“[…Technology will allow authorities to] intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.”

Klaus Schwab, the infamous founder of the World Economic Forum, believes that people will receive implantable microchips in their heads by or around the year 2026.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) are certainly no strangers to promoting cybernetics and cranial implants. In late-August The WinePress covered a post the WEF forum made, asserting that “there are solid, rational reasons” to “implant a tracking chip in your child.”

In that report, WEF “Agenda Contributor” Kathleen Phillips wrote,

Should you implant a tracking chip in your child? There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety. Many children with attention deficit struggle in school. In the best case, they get special education services or classroom accommodations. However, with extra visual and audio guidance that blocks off excess stimuli, an otherwise-enabled child can cope with a standard school environment. And when class is over and playtime begins, they can just take the aids off.

Augmented reality doesn’t end there. Your phone might feel like part of your body, but it’s not put in through surgery. Technology will become more intertwined with the body in the form of implants, but it will also seamlessly integrate with the environment – you might have sensors in a chair, for example.

And, as noted in that WP report, ‘what the WEF is advocating for is something that was already showcased in children’s television years ago. During an episode of the hit Nickelodeon show iCarly, the group of friends found themselves lost in Japan. However, the crazed mother of the one of the lead characters, Freddy Benson, revealed that she had her son chipped at a very young age because “I love him,” she exclaimed. Via a locater device that accessed a tracking system called “Global Net,” Benson’s mom was able to locate he son and his friends.’


But besides this single instance of the WEF endorsing brain chips, it is no secret that the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, has sought to implant people’s minds with his Neuralink chips – something some scientists are worried about, though their animosity has gone unnoticed: “Scientists Are Freaked Out About Elon Musk’s Neuralink, And Express Their Concerns.”

But in May of this year another company, Synchron, beat Musk to the punch on the rollout for brain chips, known as “Stentrode.” The device acts similarly to Musk’s Neuralink.


All of these technologies, and so many more like it, are nearly ready for the public to start using.

This would align with Klaus Schwab’s previous forecasts.

In 2016, Schwab was interviewed by Swiss media outlet RTS, where he explained that in 10 years people will be microchipped in order to ‘merge’ with the digital realm.

The host asked, “Today, at the end of this, we are talking about chips that can be implanted. When will that be?”

Here is what he said at the time, translated into English:

Certainly in the next ten years.

And at first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin. And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication with our brain and the digital world.

What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world.

The host interjected and asked for clarification, saying, “We call someone, we don’t even have the reflex to take a device, it’s done naturally, the technique continues the body.”

Yes, you talk and say, ‘I want to be connected with anyone now.’

And first you have the personalized bots, and I saw that Mr. [Mark] Zuckerberg predicted that at the end of the year he will have his robot, his personalized butler that is at his disposal.

Schwab added

The host then asked, “Like in Downtown Abbey, we will have our personal robot butler, our servant, our slave?”

Affirming this, Schwab said,

Yes, but there is a difference.

It is a servant that artificial intelligence learns, and that is not only your assistant for manual work, but that can really be an intellectual partner of you.


Earlier this year The WinePress reported on some of the statements from the CEO of tech giant Nokia, who spoke at this year’s WEF summit in Davos, who explained that by 2030 smartphones will be integrated into people’s by then, via the power of 6G.

Nokia CEO Says 6G Will Render Smartphones Obsolete By 2030 And Will Be Integrated Into Your Body Instead

And while that is a little longer than Schwab’s 2026 forecast, it is still within the ballpark in terms of when this technology will be ready and fully accepted.

In Schwab’s book, “Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution,” he affirms this merge of smartphones and man, accompanied by microchips, by writing,

[… Technology will allow authorities to] intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.

As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase. Even crossing a national border might one day involve a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.

Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us.

Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.


[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

I know a lot of people are going to read this and think, ‘Aha, this is the mark of the beast: we’re out of here by 2026!” Not to be “Debby Downer” here, but I advise caution against this mindset.

Clearly, there are many other pieces to the puzzle that need to fall in line as well. The people who told you that the Covid-19 death shots are the mark of the beast have disappeared, proving once again to be wrong. Listen: the mark of the beast CANNOT show up until the church/body of Christ has been resurrected and caught up from the earth BEFORE the antichrist and the satanic trinity is unleashed with great wrath upon the earth. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 in the King James Bible explains this very clearly. Do not let the false prophets and monthly prognosticators tell you any different!

Notwithstanding, we do have other scriptures that I do believe aligns with these statements made by Schwab and the WEF:

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

In truth, this whole passage aligns with the WEF’s, UN’s, and Vatican’s openly revealed playbook. We all know they want us to stop eating meat; they want to depopulate and have “digital children and marriages” in the metaverse in its place; and I believe “having their conscience seared with a hot iron” aligns with a lot of these invasive and cybernetic technologies that are soon to be rolled out.

Moreover, look closely at the passage. It says “some shall depart from the faith.” You cannot depart from something you were never apart of. This is referring to those that are saved, born again, and bought by the blood of Christ. This is does not mean these people will lose their salvation, but that they will totally be the most useless and shipwrecked thing you could imagine in the Lord’s sight (as the believer in THIS dispensation of grace is eternally secure). And even though the collective body of Christ is in an utterly pitiful and lukewarm state right now, not a lot of people in general are forbearing to eat meat and getting cybernetic implants. That will soon change.

In short, this technology will soon be rolled out, and a LOT of people will accept it. The WEF, again, has already openly stated that those who voluntarily chickened-out and accepted the Covid restrictions will also accept a carbon-based social credit score.

World Economic Forum Openly Says Those Who Submitted To The Covid Lockdowns Will Also Accept Social Credit Scores And Carbon Calculators

Though most will not heed the warnings, you must not comply and resist it.

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • The ONLY reason they are confident is because they know the people are just compliant cowards. If the people rose up in the millions WEF tune would change. Its a illusion to deceive and assimilate humanity. Klaus Schwab is the whore who spreads her filth throughout the world. Can’t wait till these idiots are voted out of Planet.

  • I noticed that the mark of the beast gets alot of attension but the passage says,” And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had THE MARK, or THE NAME of the beast, or THE NUMBER of his name.”…

  • Please come soon Lord Jesus

    Keep looking up dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
    Please pray for the Persecuted Christians around the world, they need our prayers

    Let’s hope the Rapture is soon

    Don’t fret over disgusting evildoers, wicked evil people and demon filth
    Evil WILL BE PUNISHED and thrown into the Lake of Fire

    We need to make sure we stay close to Our Lord and Saviour and trust Him, thank You Lord for Your Love for us

    Evil Satan wants us to feel miserable and helpless and lose faith, to feel abandoned
    When in Truth Lord Jesus is with us at all times, watching over us, protecting us…how many times in life have we been watched over by angels without us knowing, The Lord keeping us safe from harm?

    Make sure you Live for Him, He loves each one of us so very much

    Soon we will be with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!

  • REALLY appreciate your work!
    I am thinking that though all these trials may come it’s really important to encourage you, or anyone else reading, to not be afraid and that God is with us, and that if all these things are expected to come we can also expect the Body and Bride of Christ to be bright and brilliantly beautiful.

    Have hope and stay strong!
    Thank you for what you do.

  • https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Timothy%204:1-3&version=NIV
    As you can see, in the true passage, the bible does NOT say we will be commanded to abstain from meat eating; the WEF psycho’s want us to stop eating anything, not just meat; they are burning down soy plants same as meat ones; they are conditioning us to accept shortages of foods, they start with meat to appear humanitarian, knowing that it’s scarcity will meet with the least disapproval; their film claims we will eat less meat, but that for some reason it will be our “treat”, they clearly want us to lust after it, & after all if they wanted us vegetarians they would not be pushing bugs, which are meat …………

    • The NIV is NOT “the bible.” Yes, it is true that worldwide famine is being created, and animal-based foods in general are being the most targeted, but the real emphasis has always been about the meat. 1 Timothy 4:1-3 in the KING JAMES says “speaking liars in hypocrisy” for a reason, whereas the NIV completely destroys and perverts the agenda and mannerisms of the people. Besides, I have even noted in other articles the real end goal, I believe “normalized cannibalism” is the true agenda, after more people kick the can in the years to come. The worms and plant-based slop are just temporary placeholders never really intended to work, in my view.

  • Wonder which translation is the correct one ? It seems interesting it says that God created the foods or meats, but meat is created by man, it has to be cooked first, while a piece of fruit, ready to eat, is already created by God. It also seems interesting that “fruit” may possibly also be translated as “meat”, as in “sweetmeat” … it also seems strange the passage refers to “forbidding to marry” when that’s what many Christian Churches have asked of their Clergy for centuries ….

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