Farmers in The Netherlands have taken to the streets and have been duking it out with police, as the Dutch governments is forcibly trying to sequester farms and kill-off livestock in order to meet their climate initiatives.

This article was originally posted on June 30th. New information and commentary has since been added.

In September of last year The WinePress reported that the Dutch government released their proposals kill 30% of the nation’s livestock supply, in a bid to reduce their nitrogen runoffs and emissions.

Agriculture minister Carola Schouten confirmed that forced sales of emissions rights or land would be a last resort, but said some emitters “cannot carry on [as they are] so we must ensure that we have the rules that are necessary.”

A snippet from that report

The Dutch nation is home to over 100 million cattle, swine, and chickens.

Two months ago The WP also reported that the Dutch government is investing lab-grown faux meats for sale and consumption.

Farmers Not Backing Down

But many of the farmers and ranchers in The Netherlands are not willing to comply with the government’s move to ruin their operations.

Dutch media, along with the government, have condemned and frowned upon these farmers for resisting the government’s agendas.

‘The government has admitted that some farms will have to shut down in areas which are particularly vulnerable to the impact of nitrogen-based pollution, much to the fury of radical farmers, known as the Farmers Defence Force,’ Dutch News reported on June 19th.

Over a week ago the farmer’s protest began to grow in strength and number, as leaders of these coalitions and others involved began to start visiting the homes of the politicians involved in this scheme, to the point where the politician’s children were reportedly scared by their actions, to which one of the group’s leaders, Mark van den Oever, called nature minister Christianne van der Wal’s children “p******” for being scared.

Our country is run according to the rule of law, not the rule of the tractor.

Said D66 parliamentary party leader Jan Paternotte

Demonstrations began on the 22nd, with anywhere from 20-30,000 protestors hitting the streets to rebel against the government’s compulsory climate edicts, leading to schools closing and road traffic being redirected.

We have always said we want to be part of constructive talks, but if you see the plan two years later, and nothing has been done with our contribution, then we have just been wasting time.

Protest organizer and dairy farmer Jeroen van Maanen told local news

Netherlands News Live has reported that continued blockades around the nation have led to logistical backlogs and delays, as deliveries are missing their flights and destinations on time, along with street traffic backed-up as well.

Farmers have been blockading roads with their tractors and haybales on different roads and highways. The groups have alerted the public that there will be delays due to their protests.

Courtesy: Bloempje🌹2/14/Twitter

Police attempted to remove the haybales but to no avail, as cameras filmed the officers struggle to move them off the streets.

Dutch News reported on the 28th that some of the protestors have been burning a few of these haybales alongside different highways, causing some residents to complain about smoke inhalation.

Courtesy: ANP/Hollandse Hoogte/MediaTV

The Dutch outlet also reported, ‘Farmers drove their tractors to several town halls and spread manure outside the town hall in Apeldoorn. Others turned up at the home of nature minister Christianne van der Wal, but this time she was not home.’

The farmers however have increasingly gotten more testy. Some protestors drove their tractors to Christianne van der Wal’s home, breaking through a police blockade protecting the house, with some officers reporting that they needed “to flee for their own safety.” Farmers also launched fireworks on the property and dumped manure on the road.

The police said on Twitter they had been unable to intervene because of the risk to officers’ own safety but that they would now track down the perpetrators. ‘The camera footage shows crimes were committed.

Police chief Willem Woelders said

Then reported today, police have finally gathered some sort of a foothold and have arrested 11 protestors, and many more are expected as police are in the process of analyzing video footage to see who was all involved in the protests at van der Wal’s home.

Courtesy: Jeroen Jumelet ANP

Police officers were also able to stop protesters from reaching a police station southwest of Apeldoorn, where others were detained as well.

Moreover, the mayor of Apeldoorn enacted emergency powers to allow police to block off other roads that lead to the police station. This move will still be in place at least by Friday.

Farmers also reportedly bloackaded a grocery distribution center called Albert Heijn.

Prime minister Mark Rutte has broken-off his recent visit in Madrid, Spain, with NATO to induct Sweden and Finland, to condemn the protests that the media says are getting more violent.

These are dreadful scenes. It’s a small group of farmers – the majority are demonstrating in a civilised way, but a small group is going over the limit.

Rutte said

Other food production companies, dairy giant A-Ware, animal feed firm Agrifirm and veal producer VanDrie Group, are now condemning the protests after first supporting them.

We distance ourselves from this sort of action.

A spokesman for the VanDrie Group told news website

A spokesperson for A-Ware said “intimidating people is going much too far,” and is asking many of the farmers to cease from further action.

Police union chief Jan Struijs also says ‘far-right groups’ and others who actively protested against Covid lockdowns and mandates, are now yoking up the farmers

If people are being urged close down Schiphol, distribution centres and Rotterdam port, then we are talking about a different phenomenon.

Stuijs said

Prominent criminal justice attorney Bénédicte Ficq told the Netherlands Times that police have arrested more peaceful climate activists in years past, but are now letting the farmers have more leeway.

The police already arrest climate activists when demonstrations are peaceful. The farmers are left alone for a much longer period of time.

I understand that the police and the judiciary do not want to allow things to explode in the Netherlands. It is a de-escalation policy. Major escalations are not expected among the climate activists, but [they are] among the farmers who use tractors. That is why the peaceful climate activists are handcuffed.

Visits to government officials, intimidation and threats of violence. In my view, that is unacceptable. You are being held hostage by people who are prepared to use violence.

The government has to set a limit. The farmers need to know what a democracy is, and that they are part of it. Ultimately you are expected to accept decisions that have been made democratically. There are always people who draw the short straw.

Ficq said, who said she understands the policy but still says it is a ‘double-standard.’

The police also issued a statement as well:

We do not accept disturbances to public order, violence and threats: we arrest offenders within the limits. That is sometimes more difficult with these farmer protest than with some other demonstrations, also because the actions very spread out.

The use of tractors quickly makes it unsafe for other road users, and then safety has priority over enforcement at that time. But we cannot immediately arrest everyone at other demonstrations.

UPDATE 7/3: Protests Expand As More Sectors Join

The farmers in The Netherlands are refusing to backdown, and are seeing more civilians and advocacy groups join the protests in opposition to the government’s climate goals.

The protests have grown so much, and attendees continue to remain steadfast, Minister of Agriculture Henk Staghouwer has offered to sit down for negotiations by sometime next week, on the condition that the participants and leaders condemn their own demonstrations from last week.

‘Police trade unions have sounded the alarm, stating that they will not be able to keep a massive nationwide sit-down strike, which the farmers, in conjunction with several truckers and dock workers, announced for Monday, July 4, under control,’ The Vision Times wrote.

Many towing companies are not interested in towing the tractors and heavy vehicles, lest the public mark them resulting in their businesses taking a hit. Other truckers and docking crews have also pledged to join the farmers.

The protestors are rumored to be planning to blockade airports, shipping docks, harbors, and distribution centers.

On the 1st, Dutch News reported that ‘several thousand family doctors and their assistants took part in a demonstration in The Hague on Friday.’ Family Doctors’ association LHV estimated that at 4-5,000 people attended this protest. These protests are not necessarily associated with the farmers, but they are all happening at the same time.

Protestors more directly associated with the original farmers group also brought a couple of cows with them to The Hague, to ‘illustrate the effect of the government’s nitrogen reduction plans.’ ‘One cow would go to the slaughterhouse today, the other would go back to the farm to be slaughtered later,’ Dutch News added.

Courtesy: anne, @MwTuinstra / Twitter

The Vision Times added, ‘Despite the fact that Dutch media have been continually framing the farmers in an attempt to have them lose support from the common people, 75 percent of the Dutch population still support the farmers and their actions, according to the latest polls.’

The protestors plan to launch more demonstrations on Monday, July 4th.

It is going to happen!!! The whole of the Netherlands flat!!

Dear farmers, citizens,

Our government is not yet impressed by the actions of the agricultural sector and rural people, time for major actions from Monday, July 4, 2022 The Netherlands will be closed, but keep it tidy.
Until then, our government has time to throw the plans in the trash.
Schiphol Airport Eindhoven The Hague Ports of Rotterdam will close all food distribution centers and all major polluters in the Netherlands and will not reopen until our government changes its plans.
Everyone in action organize this from your own region
Please share this and tackle it with your own organization .

Please share as much as possible

Official Convoy Netherlands News posted on Telegram

Secret Police Infiltrate

Independent journalists and bystanders at these demonstrations have been able to capture footage of the Dutch secret police called “Romeos,” who are dressed up like masked assailants, designed to purposefully create riff-raff and spin the narrative in the media.

Here is one such example:

The media is continuing to present the protests in a demeaning light, with The Netherlands Times writing, ‘Police believe there was organization behind the recent farmer protests that have escalated and caused dangerous situations. However, it is still not clear what organizations are involved and responsible, according to’

If you look at the actions, you can only conclude that it has been mutually agreed. This does not just happen.

National police commander Willem Woelders told, noting they do not have tangible evidence of that yet

But as for these “Romeo” undercover agents, independent Dutch outlet Wappie Talk compiled plenty of clips and pictures that prove that the secret police are intermingling with the protestors to cause added chaos – a article that is worth taking a peak at, but here are some of those clips the outlet was able to round up, along with clips for previous months for unrelated demonstrations to confirm these infiltrators are indeed “Romeos”:

Wappie Talk was also able to find stills of the Romeos strategically placing a firearm during the protests, to potentially frame the farmers for being violent extremists:

The gun is placed in the far-right
Closer view at the gun
A Romeo reaching for the placed gun

UPDATE 7/5 – Blockading Distribution Centers

The Dutch farmers and civilians are not letting up and continue to protest against the government for trying to sequester their land and kill their livestock.

As promised, the protesters blockaded several food destruction centers yesterday. Dutch News writes,

‘Dutch media report[s] that farmers have blocked the entrance to the A50 motorway in Veghel, where there is a Jumbo supermarket distribution centre. They have also blocked roads in Heerenveen (Lidl), Drachten (Aldi), Raalte (Jumbo), Deventer (Aldi), Haaksbergen (Plus), Woerden (Jumbo), Breda (Jumbo) and Nijkerk (Boni). Three Albert Heijn centres were also reportedly been blocked on Monday morning, in Zaandam, Giessenburg and Zwolle, while farmers have also taken action around Tata Steel in IJmond and the A9 Gaasperdammertunnel.’
Courtesy: Vincent Jannink, ANP

Furthermore, fishermen allied with the farmers have been protesting blocking off Lauwersoog harbor with ships, purportedly because of the ever-rising costs of fuel and reduced room at sea because of wind farms.

Roads overall were fairly timid as motorists decided to skip travel to avoid being bogged down by the protestors’ traffic.

On Sunday many protestors came together to honor the lives of three farmers who committed suicide within the last two weeks, who could no longer handle the stress and feeling of hopelessness concerning the government’s edicts.

Police Threaten To Get Involved

The Dutch police have threatened to get directly involved to help take control and carrel the protestors, working in league with the government Ministry of Defense.

According to an official Netherlands Police website, they issued the following statements on Sunday:

Demonstrating is a fundamental right. People should be able to stand up for their interests. But that has to be done in a ‘normal way’; so according to the legal rules’, says [police chief Willem] Woelders. In recent days, protests have unfortunately gotten out of hand.

If limits are nevertheless exceeded, the police will intervene where possible. Criminal offenses are traced, suspects are arrested. Damage to police equipment will be recovered. The first suspects have already turned themselves in to the police. This happened after the East Netherlands police unit released images of disturbances.

Protecting vital infrastructure and objects such as (air) ports and power plants. Logistics chains – including supermarket distribution centers – and the main roads also have priority. If people’s safety is compromised, priorities may change.’ There is close cooperation with the Ministry of Defense.

The police wrote in a statement

Today brigades of police were sent to the city of Heerenveen to breakup some of the protests going on there:

Spanish Farmers Join The Party

The rebellion has spread to Spain, as Spanish farmers have also had enough of the high costs of goods and fuel.

UPDATE 7/6 – Police Start Shooting And Making Arrests

As noted in prior updates the Dutch Police warned that they would increase their aggression if need be. They have now done so and have opened fire against the farmers, for protesting in the streets and refusing to obey the police’s orders.

Some users from The Netherlands captured some of the attempted shootings on camera.

On top of this more arrests have been made.

Dutch News reports that eight individuals have since been arrested for protesting at the home of nature minister Christianne van der Wal.

Three farmers were also arrested today, for purportedly attempted manslaughter the Public Prosecution Service (OM) said in a statement.

The suspects were arrested after a police action in which targeted shots were fired and warning shots were also fired. This happened during the protest, leading to a tractor allegedly driven by the 16-year-old boy being struck by a bullet. Images of the incident are circulating on social media, including the bullet hole. A video shows that officers appear to be on the road with guns drawn when a tractor with trailer drives past a police blockade. Then shots can be heard on the video. No video has surfaced showing a direct attack on officers. (SEE VIDEO ABOVE).

The Netherlands Times Reported.

Furthermore, nearly 40 more people a part of a separate protest group called Extinction Rebellion were arrested after blocking more roads. The protestors were peaceful and they were speaking out against government fossil fuel subsidies.

UPDATE 7/9 – EU Enhances The Climate Restrictions

The resistance by Dutch protestors and farmers rage on, the European Union is now seeking to pour more salt in the wound by instituting more climate-based edicts.

Per an article courtesy of The Netherlands Times, by next year Dutch farmers would also be forced to spread even less manure on their fields, claiming to reduce nitrogen and carbon emissions.

‘Brussels has been pushing for stricter treatment of Dutch farmers for some time. It is not without reason that two years ago, the EU granted the derogation only for two years instead of the usual four years, and it was subject to stricter conditions than before. Agriculture Minister Henk Staghouwe has warned farmers for some time that they should expect the derogation to be abolished. Negotiations are ongoing in Brussels, but according to insiders, the gradual phasing out of this exceptional position seems likely,’ The NLT wrote.

Loss of derogation is a black scenario for circular agriculture. It means that a smaller part of the total required soil fertilization may come from fertile animal manure and, therefore, greater dependence on artificial fertilizer and thus gas. This will cost approximately 10,000 to 20,000 euros extra for farmers without improving the environment. If the Ministry of Agriculture still wants to offer any future prospects, then derogation should really be arranged in Brussels.

LTO Nederland, the organization for agriculture and horticulture in the Netherlands, stated in their response to the new proposals, adding that this is a “setback after setback” for the farmers.

At the same time a new study is circulating amongst Dutch mainstream media, asserting that “Plastic found in nearly four-fifths of Dutch meat and dairy,” conducted by Free University of Amsterdam and commissioned by the Plastic Soup Foundation (PSF).

This study raises serious concerns about the contamination of our food chain with microplastics.

It is also clear that farmers are not responsible for this. It seems that…former food products, including from supermarkets, are processed into livestock feed with packaging and all. This is not only detrimental to animal welfare, but perhaps also to us. Almost every steak and burger probably contains small pieces of plastic.

The Netherlands is the largest export country of meat in Europe. We export a lot of meat to the UK, Germany and China. Are we feeding these countries plastic?

Maria Westerbos, director of PSF, said in a press release.

Food Shelves Empty, Children Join

The protestors continue to blockade food distribution plants. Yesterday protestors cutoff a Jumbo distribution center in Woerden with roughly 30 tractors involved in the blockade. Netherlands News Live reports that mayor Victor Molkenboer was presently there to speak with the protestors.

We enter into discussions and only intervene when things really start to get out of hand.

A police spokeswoman said, who described the ‘atmosphere [a]s friendly’

The protestors are showing no signs in backing down. Clips of children also joining the protest have surfaced on social media. Kids can be seen driving tiny toy lawn-movers, and small tractors and go-karts, along with bicycles and pedal-karts.

Climate Activists Protest Banks

While the farmers are fighting against the government for stripping them of their entire livelihoods, another activist called Extinction Rebellion is currently protesting against the government and corporations for supposedly supporting ‘dirty energy.’

‘Climate activists from Extinction Rebellion are campaigning nationally at ING branches on Saturday to protest against the bank’s financing of the fossil industry. Activists entered the bank’s locations in 20 cities in an attempt to occupy them. They have refused to leave until ING pledges to immediately stop financing the fossil fuel industry,’ The NLT wrote.

Extinction Rebellion NL / Supplied to NL Times

We have been campaigning for some time, but ING does not want to listen. Customers now also need to know what their trusted bank does with their money. That familiar orange lion has oil on his claws. We are running out of time to prevent the worst effects of the climate crisis. ING’s fossil policy does not fit in with that. It instead exacerbates the climate crisis.

Extinction Rebellion said in a statement

UPDATE 8/12 – Police Get Violent As Protests Continue

Though support for the farmers and protestors around the world has simmered down, many Dutch farmers are still not ready to call it quits.

Some demonstrators are still continuing to blockade roads, and dump manure everywhere including busy streets, which have caused accidents:

Courtesy: Rijkswaterstaat
Courtesy: SPS Media

Over a week ago protests got extra testy and violent, as police could be seen whacking protestors with batons, after a mural displaying an inverted Dutch flag and featured the words “no farmers, no food,” was ordered to be taken down by government officials.

But protest leaders are vowing to amp up the intensity of their demonstrations if they demands are not yet met.

If I taste the mood, I think you can prepare yourself for the hardest actions that FDF has ever taken part in. We’re definitely going to escalate. We always come up with something special.

Mark van den Oever from the Farmers Defence Force, said, promising “the hardest action ever.”

Read more about it here.


[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

And the Dutch government is not playing around with that, and are actively working to fulfil this prophecy, as are tons of nations around the world. This is a continued trend The WP has been reporting on for a while. Assuming The Netherlands’ satanic government gets their way, this will not only reduce the amount of meat and animal byproducts that will be available, the prices will scream higher, and increased famine will be induced across Europe as the Dutch nation is a major meat exporters across Europe.

European Union Meat CEO Says Meats ‘Will Be A Luxury Item’

New Zealand Seeks To Implement Backdoor Meat Tax By Taxing Farmers For Burps And Farts From Livestock

The EU Is Running Out Of Food. Trudeau And Others Warn About Food Scarcity. Meat Taxes And Licenses Proposed

I am not there, it’s difficult to get the whole truth with mainstream media reporting what the government wants them to say; but to me, some of this smells of the same controlled opposition and antics that went on with the Canadian protests this past winter – something I demonstrated was indeed organized and staged at the top. These Dutch protests could again be used to help aid in slowing down the supply chains even further, as the fallout from the Canadian vaccine mandates and protests did something similar.

Don’t get me wrong: these farmers have every right and obligation to stand-up and fight back against this, but I just have suspicion there is more at play than we are being led to believe, but I don’t know.

UPDATE: After seeing the new evidence, there is definite controlled opposition, and this is precisely the same thing I reported on with the Canadian trucker protests.

Moreover, whether these protestors now it or not, they are falling into a trap and are aiding in fulfilling these climate goals the elites want. According to the Absolute Zero Agenda plans for 2030 and 2050, these are some of those goals:

[By 2030] All airports except Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast close with transfers by rail. [Afterwards] All remaining airports close.

[By 2030] There are currently no freight ships operating without emissions, so shipping must contract. [Afterwards] All shipping declines to zero.

[By 2030] National consumption of beef and lamb drops by 50%, along with reduction in frozen ready meals and air-freighted food imports. [Afterwards] Beef and lamb phased out, along with all imports not transported by train; fertilizer use greatly reduced.

International Ports Going “Net Zero” And “Smart” Could Explain Some Of Supply Chain Shortages And Famine

By blockading the airports, the docks, and food distribution sites, this is only aiding the very goals the elites want to insert. Again, this happened with the Canadian truckers as shipping was reduced and autonomous trucks were touted before and during the protests.

Autonomous Trucks And Truckyards Are Now Replacing Drivers Amidst Protests

As I said, I am not there so it is hard to truly get an accurate read, but I honestly feel something is a miss…

Let me know your take on it, and if you are Dutch or are in Europe and know more details of the situation, please send those leads to:

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



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        Who pointed it bent Maine SITE….. W­­­­­w­­­­­w­­­­­.S­­­­­m­­­­­a­­­­­r­­­­­t­­­­­J­­­­­o­­­­­b­­­­­1­­­­­.c­­­­­o­­­­­m

    • I have been following the Dutch Farm protest for the past two years. Mark Rutte is an elitist ass and a liar for the WEF. Farmers should be revered since they provide sustenance for people to live. The elites do want the land to make billions on immigrants and force us to eat bugs and lab meat. No one elected the WEF to tell us what to do, they just feel their money will make us conform. NEVER GIVE UP & FIGHT THE GOV! The US has already lost most livestock and farms this past summer. God bless the farmers!

  • I know we’re not to long for that Day of darkness, but it’s hard not to want to see these ‘climate change’ liars get their real climate change from Jesus. They’ll be so surprised since they made it all up! ….Makes me sick to think of the evil being promoted.

    Like you, I’m not there. But it looks like January 6th and Canadian trucker infiltration & activism amidst some serious people fighting for their livelihoods & the feeding of their countrymen, to me. I don’t believe regular farmers would burn hay like that, for one thing. That’s BLANTIFA & CIA- cultivated (or whatever the Dutch covert agency is called) jailbird type stuff.

    For the people of Europe to allow the formation of the EU was just not wise. And spiritually Europe is an antichrist wasteland of idolatrous humanism : – (. So wicked & sad to see that come about. Cultivated just like here with dumbing down & demoralization, banking manipulation, but with an old elite & craft with roots all the way back to the Dark Ages & pagan Rome there. Only England with the King James Bible really had a good staunch resistance for any length of time, and ecumenists in bed with Rome like Billy Goat Graham certainly didn’t help the lost European people, including the Dutch, Ukrainian, & especially, the Russians.

  • I am glad to see God’s judgement befall them especially when they use it as an occasion to get drugged up.

    Like who goes into a protest all loopy loop when they should be vigilant, sober and strategizing.

    This is why God is mad amongst soooo many other reasons.

    They too have legalized sin and there doesn’t seem to be any repentance in view.

    Jesus is so wonderful and righteous even in his judgements and wrath.

    Praise his names all ye inhabitants of the earth and repent for your damnation is near

    Matthew 23:33
    Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

    Romans 3:
    5But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I speak as a man)

    6God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?

    7For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner?

    8And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.

    9What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin;

    10As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

    11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.

  • I often read your articles and am grateful for the content. You often come to a conclusion of hidden corruption (Trump) or controlled opposition. What options do the people have other than rising up? We either complain till we die or protest like these people are doing. At some point we need to be open to action that will have an impact. I don’t see what other solutions there are other than temporarily destructive ones. I’m open to reading your thoughts on what will help us reverse course.

    • I apologize if I have improperly communicated my position. I understand and fully believe that people need to stand up and fight back. However, the Lord needs to be the focal point of it, and praying and trusting in him to help fight the battle and resisting these evil people. The problem at its core with these protests and demonstrations is that the people are people who reject the Lord and despise his word, and based on God’s standards of righteousness, they are just as wicked; hence, why the Lord has allowed the government to come against them:
      Proverbs 17:11 An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.
      The rebellion there is not limited to the laws of the land (as there are laws and edicts that can overstep their bounds, as noted in Romans 13), but if you rebel God’s natural order of things, his laws, his word, and so forth. If you do not align with his standards he is not your ally. I plan to do a scriptural study on this at some point. It’s on my to-do list.
      Furthermore, in the case with these Dutch protestors, what they are doing is what the handlers want. It’s a trap. Because by blockading all kinds of food distribution centers, harbors, airports, shutting down traffic; they are indirectly fulfilling these climate goals these elitists ultimately want. It’s a lose-lose situation in this scenario, unfortunately.

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  • The irrationality and hypocrisy of some of these animal rights, vegan types is also amazing. Save the earth, kill people to save a worm, fish or frog…..but what do they think they’re going to do to all of these animals that are such ‘dangerous’ nitrogen producers (more to the point: dangerous to their lab meat & lab baby dreams & investments)? They’re going to KILL THEM. So, it’s alright to kill & shove the bodies into a landfill or something, just not to kill & eat them, in the purpose & order that God ordained to the sustenance of life? It’s nothing but hatred for God & his order, and ridiculous, a death cult: and those clown outfits were highly appropriate get-up for those ‘climate activist’ protestors.

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