‘Hitting those targets will be impossible without regulations to stifle greenhouse gases from oil wells, automobiles and power plants, as well as tax incentives designed to spur clean energy, according to several analyses.’

The Biden Administration’s climate initiatives have been squandered by the Supreme Court, by restricting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to stymie power-plant emissions and wrote that Congress would have to reach new deals in order to give the EPA more authority to do so.

Bloomberg says this ‘Ruling casts doubt on whether Biden will achieve climate goals.’

The following article is from Bloomberg:

The 6-3 ruling interpreting the US Clean Air Act will keep the administration from imposing the type of wide-ranging emissions-cutting plan the EPA tried to put in place when Barack Obama was president. It limits the agency’s available tools amid increasing evidence that climate change is causing rising sea levels and more extreme weather patterns. The ruling could have a broad impact and affect other regulatory agencies.

The majority said that, while the EPA can regulate power plant emissions, the agency can’t try to shift power generation away from fossil-fuel plants to cleaner sources, as Obama’s Clean Power Plan sought to do. Writing for the court, Chief Justice John Roberts said Congress needs to speak more explicitly to give an agency that much power.

A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body.

Roberts wrote

The court’s three Democratic-appointed justices — Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — blasted the ruling.

The court appoints itself – instead of Congress or the expert agency – the decisionmaker on climate policy. I cannot think of many things more frightening.

Kagan wrote for the three dissenters

The ruling casts fresh doubt on Biden’s pledge to reduce US emissions in half by the end of the decade and his goal of a carbon-free electric grid by 2035. Hitting those targets will be impossible without regulations to stifle greenhouse gases from oil wells, automobiles and power plants, as well as tax incentives designed to spur clean energy, according to several analyses.

Biden said in a statement the ruling is “another devastating decision that aims to take our country backwards” and “risks damaging our nation’s ability to keep our air clean and combat climate change.”

He vowed to work with the EPA and other affected agencies to review the opinion and find ways to legally continue protecting people from pollution and tackle the climate crisis. He also said the administration would work with states and cities and push for congressional action.

The Supreme Court’s decision does not mean the end of President Biden’s climate agenda, but the administration will now have to quickly assess which regulatory actions it can still move forward on and which actions it must rethink or abandon.

Kevin Minoli, formerly a senior official in the EPA’s Office of General Counsel, said

Key Doctrine

Roberts pointed to the so-called major questions doctrine, saying “we presume that Congress intends to make major policy decisions itself, not leave those decisions to agencies.”

The court’s reasoning could spur challenges to other federal regulations, from EPA automobile emissions curbs to vaccine mandates from the Centers for Disease Control, particularly when issues of congressional authorization are involved.

The big thing that this case makes clear is that there is now this major questions doctrine that agencies will have to grapple with. You can expect opponents of federal regulations to be raising that in litigation challenging a host of EPA and other regulations, including automobile emissions.

Tom Lorenzen, of Crowell & Moring, a former assistant chief of the Justice Departments environmental division, said

Under the Clean Power Plan, states were encouraged to shift electricity generation from higher-emitting sources, such as coal, and toward lower-emitting options, such as renewable power. The Clean Power Plan never took effect, and when Donald Trump became president, the EPA rescinded the rule and adopted a narrower approach.

The Supreme Court case grew out of a group of legal challenges to the Trump rule. A federal appeals court in Washington said the Trump plan was based on an overly restrictive read of the EPA’s authority.

That prompted backers of the Trump rule — companies including Westmoreland Mining Holdings, and 19 Republican-led states led by West Virginia — to turn to the nation’s highest court. Their appeal said the lower court ruling would let the EPA remake the US electric system, going well beyond what Congress intended when it enacted the Clean Air Act in 1970.

The Biden administration said the text of the Clean Air Act doesn’t preclude efforts to shift power generation to cleaner sources. The White House drew support in the case from a mix of industries, including technology companies and electric utilities, as well as environmental organizations.

The case centered on a Clean Air Act provision that requires the EPA to identify the “best system of emission reduction” for existing pollution sources and then tasks states to come up with implementation plans.

The cases are West Virginia v. EPA, 20-1530; North American Coal Co. v. EPA, 20-1531; Westmoreland Mining Holdings v. EPA, 20-1778; and North Dakota v. EPA, 20-1780.


The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.

Proverbs 18:15

These climate goals were never intended on coming to pass, many of them that is: many of them are designed to systematically destroy the nations, and that is what Biden’s arbitrary climate goals were all about from day one.

Even so, if you have been following The WinePress for any length of time, I see this ruling as more smoke and mirrors, as I have continually documented that many of these overarching “climate” goals for slavery are still coming to pass regardless.

This ruling simply just makes these agendas even more discreet than before, whilst aiding in “igniting the right” to make that group of people feel like they are ‘winning,’ per this “red wave” that is coming this winter.

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Lies, lies and more lies. Confusion and subterfuge. It would be good if they went back to Constitutional intent, but I think that you are probably right, Jacob.

    All we are likely to see with that regard are more feints & fakes like we’ve been seeing with the systematic & incremental dismantlement of this nation & its Constitution rooted in biblical principles favoring life & liberty, separation of church & state….not separation from truth & sanity which is the mark of idolatry & choosing that old self-willed, self-corrupted fallen cherub, that old father of lies, who changed the glory of the incorruptible Godhead to corruptible images, changing the truth of God into a lie, worshipping & serving the creature more than the Creator who is forever blessed.

    Due to biblical influence which the ‘enlightened’ chose to see as pagan progressive evolution in their perversity & pride, we didn’t have the hardened caste & hierarchical system to the extent here that the East & Romish Babylonian Europe with its aristocracy, nicolaitan craft, serf-slave pyramidal societal set-up. They gained influence here stealthily through infiltration & covert manipulations, beginning with the subversion of the wealthy & powerful, the ambitious, so that the dismantlement of American liberty came with the self-made, ruthless corporatists like Carnegie & Rockefeller, connected back to the old European aristocracy & powerful families by marriage & MYSTERY club & order affiliations. They took the Bible schools & colleges first.

    The Civil War & various depressions were strategic manipulations & attacks, but the real tipping point of power & dismantlement in earnest began gaining steam in the so-called ‘gay 1890’s, entrenched about 1901, & from there their milestones of antichrist idolatrous humanist achievement were marked by their ritual through-the-mirror, opposite-land antichrist ennumerations: 1913, 1933, 1966.

    God’s meaning still stands though, determined to blessing or cursing in the life of every soul by their response to truth& choice. 13 can be charity & love of God & one’s fellow man in truth as 1 Corinthians 13 to an unmerited share in the inheritance of the Son; or rebellion & doubling down on the curse & share of the inheritance of that first self-corrupted & fallen, the covering cherub of Ezekiel 28, Isaiah 14…Matthew 25:41 KJB/AV.

    33 can be the Lord Jesus Christ & dedication to him in love; or the coming counterfeit christ, the antichrist man of sin, the beast in rebellious perversion as with MYSTERY and the builders who’ve rejected the chief cornerstone.

    With regard to genetic numbers, in 1923 we have the euthanasia influence in the schools & the exposure of its gaining favor with the ruling class with the ruling of United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind in which the determination not to grant naturalized citizenship was NOT due to incompatible ideas or doctrine to the U.S. Constitution & its principles: but to his not being a ‘white person’. Darwinism. Pretty clear which ‘seed’ …true or false, Christian or antichristian, was gaining the ascendancy.

    They had their war rooted in that philosophy & with Rome manipulating & riding the powers as always…and then came 1946: the Reorganizational Act of 1946 which was the most comprehensive up to that time, and power shifted to the executive, unaccountable agencies of appointees immune from the will of the people expressed by any vote, & the courts rather than the legislature representing the people.

    23 is the number of chromosomes from one contributing party…ie the woman, either the virtuous woman, the body of the church of God; or the strange woman, MYSTERY. While 46 is the complete number of chromosomes comprised of 23 from the woman, 23 from the man. The seed, or egg, of the woman is solely XX, with the contribution of the male, the father, determining the sex of the child, men carrying both ‘x’ and ‘y’ chromosomes. Think of that in spiritual terms, & praise God again for the mercy & miracle of your adoption into the household of God if so be that you have truly been born again & made new, sealed with the Spirit. Since the Fall of mankind, ALL of us are conceived in sin….xx.

    The only thing that can hinder or stop it is faithful public preaching & teaching of the true, swift, quickening word of God ….the good seed of the word…. received with repentance….and we’re not seeing much of either. Men love the perversions excusing & justifying their sins, and confounding the identities of Christ and antichrist, the nature of things & timeline of the things of the end, in their gmo ‘bibles’ of idolatry crafted by men & devils; and repentance is alien to those receiving that bad seed of pride, self-determination & corruption to corruption: of their father the devil (John 8).

    The Bible is such an amazing book, & the King James Bible the fulfillment of Psalm 12 for these latter days: matchless in power & utterly unique. There is none like it, nor that can stand comparison to it, for those who seek truth & God rather than excuse & their own desire. All foreseen in the foreknowledge of God, even before the creation of the world.

    And even God’s sent delusions and his strange work are just & rooted in the consequences of men’s own works & desires. In our flesh there dwelleth no good thing, & we must put down & mortify that corruptible flesh daily for so long as we’re still wrapped in it, & until the transformation of the resurrection. Warring as 2 Corinthians 10 & Ephesians 6 (Romans 7-11 laying the groundwork & warning the church of this dispensation that they are not above the first chosen, the Jews, & he will deal with us as with them in judgment for rejecting his word & way).

    You can’t make peace with it.

    I’m feeling sorrow more than fear these days, with regard to men & the world: but I have never been more certain of the truth of God’s word. The fear of God is truly the beginning of all wisdom, and his word is EVERYTHING. Set even above his name for a reason.

    The Opus Dei hair shirt & cutting chain mortifiers of flesh …with all the Eastern gurus & ascetics; and the yehosha-whatever & yahweh gnostics and ‘superiors’ ….all works with their god of forces and self-will, unbounded & lawless desire, ritual & works…. deceive their own selves. Who will warn them? Who will point them back to the good seed of the word of God & the only power in heaven & earth that can overcome the curse of death & sin? And, who will hear?

    • I began looking up the verses & thoughts coming to my heart…and oh my, the confirmation of God’s heart in the matter, and the terrible outcome to those who refuse so great a mercy & provision for that other. Without excuse.

      27 if three 9’s….fullness of fruit; and 13 ….and three judgments to match!

      Jer 27:13 Why will ye die, thou and thy people, by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence, as the LORD hath spoken against the nation that will not serve the king of Babylon?

      18 – three 6’s…number of man & beast; corruption Genesis 6
      Eze 18:31 Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

      33 and 11; 33 being three 11’s ….perfect, complete confusion
      Eze 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

      13…what a contrast in this choice…true & pure love to life; or perversity & rebellion to death
      Luke 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

      Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

      or how about this one! 15 being three 5’s …death, and 19 being perfect law & judgment: 10 being the law & 9 being fruit….think Revelation 19….oh my.

      John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

      Those who choose to establish their kingdom & dominion here, rather than to accept exchanged citizenship to live here as pilgrims & sojourners….make such a dreadful error. And the end of it is always bloody….the bloody tenet of persecution as Roger Williams rightly termed it. Augustinianism is the pagan, idolatrous humanist, root of it in our dispensation, held to by Rome & all of her Daughters not fully come out of the camp, the city, to Christ.

      10-the Law; and 7 foursquare
      John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

      2 the number of choice, either-or, division; 3 the number of God, perfection; 9 being three 3’s and fruit

      2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

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