“So you have two opposing sides: a good, a bad; the light and the dark; and both are working together to influence – both are controlled and are influencing the person viewing, to go to the area wherever they want them to go.”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Be sure to see my commentary at the end for additional insights.

By now, more and more people are becoming increasingly aware of (or have at least heard of) this thing called the “Great Reset.” Granted, those who do have some kind of familiarization with it are still infinitesimal in the grand scheme of the world.

However, the conservative-based and alternative media are steadily sounding the alarm on this movement, such as The Blaze’s founder Glenn Beck who wrote a book about it, attributing the entirety of the movement as a ‘leftist-progressive’ construct.

Glenn Beck’s newest book

In association with the Great Reset, other terms and phrases such as “You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy,” “The Forth Industrial Revolution,” “Stakeholder Capitalism,” and many others, are used. These terms are coming from an organization called the World Economic Forum, and their prospects as to how they see and want the world to go. Moreover, they have also explained that once this Great Reset is accomplished, it will then transition into what they also have dubbed the “Great Narrative” – something that has notably gotten significantly less attention.

The WinePress has repeatedly covered this Great Reset in many of our reports at great length and detail. One of them, “Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy,” being The WinePress’ most viewed post to date, as it lays out the broad specifics of what the world leaders and interest groups are working to achieve by the year 2030.

NOTE: Because of this, I will not be detailing the Great Reset here very much in this, as The WP has done so in many other articles. I strongly advise you to read some of these reports if you have not done so, or refresh your memory. I will assume that have already done so moving forward.

Agenda Absolute Zero: You’ll Be Enslaved And Be Happy

Say Hello To The “Metaverse:” The Cyber New World Order That Will Control The Masses’ Minds

But acting as a counterpart and resistance to this Great Reset, is what some are calling the “Great Awakening” – a movement and philosophy that is continuing to grow in popularity among those the media deems “far-right groups,” “patriots,” and certain religious sects of professing Christianity – though, is not as well known relative to the Great Reset itself.

The WinePress has alluded to the Great Awakening in other reports, but have never dedicated a report to discussing it further.

Recently guest writer for the Trends Journal, Michael J. Talmo, wrote a piece giving his perspective of the Great Awakening, and how this is the other logical choice we have in resisting this Great Reset.

The Great Awakening Versus The Great Reset

The following is written by Michael J. Talmo. NOTE: This is an excerpt from a much larger piece from Talmo. In this article, Talmo, though quoting some Bible passages, says he is “spiritual, but not religious. As a pantheist, I don’t see God as a being in the sky with a personality. But I do believe in the power of evil which many envision as Satan just as I believe in the power of good which most people call God. But I see these as energies rather than entities. Or to use the sci-fi lingo in Star Wars, “The Force” (God) and the “The Dark Side” (Satan). Both of these energies exist inside and outside of us and which is stronger in our lives and in the world depends on the choices that we make individually and collectively.”

We have a choice folks—the most monumental choice humanity has ever had to make. 

First, heed and never forget the words of Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum regarding what he calls “The Great Reset”:  

The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.

Schwab is right. But we don’t have to go along with the way he wants to reset things.

COVID-19 is also an opportunity for a Great Awakening. More than any other event in history, it has shown that people in positions of power are too corrupt, too irrational, and too stupid to be trusted. They have demonstrated that they are far more dangerous than any disease real or imagined could ever be. 

So, let’s take COVID-19 as an opportunity to get rid of the current system because if we don’t it will continue to find new ways to scare and con us into surrendering our freedom. And we must recognize that we have surrendered too much of our freedom already. 

Corporations have gotten too big to fail, governments too powerful to curtail, and billionaires too wealthy to jail. So, first and foremost, we must take away their power and do away with their instruments of oppression which include, but are not limited to the following:    

The Department of Homeland Security’s inane, inept TSA. This is one of the most useless agencies ever created.  Get rid of it. We don’t need to go through cancer-causing porno scanners, take off our shoes,  and get felt up to get on a plane any more than we need to wear masks. Enough of this nonsense already. Let’s start protecting our 4th Amendment rights.  

Get rid of passports. In a 2016 article, Business Insider reported that throughout the early 20th Century and as late as 1963 world leaders considered doing away with passports. Back then they recognized that passports were “a serious obstacle to freedom of movement.” 

I think we should revisit that  discussion. The problem is, as stated in the article, that people get used to oppression in their lives and think they need it if it goes on long enough. And because we have allowed regular passports and TSA groping and snooping, they now want to impose masks and COVID vaccine passports not just for international travel, but for every aspect of our lives. The time has come to say no to all of it. 

Get rid of all compulsory vaccinations in schools, the military, and on the job—not just the COVD vaccines, but all vaccines. Vaccination should be voluntary and one’s personal choice. The human race has survived and thrived for 300,000 years without them. No government, business, or doctor has the right to tell anyone what to put in their body. 

Arguments that some deadly plague requires forced vaccination or it helps protect people from disease are based on accepting the underlying narrative. But what if the underlying narrative is wrong? What if it’s just a sales pitch to sell vaccines and promote a political agenda? The risk is too great so end all medical mandates. All health departments and other government officials should be allowed to do is advise and suggest. 

Get rid of vaccine liability protection. Hold companies accountable if their vaccines kill and injure people. No more EUAs (Emergency Use Authorization) for vaccines. An EUA should only be for a drug that might save a dying person’s life or for someone who is suffering with a low quality of life.

Vaccines to prevent disease do not fall into that category. 

Get rid of all standing armies—especially the police. And to all the authoritarian personalities who think the cops can do no wrong, wake up. Most cops are supporting COVID-19 restrictions. They stand lined up against the people. They are there to protect the fascist corporate system, not We the People.  

Replace them with a militia consisting of civilians who serve for a month and then rotate back into the citizenry. This will avoid the us versus them mentality of professional soldiers. All we need is a navy and an air force for protection against foreign invasion. And even for a citizen police force, end qualified immunity. Any government official or cop who breaks the law must be held accountable like everybody else. No special privileges. 

Because the wealthy have power as in vast amounts of money they can be every bit as dangerous as some bureaucrat who sits in this or that office. A huge corporation can be just as dangerous as this or that government agency.  Get rid of big corporations and the oppressive arm of big government. 

Get rid of big institutions and bureaucracies like the WHO (World Health Organization) and the CDC (Centers For Disease Control and Prevention). Such bureaucracies and institutions only wind up becoming corrupt and self-serving—we don’t need them. Do away with the deep state and corporate cabals. Ban all forms of shadow government. Get rid of all billionaires so they can’t use their wealth to corrupt governments—allow them to have no more than say 10 or 20 million dollars. 

And finally, recognize that all oppressive government measures, whether the excuse is to protect us from disease or some other manufactured crisis, are designed to divide us, to make us hate and fear each other, to pit us against each other. Don’t fall for it. Don’t allow them to divide us. Get on the right side of history folks. Get with the program. Say enough is enough and resist. 

Thanks to mass protests all over the world the phony COVID narrative is beginning to crumble and a number of countries like the U.K. are ending their oppressive policies. At the massive protest in Washington, D.C. last January, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav had this to say: (see 19 min 9 sec mark)

People are being pushed around, denied normal interaction, and they’re just following it like sheep. That’s what happened in Germany essentially. All Germans were not evil. But most of them, the vast majority, simply went along. The German people elected a tyrant who took away their freedom and controlled their lives. But the German people were obedient. Their failure to resist the tyranny resulted in the genocide of millions of people.

Dr. Peter McCullough Promotes Novavax Covid Vaccine And Slanders Health Impact News, Says They Make ‘False Claims’

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has shown us that the majority will continue to stand by and do nothing.

Also realize that politicians and bureaucrats who have imposed these restrictions will hope that once they lift the restrictions that people will forget the evil they have done and even praise them for liberating them. They will also try to blame lower downs on the bureaucratic totem pole for the destruction and death.  Don’t fall for it. Don’t let them go quietly into the night. Arrest and jail all of them. Make them pay dearly for the crimes they have committed. 

Some writers have speculated that there must be some external agent other than us humans driving this global insanity. And this is understandable. It’s hard to believe that people could be so self-destructive, evil, and incredibly stupid. 

Some say it’s the work of the devil. Others have suggested the manipulation and even replacement of world leaders by space aliens and inter-dimensional beings. Who knows? But maybe, just maybe, it’s just us after all. Maybe us humans are just plain nuts. 

(Excerpted from “Let’s Face It: The Human Race is Stark Raving Nuts.” Read the full article here.)  


Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.

Proverbs 4:7, 8:5

What you read is pure propaganda and a diversion tactic, that will also lead you down the same place and path as the Great Reset.

I am bringing this report to your attention because now that the mainstream media is starting to let some of the masses in on the Great Reset, that also means that the counter-revolution must be floated even more, giving the masses the prospect and mirage of hope, freedom, resiliency against the tyranny.

What you read from Talmo has QANON written all over it, which we shall breakdown a bit further. But I wanted to cover what he said because The WP did not have a dedicated report looking at what some of these people mean by the “Great Awakening.”

Recently Hugo Talks did a video asking genuine questions about President Trump and this “ReAwaken America Tour” – something regulars of this site know that I have kicked around different times for being totally controlled opposition and full of big pharma shills and peddlers for private interest groups – and Hugo, being British, would not understand this movement; but he did know that Trump is very pro-death shot, and he found it weird that all these guys are pro-Trump, but opposing the vaccines; not to mention that Trump Jr. has also joined their ranks.

Hugo asked for people’s thoughts on this, and he got thousands of comments on it.

In a follow-up video the next day, he discussed some comments and theories on the issue. One of which is what we are looking at right now. He very graciously cited a The WinePress report detailing Qanon, and how it is the same old Soviet tactic repackaged, that was used to deceive the masses – getting many of the people to believe that Communism was failing and died, and the republic was still in tact, allowing themselves to believe that the dummy opposition that the Soviets created was actually leading to prosperity, but when it was actually leading them down the same path as the other option presented. Either side the people picked, BOTH netted the same result.

Here are those videos:

Hugo discusses what is called the “Hegelian Dialectic,” something regulars of The WP read me talk about all the time. This is what Hugo proposed as a theory behind this, and he is absolutely right.

… Both sides are controlled. So, your Hegelian Dialectic is your antithesis and thesis together, they combine together to make a synthesis. So you have two opposing sides: a good, a bad; the light and the dark; and both are working together to influence – both are controlled and are influencing the person viewing, to go to the area wherever they want them to go.

And in this instance, say you have the Great Reset, the notion, the “jib-jabs,” dystopian future, that is being shown to us; and then on the other hand there is the “Great Awakening” on the other side, and the idea is to guide people towards maybe the Great Awakening because it then seems so much better than the terrible Reset, but the Awakening was also the destination that they had planned.

It’s like creating black and white thinking, like the Freemason checkerboard pushing you to choose left or right. But, if you are aware of this you don’t have to make a choice, you can ignore completely, hopeful.

Hugo explained

Hugo is dead on the money, and I could not have said it better myself. He then goes onto cite our report about Qanon, and the Soviet’s “Operation: Hope” movement, that exemplifies this Hegelian Dialectic tactic. If you have not read it, I highly suggest you do.

So, having the understanding of what Qanon is, and the Hegelian Dialectic tactics at play, it casts a new light and perception on what this Talmo fellow said, now doesn’t it? As a subscriber to the weekly Trends Journal, they have great info, but when I saw this, I could not pass it up. People like Talmo are sending people down a path that is totally controlled, and will still net the same result.

I have watched and read a LOT of Qanon material. I do not claim to be the ‘foremost authority’ on it, but I am quite familiar as to what they say and do. To simplify the Qanon movement as a whole, I have broken it down into three categories that I see commonly deployed: Tactics, Propaganda, and Zealots.

Tactics: Technically speaking this could also go with the Propaganda category, but when I say ‘Tactics,’ I am referring to the broader Hegelian Dialectic, and the false divide and head-to-head combat strategy. You see this in the media a lot, for example. A lot of times the media will often blame people on the “right” of being Qanon conspiracists, which is obviously not true; but, when reading between the lines, they are referring to the Hegelian Tactics that both they and the “opposition” are deploying. You can see evidence of this below:

Qanon Is Now Saying The Omicron Variant Is A Self-Spreading Antidote To End The Covid Pandemic

The U.S. Trucker “Convoy To D.C” Is Controlled Opposition

Must Read: ‘Christian Nationalism’ Is Hindering Broad Vaccination

Another very common tactic, and probably the easiest to spot (and most important), is where the control agents point you towards. As a rule of thumb: if they ever point you in the direction of a political figure or group, military industrial complex in any facet, banks and private interest groups, the “Bigs” (big tech, big ag, big pharma, big banks, big oil, etc.); and they want you to put some level of or total trust in that, then RUN. This is the case with Donald Trump, for example, being the prime example – as someone who is idolized and praised as “draining the swamp,” fighting the “global cabal,” arresting the members of the “deep state,” “playing 4-D chess,” he and the “white hats” (the purported ‘good guys’ in the government and military), and so on.

Propaganda: The propaganda is the next layer, where there is some variation within this. The propaganda can be lightweight, and is often seen in more “conservative” platforms. Occasionally the media talking-heads will float out something that is perceived as “thought provoking” and challenges what people thought they knew as truth. This causes people to do more research. This then leads them to, unknowingly, more and more “change agents” that are actively working with the other side to craft a narrative – planting truth, usually a lot of it, but peppering in some lies throughout (some of which are so outrageous and asinine it makes you wonder how someone could be so dumb; but, because so much truth was given to them, those who are tricked cannot register the bait & switch in their brains). Again, the media on the opposing side will occasionally point this out, but will not actually deal with the things that are plainly the truth; which, therefore, further compounds it into the minds of buying into Qanon that they are correct; and those on the outside looking in are still stuck in their echo chamber getting filled with lies.

This where you will begin to hear terms like “Great Awakening,” “the storm,” “adrenochrome,” “the plan to save the world,” “where we go, we go all;” “hope/hopium,” “red pill,” “trust the plan,” “white hats,” and so on.

The best propaganda is that which, as it were, works invisibly, penetrates the whole of life without the public having any knowledge of the propagandistic initiative.

Joseph Goebbels. Nazi Germany’s propaganda mastermind

Zealots: These are the people that actually claim allegiance to Qanon. Many of the masses on the “right” have been propagandized, but they do not realize that it is Qanon. These people are more sacrilegious and cultic. Their life revolves around this movement. You’ll find them on all of the alternative platforms (Bitchute, Gab, Telegram, Rumble, Parler, etc.).

In this spectrum, many of the people involved (who peddle these lies) will tell you that they themselves were former military intelligence, for example, and are getting leaks or “Q drops” from these “white hats” in the government relaying the next step of the plan, and clues we are to look for. You can read one of them in this WinePress report here. These people believe that the deep state is actively being taken down, and that people like Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, George Soros, have already been detained and executed; and the people we see are just models or CGI animation.

These Zealots believe that we as mankind can eradicate this deep state cabal and usher in peace and prosperity. The ones that are totally tripped out of their minds believe man can usher in a thousand years of peace once this cabal is eradicated, for example.

Mentally exhausted yet? I don’t blame you.

To see some of this at play, watch this “propaganda video” that was published in 2019, and got a TON of views before many platforms scrubbed it:

But then there is another aspect of this: the religious aspect.

As noted in Hugo’s videos, and in other WinePress reports, a lot of these people have some sort of profession of faith in Christianity. For example, people like Mike Lindell, “the pillow guy,” and whom I call “the fall guy” – acting as a doorway in the mainstream to entice new “recruits” – puts on a religious persona.

Q Pusher Mike Lindell Guest On Jimmy Kimmel’s Late Night Show

He is part of a movement called the “New Apostolic Reformation.” This movement is EXTREMELY heretical and blasphemous. They believe that we must reform key tenets of society, which then allows Jesus Christ to return and bring peace for a thousand years. Sounds like Qanon, does it not?

Moreover, they use similar terms like “Great Awakening.”

Final Reformation & Great Awakening : Take Your Place in ...
This is one of the more prominent authors
Another example of a prominent author in this movement

Or consider this book by Cindy Jacobs titled, “Reformers Arise: Your Prophetic Strategy for Bringing Heaven to Earth,” updated last year. The description reads:

In these last days, the prophets foresee a great Holy Spirit outpouring – a revival that will not be constrained by the four walls of an institution, but will shake the whole earth, shifting the very landscape of nations. This book is your prophetic commissioning to take your place in God’s imminent plan for mighty revival!

Cindy Jacobs is a renowned prophet to the nations with a heart that burns for revival and reformation. In this timely work, she steps into her office as a prophetic general, calling revived believers to take their place as supernaturally-empowered agents for societal change.

In this freshly updated edition of her landmark book, Reformation Manifesto, Cindy provides two new chapters that give prophetic insight on the present revival, coming awakening, and the great reformation that will see moves of God become societal transformation.

Believe me when I say I could do a GIGANTIC report on this movement alone, but I’ll spare you. But I think you get the point, and can see the correlations here. The NAR was created on purpose to loosely coincide with the Qanon propaganda. Therefore, it allows for huge swaths of professing Christianity to get suckered into the lies and propaganda of the Hegelian Dialectic and Qanon. Why else do you think so many of these denominations continue to idolize and coddle up to Trump?? Moreover, it was many of these “Christian leaders” who claimed to have these dreams that said Trump would win the election in 2016, and help restore America. Of course, these self-proclaimed prophets could not prophesy the Covid pandemonium, nor heal anyone, and got Trump’s prophecy of reelection dead wrong…

[3] Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. [21] And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? [22] When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Deuteronomy 13:3, 21-22

But on top of this, many of these leaders in that movement are extremely ecumenical and want their followers to join back up with Roman Catholicism. For example, Todd White, a false prophet and healer, can be seen doing this:

Why do I mention this? Remember that picture of the 7 mountain mandate this movement wants to bring in? Well, the Bible has something to say about seven mountains, too:

[1] And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: [2] With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. [4] And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: [5] And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. [9] And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. [15] And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. [18] And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Revelation 17:1-2, 4-5, 9, 15, 18

This is describing the VATICAN.

A map of the Vatican and the seven hills where the city is at

These movements of this “Great Awakening” is leading to one thing: a reemergence of the Vatican and Roman Catholicism taking open power again, just as they did during the buildup prior to the Dark Ages.

And yes, there are traditional, fervent, fascist, Roman Catholics – who HATE liberals and Pope Francis – that are promoting the same Qanon garbage. Take a look at this clip from The Remnant:

This man wants you to believe that Trump, speaking at the World Economic Forum with Schwab, is him just ‘standing amongst the enemy,’ by only cherry-picking select clips; and that Covid was released to takedown Trump. The WinePress has documented that Schwab praised him at this event just prior to the Covid war being unleashed. But you see what is going on, how they are deceiving you, and trying to twist your head around?

What you are witnessing is the movement that will lead the masses into accepting and being enslaved in this Great Reset. Either side, Reset or Awakening, will net the same result. For people like Glenn Beck (going back to where we started) to claim that the Reset is only this leftist construct is an utter LIE. In our reports on this, the WEF openly wants what they call “stakeholder capitalism.” Does that sound like progressivism to you? Exactly. As a matter of fact, if you read between the lines, what they want is to combine both communism and fascism together! Therefore, as I said, either side you choose in this psy-op will bring you to the same path.

Q-Pusher And Former Trump Advisor Calls For ‘One Religion’

The Black Horse Of Revelation – which can be seen in the report about Agenda 2030.

I hoped this helped some of you out there spot the difference, and to not get sucked into these movements. Be vigilant, and warn those who are getting sucked down this wormhole.

You do have a choice, and it is NOT the ones thrown in your face. You can read the other option here:

The Forgotten Verses Of Salvation

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

1 Corinthians 15:33

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Colossians 2:8
[8] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: [9] Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

1 Peter 5:8-9

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.



  • Trump back in 1998 was right about one thing: republicans are the dumbest of voters.
    That, which is just a nugget of proof plus this report which is a treasure trove of proof, I’m so thankful that I repented for voting for Donald Chump.
    But these lukewarm pathetic excuses for christians including Jimmy “zipper trouble” Swaggart and his son donkey swaggart, they grovel at the feet of Trump and they kiss his $5,000 shoes and just love all over him like he’s the very right hand of Jesus (which of course he’s not) and if you speak out and expose that Jesuit walking Cheeto, watch out they will rip you to pieces! Let’s pray that swaggart cult family worship center gets taken over by the jesuits and Louisiana national guard turning it into a makeshift quarantine camp! Soon, Jesus is going to stomp out their cult, schools, and channel like bugs!

  • I’ve only been saved for a year and now I’m being thrusted into the battlefield – It seems the only easy day was yesterday. I get terrified entering stores with no masks, I can only imagine the amount of dread I’ll have when facing Catholic Inquisitors – It would be nice to have been born in the 50’s, get saved, and then die, too bad I was born in a generation lacking Providence.

    Once this campaign is over, and the millennial kingdom begins, I’m going to make me a farm.

    • What are you talking about, lacking Providence? God always gives us grace sufficient to our need, & though we could face inquisitors, we don’t know that for certain sure. Are you in one of those really hard crackdown countries? We haven’t had it so bad here w/ regard to masks & mandates…tho that could change quickly enough, & I understand how easy it is to weary. Did you know that when John Clarke & Roger Williams founded Providence, Rhode Island..they were dealing w/ persecution, banishment to the wilderness by state church Augustinians, a mixture of friendly & unfriendly native tribes they attempted witnessing to …yet they called it Providence. In the end, Williams went back to England & claimed his families estate, an aristocrat’s end…but Clarke labored on, & died of the effects of being jailed for visiting a parisioner in Puritan territory in an unheated cell, the cold & the damp, after being released. John Bunyan spent 16 years in the Bedford jail for refusing a state license to preach…his little family struggling, a blind daughter….he did a little job in there. I think they brought him scraps of leather & he made shoestrings. They brought him scraps of paper & he wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress while he was in there, too. All he had to do to get out was promise not to preach God’s word without a license. He’d been in Oliver Cromwell’s army& Charles & the restored elites hated him & men like him. John Clarke came to petition King Charles during that time for the Rhode Island Charter…a pilgrim baptist petitioning Charles! How incredible. And Charles kept him dangling for two decades, before Clarke finally caught him at a weak moment or a good mood about something, or maybe just to get rid of him….like the unjust judge with the woman pestering him for justice in the parable Jesus told, & gave it to him. How unlikely was that? A quasi-Romanist.

      We just don’t know, tho we live in a different time, & our trials different. So much lining up for the mark & such after we’re gone….but then you read the prophets & Revelation, or the Gospels, & realize this could drag on awhile yet. Keep witnessing, keep living, keep watching, & praying. Keeps a body busy & with purpose.

      The Psalms are really great encouragment in hard times, & the letters to the Corinthians are helpful in wicked times like ours, & written to new Christians, too.

      As for farming: why wait? You might do a little farming where you are…even just a bit…some sprouts or mini-greens… starting some seeds for garden plants, even if just some pots. I don’t know your circumstances or calling, but seems God blesses as we go doing w/ fulfillment & peace, & though things can change in an instant….we don’t know that for sure either.

      We have a missionary family in Ukraine. Troubling times.

      And, sometimes, when things seem all easy & good…it’s really the hardest test. In the good times it was hard to believe some of those people were really wicked, & so much was going on behind the scenes before it burst into the open. Now it’s obvious.

  • You are spot on, Jacob. And I can testify further that they were speaking of these things 15 years ago…spinning their webs. Great Awakening…ANTICHRIST great awakening….makes me so mad, because this is NOTHING like the Great Awakening in Great Britain & the colonies, preceding the founding of America which was of God & coming by the preaching of God’s word: God used that mightily, & it was marked by men & women getting right w/ God, repentance, humility, turning from sin….& devilish resistance from the elite ‘secular’ & ‘religious’, those State church nicolaitans. –
    Watch for the Drucker/Warren term ‘communitarian’, too. That’s their ‘synthesis’…..their world uniting ecumenical ‘Christian’ system, which I believe will be their apparent ‘solution’ to all of this, & 1 Thessalonians 5 when they achieve it.

    First Masonic (American Baptist) & then GARBC…same stuff, after the real saints & some sincere who weren’t saved, but just couldn’t buy this garbage & whose seeking of truth kept them from the strange spirit thing that swept through were ‘loved out’ for ‘bullying’ ( otherwise known as speaking truth&scripture) and ‘negativity’ (same) and ‘judgmentalism’…..it got even worse. (And that ‘spirit’ thing: talk about creepy…but they all thought it was ‘confirmation’, ‘proof’, ‘evidence’ that it was of God…and started practically worshipping those who ‘got it’, hanging on their every word, speaking of them with awe as if they were so super spiritual….but NO WAY: it was mean-spirited, impure, & at its worse with the ‘spiritual drunkenness’ etc, the spirit of the ‘prophets’ were not subject to the ‘prophets’: they were out of it, out of control).

    And how could a Catholic turned Mormon be part of some great Christian awakening? ….they were all about his ‘American Christian history’ and ‘prophecy’…White horse prophecy interpreted with a little Joe Smith, Independence, MO interpretation.

    And I had thought it was bad when they were talking about the ‘Christian’, Anne Coulter, and the ‘Christian Historian’ David Barton! Barton had me going for awhile, but he turned out to be just another bold-faced liar ecumenist. If he’s not Masonic & closet Catholic, I don’t know who is.

    It’s craft, that ‘white hat/black hat stuff. Same thing as their ‘yin and yang’. White pope/black pope. Male & female of the old fertility cults.

    Swaggart! Yeah, but the one that really got me was Tennessee Temple’s Clarence Sexton & the ‘Donald Bible’ thing. I wasn’t watching too closely after Obama got in there the way he did, how much could our voting & law really mean? They wouldn’t even prove he was a citizen. But, Andrew, I did think that even such a profane man might be used of God like Cyrus who never believed. Or riding furiously Jehu…who was a profane man & idolator who proved it, yet put down Jezebel & carried out the judgment against the house of Ahab.

    I’d seen how Sexton & Temple treated really converted Catholic & King James man, William Grady, too. But how could anyone be so nondiscerning & clueless as to promote the Donald Bible stuff, & from the pulpit? All that mysticism & no mention of his family’s church & pastor being Norman Vincent Peale??? Sigh. Guess I should have seen it coming when they had world uniter Tony Blair at Temple….who openly rejoined mama Rome like what? a month or two later?

    You can’t make this stuff up…but it’s fulfilling scripture like nobody’s business, & picking up the pace.

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