And those words by the Soviet mastermind still hold true to this day. This is the same Lenin, after all, who and his party laid the framework for as to how controlled opposition and a false hope is created. This is what we know today, for example, as the Qanon movement, as explained in explicit detail in a WinePress report from the writings of a Soviet KGB officer.
If you have not read that report, I highly suggest doing so, as I cannot get into too much detail as to conserve time.
Moreover, it was Lenin who once said,
The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.
And this is what we are seeing pan out right now with these trucker freedom convoys in Ottawa, Canada.
Several days ago The WinePress reported on what was going on with the protestors, showing clips of their travels, Trudeau’s response, and other preluding events prior to the protestors arriving that night in Ottawa.
Hundreds Of Thousands Of Truckers And Protestors Descend On Ottawa Canada To Protest Mandates
In that report, I commented on what I perceived to be happening, and what would happen:
This Canadian protest will indeed send shockwaves around the world. It will act as a real beacon of hope, not that others in Europe, Australia, and so on, have had no effect; but it is evident that the sheer number of people involved and in support of it will cause many more to rise and defy the mandates.
This is by design. Please understand what I am about to say, as I will have to be the “bad guy” here. Do not misunderstand me: I am 100% in favor of standing up and resisting the tyranny, and fighting back when needs be. These truckers and other protestors are totally obligated and deserving to stand up against these draconian edicts. Howbeit, as I said, it is by design: the globalist and new world order handlers WANT this to transpire. If you do not believe me, then, as an example, I encourage you to read the Covid and pandemic scripts that demonstrate the elites had accounted for this level of pushback FAR in advance.
The “prophetic” move forward is to “ignite the right.” Progressivism and “wokeness” is to be overthrown and eradicated, and replaced with a much more fervent and nationalistic approach, that values perceived patriotism, and a return to much harsher Roman Catholic ideology. The Protestants, Baptists, Evangelicals, and so on; are a laughingstock, and have totally bowed down to the tyranny. Whereas many of the true Roman Catholics have not, along with diehard Apostolics. Their posture is admittedly infectious and enticing, because it is great appeal to the flesh. This is what the elites and Rome WANT moving forward. Whether these protestors know it or not, they are falling into a trap and bait & switch.
Ignite The Right: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Australians And Catholics March For Freedom
Again, do not misunderstand me: I am totally in favor of protesting and resisting this garage, but, I have to be “that guy” to point out what I see. The WinePress has exposed a lot of this controlled opposition since we started, and I smell the same thing here. By Trudeau clearly acting like he is scared and running to his little bunker, or whatever, it is designed to empower the protestors and those abroad even more, to make them feel like they are having an effect.
So, please be mindful of these things moving forward. We shall what transpires in the wake of these protests, and more to come. Just be warned of what I have presented to you today. Stand against the tyranny, but be cautious: it maybe another ploy to control the opposition and use it for Satan’s advantage.
Already, a lot of this is coming to pass, as I forewarned; and I shall elaborate further in this report.
Protests In Europe And Australia
In a rather short timeframe, an identical trucker convoy demonstration is beginning quite soon, as well. Now the “European Freedom Convoy” has already mobilized.
‘In France, as in other European countries, truckers are preparing the “freedom convoy” via social networks. But we don’t know much, for the moment, about their degree of organization. It is not known whether or not health care workers, firefighters and other personnel affected by health constraints are planning to participate in this operation. It is also not known how large the operation will be. However, the meeting is scheduled to take place in Brussels on February 7th,’ explains a site called Sales For Jobs.
Below is a promotional trailer calling on Europeans to rally and join the protest, with a song from the popular British rock band “Muse” playing in the background – a band known for singing about resisting the government and topics that are often categorized in the realm of “conspiracy theories.”
However, the official Twitter page for this rally says they will converge on Brussels on Valentines Day, February 14th.
The 14th February 2022 Will be the Day when ALL European Convoys will RDV in Brussels and Siege the European Capital until Vaccination Pass and Associated Restrictions are Abolished.
Nevertheless, as noted, many truckers from many European nations are joining in. The official rally social media account pasted all the national flags of where truckers will be emerging from.

Vienna, Austria:
And the list goes on and on, for the European nations participating.
And not just Europe, but even Australia is getting involved. The WinePress reported in September, 2021, that a few truckers in South Australia shutdown highway traffic to protest the mandates there. It appears that more Australians are now joining these protests.
So, clearly, as I said would happen, truckers and more protestors are standing up.
However, this begs the questions: who are the people organizing these events, how are they doing it so quickly, where is the money coming from, etc.?
Trudeau Responds
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, after he and his family was moved to an unnamed location – something the media noted greatly – Trudeau came out of this house, that looked like just an ordinary house in Canada, and made a statement on the movement.
Canadians were shocked, and frankly disgusted by the behavior of some people protesting in our nation’s capital. We are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless.
Nazi symbolism, racist imagery and desecration of war memorials [are not acceptable free speech but] an insult to memory and truth. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags, we won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans.
Trudeau asserted and appealed to the “nearly 90% of truckers who’ve gotten vaccinated,” he said, that they were the ones doing the right thing by continuing to work, and how “the behavior on display this weekend does not represent you.”
You can rely on us to continue to stand with you and allow you to do your jobs safely.
Canadians know where I stand. This is a moment for responsible leaders to think carefully about where they stand, and who they stand with.
For more on Trudeau’s press conference, watch Hugo Talks’ commentary on the issue.
Planned Terrorism
So, now that we have some additional context to what is going on, where is the controlled opposition coming in?
As I started this report with, Lenin said “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” As noted in other reports, The WinePress shared information breaking down official documents from NATO that explicitly said they are working to brainwash the masses and control. In that report, it was noted that the Canadian government admitted to using the Covid pandemonium as a way to trial and experiment propaganda on the people: “Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says.”

When looking at the totality of this report, and other examples of psychological operations and agendas covered on The WinePress, who’s to say this trucker protest is yet another controlled opposition stunt, that government operatives are quietly running and manipulating the masses into doing what they want?
90% Of The Speakers At The Anti-Mandate Protest In D.C. Were Vaccinated
Today, a supporter of The WinePress from Canada sent in some information that seems to depict some “funny business” being staged, in order to perhaps demonize the protestors, and make them out to be what they are not.
In a pair of video clips originally uploaded to Facebook, two videographers captured Canadian police unloading alleged corrosive explosives. The video subtitle, written in French, said,
I don’t want to create a panic here but what’s going on?? Explosives in a hotel lobby in Ottawa guarded by a police officer without any identification badge…
(Yes it’s written London on the hat of the policeman is London in Ontario not London in England, several police forces from the big cities of Ontario have come to reinforce Ottawa!!)
This is true, as additional police forces from other cities have been called in. Even snipers were brought in, and revealed themselves in a pronated position in broad daylight. Some protestors speculate this is for intimidation, seeing as they are not well hidden.
Regardless, Ottawa police did confirm that multiple other police officers from different districts have been called in for support, reported by the Ottawa Sun.
The police response includes officers from RCMP, Toronto, Durham, London, York police service as well as the OPP. Police resources are in place and will remain throughout the demonstration. At this time, the crowds are peaceful and there are no major incidents to report.
The WP contributor, whose name shall remain anonymous, explained what was depicted in the video, and gave his input.
A Canadian man found some explosive products/materials and substances at the lobby entrance of a hotel. The video is alleged to be in Ottawa according to the original poster on Facebook. The man filming has no mask and other people in the hotel as well, which points to this being in Ottawa as a lot of people downtown are not wearing masks inside businesses thanks to the convoy and protests (Grand majority of businesses in Canada all wear masks, not like the US). The man filming also has a typical Canadian accent… There is also a fluorescent “Police” security vest on the alleged explosives. Everything is so well placed it almost seems like their trying to make it apparent, which does happen sometimes before false flags.
Later in that video you can see a cop enter the same elevator as the man filming and the cop’s winter hat says “London Police”… You would think this is in London, Ontario, but I was informed today that “reinforcements” were being sent from the Toronto Police to Ottawa… Also, Toronto Police were seen in Ottawa today… So it’s plausible that other Ontarian cities (like London, ON) close to Toronto sent some of their cops to Ottawa as well… My point is that there is a very good chance that this video was shot in Ottawa.
These videos originate from Facebook… I don’t have a FB account but I was able to confirm the video contents before obtaining the links. The cop or security guy guarding the explosive material has a mask and the video poster alleges and has no badge/ID, I did not see any badge either… The cop also claims not to know what the materials are when you listen carefully. All of this coupled with the MSM and Trudeau’s desperate attempts to make this into a racist/nazi event; It would make sense to do this shortly before a false flag. Other similar “packages” have been seen on the streets in downtown Ottawa. MSM keeps on saying the “racist extremists” are a very small part of the protests, but it’s all they talk about when reporting on the freedom convoy… As you know, the MSM wants people to associate law abiding freedom lovers with racists/extremists/white supremacists…
The WinePress has reuploaded these videos to Rumble so you may better see them for yourselves.
As you can see, highly flammable substances are being delivered to a hotel in Ottawa. Why? Why are corrosives being sent here, especially by police?
Is a coordinated false-flag event going to occur, whereby, as implied by this WP contributor, the media could use this to demonize and smear the protestors into being these anti-Canadian, white-nationalist Nazis, and terrorists; like Trudeau called them, and Hugo Talks also alluded to?
I believe this is quite possible. To me, this smells too much like the Capital Riots that occurred on January 6th, here in the United States. The WinePress covered it the day it happened, and we unequivocally said these actions were deliberate and by design, to usher in a “new set of rules.” And it did, as surveillance, tracking, and censorship increased, media propaganda accelerated even further (as the media America talks about it every waning second when not pontificating about Covid). But when looking at the Capital Riots, it was so obviously staged when looking at the evidence. President Trump encouraged everyone to show up and protest the results of the election, while protestors started getting rowdy, and then police quite literally stepped aside and let the protestors smash up the Capitol and make a mess; all while Trump posted a pre-scripted video on social media telling the protestors to go home.
Besides the added surveillance and censorship, the military grew exponentially, again, documented in detail by The WP.
UPDATE 1/27: Police State Growing. DHS Announces National Terrorism Alert
In doing research for this Canadian trucker protest, I discovered a video put out by the media that depicts and plants the narrative this annoyous WP contributer alluded to. The video put out by Global News is titled, “Far-right groups hope trucker convoy will be Canada’s Jan. 6 insurrection.”
It appears to me that this is the plan: the government is setting up these protestors, to be caught in a trap and have them demonized and labeled as terrorists. This will bring in even more censorship, more surveillance, more tracking, more mandates, more lockdowns, and increased military presence.
It is a classic formula The WP has covered many times, and is so simple, yet so effective: Problem. Reaction. Solution. And this same formula is being deployed in many other nations, too, which, I fear will bring a similar result – a result that the government secretly wanted all along: giving the masses glimmers of hope, just as the Soviets once did and achieved. “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”
Will we see a planned bombing, or some sort of false-flag terror event? Time will tell, but, we need to be quite vigilant of what is transpiring. These events and actions are not coincidences: they are deliberate and planned, and it shall not end the way these protestors think that it will.

On top of this, controlled opposition hireling Pastor Artur Pawlowski – whom The WP has exposed before – has also been seen at this event, and is now signed up to be apart of another one of these “ReAwaken America Tours,” something, yet again The WP has exposed – a movement that has people who blatantly push the Qanon psy-op, such as General Michael Flynn, Alex Jones, Mike Lindell, and many other alternative doctors that pretend to stand against the Covid tyranny. Again, with his presence, and presumably others allied with him, they could get the blame, or simply be used in the media, on purpose, to make Christians look stupid and evil.
Q-Pusher And Former Trump Advisor Calls For ‘One Religion’
Furthermore, this anonymous WP contributor also noted that a man by the name of Chris Sky, will be making the rounds at this protest. Wikipedia describes him as, “Christopher Saccoccia, widely referred to as Chris Sky, is a Canadian conspiracy theorist known for his involvement in the anti-mask, anti-lockdown, COVID-19 denial and anti-vaccine movements during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The WP contributor says that he does not believe that Sky is controlled opposition, but has his doubts. (I never knew about him until today, so I cannot say too much). But, in Sky’s video announcing that he was coming to Ottawa, he said he would help “Blow the lid off the city, the country, and the entire world of the Covid B*** S***;” also stating “enough is enough,” and that he would help “Take our freedoms back.”
Is Sky in on it as well? I have absolutely no clue: I know nothing of the man or his work, but I will say, whatever the case maybe, with a ‘target on his back,’ and an arrogant choice of wording, this seems to be stirring the pot even further. The WP contributor said,
Seeing the first video with explosives could unfortunately make for perfect timing for a false flag by the government… Also as mentioned earlier, all sorts of cops from different jurisdictions are appearing in Ottawa; that’s without counting those sniper/military types that have been seen on the buildings right next to the Parliament. It seems like it’s a small matter of time before the government pulls a false flag during this protest… Our freedoms and liberties would be stripped like never seen before in Canada, in just one day.
The bottom-line is simple, friend: be vigilant, be cautious, be alert, and be warned.
[15] See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, [16] Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
[8] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: [9] Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.1 Peter 5:8-9
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.
Vladimir Lenin
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.
John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Sadly, many of the brethren are going to fall for the deception of this apparent fight against tyranny. The lies of Satan, and the Catholic “patriot” system, really do appeal to the flesh. We are all tempted to think that things are going to improve, but that is not Biblical reality. Christians must remember that WE are the enemies of this world, and we are NOT returning to “good times”.
Hi Jacob, I was sent your article this morning by a good friend in the UK, I live in Toronto and of course, have been following the Trucker Convoy like you. I have made several videos about it so far and last night I uploaded this video and I am in the same boat as you. There will be a false-flag in Ottawa very soon, as they have set the narrative up for it. “The Stage is Set: Ottawa Will Be Getting Hit With a False Flag This Weekend”
Hi Mark. I just now so your comment. I am glad the report is getting eyeballs on it. Thanks for the video. If something really does transpire, I will try to remember to link your video as further evidence. I too have seen those headlines about calling in the military. And now with GoFundMe stripping that $10 Mil away, the handlers are stirring that pot for sure! This is not going to turn out well. Thanks for your take on it, too.
hi jacob i found two channels on youtube for live updates of real people filming on foot :
vidstorm (yt)
ottawa walks (yt)
the_uber_canuck (on tik tok)
lots of other new peoples (daily) are starting to live stream everything in ottawa from morning to night coverage around the clock .
thank for this article!
keep up this wonderful work of truth and dismiss the haters and intimidators.
Agreed. And it’s maddening & sad, because of those well-intended being deceived….not to mention how it’s crafted to appeal to our flesh AND to our conscientious sense of justice & righteous indignation. Subtle Craft. We need to watch it peripherally, circumspectly, while staying far, far away and not joining ourselves to it.
Eph 5:10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Eph 5:12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
Eph 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Eph 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
Eph 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Eph 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Eph 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.