say, I’d still run on that even though it does not fix the context of the position: but who would in their right mind oppose what I say I want?

But, simply put: whether I succeed or not, I would love to see just how many votes I would I get by simply saying I am a Republican. And if I won, promises kept or not, I laugh my rear end all the way down to the bank to cash my guaranteed check funded by the ignorant tax cattle, while they eat ze bugs and be happy!

This was also spoken tongue and cheek, so, no, I have no intentions on running, so please don’t get too excited. However, what I described is the general format for most of these people running today; and I wrote that out to explain how I’d do what most politicians do. Not all, but most. And as for my proposals: do you not find in fascinating that more people, if any at all, even run on this? –Says a lot about the people currently vying for your vote, does it not?

Let’s get real here for a moment:

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

Proverbs 14:34

As I have said before, so say I again: I am not against voting in of itself, but this nation is so far gone from any kind of restoration and returning to the “glory days,” like so many delusional “patriots” have convinced themselves of could happen. America the Depraved: land of the slave, home of the sissy. As the above proverb indicates, when sin and abominations are plenteousness, no amount of voting will ever change the problems at hand.

If you are familiar with The WinePress, or have eyes and ears, you can see what is going on for yourself. It’s over. There’s is no recovering this nation. It’s dead.

Seriously folks, you oughta watch some videos by a guy named “Joey B Toonz.” What he shows is just how depraved and gone this nation is. It’s super vexing and vomitous, but you oughta seriously watch a few of them, perverseness and profanity in all, just to see how bad it is. And yet this is only a drop in the bucket…

You expect me to believe a vote will change this? The consumer is broke, the government can’t stop spending, can’t stop going to war; most of the country has taken at least one Covid death shot; the kids get astronomically dumber each year; the King James Bible is despised even more (leading to all of the other problems); and on, and on, and on.

We are the precipice of digital IDs, social credit scores, and central bank digital currencies being rolled out – NEWS FLASH: all remaining freedom is GONE when that happens!! But where are these candidates talking about that?

World Economic Forum Openly Says Those Who Submitted To The Covid Lockdowns Will Also Accept Social Credit Scores And Carbon Calculators

[5] Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. [6] For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited. [7] Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is. [8] For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit. [9] The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? [10] I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. [11] As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.

Jeremiah 17:5-11

So many people are trusting some guy or gal to fix their problems, but it won’t work, and the Lord is spelling it out quite nicely for people. Again, I am not against voting in of itself, but we have FAAAARR surpassed the point of no return. Red wave or not, it’s coming down hard and fast, and you better be awake to what’s coming…

Are You Awake? Are You Ready For What’s Coming? Do You Loathe The Honeycomb??

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Wow, didn’t know about this dude. That’s crazy. Reminds me of that quote by Donald Trump on republicans being the dumbest voters. I don’t think that quote is actually genuine from the research I did on it, but boy, does it hold a lot of truth nonetheless!

    But like you, I didn’t vote today.
    Instead, I did something WAY more profitable with my time instead of wasting it by writing a stupid name of some wicked devil on a piece of paper:

    I read my Bible, prayed, and went for a walk. It was great!

    No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
    2 Timothy 2:4 KJV

    Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked.
    Exodus 23:7 KJV

  • I’ve been awake since late 2020…and beginning my journey of repentance, this satanic transgender freak being a sheriff, that’ll be the day!
    Where I am right now, everyone is in a frenzy of voting for whoever’s running for whatever office and I just shake my head and say “they’re not going to fix anything,” and where I’m at, it’s hardcore Roman Catholic and her harlot daughters as well even, and Laredo, Texas along with the rest of America, is doomed!

    • I agree, Cary.
      “I identify as a non-binary steamroller pancake albatross Donald Duck violin crossbow,” people were put in straight jackets for this.

    • I wouldn’t be surprised if it was deep in witchcraft, but I know that China has weaponized TikTok to turn them into mindless brainless moron influencers.
      China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and why not even El Salvador will conquer America with ease.

  • Here’s a verse for these TikTok idiots:

    2 Peter 2:14
    “Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:”

  • 11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.

    12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.

    13 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.

    14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.
    Proverbs 30:11-14

    These verses are good at slashing the TikTok influencer wannabe fools.

    • Most likely FEMA, because FEMA has a history of setting up disaster relief centers during national disasters including hurricane Katrina. Either way, remain vigilant because you never know what the government officials & politicians will do next. Also be on the look out for Jesuit coadjutors and Vatican operatives.

  • Turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the Things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.

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