Obviously hacking and stealing people’s stuff is a real crime: obviously, so don’t confuse me. But, this latest story only further demonstrates the nation’s continual decay and degradation.

Apparently, last week, popular gaming development company Rockstar was hacked and had files stolen from them. Rockstar has produced massive hits like the “Grand Theft Auto” and “Red Dead Redemption” series. This hacker nabbed early gameplay footage and files for the company’s upcoming game, “Grand Theft Auto VI.”

Because of the leaks, the company subsequently acknowledged that the files leaked online were in fact footage for their latest game. But, this hacker is now being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice (DOJ).

IGN provided more details:

The alleged hacker that leaked around 90 videos of Grand Theft Auto 6 and also targeted Uber is being investigated by the FBI.

As reported by Eurogamer, the hacker who claimed responsibility also said they were behind the major cyber attack suffered by Uber on September 18. The taxi company has since released a blog post that announced it is actively working with the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice to resolve the matter.

Acknowledging that Rockstar had also suffered a breach, Uber said it believes the hacker is associated with Lapsus$, the group behind recent attacks on Nvidia, Microsoft, and Samsung.

We believe that this attacker (or attackers) are affiliated with a hacking group called Lapsus$, which has been increasingly active over the last year or so. This group typically uses similar techniques to target technology companies, and in 2022 alone has breached Microsoft, Cisco, Samsung, Nvidia and Okta, among others.

There are also reports over the weekend that this same actor breached video game maker Rockstar Games. We are in close coordination with the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice on this matter and will continue to support their efforts.

Uber said.

Rockstar had been keeping GTA 6 under wraps, having only announced the game in February this year, but footage showing robberies, gunplay, fully voiced conversations, and more appeared on GTAForums last week. The footage all but confirms the rumors that GTA 6 will feature male and female protagonists and a Vice City setting.

Now, obviously this supposed hacker is purportedly going after other companies. Moreover, it goes without saying that hacking and stealing is wrong, a crime, and illegal.

But, do you not find it fascinating that the FBI is so intrigued with stopping a criminal who stole footage and files from a game about being the ultimate criminal?

I had played GTA V many years ago, not long after its release in 2013; and in the campaign, the “FIB” (the game’s fantasy version of the FBI) contracts several of the main characters to do their own dirty work – espionage, assassinations, robberies, genocide, torture, interrogations, drug dealing, hacking, you name it, keeping the main characters under their thumb to not kill them for their list of illegal acts. That’s a major questline of the game!

And now, here we are, fast forward in real-time, and the real FBI is looking to arrest a man for committing similar crimes players can do in the game. Oh the irony.

Furthermore, this IGN reports once again speaks to the degradation and villainy in this country: that the FBI commits a plethora of crimes on a daily basis, but when one of the world’s best-selling video game companies gets their files stolen, then the “crime stoppers” spring into open action to stop it.

Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

Isaiah 1:4

But, as I said, GTA V is one the world’s best-selling videogames to date, and still draws a massive amount of players on a routine basis. In February of this year, it was reported that GTA V earned the second best-selling game of all time. So, it’s only natural that the FBI would be considered with protecting the “bottom line,” whilst largely aiding in the normalization of everything King James Bible calls an abomination to the youth.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

The wise shall inherit glory: but shame shall be the promotion of fools.

1 Timothy 6:10; Proverbs 3:35

According to the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ERSB), GTA V received a “Mature (M)” rating for “Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Mature Humor, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol.” In their description of the game, they noted “a brief instance of necrophilia (no nudity is depicted)” – amongst a plethora of other atrocities in the game that players are forced to do or witness.

And yet, there are a surfeit of professing “Christians” that think playing GTA is totally fine: “Survey Finds Over Half Of Christians Are Fine With Playing Violent Video Games.”

[28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; [29] Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30] Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31] Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32] Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Romans 1:28-32

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Would it ever be possible for God to take away his Holy Spirit In a test? Or for a saved person to loose the Holy Spirit ?

    • What do you mean?
      Like if you have temptation and you happen to give in? I think you’ll just be chastened and feel guilt. Ask Jacob.

    • Absolutely not. Once you have the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer in this dispensation, he’ll never leave.
      2 Corinthians 1:22 Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.
      Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, [14] Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
      Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
      Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

      • Thank you so much …. you know chapter 15 in John where Jesus talks about the branch ? I am afraid that I may not know if I am one of those broken branches that’s why I asked about God taking his Holy Spirit. I am a little feeble minded which the Lord knows. So I don’t catch on so fast. I know he lead me to here.

  • GTA is one of the most evil video game franchises in history to date! Promoting and simulating car thefts, doing it and afterwards killing prostitutes, murdering innocent bystanders and cops with a vast array of weapons and cars, selling drugs, getting drunk at the club and harassing women, driving drunk and so on, those devils unless the repent, they’re going to become statistics of the Time Of Jacob’s Trouble.

    You want some proof that we are in the days of Noah? Three words: Grand Theft Auto.

    • You are right….and The Dark Knight batman movie, and the StarWars movies were also conditioning leading people back to the vomit and wallows of monism….good & evil merged & called ‘good’ and ‘God’. Craft. Templar garbage & Rome’s subtle corruptions. Tapping, initiating, & giving people justification for sin more like, and creating ‘useful’ crusaders/gangsters, hypocrites & hypocrisy without excuse due to conscience and truth, the word of God. The aim of ritual abuse is to achieve the searing of consciences as early as possible, but God is not mocked & he will avenge his little ones led into sin & destroyed. They only hasten the judgment of this world with their ‘romanticism’ leading people ‘gently’ into porneia and the antichrist paganism with its lies, porn and violence called ‘love’ & ‘wisdom’. Wisdom from above is first of all pure. Their ‘karma’ garbage & twisted sacrificial system is not God nor of God, but of Lucifer/Satan, that old father of lies, seducer & tempter, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience….that old lion who roameth about seeking whom he may destroy, but we are children of the light, not the dark, nor of their shadowed, impure, corrupt light.1 Thessalonians 1 and 2 Thessalonians 2 KJB once he calls us out, we respond in faith to the new birth of his will & power, receiving the earnest & seal of the inheritance & transaction, the Spirit. We point souls to the true light, the word of God, the entrance of which bring light to the soul & freedom indeed to those who continue in it to saving faith, repentance toward God & faith in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures. How we need the word & armor of God!

  • I watched ‘Mirage Men’ last night for the first time. They allowed it to be produced & released, because without the informing of the word of God, the quickening Spirit, its testimony leaves one hanging in relativism limbo….maybe it’s real, maybe it’s not….. concerning the alien thing.

    One thing that documentary does well is show the folly of those who buy into the justifications & sins of covert activity, serving the beast system, the lies…..for they lose touch with reality in the temptation & the arrogance, & in the end can’t separate fact from fiction anymore than those they purposely led into sin & confusion, insanity. It demonstrates the teaching of James, & the truth, justice & mercy of the Lord demonstrated throughout the word, for without the hooks of sin in those receiving the lies, their covert garbage & merchandizing doesn’t work. Also the universality of sin & need for the Lord & the Gospel, the Schoolmaster Law and the saving solution of grace in the Gospel…for all have sinned & fallen short of the glory of God; and its only too easy to bite and devour, even amongst the redeemed, if we stray from the word & our steady & proper diet of that spiritual manna.

    It gave a peek into the beginnings of these things & the mindset of those deceived by it, their methodologies and so forth. Crowley was rooted in covert government activity and spiritual corruption, craft….and so was the original OO7, John Dee, whom Rome loves to use dialectically to look all sanctimonious & as though she were not up to her neck in what the Daughters of corrupt statist-spiritual ‘Christianity’ carried out of the mother MYSTERY of harlots & abominations of the earth…Revelation 17-18 and Colossians 2:8. As the corrupted & philosophical Augustine and Constantine crafted from the beginning of that ‘official’ corruption & antichrist counterfeit.

    You can’t ‘reform’ or ‘protest’ your way to Christ, but must come to him outside the gate, all the way out, bearing his reproach. And the ‘catholic’ body of the universalists, the ‘pan’theists and so forth, the ‘brotherhoods’ of the reforming catholics and protesting catholics is not the body of Christ but of the world & antichrist. But for the grace of God who could be saved? Few actually enter in through the strait gate & onto the narrow upward way ….not to be confused with the ladder of works or pontifex maximus divinity scams. Requires the surrender & crucifixion of will, and mortification of the flesh. Foolishness to the natural man.
    In that documentary, Doty couldn’t resist smirking at how he deceived, no repentance there, though he gives lip service to having compassion for those destroyed by ‘what had to be done’…gnosis, MYSTERY, antichrist Dark Knight & Templar, crusader garbage. The world’s ‘golden rule’ and not that of Christ which demands the first & greatest commandment be received before the second can be. But he’s also haunted because he knows there are kernels of truth there which he can’t figure out, and there are still some shreds of conscience there even in him….though he WON’T figure it out, turned from the word of God & ‘too smart’ for that, ‘spiritual but not religious’, or willfully ignorant & ‘agnostic’….. without repentance for the damage & wickedness he was a part of…part of what Christ died on the tree for, if he’d just receive it, no matter how much he seeks for it with repentance to be repented of…like Esau….like Saul….like Judas.
    These high level…inner core…creeps are talking to, and getting wisdom from, ‘aliens’ alright. And he is the source of their covert power, MYSTERY craft and children of the night, the darkness. Devils, familiar spirits, seducing spirits….and they all tell variations of the same antichrist pagan evolutionary philosophy of pantheism, tailored to hook the pet & unforsaken sin of whatever ‘mark’ they’re leading on, seeking to exploit to their ends or to sacrifice to their lie & destruction. Monism with its mergings of good and evil, it’s embrace of the darkness & evil…..supposedly harnessing it to ‘good’. Relativism. Playing & usurping the place of God….following & becoming as Lucifer/Satan in the doing.

    But God is not mocked & is in control even as they destroy themselves with their own counsel/s. And praise his name that he is also merciful, and has provided salvation of himself, else none could be saved.
    Ps 5:10 Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee.

    Ps 81:12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts’ lust: and they walked in their own counsels.

    Ho 11:6 And the sword shall abide on his cities, and shall consume his branches, and devour them, because of their own counsels.
    God loved & blessed America because of his great name & word in the hearts of a remnant fleeing here….chased here by God & kept. Without it and corrupting them both, forsaking the word, suffering its corruption & idolatry, ending by blaspheming both…. she goes the way of Israel & Judah, & many nations before….but as always: some are pricked to the heart with hope of salvation, others cut to the heart, having chosen the lie, destruction & given over to it: as God alone knows the true reprobate, seeing it all & knowing how to judge & sort it all aright & individually. Including those proud who judge with zeal, yet do not give all their strength to warning & the winning of souls. The matter of most importance is where you stand with God, making one’s own calling and election sure, even while loving others enough, & by the grace of God, to warn & tell them the truth. Natural affection is being lost.
    I’m busy these days, but have a dwindling handful of preachers & teachers I can still listen to who address different things going on in the world with the word of God (or who attempt to), the King James Bible. Men I can listen to, proving by the word of God & prayer…..and I can listen to their teaching on the word, interpretations of what’s happening in the world, as I do here reading….and then compare it to the word as I continue in the word day by day. It stretches my time & exposure to the word when my hands are busy through the day….then the daily time in the word which I shoot for addresses the questions & concerns that arise.

    I often find myself arguing with Mike Hoggard concerning his doctrine in eschatology and a couple other matters, thankful for the guidance of the Lord by the quickened word of God & for teachers & preachers who have been faithful to point out the blessed hope and to sharpen my understanding, and I believe he is currently being ‘handled’ in his new connection& partnership with the ‘new’ & ‘transformed’ Southwest Bible Radio, his faith in the corrupt& equally ‘transformed’ US government & medical systems….probably to confusion & loss in the end…..but having given those caveats, I have found also found his discussions on the latest testimonies & ‘messages’ being given the ufo-community which he covers in the light of God’s word & prophecy to be eye-opening in more ways than one.
    Go figure that it aids in understanding the web of error & covert, purpose driven misleading and fostering of confusion, temptation to sin etc of the covert agencies of the world…and the spirit enabling and driving that thing. Not just with regard to ‘ufo’s and technology, but also with all of tyranny and antichrist aims…..the steered FBI informants led into committing crime, the highjacking of righteousness to the corrupt ‘racism’ dialectic manipulations, the race & poverty pimps….and to self-righteousness corruptions so easily taken captive & steered to mutual destruction: the deceiving and being deceived. The new alchemists of craft and shamans….arrogant nicolaitans & sorcerers….thinking they’re ‘getting away with something’. Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 exposing them and their spirit and ways…..and their end just as plainly exposed in the word.

    Others like Jason Cooley are wiser to the wiles of the devil used in the conditioning ‘arts’ and wisdom of the world….& his approach to handling trials & depression etc much like Brother Denlinger’s though they most definitely do not see eye to eye on matters concerning the polity of the church, the subtle semantics of Trinity rather than clinging to the simplicity of Christ, the Godhead terminology alone, smuggling in great potential to error. Mike has bowed to receiving psych-meds & reconnection to compromise….which Cooley strongly resists, getting his victories over depression & trials from God & his word alone, seeking to pastor & shepherd as an undershepherd of local and distributed, independent organs & members of the greater body. Such an age of confusion, and coming of much carelessness as well as abuse…both rooted in pride.

    This bowing to the alchemist psychmeisters will not help Mike to resist the covert occult MESS that is the UFO/Cryptid world, the dark rabbit hole that confused, took captive & destroyed many…..even as the ‘flat earth’ disinfo & steering designed to the end of mischaracterizing the true nature of NASA’s darkness & its lies, turned to lesser & easily debunked & ridiculed disinfo. It’s frustrating & saddening, praying for the Lord’s people, seeking to avoid capture oneself. Like watching a train wreck in slow motion, unable to stop what you can see coming about….needing to pray and give it to the Lord again & again, remembering my own frailty and limitations, thankful that the Lord has shared in our infirmities even while seeking to resist & fight it. The Lord knows his own.

    They handled the kernels of truth in the ufo mess, like they handled the creation/biological evolution issue….disconnecting it from the whole of truth & the spiritual word of God, ‘handling’ and misrepresenting the mixed multitude, pride & folly…the shortfalls …of fundamentalism as Bible believers at large were leavened, thrown into confusion. Arrogant. Mockers. Laodicea slipping back to MYSTERY….falling back. The ‘Inherit the Wind’ crafted ‘art’ and games….selling lies wrapped in experiential drama/ritual to both ‘sides’, straw men idols for the unwise & undiscerning to joust with, never engaging with truth or God’s word, let alone he who is Truth, & the Word. The scholastic steering system carried up from the pagans in ‘classical’ education, dumbucation…and gnosis, doing the same, & such lesser, secondary things drawing in such men as J. Frank Norris and Bob Jones Sr. by ambition through their subtle twists, sophistry.

    Billy Graham who showed his weakness & love of compromise very early, his marriage to the daughter of proud nicolaitan Augustinian, karmic god Calvinists also contributing….later characteristic friendship with Rome via Bishop Fulton Sheen, the ‘conservative’, the ‘right’ of the right/left march deception & ‘unifier’. Hidden right in plain sight…and playing out precisely as the biblical accounts given for our warning and admonition. It troubled me reading his official biography, and now it unmistakable. How could they send Catholics, Jews, etc back to their systems & crafts of bondage? Idolatrous humanism. Gnosticism. MYSTERY.
    I’ve also learned from Greg Miller of bbfohio, and I find the tool of the printable schedule for the annual reading of God’s word…even when I falter…a great aid for consistence in reading the word, all of it, & for getting back into the word with purpose & order, making certain that I’m reading it all, and not just bits & pieces….even if it takes me more than a year; then reading through again and again….new insight revealed each time, hearing the voice of my Shepherd & Lord so that I better discern the subtle counterfeits & deviations. I love also John Asquith of purecambridgetext dot com. More a written resource like this one, though there is audio preaching there now….and the testimony of wrecked lives redeemed & transformed by the word & new birth of God.

    I need both the times of deep study in topical things, specific doctrine, word studies through the full counsel of God’s word…and general narrative reading gradually revealing & underlining the continuity & unbreakable, inexhaustible nature of God’s word. I am very grateful for those helping me to compare the resurrections & biblical prophetic things with the Rosenthal and Rasmussin errors tempting & confusing many. (Military covert steering & connections, masonic and such, reference to the nonexistent ‘Greek’ and the apocryphal books involved with those two…the link to Steven Andersnake, as well as the pentacostal Romish mysticism…a web of connections, lies & confusion… that will not cover them in the end, and for which there is no justification short of repentance not to be repented of & real salvation). We always must guard against the tendency to turn good & wise habit to a bondage, a so-called ‘discipline’ in the sense of craft….and presuming tyranny.

    Grateful for it all, and for this source of wisdom seeking to biblically define the evident things of the world & to expose the devil’s many traps & workers of confusion & wickedness.

    Praying for wisdom, discernment, fruitfulness and the mercy of God…very aware of being yet wrapped in corruptible, fallible flesh…and in need of continual reminder to be fighting the good fight against my own flesh, the war against sin, flesh and the devil….circumspect in this world, looking for the far and better kingdom & King, living as pilgrims & those with the testimony, as witnesses watching and praying to be found worthy to escape these things coming on the world. Good fellowship is hard to find.

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