“By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide,” one of the simulated events on monkeypox conclude.

UPDATE: This report was first published on May 20th. Scroll below to see the latest updates on this story.

The monkeypox panic is back, and cases are rapidly being reported across the world, as the media and nation’s government are going into a frenzy.

Last year on November 17th, The WinePress published an article titled “Here Comes The Monkeypox! Reported Case In Maryland Man Traveling From Africa.” And in that report I responded to the news by commenting with,

This is probably just more fear porn as we head into winter, and a week before Thanksgiving and Black Friday. For that matter, Gates’ statements that gained attention from many outlets was probably another testing to see what the reactions would be.

The news of this came not long after Bill Gates floated out the idea that the next pandemic would be an outbreak of smallpox

Now the fears of monkeypox have returned, as new cases are rapidly being reported all over the world. So much so, the World Health Organization (WHO) today convened for an emergency session to discuss this outbreak.

The following is the official press release from the WHO:

WHO and partners are working to better understand the extent and cause of an outbreak of monkeypox. The virus is endemic in some animal populations in a number of countries, leading to occasional outbreaks among local people and travelers. The recent outbreaks reported across 11 countries so far are atypical, as they are occurring in non-endemic countries.

There are about 80 confirmed cases so far, and 50 pending investigations. More cases are likely to be reported as surveillance expands.

WHO is working with the affected countries and others to expand disease surveillance to find and support people who may be affected, and to provide guidance on how to manage the disease. We continue to convene meetings of experts and technical advisory groups (such as the meeting today of the Strategic & Technical Advisory Group on Infectious Hazards with Pandemic and Epidemic Potential [STAG-IH]) to share information on the disease and response strategies.

WHO continues to receive updates on the status of ongoing outbreaks in endemic countries.

Monkeypox spreads differently from COVID-19. WHO encourages people to stay informed from reliable sources, such as national health authorities, on the extent of the outbreak in their community (if any), symptoms and prevention.

As monkeypox spreads through close contact, the response should focus on the people affected and their close contacts. People who closely interact with someone who is infectious are at greater risk for infection: this includes health workers, household members and sexual partners.

Stigmatizing groups of people because of a disease is never acceptable. It can be a barrier to ending an outbreak as it may prevent people from seeking care, and lead to undetected spread. 

As the situation is evolving, WHO will continue to provide updates we learn more.

Commenting on the news and fear that is being generated in the media, Daniel Bausch, infectious disease expert and president of the American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, told Axios that,

I’m sure that ultimately this will be the largest outbreak of monkeypox that we’ve had outside of the endemic areas in Africa.

I don’t think there’s a reason for panic. I don’t think we’re going to have tens of thousands of cases.

World renowned monkeypox expert and professor of epidemiology at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Anne Rimoin, states that a good choice for health officials is to vaccinate close contacts of confirmed cases, known as ‘ring vaccination,’ she told The Telegraph.

For your average person I would not be overly alarmed. If you have a rash, contact your health provider, a rash that is unusual or looks like monkeypox.

If you think you’ve been exposed to somebody who has monkeypox that has this kind of a rash I would I would identify yourself and talk to your healthcare provider.

Monkeypox Rash

As noted earlier, nations around the world are rapidly reporting cases of monkeypox. On the 18th, Massachusetts health officials reported that man traveling from Canada was admitted to the hospital, determining that it is moneypox.

DPH is working closely with the CDC, relevant local boards of health, and the patient’s health care providers to identify individuals who may have been in contact with the patient while he was infectious. This contact tracing approach is the most appropriate given the nature and transmission of the virus. The case poses no risk to the public, and the individual is hospitalized and in good condition.

The state agency said.

Moreover, today the Wall Street Journal reported that a potential case in New York City is being investigated as well.

NPR reported this afternoon today that there have been a total of 68 cases reported across Europe. 20 cases have been reported in the United Kingdom, 1 in Sweden, potentially a few in Italy, a little over a dozen in Canada, 1 in Australia, 1 in France, 1 in Germany, potentially a few in The Netherlands, 1 newly suspected cases in Israel, and a second one in Belgium.

A second case of monkeypox virus was diagnosed last night at our lab in Leuven in a sample from a man from Flemish Brabant.

People who recognize injuries such as the one in this photo should contact their doctor.

This [outbreak] is rare and unusual.

Exactly where and how they [the people] acquired their infections remains under urgent investigation.

Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser for the U.K. Health Security Agency in a statement

The Daily Mail wrote,

Dr Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, also told DailyMail.com that the virus is spreading via physical touch – and that it only spreads through respiratory droplets in the air in people that are already exhibiting symptoms.

Conveniently, The New York Post reported yesterday, ‘The U.S. has ordered 13 million additional doses of the monkeypox vaccine after a Massachusetts man contracted the rare — but potentially severe — virus, officials said Thursday. The massive $119 million order of Jynneos jabs — which can be used to treat both the monkeypox virus and smallpox — was created by the biotechnology company Bavarian Nordic, according to Newsweek.’

Jennifer McQuiston, deputy director of the Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology within the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, told CNN that health officials are discussing if healthcare workers should be recommended to receive a smallpox vaccine.

It’s definitely something that we’re discussing and evaluating, whether offering smallpox vaccine makes sense in the current setting. We’ll be closer to making recommendations for that in the next day or so.

We have vaccines that are stockpiled and available to be used, and if judged as a way to help manage this outbreak, we have the availability to use them. I would say that we are in the early days of understanding what is causing this outbreak – and the fact that we’re seeing cases reported in multiple places around the globe suggests that maybe it’s been going on for a couple of weeks.

As we work to complete our investigations and get our arms around it then hopefully we’ll have much stronger recommendations for folks.


UPDATE 5/23 – Smallpox Simulations And Spreading Through Intercourse

Since this initial post was made, the media continues to sound off a rapid rise in newly reported monkeypox cases. One detail not mentioned in the initial report was that the media has repeatedly noted that this disease is being spread via sexual intercourse, particularly acts of sodomy. This can be seen in recent headlines such as this one: “Monkeypox outbreak linked to Belgium fetish festival and adult sauna superspreader event in Spain.” And again, Insider published a piece today that reads, “How to spot monkeypox in a potential sexual partner as cases spread.”

However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been quick to retort that this “is not a gay disease.”

While, for example, we’re seeing some cases amongst men who have sex with men, this is not a gay disease as some people on social media have attempted to label it. That’s just not the case. Anybody can contract monkeypox through close contact.

One of the things we’ve recognized with this outbreak is it’s not typical. We’re seeing cases among men who identify as gay, bisexual, or from other groups of MSM in several countries, often linked to travel or recent travel, and it seems clear that this is linked to close contact. So this could be through social contact, possibly through sexual contact which of course is close contact. We’re still in the early days of this outbreak so there’s a lot we’re still learning.

Andy Seale, an advisor with the HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections program at the WHO, said

SIMULATIONS: Some of you may recall that during the prelude to the launch of the Covid-19 pandemonium, shortly before we began to hear murmurings in the media about a new coronavirus; a simulated event called Event 201 was conducted, where many of the same critical organizations involved with the direction and leadership for Covid-19 – had infamously predicted a new coronavirus outbreak would sweep the world, and many of those simulated events came to pass. There have been plenty more as well, which can be documented in the WP report titled, “Crimson Contagion: Proof That Trump And The American Government Knew And Planned For The “Pandemic” Months In Advance.”

Now in the midst of this wave of fear, Germany has taken liberties to now simulate what a ‘pox’ outbreak would look like, calling upon other health leaders for G7 nations to help with the event. One may recall that Bill Gates said last year that smallpox would be the next global pandemic, and nations should start practicing some of these simulated events to prepare.

Bill Gates Sounds The Alarm On The Next “Pandemic” Of Smallpox. Tells World To Practice ‘Germ Games’

This past Thursday, May 19th, the German government initiated a simulated event that saw the spread of “leopard pox.” And this pretend scenario occurs in the year 2023.

We will do a very realistic exercise in which a smallpox pandemic results from a leopard bite… The scenario will have the particularity that especially younger people will be hit very hard.

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach explained

German outlet OE24 explains the scenario:

A leopard bites a human and transmits a dangerous smallpox virus, which the WHO has dubbed “leopard smallpox”. In short video clips, the ministers are given a description of the developments in the pandemic: the infection is transmitted from person to person and is spreading at breakneck speed. After the videos, the ministers each have around 25 minutes to discuss. After the virus has spread worldwide in the scenario, the ministers should discuss a “coordinated response” by the G7 to the outbreak.

After the virus has spread worldwide in the exercise scenario, the ministers should discuss a “coordinated response” by the G7 to the outbreak. 

The ministers will then discuss how the G7 can prepare itself and other countries for further cases.

Another German outlet, Bild, was able to obtain these documents the government forces are using to simulate this “leopard pox.”

Pandemic scenario "Leopard pox": Health ministers are rehearsing for emergencies
Courtesy: Katerina Mirus/Wilhelma Stuttgart, Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

It should be noted that in 2001 the U.S. government also simulated what a smallpox outbreak would do to the country and world. This referred to as “Operation Dark Winter,” which The WinePress has explained in other reports.

Furthermore, it is being brought to light that in 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative also hosted their own simulated event on a monkeypox outbreak. And, lo and behold, their simulation predicted that a monkeypox outbreak would occur in May of 2022 – which purportedly is happening right now.

The executive summary reads:

In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to conduct a tabletop  exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. Conducted virtually, the exercise examined gaps in national and  international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures and explored opportunities to improve capabilities to prevent  and respond to high-consequence biological events. Participants included 19 senior leaders and experts from across Africa, the  Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry, international security, and philanthropy.

The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the  fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak  was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions  and weak oversight. By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide.

Pharmaceutical giants like Merck and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) were involved, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Update 5/26 – A Covid Redux

Similar to the implementation of Covid-19 panic, restrictions, and mandates; the same is beginning to happen with the purported rise in monkeypox cases internationally, namely in Europe.

Belgium recently announced that mandatory quarantines are being implemented for monkeypox cases. SchnegenVisaInfo.com reports, ‘Belgium has become the first country to oblige travellers to stay self-isolated due to the Monkeypox virus, affecting several countries worldwide.’

Authorities from the capital city of Brussels have stated that people must self-isolate for a bare minimum of three weeks, until their sores subside.

Local Belgian media reports that three cases have been confirmed that purportedly originated from a sodomite fetish festival called Darklands. Organizers say “there’s reason to assume that the virus has been brought in by visitors from abroad to the festival after recent cases in other countries.”

On top of this, it should be noted that Germany is also considering implementing their own guidance and restrictions, to deal with the reported spread of monkeypox amongst granules of the entire sand of the sea of the world population.

New York City is looking at reintroducing masking, after the fears of one solo case in the city.

Masks can protect against monkeypox, as well as other viruses circulating in New York City, such as COVID-19. The Department continues to recommend masks in public indoor settings. As a precaution, any New Yorkers who experience flu-like illness with swelling of the lymph nodes and rashes on the face and body should contact their health care provider.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have also recently elevated the threat of Monkeypox to a ‘Level 2 – Threat’ alert. Level 3 is considered a “warning” and travel bans are considered if not implemented.

And, similarly to the U.K., the CDC is also warning people to be mindful when eating meat: “Eating or preparing meat from wild game (bushmeat) or using products derived from wild animals from Africa (creams, lotions, powders),” the CDC advises.

On top of this, Off-Guardian additionally noted that the British NHS website has now altered some of the terms and definitions for Monkeypox. Before the NHS, according to archived pages, said that it is “very uncommon to get monkeypox from a person with the infection because it does not spread easily between people.” Moreover, the NHS at one pointed stated that Monkeypox was mild and would clear-up on its own. This too has been changed, and the health body now encourages residents to seek medical attention and aid. They now say: “You may need to stay in a specialist hospital, so your symptoms can be treated and to prevent the infection spreading to other people;” and “monkeypox can spread if there is close contact, you will need to be isolated if you’re diagnosed with it.”

Within a matter of days U.K. health authorities have already changed the definition of what monkeypox is, how it spreads, and its severity.

UPDATE 5/26 – Cases Spreading In U.S.

Today the CDC is reporting that there are now nine new monkeypox cases spanning across seven states. According to The Hill, they are California, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, Utah, Virginia and Washington state.

These cases were suspected by local clinicians. They were identified by local laboratories and triggered local public health action to help with treatment and management of any potential contacts.

Stigma and discrimination in public health results in decreased access to care, ongoing disease transmission and a blunted response to outbreaks and threats. So I urge everyone to approach this outbreak without stigma and without discrimination.

Walensky said in a press conference, noting that these are cases purportedly stemming from homosexual men, though exposure is “not limited to any one particular group.”

A monkeypox outbreak of this scale and scope across the world, it has not been seen before.

Raj Panjabi, the White House’s senior director for global health security and biodefense, stated during the press conference

The Hill notes, ‘The U.S. has two vaccines and two antiviral treatments that can be used for orthopox infections, a family of viruses that monkeypox falls within. One vaccine, called Jynneos, has already been mobilized to be sent to states with confirmed cases.’

UPDATE 6/4 – Cases Rise And Spreads Silently, Supposedly

Continuing the Covid redux pattern, the media is now warning that monkeypox is quietly spreading as cases rise.

Since May 31st the WHO reports that 30 countries have had at least one case of monkeypox, with roughly 650 cases as of yesterday.

What we’re seeing now is really quite different.

We’re seeing cases all appearing in a relatively short period of time. We’re seeing that in a few days, in a couple of weeks, we’re seeing over 500 cases.

This is different. This has not been seen before.

Rosamund Lewis of the WHO, told CNN.

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently stated that “the sudden appearance of monkeypox in many countries at the same time suggests there may have been undetected transmission for some time.”

And according to a recent CNN report, Epidemiologist Anne Rimoin has had two decades of experience studying monkeypox, and she says:

If monkeypox were to become established in a wildlife reservoir outside Africa, the public health setback would be difficult to reverse.

We don’t even know how long this has been spreading. This could have been spreading silently for a while.

It’s like we’ve now decided to watch a new series, but we don’t know exactly which episode we’ve landed on. I mean, are we on episode two, or are we on episode four, or are we on episode 10? And how many episodes are in this series? We don’t know.

Canon has been, monkeypox will burn itself out.

We know a fair amount about this virus, but we don’t know everything about this virus. We’re going to have to study this very carefully.

It’s just a very different epidemiological landscape.

What we know about monkeypox comes largely from studies in very remote rural communities in Central Africa, where the transmission dynamics are bound to be very different.

The CNN report also brings up unrelated virus spreads amongst animal populations, insinuating that monkeypox could be doing the same.

Yesterday the WHO has now dedicated a new faculty to further study and observe the transmission and treatment for monkeypox. This new group’s duties include:

Experts underlined the need for expedited studies to better understand the disease epidemiology, its clinical consequences, and the role of various modes of transmission. In addition, the following research needs were highlighted: a comprehensive One Health approach to understand animal-to-human transmission and animal reservoirs; development and evaluation of better diagnostic tools that can be available around the world; improved approaches to communicate and engage communities in affected areas; studies to optimize supportive clinical care; documentation of the best control and treatment practices; and prompt and transparent communication of data and scientific evidence. 

Experts also emphasized the need for clinical studies of vaccines and therapeutics to better document their efficacy and understand how to use them in this and future outbreaks. 

Implementing without delay public health activities—such as communicating prevention information, enhanced disease surveillance, contact tracing, isolation of cases and optimized care of of people with the virus—should be used to limit spread and help the people affected, no matter where they are. 

UPDATE 6/7 – Masks And Vaccines

The CDC has now upped their warning status of monkeypox in the United States to a level 2, now recommending that travelers wear a facemask.

The CDC currently reports that there are 31 cases in the U.S.

On top of that, White House senior director for global health security and biodefense, Dr. Raj Panjabi, announced the country are currently offering 1,200 monkeypox vaccines.

We want to ensure that people with high-risk exposures have rapid access to vaccines and, if they become sick, can receive appropriate treatment. To date, we’ve delivered around 1,200 vaccines. And 100 treatment courses to eight jurisdictions, and we have more to offer states.

CNN reports that over 120 PCR tests have been conducted to test for monkeypox.

Dr. Jennifer McQuiston, deputy director of the CDC’s Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, again reiterates that monkeypox could be spreading silently in communities all over the U.S., and encourages health practitioners to use added vigilance.

I want to emphasize that this could be happening in other parts of the United States. There could be community-level transmission that is happening, and that’s why we want to really increase our surveillance efforts. We want to really encourage physicians that if they see a rash and they’re concerned it might be monkeypox, to go ahead and test for that.

Read more about it here.

UPDATE 6/8 – No Masks For Now

Not long after news spread that the CDC was recommending masks for air travel, they seemingly decided to not go down that route, yet at least.

Per a Reuters article,

[The CDC] said on Tuesday it had removed a mask recommendation from its monkeypox travel notice to avoid “confusion” over the disease, which primarily spreads through direct contact.

“Late yesterday, CDC removed the mask recommendation from the monkeypox Travel Health Notice because it caused confusion,” a CDC spokesperson said on Tuesday.

The agency had earlier suggested that travelers wear masks as it can help protect against “many diseases, including monkeypox”.

Perhaps immediate pushback and sighs of irritation caused the CDC to change their minds, for now at least?


Here we go again…

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

The fear porn and hysteria cannot be allowed to stop: it’s crisis economics 101.

Regulars of The WP know that I have been expressly warning for quite sometime a major and quint essential powerplay moving forward will be the ‘justified’ culling of livestock and animals, as a means to get the masses off of eating meats, and to utterly teardown and transform the global food systems. Dr. Joseph Mercola recently cited my express warnings of this, in a report about the fears of a potential bird flu, which can be downloaded below:

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

Ladies and germs, it matters not what the latest “pandemic” is – whether it’s monkeypox, bird flu, zika virus, evolved Covid, or penguin poop – I strongly believe it will be labeled as “zoonotic,” so the handlers can come in, vaccinate livestock and animals, kill them; and then systematically get meats off the shelves – replaced with the plant-based and vat-grown slop, to then be out-done with full-on cannibalism (mark it down and remember it: that WILL be coming).

UPDATE: And, on top of the meat culling, similar to how the media was telling people to not have sexual relations because of Covid, this very well could happen again, but way more enforced. 1 Timothy 4:1-3 also mentions a forbiddance on marriage, and so a sexually transmitted disease will sure cause birth rates to really stagnate once more, and divided more families in the process.

Moreover, whatever it’ll be, it will also serve as a great coverup for all those who are kicking the can from the Covid “vaccines.”

Do not be dismayed: it’s more propaganda and fear to mess you up. Nevertheless, continue to be advised and prepare for the road ahead.

UPDATE 5/26: However, with the media continuing to stoke fears of rising cases, and the media gaslighting everyone that it is not bad at all, and to then spin around and imply that it is quite contagious – is gearing the masses up for yet another string of restrictions and masking, and the potential for new lockdowns.

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • I am so ready to leave this old world, The evil people of this world have an appointment with God almighty very very very soon, and it won’t be pretty.

    • Amen, Shari.
      I am sick and tired of the fake Jesus that these fakes peddle and falsely preach about-he loves everybody me ever judges-they butcher the “judge not” and “cast the first stone he without sin” scriptures, I’ve been deceived and led astray by those soothsaying hirelings who were more motivated by the tithe money and what was being served at the gluttony fest known as a potluck.

      America needs to see the REAL JESUS, and He is going to pour His wrath on this nation like never before! It only reminds me to keep repenting and get back on the straight and narrow, and I pray, we should all pray these church buildings get thrashed by the government-they’ll all be complaining “oh no Satan is attacking our churches he’s attacking our pastors and whatever else,” yeah, Satan is attacking them because JESUS GAVE HIM THE ORDERS TO DO IT!!!

      • you are so right brother Andy! we need to keep our eyes on Yeshua because he is coming very very soon. Look up, pack up because we are going up! be blessed my brother.

  • Still laughing at the name ‘moneypox’ you put for it at the end of the paragraph under the monkeypox rash picture

    • MONEYpox is an understatement! They won’t stop at nothing knowing their time is at hand. Satan is hellbent on usurping God Almighty. What a fool he is! Sadly, most of the world can’t see what’s happening to themselves and their families. The deceived will gladly accept the mark of the beast. Revelation 13 (KJV)

      LET THOSE WHO ARE TRUE CHRISTIANS reach the lost! Amen. Be kind, simple and listen to them…

      God HATES PRIDE!!!

  • I have read that it is men that are gay and bisexual that have contacted it, though the attached article says “Stop linking monkeypox to gay and bisexual men” and that “Everyone is vulnerable to monkeypox, because most of us haven’t had a smallpox vaccine”.
    Is it a coincidence that Bill Gates has said the next pandemic would be smallpox and the subject of the need for a smallpox vaccine has come up to protect against monkeypox.
    At first blush it seems to me that the best protection against monkeypox would be to abstain from sexual sin, but will anyone listen? “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord” Acts 3:19


  • No surprise on this one. Many of the jabs include “vero cells” which are MONKEY cells.
    Wonder if anyone will cover this in mainstream media?! Same thing happened with the early version of the polio vaccine.

  • Anyone manage to find the excipient list for JYNNEOS? I’d like to know exactly what cocktail of crap these criminals have been cooking up in their cauldrons.

    • There are many demonic COCKTAILS…nothing new under the sun!
      Be careful what you eat, swallow (pills/vitamins), drink, and what you put on your skin … LIGHT BULB moment.

  • I do believe that this monkey pox will serve as a cover up to cover up the vaccine deaths. The difference between monkey pox & “COVID-19” is that monkey pox was actually isolated.

  • How to survive any contagion: 1. Toss the TV in the trash. 2. Stay off all social media. 3. Eat real food like your grandparents did. 4. Supplement to cover for what is lacking in our soils. 5. Stay away from all commercial cleaning and personal care products. http://crn.hopto.org/health/

    That is all, then you will out live all the madness. May The Lord Jesus call us home soon!

    Mitch – James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

  • they may as well take me to their quarantine camp and lop off my head, because I would rather die than to comply to they’re evilness! I will never wear a face diaper nor take they’re mrna jabs!

  • 2 Tim. 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” At its simplest form this is what Covid and Monkey Pox is all about: causing lost people to fear, so that they can be controlled and killed. We must not forget that this is God’s judgment on wicked nations. Thank you, Jacob for the reports that remind the saints of this, as well as Bryan Denlinger for his studies on the subject. The Lord has used you both to open my eyes to a lot of things dealing with the evil principalities and how they operate. God bless you both!

  • Remember all, there is NO such things as virus’s. They simply do not exist and hence what doctors learn about in med school is called “Germ Theory”. Don’t fall for any virus related hoax as its simply a control mechanism. A good book to read about this is “Good-bye Germ Theory” or even “The invisible rainbow” and many more. Those 2 books can be found cheaply on amazon. Please don’t fall for there non-sense. Your body when sick is simply trying to clear out the toxins and it will do it through coughing, sneezing, Diarrhea, sweat, skin boils, vomiting etc. Taking the pharma garbage only stops this natural process from happening and hence you “feel better” temporarily and then down the road you get sick and die. Pray for the Lord to lead you through ALL truth.

  • I’ve had two smallpox vaccines in my life, so I guess I’m “protected” from the phony pox by being injected by these other two phony “poxes”. They gave out this vaccine for very young children and in my case I needed one to travel to Europe. The story was that smallpox was completely eradicated from the entire Earth by 1971, and they really patted themselves on the back for it. For Bill Gates to say that smallpox is coming back again attests to the fact that the scientists are a bunch of bumbling idiots (or worse), or that he is lying through his teeth. I think it is both. By the way, speaking of idiots and frauds, it is entirely possible that Anthony J. Fauci rubbed shoulders with what the LA Times called “an unrepentant pedophile” who just happened to work for the NIH and who also won a Nobel Prize for prion (mad cow) research in the 1970s before he was jailed for 18 months for boogery In Maryland a few years later, then escaping to Norway before he could be investigated and charged for murder for a crime committed in New York.

  • GUESS who was the number 2 top contributing foundation for the WHO for last year (and check out previous years also)…
    just click on the image link below:
    (from https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors/usa)

    —-Sure wouldn’t want anything tracing back to the Catholic Disease Creators, instead of smallpox, let’s just rename it monkeypox. Pretty much the same. And looking at the initial symptoms, you could have everyone PCR test positive for monkeypox, even if they only have the flu. You could probably even tell them that their “monkeypox” went away if they never broke out with skin lesions.

    “At the annual meeting of the governing body of the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland today (May 24), a committee of world leaders decided to keep, for now, the world’s two remaining vials of the deadly disease smallpox.

    They decided to revisit the issue in three years at the 67th annual meeting, in 2014, while limiting new research using the smallpox virus (allowing studies started before now to finish up).

    The discussion of what to do with the remaining stocks of the virus has been raging since shortly after the WHO declared the disease eradicated in 1980. The two stockpiles are located at the Centers for Disease Control in Georgia and at a Russian facility in Siberia.”


    In humans, the symptoms of monkeypox are similar to but milder than the symptoms of smallpox. Monkeypox begins with fever, headache, muscle aches, and exhaustion. The main difference between symptoms of smallpox and monkeypox is that monkeypox causes lymph nodes to swell (lymphadenopathy) while smallpox does not. The incubation period (time from infection to symptoms) for monkeypox is usually 7−14 days but can range from 5−21 days.

    The illness begins with:

    Muscle aches
    Swollen lymph nodes
    Within 1 to 3 days (sometimes longer) after the appearance of fever, the patient develops a rash, often beginning on the face then spreading to other parts of the body.

    Lesions progress through the following stages before falling off:

    The illness typically lasts for 2−4 weeks. In Africa, monkeypox has been shown to cause death in as many as 1 in 10 persons who contract the disease.


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