Professing Christian movements promoting the necessity of transhumanism is now beginning to really grow, now that things like the metaverse, smart cities, Neuralinks, cybernetics, are starting to become increasingly more accepted.

Wesley J. Smith for First Things – an American religious journal published by the Institute on Religion and Public Life – says that there is now a resurgence of certain groups pushing for merging with the machine. For example, in 2019 the book “Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics,” provides “first-hand testimony to the value of the transhumanist vision perceived by the religious mind.” This book contains opinions from many different professing Christians, and those of religions, answering the criticisms the transhumanism movement has received.

Why do representatives of different religious traditions find the transhumanist vision of the future not only theologically compatible but even inspiring? Transhumanism is a global movement seeking radical human enhancement. The trans in transhumanism marks the transition from the present stage in human evolution into the future, namely, post-human existence. Containing chapters written by adherents to a variety of religious traditions, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics provides first-hand testimony to the value of the transhumanist vision perceived by the religious mind. In addition, the contributors critique both secular and religious transhumanism in light of realistic science and commitment to social justice.

The description for this $135 book reads

But these transhumanists movements claiming to be Christian are nothing new. First Things wrote a report about the rise of the one of these groups in 2012. Citing a report about what these adherents believe, one pastor said:

Theologically, one can find support in the Bible for transhumanism, he said, citing Scriptures that describe a future change or transformation. For example, I John 3:2 states that we “will be like him, for we will see him as he is.”…

In summarizing the theology of posthumanism, Mr. Douglas said Christianity is shaped by the belief that “God is doing something new to us, and that, therefore, we neither can nor need to transform ourselves.” Rather than naive optimism or nihilistic cynicism, Christians ought to practice “prophetic hope,” he said. “Believe in a better future because God is doing something.”

Mark Douglas, Presbyterian pastor/ethicist

Moreover, another group formed in 2014, the “Christian Transhumanist Association” (CTA), has been quite active in advocating for transhumanism to “[participate] with God in the redemption, reconciliation, and renewal of the world.”

‘Transhumanism is a futuristic social movement. Its adherents believe that immortality is attainable in the corporeal world through the wonders of applied technology. The goal is to become “H+,” or more than human. Transhumanist proselytizers include academics like Oxford’s Nick Bostrom, Big Tech gurus like Ray Kurzweil, and popularizers like 2016 presidential candidate Zoltan Istvan. They promise that “the singularity” is coming—the time when a crescendo of scientific advances will make the movement unstoppable and transhumanists will transform themselves into super-beings who can enjoy physical life without end,’ First Things explains about the overall transhumanists beliefs.

First Things explains that this move and acceptance of this “singularity” and acceptance of transhumanism should not come as a surprise, as Western society drifts further and further from God’s word, begetting “hopelessness and [which] breeds nihilism.” But the point of the transhumanism movement is to replace Jesus Christ and his word – which is described as being our only hope (Col 3:4; Psa 130:5) – and offering the new proselytes a twisted view of the new birth and eternal life. “I can live forever, the transhumanist believes fervently, if we just develop the technology soon enough,” First Things adds.

This is why occultic symbols such as the infinity symbol, or “lazy eight,” is used a lot in association with the metaverse and other pushes for mankind to enjoin themselves with the machine. The WinePress has detailed this in other reports.

It should come as no surprise and goes without much explanation, that movements such as this are antithetical to everything the Bible teaches, other than the fact that what the scriptures say about this movement is nothing short of an abomination, and prophesying its destruction.

But, groups like the CTA offer broad and blanket statements for the unsuspecting masses.

We believe that God’s mission involves the transformation and renewal of creation.

We seek growth and progress along every dimension of our humanity.

The Christian Transhumanist Association has stated

Smith further notes, ‘Nor does the CTA website discuss the “means” that transhumanist advocates plan to use to attain this utopian vision—not to mention their ethical implications. For example, some transhumanists hope to repeatedly renew their bodies through breeding clones as sources of organ replacements. Others plan to have their heads cryogenically frozen to allow eventual surgical attachment on a different body or a cyborg. But transhumanists’ greatest passion is to eternally save their minds—as opposed to souls, which is not a transhumanist concept—via uploading into computer programs, a concept known as “digital immortality.” This is hardly what St. Paul meant when he asked, “[O] Death, where is thy sting? [O] Grave, where is thy victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:55 KJB).

But on top of this, some of these “Christian Transhumanists,” have stated:

We must force our evolution in the present day via our reasoning, inventiveness, and especially our scientific technology. In short, we must embrace transhumanism—the radical field of science that aims to turn humans into, for lack of a better word, gods.

Zoltan Istvan, contributing to the Huffington Post in 2016

And for a deeper dive into what those who view themselves as transhumans, and what to have their set of legal rights and liberties, then one must read up on the Transhumanist Bill of Rights and how a transhuman is ‘legally’ defined:

Covid Vaccine Recipients Have Become Patented Government Property

And while not everyone who says they are a Christian are just itching to become a cyborg and plugged into the grid, they are surely being goaded into accepting it by one means or another. CEO for the alternative social media platform Gab, Andrew Torba, has publicly called for Christians to embrace the metaverse, and use it as an evangelistic tool.

And as vaccine passports, social credit scores, food IDs, carbon calculators, and so on are introduced and forced on the masses; you can expect and not be surprised when the vast majority of professing Christians stand idly by and accept this system – just as those same people ran off to fight the Covid war.

Moreover, with the prospect of the Great Reset and calls for a “New World Order” being thrown in the masses’ faces more readily now, surely most will voluntarily submit to it, as they will “own nothing and be happy;” therefore will do as these “reseters” command them to do.

Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy

Ultimately, it is all building to the climax and arrival of the mark of the beast system:

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • When they left the word, they opened themselves to ANYTHING. Believing Benny Hin-doo was ‘Christian’. Or, Glen Beck the Mormon….the Mormons huge into transhumanism, scientology, alien phenomenon & ‘knowledge’, thinking ‘Mother Eve’s enlightenment into the knowledge of good & evil was a GOOD thing! Goddess & gnosis. Believing Kabala-Talmudic philosophy & philosophers were Christians….or saved by works by virtue of the Judaism. Believing Catholicism was Christian.

    ALL of those movements; & every form of idolatrous humanism; psychology & ‘certified’ social theory, sociology; social studies promoted instead of truth-based & forensically documented history anchored to truth, & then ‘cultural diversity’ redefined to eliminate even rational discrimination of details & facts as ‘racist’; biological evolution & big-bang naturalism; the arts: songs, movies, games, etc……they ALL teach forms of evolutionism, works, self-transformation. Even the ‘aliens’, ‘angels’, spirit guides & so forth all teach it. Conditioning & grooming mankind, taking souls into bondage.

    At first it was a trickle, but then it became a flood as the various groups left believing the King James Bible, & brought in the corruptions. The ASV only got a few here in the US, but the wars, Depression, the gnostic & scholastic education system, the corrupting of the seminaries & Bible colleges, took their toll so that the later attempts with the NIV, the NKJV….& the ESV….deceived MANY. Some were sustained by what they remembered & knew of God from the King James they’d been raised on & saved under & by…..but carnality & apathy grew apace with presumption, & there were many shipwrecks: Lot-type Christianity, & the generations following were rarely saved at all & easy pickings for the parasites coming in, like they do more & more into any unresisting, weakened body.

    Like Satan, they take bits of truth & twist them, confusing those not firmly anchored or going on to maturity & experience in the faith, showing themselves to be workmen approved & able to rightly divide, try & prove. While the lost are already in his thrall, & some of them deeply initiated are far more than dupes, & so very, very subtil….and in leadership, influencing positions & operations. Seducing. Flattering. Trusting in sight & feelings, experience: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life….& teaching others to do the same: even calling it ‘transformation’ & ‘Christian transformation’.

    They even used Romans 12 to do it. Ro 12:1 ¶ I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
    Ro 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

    They taught it the Catholic & blind faith in men, obedience to authority Augustinian way, but wrapped in modern terminology. So that your ‘reasonable service’ became social justice, follow the Man, and ye shall be as gods, ‘transformed’ as you ‘transform’ the earth by dominion & building the kingdom of heaven on earth. Self-transformation was taught as ‘Christian excellence’, and using Colossians 3:23 KJB And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

    evolved to: Colossians 3:23 — New International Reader’s Version, 1998 ed. (NIrV) (NIrV) 23 Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord, not for human masters.

    We live in the perilous times spoken of in the epistles to Timothy, & of 2 Peter 2&3, Jude. Never has the word & separation been more important & less taught or practiced. They generally didn’t promote the epistles at all, in the conditioning years, & until people forgot. They they reintroduced them wrest.

    Once you see these things, though, you can’t ‘unsee’ them…& if you obey to come out, & to grow in the word, one’s faith is only bolstered more & more seeing these things come to pass, even with the vexations & confusion.

    And they come to pass in unforeseen ways, I mean in unusual & unexpected ways with twists & turns none of us could have really foretold beyond what was written. I mean, we foresaw a coming crash & many tried to warn, but who foresaw the covid vaccine mechanism & strategy of covering it up & shifting blame? How the commie green & nazi beefsteak…all fit into it? Or how the stem cell research all spoke of as a great & promising thing for healing if limited to adult stem cell& exposing the unnecessity of using aborted cell lines, as well as the ethical undermining of ALL lives of ALL mankind as written& bringing God’s wrath…..was progressing behind the scenes with unthinkable experimentations, mergings & corruptions, & then CRISPR? We were warring on so many fronts, but the main one is always the scripture with the only power to transform mankind savingly & bringing blessing or a curse accordingly.

    Still, once you see a fulfillment, and another, and another….the awe of God & his word just grows & grows. When I get unsettled by some of these things, I try to stop & remember that…to take it to God, read David’s Psalms & confess & receive, and going on to read more& more: because the more you read & grow in the knowledge of that word, as well as of the things going on in the world fulfilling it….the more that you see God’s bigger picture, his hand & his control, the assurance of the promises, as well as the judgments, the curses….and your own lack, unrighteousness & insufficiency for these things.

    To remember how confused & deceived I was until I settled in on the King James Bible as THE authority…and gave up on all those smarter, more successful people who wouldn’t, & proved that they wouldn’t no matter WHAT the evidences & facts were. It was a real war, but the word! Settled & sure…not the ‘originals’, & not the experts who insinuate themselves in there as the REAL authority on what might or might not have been in them….but the word: thus saith the LORD.

    How we need the Lord, & to petition him continually for guidance, wisdom, open doors. The urgency to warn a few more & point them to the only hope & salvation in the scriptures is stronger. 1 Corinthians 8; Philippians 4 KJB.

    This is nothing but the old gnosticism, the old idolatrous humanism & worship of Man, Weishaupt’s ‘Les Perfectibles’, the kabalist & alchemists ‘dream’, Pygmalion, Plato’s Republic, the Devil’s constant usurpation, corruption, tempting, conniving, deceit, driving ….MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT. The only thing more terrifying & awesome than all of that is the might & vengeance of our holy God coming, & truly, the only thing that overcomes it in the meantime & until faith is made sight is Hebrews 11&12 faith. (Not the drummed up magical force ‘faith’ ….but real, saving faith: Hebrews 11, with that repentance not to be repented of.

    2 Cor 5 KJB. Knowing the terror of the Lord, it says. That’s the Lion we fear, & serve…not this one walking about seeking whom he may devour, with all his vainglory, & loud roars seeking to terrify & paralyze, distract, us for the fall with intent to kill. Like Goliath. Seeking to intimidate by brute force or craft & gnosis.

    John 10 comes to mind, too, & Zechariah 11, Acts 20: 21-32….and 33 -35, too. The good shepherd, the false, the hireling & thief, and the idol shepherd w/ their characteristics & distinctives, identifiers by which we try the spirits & prove all things.

    David Cloud recently published a timeline of world history as a free 24 page ebook including the Trail of Blood events & persecutions, the Inquisition, the things accounted of in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs….what a reminder of the turmoil & confusion of real history, the general tendency toward the saints of God & his scriptures.

    He didn’t stop there, but carried it up to today. It shows the evil, & also the limitations, blind spots, & failings of even God’s good men….so in harmony with scripture. We must strive against those things in ourselves & exhort one another without leaving off encouraging, or forgetting that

    Ps 37:23 -24The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. :24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.

    Hebrews 12 is sobering, too, and it’s not easy, or even in us apart from the Lord, to run with patience, to endure chastening as legitimate sons & daughters.

    Pr 24:13-22 KJB ¶ My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste:
    Pr 24:14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

    Pr 24:15 ¶ Lay not wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place:
    Pr 24:16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

    Pr 24:17 ¶ Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:
    Pr 24:18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

    Pr 24:19 ¶ Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked;
    Pr 24:20 For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

    Pr 24:21 ¶ My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:
    Pr 24:22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?

    Reminding myself again. There’s a lot there in Proverbs 24:16….but who of us likes the ‘falling’ part? And, seven times?!??

    Jesus said that if a man offended, but repented, we should forgive not just seven times, but seventy times seven! No wonder the disciples were astonished at that saying…..but when we’re on the receiving end is when we really understand, & that’s not our natural tendency to think of or about.

    Like the disciples, we like to fast forward to the ‘riseth up again’ part where we’re reassured & aware of the upholding hand again, or to when we’ll see justice (tending only belatedly to remember the proper perspective on that: knowing what we deserved & deserve without Jesus).

    How much more satisfying & easy it is to meditate upon the kingdom inheritance, or to ponder the ‘seven’ as the seven days, the ages, & the rest yet to come which we’ve not entered into yet, though we’ve been adopted into the household of God & have peace with him, the seal & earnest.

    …And there’s nothing wrong with that, so long as we don’t leave the other undone, straining at gnats & swallowing camels….forgetting our own lack & corruptibility. Pride creeping in with yearning for justice. A constant warfare. And when I forget, I lose peace & freedom within as well as without.

    • Excellent analysis and scriptural perspective based on THE final authority, the King James Bible…satanically imitated—never duplicated!

  • First, the Bible corrupters and perversions from the Vatican.
    Second, the church buildings and man’s traditions.
    Third, so-called christian rock, Christian rap, christian heavy metal, and so on.
    Fourth, we have pole dancing for Jesus (no joke, that blasphemous garbage exists)
    Fifth, we have super bowl style “preaching”
    Now, we have this “christian” transhumanism?

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