The researchers combined carbon dioxide and water with salt and a few other additives and shot an electric current through the mix.

Over a month ago The WinePress reported that scientists were developing gene-edited tomatoes that did not require sunlight for growth, and could even generate an abundance of vitamin D as well.

Scientists Use CRISPR To Create A New Gene-Edited Tomato That Does Not Require Sunlight But Creates Vitamin D

Now researchers at the University of California Riverside are experimenting with growing crops in the dark, to see if it is more energy efficient. The purpose is to create higher yields and larger crops, as photosynthesis uses only about 1% of the solar power the plants store, The Trends Journal reports.

The researchers combined carbon dioxide and water with salt and a few other additives and shot an electric current through the mix.

The current converted the blend into acetate, not only the main ingredient of vinegar but also a food for primitive edibles including yeast, green algae, and mycelium, which produces mushrooms.

The new process for growing algae was four times more energy-efficient than photosynthesis and a whopping 18 times more for yeast.

The researchers found that canola, cowpeas, green peas, rice, and tomatoes were able to “take the acetate we provided and build it into the major molecular building blocks an organism needs to grow and thrive,” even when grown in the dark, the researchers said in a statement describing their work.

The Journal wrote

The WinePress has reported how governments and scientists are pushing harder to adapt gene-edited foods, as a means to combat climate change and famine.


Oh yes, yields and size of the crops vastly grow: but it’s nutrition and digestibility will radically dissipate even more than the current conventional scraps. There’s nothing wrong with God’s creation the way he made it.

And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Revelation 11:18

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Classic evolutionary myth on how life originated from non-life. Electrical shock. Except when they did their famous experiment, all they got was some left-handed, incomplete proteins….like viruses. Miller-Urey in 1952, though they trumpeted it as ‘life’ and the results being much more conclusive than they were. Revisionism. Idolatrous interpretation. Like they did the truth of the word of God, & do with all truth due to the spirit over them.

    Joh 8:42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
    Joh 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
    Joh 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
    Joh 8:45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

    “The researchers combined carbon dioxide and water with salt and a few other additives and shot an electric current through the mix.”

    Also part of the process in Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’. She was no Christian, but she WAS familiar with the craft & perversity of people like her mother, the witch, Mary Wollstonecraft, and the filthiness & subversive aims & methods of the so-called Romantics like Lord Shelley whom she was married off to. A tortured soul. She knew how perverse it all was & sought to warn through her novel where it was all going, rather as the Huxley’s & Wells did with ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’, but without the Bible & saving faith from & in it, it’s no real help.

    You have to speak of the good seed: the dna or genetics of the spiritual seed bringing spiritual life: the Law bringing knowledge of sin, & then the grace of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures. How physical seed is a picture of that, a package of dna that reproduces according to kind, & life coming of God. Genesis 1-2, & 1 Cor 15 KJB/AV.

    The choice to receive Satan’s lies through the serpent, a creature more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made (so who made it that way, or how did it get that way? my thought reading scripture is that Lucifer-Satan, the fallen beastly cherub in whom iniquity was found, corrupted himself…and then brought that corruption into the Garden) by our first parents wrought a real genetic change & brought corruption to the whole groaning creation as Romans 8. Genesis 3 & Ezekiel 28 etc.

    So this is indeed DARK. Just like idolators worshipped the LORD sub-species Baal (also meaning lord), they also worshipped the type of Christ, the sun of righteousness rising with healing in his wings, and the bridegroom coming forth from his chamber, rejoicing to run his course…..the sun, & the horses & chariots of the sun. (2 Kings 23:11 & context. 23 is 1/2 of the required 46 chromosomes: 23 from the woman, 23 from the man, and generally marks the virtuous woman, the church, the body God took out of body of man; or the corrupt whore, the strange women turned from truth & given to sin.) This imagined, idolatrous thing of men & devils is karmic & arbitrary, not bound by truth or his personal word: a god of forces, & is limited by the creation as the creature Lucifer/Satan, & as opposed to the omnipotent, eternal, personal Godhead Creator who transcends & holds it together. By chosen response to truth & lies, they just receive those lies of Satan and double down on them again and again and again….playing God, thinking they can become as gods.

    The constitution of men created in the image of God with body, soul and spirit is also crucial doctrine, & gets into the Trinity/Godhead thing that we see Satan exploiting bigtime in Revelation 16 before the Lord puts him down. With spirit corrupted & deadened by sin, conscientious soul & the good seed of the word of God are crucial for salvation through grace, the knowledge of God & choice….with God sovereign over & superintending it all, yet without violation or forced conformity/tyranny. It’s no wonder it’s tried & attacked.

    Not willing to admit sin & need, to come all the way out to Christ according to the scriptures & the uncool, poor pilgrim church…even people like Mary Shelley tried to ‘fix’ things through ‘gnosis’ & science falsely-so-called receiving the evolutionary philosophy & tradition. In their case the old pagan one, though many receive it through Rome who cobbled that w/ the scriptures she misuses as a magical rod & standard, rather than the legitimate rod of scripture.

    1&2 Timothy cover a lot of that, & bringing in Alexander the coppersmith, Jannes & Jambres, as well as the doctrine of Balaam with those loving money, the root of all evil, 1 Timothy 6, is pertinent and crucial for discerning understanding as true & observational science goes occult & MYSTERY, turned from truth, is more & more hypocritically hiding & sharing knowledge, abusing it & others for self-promotion & power over others. Making religious & soul-science/psychology excuse for doing so.

    At least some of us came to faith seeing the flaws, hypocrisy & inability of their ‘salvations’ and vainglorious claims, how they used people…and disgusted with that sought the Lord in the scriptures those people hated & slandered so much.

    With regard to the world & folks like those developing this ‘science’ and Mary Shelley, James Battel of the UK Catholics for Christ, makes the case that the younger Darwin, Charles, actually repented to faith & the new birth toward the end of his life, on the testimony of Lady Hope & others. That was seriously suppressed, & he, the real person, rejected by the movers & shakers such as Huxley et al who had pressured him to publish in the first place. Nothing new under the sun.

    J.A. Wylie, though not a pilgrim Christian Bible believer documented the Romish & corporatist influence over the media & education, science etc even in his day, and in the UK where it hit first…..just like with the Revision deal. American craft had to wait to cash in until 1901 with the ASV part of that idolatrous humanist power grab.

    Took longer to realize these same things & craft was in the churches, and the so-called ‘conservative’ and ‘evangelical’ ones as well, with craft & MYSTERY growing & becoming more & more subtle in its attacks & posturing as ‘Christian’ in the US. Devilish spiritual manifestations are becoming more common as a result also. Fostering biblical ignorance & illiteracy, creating confusion & the blind following of men in the place of proper authority, severely edited & dialectic history, were big keys to their success pulling men back to Babylonian Roman order & philosophy called ‘Christianity’. Men & women are opening to any spirit without discernment or proving for some promised gain of pleasure and/or power, and willing to work & slave tirelessly to that end in some form of craft.

    Witnessing to a fellow recently, it finally came out why he discounted the word of God for spiritual edification: he thought he was a spiritual superior because he was casting devils out of people….he thought.

    Jesus didn’t let those deceiving devils & spirits speak for a reason. The truth is that this guy is one of those who thought he’d cleaned up his own life, but without the power & protection of God & his word, & by entering in some other way: he now has seven even worse with the original making eight, that use him to antichrist devilish ends. (Matthew 12 & Luke 11 KJB/AV)

    Eight souls were in the Ark picturing Christ & brought through the judgment. What ‘ark’ is this guy in & trusting? Looking at Jesus as the Lamb of God, he raised on the first, or the eighth day…and we have the more sure word of prophecy until the daystar rises in our hearts. 2 Peter 1 & Moses, Hebrews, Revelation. What’s arisen in this guy’s heart that he now dishonors the word of God & sets experience over it?

    Deceiving and being deceived. Supposedly casting out devils while imparting them & with technique no different than any pagan shaman, guru etc teaching yoga, giving shakti-pat etc….when even the archangel Michael didn’t deal directly with the devil but said, The Lord rebuke you.

    What is required for devilish oppression is the Lord & his word. And deliverance of the lost comes by the same means. We recourse to prayer & reading the word, speaking to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs…and the devils can’t long stand that. Not worldly look- and sound-alikes, rituals, gnosis and a class of specializing exorcists and ‘deliverance’ specialists. Antichrist papist hooey & devilish pagan craft with faux Christian frosting & terminology framed to deceive.

    Most of these people of extreme & open power & gnosis Craft who don’t come to their senses think they are free & fighting against Rome, which they think is ‘Christian’….not even realizing they are of the same spirit, & that Rome is the head of ALL devilish antichrist Craft. Those initiated in deeper, searing their consciences & working evil to ‘advance’ DO know.

    Isn’t it odd how they identify with beasts & not with men or God? It’s not called the beast system for no reason, and Satan is that old fallen beastly cherub, after all.

    Just some thoughts on this. Also interesting that they use a waste product of creatures in whom is the breath of life, carbon dioxide, perverting God’s natural cycle of animal and plant life. The exhale, what comes out of man and beast. Spoken words are included in that & require exhalation.

    And they misuse salt, too.

    Eze 16:4 And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

    Mt 5:13 Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

    Mr 9:49 For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.

    • ’23’ also marks the father. It’s funny how the more we learn, the more the scriptures are upheld. While they screech and carry on about patriarchy & it’s unfairness, the tranny thing etc, you still trace genetics back by the distinguishing ‘Y’ chromosome of the man. All the ‘x’s possessed by women, and combined with the ‘Y’ for men, are useless for tracing genetics & inheritance. You have to have the distinguishing characteristic ‘y’ in the sea of common ‘x’.

      And worse, because those ‘Christians’ doing a lot of this research & apologetics concerning it hold with the Augustinian & Calvinist erroneous interpretations of election, the good seed of the word of God, and new birth….they ALSO miss the point and fall in with antichrist Rome & her fornicating union!

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