A growing number of families are now suing the state of Florida and Governor Ron DeSantis, over ‘medical kidnapping’ of children and the state forcibly prohibiting these families from seeing their young loved ones.
In March The WinePress reported on a situation in Idaho where a young couple’s child was seized from their possession, held at gunpoint by police, transported to a hospital where the baby underwent abuse and maltreatment – all because the mother missed a single appointment for the baby. After lengthy and relentless protests by the family, community members, and outlets (such as The WP) that brought attention to this case, the baby was eventually released back to the family from police and medical staff. Read below:

Unfortunately, “medical kidnapping,” as it sometimes called, and child seizures, are a lot more common than people think; simply due to events like the one previously noted, or over a disagreements with family doctors and pediatricians.
And one place it occurs are the state-ran and funded childcare and foster homes, which have been covertly used as national child trafficking and abuse networks, and act as proxies for these medical kidnappings, for some time.
In Florida, it is no different. Now a growing number of families are speaking out after their children will stripped from them by the state, filing a lawsuit against the state and the Governor for allowing these practices to occur.
Exactly one month ago Katie LaGrone for WPTV West Palm Beach broke the story on the lawsuit, and reported on the testimonies of these families who had their children taken from them. And just several days ago LaGrone again reported on more families who are now speaking out against these atrocities as well.
The first report was published and broadcast on June 17th:
With a small village of family members surrounding them, Taniyah and Rodney Williams shared, what they say, no loving parent should ever have to.
They called us abusers and just took us from her.
Williams explained about the day her then-12-week-old daughter was taken by state child welfare workers after a nurse suspected her daughter was being abused.
The Williams now believe the system, created to protect families, not only failed them but distorted the truth to steal their daughter away from them and her biological family.
I don’t know anything about her. What her favorite color is, her favorite show on TV, I don’t know anything.
Said Williams about her daughter who she hasn’t seen since 2018.
Lawsuit: Foster care workers “internally diverting” children away from relatives for system-connected strangers
The Williams are among four Florida families now suing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and leaders of Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) along with several other state foster care organizations.
In the lawsuit, filed in a Tallahassee federal court Wednesday, dozens of relatives across four families accused employees within the state’s foster care system of fabricating evidence, hiding and withholding key information, creating false abuse allegations, or ignoring state and federal family laws so the system workers could keep children from being placed with biological relatives and, instead, place them with system-connected people seeking children of their own.
For the Williams family, it all started in 2017 when their infant daughter showed signs of leg pain. According to the lawsuit, Williams had been in and out of her pediatrician’s office and the hospital over various medical issues involving her newborn daughter.
According to the lawsuit, her daughter’s birth was traumatic. The umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck, forcing doctors to break the baby’s clavicle during delivery to get her out, the complaint states. The baby’s birth also resulted in bruising, noted by the family’s pediatrician, court records show.
After the baby’s birth, the Williams’ made every doctor’s visit for their new daughter, the suit states. Mom had also been to the ER a few times over different issues with her daughter, including a respiratory infection. According to the 106-page complaint, the baby’s pediatrician never suspected abuse. In fact, he noted the baby has a form of brittle bone disease that made her bruise easily.
On the day the Williams brought their baby in over concerns about leg pain, doctors ordered X-rays which revealed the baby had a fractured femur and more than a dozen other fractures “in various stages of healing,” according to the lawsuit.
A nurse suspected abuse.
When parents lose custody, these families claim, relatives also lose their rights
Following the nurse’s suspicion, mom and dad were investigated by police. According to the lawsuit, the case was closed with no criminal charges filed.
Still, DCF filed a petition to remove the baby and her brother from their parents. The young parents were eventually stripped of their parental rights.
It broke us, it changed us and it’s always going to be a part of us missing until she comes home.
It ruined my life.
Said an emotional Rodney Williams
The couple vehemently denies they ever abused their children and are fighting to get their parental rights restored.
But their relatives said the system also broke the family by depriving biological relatives of their right to take custody of the baby.
According to the lawsuit, agencies within the state’s foster care system bypassed state and federal laws that require foster care workers to give relatives the opportunity to take custody of a child before placing that child with non-relative strangers.
On the day investigative reporter Katie LaGrone, and her photographer, Matthew Apthorp, met Taniyah and Rodney Williams, they also met more than a half dozen members who said they were each ready, willing, and able to take custody of the Williams’ daughter. But family members were, ultimately, disqualified for reasons they still don’t understand.
Relatives rejected
Paternal grandparents, Charlotte and Rodney Williams Sr., said they went through extensive background checks and were initially approved to take custody of the two Williams’ children.
We passed all the home studies, they dug into our backgrounds. I’m in the military and the backgrounds we went through were just as bad.
Said Williams Sr.
The grandparents said they were rejected at the last minute.
They made up so many reasons.
Said the paternal grandmother.
Lisa Crutch is the baby’s maternal grandmother and said, she too, was disqualified.
I’m retired military, I worked for the city of New York, I have a college degree, there was nothing wrong with me having my granddaughter.
Crutch said
The lawsuit alleged caseworkers “falsely claimed” Crutch was a child abuser who “had abused her son years earlier” and was even erroneously listed on the abuse registry as a child abuser.
According to Crutch, the paperwork, allegedly, stating she was a child abuser was riddled with spelling and factual errors. In addition, she said, the state labeled her son’s age at the time of his so-called abuse as “18 years old.” She also said system workers deliberately withheld information on how to get all corrected and removed from her background.
I felt like it was conspiracy.
She said
A conspiracy, the family now claims, was part of a bigger intent described in the lawsuit as “unlawful internal diversion” to let “operators of the system essentially have their choice of children placed into the state’s custody.”
Why would they do it? Because they’ve been doing it for so long and never expected to get caught.
Asked Leigh Crutch, the baby’s great-aunt
Crutch has been working behind the scenes, conducting her own investigation trying to get to the bottom of why her family is consistently being shut out of the young child’s life.
Crutch and other family members believe they discovered the why when they learned the baby taken from them had been fostered out to a family who had a strong connection to the foster care system. The foster father was, at the time, a board member and a foundation trustee for the same Clay County foster agency that fought to terminate Taniyah and Rodney Williams’ parental rights.
I was furious. I felt like it was a setup.
Said the baby’s biological mom.
The Williams aren’t alone
I can’t even describe the pain that we experienced as a family.
Explained Judy Miller, who said, she and other family members were also unjustly disqualified from taking care of a baby relative who was also removed from her family.
Miller moved to Florida from Illinois to care for her granddaughter after her daughter and son-in-law’s parental rights were terminated over allegations of abuse.
While the baby’s biological parents deny they did anything wrong, Miller said she was one of eight family relatives ready, willing, and able to take custody of the baby, but who were all rejected by the system.
“They did two home studies and they were both approved,” Miller said of her attempts to gain custody of her granddaughter. Miller is also seeking legal action and named in the suit.
According to the complaint, caseworkers rejected Miller as a suitable guardian for her grandbaby because Miller’s “bond with her daughter was too close.”
Instead of family, the lawsuit states the baby was placed with a stranger, “system-connected.”
You can’t write off the whole family.
Said Anna DaCosta and her husband.
Their daughter’s half-sister was also removed from their biological family because DCF, against committee recommendations according to the complaint, placed the young girl with a non-relative, foster-system connected person after the baby’s mother lost her parental rights.
She was a pretty little blond-haired, blue-eyed baby. Of course they wanted her.
Said DaCosta
“It’s happening all over Florida”
It’s happening all over Florida.
Said attorney Octavia Brown of Community Law for Families and Children. She’s part of a team of attorneys who filed the complaint.
When LaGrone suggested the lawsuit accused kidnapping by and within the system, Brown responded,
What else do you call it? If there is someone who is connected to the system and they see a child that they want, they are going to get the child.
Brown is also a former insider who worked as an attorney for DCF and other agencies representing Florida’s foster care system.
While Brown believes the system, overall, protects children from abuse, she explained how some staff members who collaborate to deliberately keep a child from being placed with biological relatives can get away with it.
This system is so bogged down. When they [system staff] come in with these false stories or they come in with false allegations of caregivers having backgrounds, the judge is not going to say ‘oh let me look into that home study or let me look into that criminal record.
She explained
Brown said young parents and poor families are most vulnerable to what they dub as “internal diversion” practices.
Because those families don’t have the money to fight the bogus allegations.
Brown said
Board member adopts baby
Today, Taniyah and Rodney Williams are parents to a little boy. Their older son, who was taken away from them at the same time their baby daughter was removed, was placed with his paternal grandparents.
But their only daughter wasn’t. She remains gone from the family after being adopted three years ago by the same board member and his family who first took her in.
In response to questions about the adoption and potential conflict of interest, the now-former board member stated in an email,
I would certainly like to speak to you regarding our daughter. I’m sure you’ve heard several fabulous stories which are not true.
He said
The board member never elaborated because his attorney wouldn’t let him. Custody cases are, by law, confidential and can’t be publicly discussed according to his attorney.
The system responds
According to a Department of Children and Families dashboard, over 21,000 children and young adults are currently in the state’s foster care system. To get some additional perspective, we referred to DCF’s most annual performance report, from fiscal year 2020-2021. According to the report, the number of children entering the foster care system in Florida is slightly above the national average – with above 3.5 children per 1,000 entering Florida’s system in 2019, compared to 3.4 children per 1,000 nationally.
In response to the lawsuit, DCF spokesperson Laura Walthall sent us the following statement:
While you probably won’t include any of our successes, it is important to highlight the Department of Children and Families continue to make the well-being of children our top priority. As a system of care, we work to exhaust all effort to find a relative or non-relative caregiver for children who are removed from their biological parents. Our goal is family preservation whenever possible. In fact, over the last couple of years, we have invested significant resources in achieving that goal and we can attest that Florida is at an 18-year low for removal from family caregivers. Florida has also invested millions of dollars over the last three years to improve family placements.
We remain committed to ensuring the integrity of our mission: to work in partnership with local communities to protect the vulnerable, promote strong and economically self-sufficient families, and advance personal and family recover and resiliency.
But the Williams’, and three other Florida families named in the lawsuit, maintain that was not their experience. Now, they’re hoping the justice system can do what, they believe, the state’s child welfare system went out of its way and against the law not to— bring these children back home to them.
She’s a black child, raised in a white household and she’s going to find out that she was stolen and stolen from an excellent family.
The system is a lie, that’s what it is.
Said great-aunt Leigh Crutch about the Williams’ daughter
The second report was published and broadcast on July 15th, where more families have spoken out:
More families are sharing personal stories of how, they claim, Florida’s child welfare system went out of its way to break their families apart.
They just stonewalled us.
Curt Houston of Tampa said
He and his wife haven’t seen their grandson and granddaughter in person since 2018, the same year the children’s mother [Houston’s daughter] died of a drug overdose. Their dad isn’t in the picture.
The Houstons want to raise their grandchildren and have been fighting Florida’s Department of Children and Families (DCF) for custody since the young children were placed in foster care four years ago.
But the state denied them, choosing instead to keep the children with their foster mother, who the children refer to as “mother” according to a DCF denial letter that the Houstons received earlier this year. The Houstons provided us with a copy of the letter.
DCF, I feel like they run the courtroom and the judge. We’ve been through hell and back. These are our grandchildren. They are all we have left off our daughter.
Althea Houston said
The Houstons aren’t alone. Dozens of families contacted Investigative Reporter Katie LaGrone after she reported on a new lawsuit alleging similar claims by families, calling out the state’s foster care system for how it handles kinship cases.
Those children were then, allegedly, placed with system-connected people who wanted a child of their choice.
It’s screwed up.
The Houstons said
They also provided us a copy of a 2021 approved home study in which neither grandparent was flagged for having any “disqualifying offenses” and their home is described as “clean and appropriate for children.”
Still, their request to take custody was denied.
In addition to the children’s bond with their foster mother, the biological grandfather is described as missing four online visits with the children last year. Houston denies it, calling the accusations part of the state’s manipulation of the facts.
I showed up to every visit. I was on camera ready to go.
Houston said even when it meant he had to leave his job at Publix early that day
While Florida’s foster care system plays a critical role in protecting children and families with thousands of success stories, the families we spoke to all said they were unjustly denied from caring for young biological relatives who ended up in the state’s care when their parents were deemed not fit to care for them.
It’s indescribable. It was a system I trusted and I shouldn’t have.
Susan Carrier of Broward County said
She lost her fight to get custody of her baby granddaughter in 2018. Carrier, who’s an experienced neo-natal nurse and adopted her grandson years earlier, said by the time her daughter lost her battle with drug addiction in 2017; the state told Carrier she had waited too long to try and get her grandbaby.
Carrier knew the baby was in foster care and said she was helping her daughter recover and thought her daughter and grandbaby would be reunified. But when her daughter died and Carrier sought custody, she was denied.
According to the paperwork she provided us, part of the state’s reason was the baby’s “strong bond” with her foster parents with who she had been living.
The state has duties to families in crisis and protocols to follow and they didn’t do it. They simply gave my healthy, 10-month-old granddaughter to a family that wanted a child.
She said
Research shows children fare better living with biological family. In fact, the research is so strong that state and federal laws mandate state welfare systems must diligently search for ready, willing and able relatives before placing a child with a stranger in foster care.
We just felt like she was basically kidnapped from us.
Trena Robinson and her sister, Tala Thompson, said
Both live in Ohio with their extended families and also claim they were unjustly denied getting their baby niece placed with them earlier this year. The baby’s mother struggles with addiction and already lost five of her other children.
All of the siblings have been placed with family members in Ohio, but Robinson and Thompson said trying to get their niece moved from Florida to Ohio has been a nightmare made worse by confusion and delays by systems in two states.
They said months passed before they could even get their home studies completed, which they both passed. The aunts said the baby wasn’t assigned a special guardian ad litem until she was a year old.
In paperwork they provided to us, the baby’s birth mother filed a motion requesting the baby be placed with family members in Ohio. But in May of this year, a Polk County judge denied the motion, stating the baby and her foster parents were “well bonded,” according to court documents the family provided to us.
Records also showed the baby’s foster parents are employed as Guardian Ad Litem, or legal advocates for kids, in Florida’s foster care system.
The aunts believe the foster parents’’ connection and work within the system biased their case and the judge’s decision against them, though the foster parents did not serve as the baby’s Guardian Ad Litem. A special guardian ad litem was eventually assigned to the case.
Still, Robinson is suspicious.
She basically ran the show. You would have thought the foster mom was the caseworker.
She said
Child welfare systems, which are overburdened and understaffed, are often criticized for operating in secret and making up their own rules.
Systemically, I think part of the problem is that we don’t have a lot of information about what happens in child welfare overall.
Said Loyola University School of Law professor Dr. Sacha Coupet, a leading expert on kinship care, child welfare and family rights
She said how child welfare systems handle kinship has raised long-standing concerns among relatives who claim they were bypassed, ignored or unjustly disqualified from getting custody of young family members. Coupet said families of color are also disproportionally impacted.
Decision-making in this area is so discretionary.
She added
It remains unknown how many relatives seeking custody of young family members in foster care are denied. It’s also unknown if Florida, or any state, even tracks the information. DCF has yet to provide answers to our questions about data.
A spokesperson with DCF also couldn’t provide any answers or explanations to questions regarding any of the families we spoke with, including families named in the lawsuit.
Cases involving child placement and custody are, by law, confidential making it even more difficult for outsiders, including the media, to fully understand why some relatives seeking custody of loved ones are approved and others, who are deemed suitable to care for a child, are denied from taking in their own kin.
In data we found online and provided by Kids Count through the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the percentage of Florida children in 2020 who were adopted by a relative neared 50% which was consistent over the last several years and among the highest of states nationwide.
In an emailed statement, a DCF spokesperson said in general,
Trained professionals evaluate each case and try to keep families together whenever it is possible and safe. [When that’s not possible,] the department works with partners to make sure placements and services are in the best interest of the child.
Not according to the families we spoke with, many of them are still fighting to keep their own families intact.
We’re not going to give up. She is our blood and she needs to be with us.
Tala Thompson said about her niece.
Our intention is getting our grandkids at any costs.
Althea Houston said
Read DCF”s full response:
As you know, the Department’s cases involving child placement and protective custody are confidential, so we are unable to respond to your specific case questions.
As a Department, our trained professionals evaluate each case and try to keep families together whenever it is possible and safe. In some instances, that is not possible, and in those cases, the Department works with our partners to make sure placements and services are in the best interest of the child.
Further, Florida law clearly lays out how the Department and the Court must handle removals and placements. Section 39.401(3), F.S., states:
If the child is taken into custody by, or is delivered to, an authorized agent of the Department, the agent shall review the facts supporting the removal with an attorney representing the Department. The purpose of the review is to determine whether there is probable cause for the filing of a shelter petition.
a. If the facts are not sufficient, the child shall immediately be returned to the custody of the parent or legal custodian.
b. If the facts are sufficient and the child has not been returned to the custody of the parent or legal custodian, the Department shall file the petition and schedule a hearing, and the attorney representing the Department shall request that a shelter hearing be held within 24 hours after the removal of the child.
c. While awaiting the shelter hearing, the authorized agent of the Department may place the child in out-of-home care, and placement shall be determined based on priority of placements as provided in s. 39.4021 and what is in the child’s best interest based on the criteria and factors set out in s. 39.01375.
d. Placement of a child which is not in a licensed shelter must be preceded by criminal history records check as required under s. 39.0138.
e. In addition, the Department may authorize placement of a housekeeper/homemaker in the home of a child alleged to be dependent until the parent or legal custodian assumes care of the child.
This prioritization is required to be followed any time there is a change to a child’s physical or legal placement after the child has been sheltered but before the child has achieved permanency except as otherwise provided in Chapter 39, F.S.
As said previously, we remain committed to ensuring the integrity of our mission: to work in partnership with local communities to protect the vulnerable, promote strong and economically self-sufficient families, and advance personal and family recover and resiliency.
But what makes the actions of the state even more suspicious, adding credibility to these families’ claims – one week after LaGrone’s initial report was published, local Floridian news reported that Governor DeSantis’ wife Casey is now working directly with the DCF, to recruit military veterans to become DCF investigators, to further instigate and purpurate the aforementioned problems.

Reported on the June 22nd, Casey calls the initiative “Continue the Mission,” and says recruiting these vets is good because ‘their skills’ can be put to use, and give them a ‘purpose after serving.’
So what we wanted to do is provide an opportunity for our veterans to continue their service and to continue to serve our great children of this state. And so we are asking them to do that to sign up as CPIs.
Florida Department of Children and Families provides a list of dates and locations where these vets and others can sign-up.
[7] Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. [14] And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. [15] Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.Isaiah 59:7, 14-15
As I said, these medical kidnappings happen more commonly than people realize, nor do people realize that the thievery and trafficking is literally happening in front of their eyes and under their noses; but hey, out of sight out of mind, right?
The way I see it, the fact that Casey DeSantis is calling for vets to now join as enforcers against the people, especially a week after a lawsuit was filed against them and the state, and with damning evidence that shows what the vile state is doing – she basically is flipping these families the bird, and saying, ‘you thought what we’ve allowed to happen was bad, hold my beer, watch this; and there’s not a darn thing you can do to stop us, as the people we praise us and they will despise you.’ This is what I believe she is saying without saying it.
I have reported different times that Ron DeSantis is just another corrupt and evil leader here in these end times: another puppet the media and handlers have groomed for a potential run and win at President. Do not buy into the hoopla behind them.
As I have said before, you MUST keep your children as far away from the hospitals and medical establishments as possible, starting at birth. Therefore, if you have a child, you must do it at home or just somewhere away from the public eye. Moreover, they must be kept from any and all public schools (and private ones too for that matter), and as many state and federal programs as possible. If you don’t, you have opened the door for these kidnappings, and more, to occur.
Notwithstanding the Lord sees, hears, and knows all; he surely will not forget all the wickedness that have been committed.
[1] O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself. [2] Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud. [3] LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph? [4] How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves? [5] They break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage. [6] They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless. [7] Yet they say, The LORD shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it. [8]Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise? [9] He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see? [10] He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know? [11] The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.Psalms 94:1-11
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.
Florida is one messed up heathen state! So much for a “free state” eh? To think that thousands of people moved out of California to Florida (and Texas as well as others in the south, southwest, and midwest) only to be met with this satanism?
Conservatives are just as evil and corrupt as their liberal counterparts. Two wings, same bird. I used to be a conservative Republican (RepubliCANT) and I will tell you this in case you don’t know: republicans are not only corrupt, but they’re dumber than a sack of hammers!
I not only repent of voting for Trump, I repent of being a Republican.
And you are right Jacob: stay away from public schools and private schools including the so-called christian ones like the ACE program that will brainwash you into man’s traditions and they teach a very lukewarm gospel!
Andrew, I read your post about repenting of your sins so that Jesus Christ will accept you. Listen to this study:
Thank you Neil! Not just Jacob and Bryan, but the King James Bible believers are the greatest friends anyone could ask for.
There are so many people out there that think a Trump or DeSantis is the last great white hope that it makes me not want to talk to anyone. These two are prime candidates to bring a real Neo-Nazi, Roman Catholic fascism to this country and will start to persecute the Jews, which is what Catholics do, appearances notwithstanding. That will force God’s hand to really destroy this place as He did with Germany.Although there are many wicked or misled Jewish servants of the Pope, (Kushner, perhaps, as was Gislaine Maxwell and Jeff Epstein) people will lump them with the majority of Jews that do not do this. I see the signs and hear the talk on plenty of YouTube comment sites already, most of them so-called “Christian” post-tribulation sites filled with plenty of Catholic and charismatic trolls, no doubt.
Don’t forget readers and whoever reads this:
Florida is also guilty of the murder of Terri Schiavo!
Hands that shed innocent blood…God HATES THEM!!! No, He doesn’t hate their sin, sins don’t have hands – people do! Sins can’t shed innocent blood – people do. God HATES THEM!!!
I’m beginning to wonder about that Schiavo case. She was somehow connected to the Jesuits, although I can’t remember the details. There’s so much delusion it’s not too hard to question anything that has been hyped up by the mainstream news. Whatever our suspicions, it most likely is worse than we can picture.
Not related I just feel compelled to put this out:
I made a run to Target and I came across a woman wearing a long dress and glasses, her hair was in a ponytail type style it was long, and she was getting some materials to homeschool her kids… ladies and gentlemen and boy and girls of all ages, that is a LADY! And she looked AMAZING!!! I’d rather have someone like her who is MY AGE for my future wife and she desires the King James Bible – I’d rather have her THAN the WHORES of Laredo with their excessive makeup and jewelry that would rather go to the clubs and get wasted and have polluted Laredo for far too long!
Nancy Schafer & her husband paid the ultimate price for her trying to expose these things. She thought Dame of Malta, Phyllis Schlafley, was a Christian & would help. There were so many embedded phonies & Craft, controlled opposition. The LaHaye’s, too. Dobson whom they used & mocked….(called him Dumbson), like they did Chuck Smith & Dave Hunt: no sure word of God for any of them, opened them to error & devilish attack & use. And it’s only getting more subtle as it waxes worse & worse.
We’re going back to the Dark Ages. I’ve heard and read of Bluebeard types and Blood Countesses of that era and that’s the direction the USA has been going in for a long time, among other “civilized” nations. The greater the outward façade, the more heinous the crimes, I would imagine. I’ve been going over the old Son of Sam case and discovered a thread of horrendous pedophilia and child murder, and horrible abuse running concurrently with those events……with the doctors, politicians, and upper crust of that milieu suspected in a coverup, which is not really a big surprise these days.
That is exactly what I personally went through. My ex partner, the father of my two young children wanted to take them away when I was still pregnant with my second (now 1.5). He called the police on me and made false allegations about abuse, the local social services department took everything he said as truth despite the fact that he has a history of abuse himself, and decided that I am not ‘trustworthy’ because I refused to vaccinate my daughter and was refusing visits by a children’s health visitor, who was just trying her best to get me in trouble for refusing vaccination. The amount of lies made against me by these people was jus dumbfounding. I knew in my guts that these people would not stop at anything to get my kids, so I fled. I was 5 months pregnant when I took my 1 year old daughter and moved from Wales to Edinburgh. I’m just grateful that God has heard my prayer and protected my children and still keeps protecting them.
Just wanted to mention that according to my daughters case worker she was the most beautiful child she has ever seen and was constantly trying to bond with her on her visits, which happened almost every day though she was legally required to do 1 every 2 weeks. My second child was born at home and my children are not registered with a GP, nor are we accepting any health visitors, not to mention- of course they remain unvaccinated and will not attend school. I am a single mom but with God’s help I will keep protecting my babies no matter what. To be honest I don’t know how these parents could allow their children to be taken away. I’d only allow that over my dead body.
Seven Videos reporting being frauded from emergency child custody of my son. With medical grooming and being cohearsed. Can’t find anyone able to help me fight the 15th judicial circuit court palm beach fla. Judge Lisa Small.
Needing help with what motions to file are petition which court I’ve recorded and saved everything. Saved emails 2nd legal aide attorney withdrew after I found her using the dark web CS Disposable Email accounts listed as elves meaning selling children so she withdrew I have that proof to present as well.
I’m in Mississippi phone # 225-253-7865 Email GulfLife50@outlook.com