I don’t think I need to tell you that deception is everywhere, and it is getting tougher and tougher for people to spot the deception; and trying to warn people of the deception is all the more tougher, lest they think you to be “paranoid” and a “tin-hit conspiracy theorist.”
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
2 Timothy 3:13
But there are some clues and reference points to see just how much deception there is, and how to spot it.
The WinePress has reported and detailed some of these tactics that go on (too many to list and report on itself), but you can read up on some the ‘better’ ones to get you started:
What Is The Hegelian Dialectic?
Must Read: ‘Christian Nationalism’ Is Hindering Broad Vaccination
Travis Scott’s Occultic Astroworld Blood Sacrifice, And How It Will Help Usher In The Metaverse
The Roman Fort Of Conformity: How Societies Are Taken Over And Controlled
Bearing those in mind (and again, if you have not read them, I highly suggest you check them), I want to focus this report on some of the stage actors who are metaphorically (and sometimes literally) playing a role and reading a script. More specifically, how many dishonest, disingenuous, and very subtle and crafty figureheads that are designed to deceive you – in the case of the Covid-19 pandemonium.
There are plenty of doctors, healthcare practitioners, nutritionists, scientists, researchers, media personalities, and so forth; who act like they are your friend, they stand and fight for truth, and have your best interest in mind, and want you to be free. Unfortunately, this is all just vain talk by so many.
This list could be mile-high, and I cannot detail everyone and everything, but in this report, I shall show you some people that are nothing but frauds.
The New Anti-Mandate Superstar
To end the new year, a new figurehead has taken the alternative media world by storm – even finding his way onto increasing amounts of mainstream media outlets and television- has become this beacon of hope to rally behind, who says he wants to fight against the mandates and the medical apartheid that has been unleashed.
On December 31st, 2021, famous podcaster Joe Rogan introduced the world (if you didn’t already know his name) to Dr. Robert Malone.

Dr. Malone is accredited for being one of the researchers and inventors of the mRNA technology that is being used in some of the Covid vaccines, and being researched for other treatments, and even plants and foods; and mass produced by the likes of Bill Gates and his team.
Moderna Refers To Their Vaccine As An “Operating System.”
Furthermore, Malone is also touted as also having worked directly with Dr. Anthony Fauci and others at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Moments before the podcast went live, Malone was censored off of Twitter, to which Rogan said that was not planned.
As a disclaimer: I have not yet watched the entirety of this interview, though I have seen numerous clips, and read said some summations. For a brief overview of what was discussed, Mike Adams from Natural News provides a succinct overview of the topics:
- The gain-of-function research behind the development of the bioweapon spike protein ultimately paved the way for the development of a similar, but different spike protein which is currently being used as mRNA instructions in the Covid vaccine. The drug companies have an ethical obligation to prove that the spike protein in their vaccine is not toxic, said Malone.
- Many people are not acutely injured by the vaccines and some show no adverse effects at all. Rogan asked why. Malone explained that the response curve is due to variances in the individual immune system, including phenotypic/genetic differences.
- Malone spoke about the term “anti-vaxxer” which is used to falsely shame people who do not take orders from public health officials. It’s similarly used to socially ostracize anyone who dissents to drug company propaganda. Malone discussed the BBC’s Trusted New Initiative which charges individuals for spreading “misinformation” if they speak out against Tedros, Fauci, or other vaccine propagandists.
- Dr. Malone emphasized the trauma that is being imparted in children’s minds, and the subsequent dehumanization, de-socialization and abuse that is being used against children with forced masks and isolation.
- When Rogan asked why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were smeared by the media and blocked by the regulatory establishment, Malone said two people were key in this decision. One of them was vaccine promoter Rick Bright, who runs the Pandemic Prevention Institute at The Rockefeller Foundation. Rick Bright used his position as Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority to discredit chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, two drugs that displayed a history of safety and effectiveness against SARS-CoV-1.
- The other figure who blocked treatments for covid-19 was Janet Woodcock. After she took the helm at the Food and Drug Administration on January 20, 2021, she used the agency to mock ivermectin and contort its proper use in humans with its veterinary applications. Senator Ron Johnson wrote to Woodcock, Fauci and other public health officials, detailing their concern that efficacious treatments were being withheld to push out dangerous vaccines, for which informed consent has not properly been applied. Dr. Malone did not speculate on Woodcock and Bright’s intentions, but said they were wrong in their assertions.
- Both hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are on the essential drugs list provided by the World Health Organization. Billions of doses have been safely administered. These drugs ease symptoms and shorten the duration of illness, preventing severe disease and death. Malone also said that Merck’s repeated attacks on both drugs is bizarre, to say the least – especially since high ivermectin use in Uttar Pradesh was associated with lower mortality rates.
- Joe Rogan asked Malone about the financial incentive to diagnose covid-19 in the hospital setting. Malone said hospitals are reimbursed around $3,000 for every covid-19 diagnosis. Treatment protocols are withheld because the hospitals are further incentivized to use remdesivir and ventilators, which are linked to renal failure, lung damage, and deadly nosocomial infection. It doesn’t matter why the individual was initially hospitalized, whether they were suffering from underlying conditions, mediation errors, delayed surgeries, etc. If the hospital “suspects” covid-19 or can get a positive reading on a high cycle threshold PCR test, the hospital can fraudulently declare a covid-19 diagnosis and be reimbursed for their medical fraud and malpractice.
- When questioned on the waning efficacy of the vaccines, Malone concurred that the vaccines are leading to negative efficacy, like in the Denmark studies. As doses are increased, individuals become more prone to infection. In Israel, the citizens are being coerced to take a fourth dose, and the data shows enhanced disease in the vaccinated. Their B and T memory cells are being trained to attack a spike protein that has long since mutated, setting the vaccinated up for antibody dependent enhancement, autoimmune issues and cancer.
- Rogan and Malone discussed natural immunity and the studies that prove the superiority of innate immunity over half-baked, vaccine-augmented immune responses.
- Malone points to disturbing trends in myocarditis in young boys, post vaccination. He spoke about the infertility risk due to the effect of lipid nano-particles on women’s ovaries. He warned about the spike protein and its propensity to cause blood clots. They discussed the censorship of Maddie de Garay, the young girl who was acutely injured in the Pfizer trial. Malone said that financial incentives and expected outcomes are used to hide data on vaccine injuries, while promoting contrived end points that make the vaccine look good.
- Malone warned: “Our government is out of control on this. They are lawless, they completely disregard bioethics” and “these mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal, they are explicitly inconsistent with the Nuremberg Code.”
Again, I have not watched the entire interview for myself, but, going by this outline from Mike Adams, most of what was discussed has been the things that have been already hashed out by many other doctors and scientists, who frequented alternative media outlets.
Based what was written, it seems not much was actually discussed in the way of the mRNA that Malone is said to have worked on, and the effects and known damage that has been caused – something The WinePress has detailed very much.
Three points listed by Adams from this interview dealt with the ever-continuing story about the scrubbing of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. And while there is no doubt a conspiracy to get these pharmaceutical drugs off the market – something that many alternative outlets have pointed out extensively – which further enriches the pharmaceutical corporations, rather than get healthy via natural cures and remedies.
However, this is something I have pointed out before when covering the media drama with Joe Rogan and CNN.
In that report I noted:
Number one, it furthers the political and medical divide. One side says this, and the other side says that. One of them can only be right, right? Pick a side! (sarcasm). Therefore, the arguing and distractions continue.
Number two, it is to keep the revolving door spinning for big pharma as the solution and savior, while enriching their pockets even more. That’s why I made sure to put those prices on what he took in there to prove a point. You think the average “serf” has that kind of money? No, but they’ll spend it to “save their life and other loved ones.” Rogan has had a huge number of natural health physicians and athletes on his podcast, and have promoted things such as fasting and natural healing a multitude of times. He himself is in fantastic shape for his age; and yet, all that went basically went out the window.
No one, including Malone, Rogan, and most of the popular alternative outlets, do not discuss who makes these drugs.
Ivermectin is owned by the pharmaceutical giant Merck – who received multi-millions per Trump’s Operation Warp Speed to produce a Covid-19 vaccine. They eventually scrapped it in the beginning of 2021, and are now all in on their pills for Covid.
Hydroxychloroquine is more widely produced, but is produced by Novartis.
Novartis’ Sandoz division, which currently only holds a registration for hydroxychloroquine in the United States, will pursue appropriate regulatory authorizations from the FDA and the European Medicines Agency. Novartis will work with such stakeholders as the World Health Organization to determine the best distribution of the medicine to ensure broad access to patients most in need of it globally. The company aims to ensure that patients currently depending on this medicine are not impacted by the donation.
This was written in March, 2020, when began to become a reality
Others include Mylan, Teva, Amneal, and others.
So, while [sometimes] discouraging the vaccinations, many alternative outlets and figureheads are still promoting pharmaceutical products that are manufactured by the same companies who are heavily involved in the Covid pandemonium to begin with!
Getting back to the points from the Rogan-Malone interview, “the waning efficacy of the vaccines” were discussed. Notice how this was worded? Take note that the vaccines and the ingredients are not being solely blamed, but cause of illness and death is because of ‘waning efficacy.’
This is precisely the same exact verbiage the media has been using to coverup for the fact the vaccinated all over the world are getting gravely and frequently ill, and ultimately dying. Even Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, when calling for a new vaccine, said new ones were needed because the older used to be effective, but the immunity they [did not] grant was “waning.”
This leads us to the next point: the issue of natural immunity: another massive talking point in the mainstream media. But here’s the problem: Covid-19 and the variants have never been isolated. Regular readers are probably sick to death of me repeating this, but it musts need be noted to combat the propaganda. If you encounter an outlet who does not discuss that fact, then they are either lying or somehow totally ignorant. If you read The WinePress report about the evidence showing how it is not truly isolated in a lab, proven to cause disease, then you will see the evidence unquestionably destroys the narrative of there even being a Sars-CoV-2 virus in the first place!
If a “layman” and a silly-little Hoosier such as myself can figure this out, why can’t someone like Malone even so much as hint at it?
I could make other points in regards to the outline for the interview, but I think this sufficiently covers it.
But, before moving on: did you know that Rogan requires all his quests to take a Covid-19 test before the broadcast? Rather telling if you ask me.
Raking In The Dough
Some of you maybe saying, ‘Okay Jacob, you make some decent points, but how is he controlled opposition? How is he faking in it?’
Well, I’m glad you asked.
After this podcast went super viral, Malone made the rounds everyone it seemed. He was interviewed by quite a few alternative journalists, and made the rounds with other media sources. Moreover, his fame accelerated so much people turned his speeches into inspirational and self-help videos.
The video below shows him on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” with Laura Ingraham, playing right into the never-ending supply of Omicron fear-porn, the dangers of it, and once again pouring gas on the fire of the ‘conservative’ narrative of a lab leak in Wuhan.
As regular readers know I harp on all the time, whenever the media gets ahold of something, it is NOT about reporting the news, it is pushing an agenda, to get you to think, feel, and act a certain way they want you to.
Fox News To Continue To Target The Center-Right Market
Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.
Joseph Goebbels
So again, seeing Malone on mainstream media is a dead giveaway that he is not as legitimate as he is being propped up to be.
But, if you even want better evidence as to what this guy is really about, then look no further than the protest he is leading today, January 23’rd, in Washington D.C.
This protest, called “Defeat The Mandates: An American Homecoming,” was first announced on the Joe Rogan podcast, and will involve a march around capital monuments, prayers, and inspirational statements by doctors, journalists, pro athletes, actors, along with musical performances; which will also include prayers.

Many prominent figures and organizations that have stood against much of the Covid pandemonium will be aiding their support and finances to support the march; including comedian JP Sears, whose success skyrocketed in 2020 per his satirical mockery and jesting against the ridiculous edicts be levied against the people.
But for more about Robert Malone, and some others, and their involvement in this march, Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News elaborates further:
So I want to make it very clear at the start just what my intentions are in publishing this information, all of which is found in the public realm, which is to try and convince our Health Impact News readers NOT to go to Washington D.C. later this month, because I have grave concerns that this might be a setup, even if the organizers of the rally themselves do not have any negative motives to invite you, which I assume they do not.
But much like my warning a year ago to the Trump supporters who were invited to D.C., other forces may be present that put you in great danger, and if you just think through this rationally, you should see that protests in Washington D.C. really never accomplish anything, other than creating a news event and media spotlights for the speakers, such as Donald Trump enjoyed last year as he rallied his fan base at the Nation’s Capital.
As I have previously written, much of the Alternative Health Media has been taken over by pro-vaccine doctors and others who still profit from Big Pharma, but are now becoming “superstar” doctors because they oppose the COVID-19 shots. See: How Much Longer will the World Continue to Look to Medical Doctors to Save Them?
These members of Big Pharma are getting a free pass in the Alternative Media simply because they oppose the COVID-19 shots, and nobody is asking them the hard questions about their previous work in creating and distributing vaccines and other harmful drugs, or the funding they may still be receiving from Big Pharma.
Should not the public be aware of these associations, either in their past or still in their present day work, before trusting these people in rallying the public to come to Washington D.C., especially after what happened last year on January 6th?
I know that I am going to upset a lot of people by reporting this, because many of these new “superstar” medical doctors in the Alternative Media seem to be developing cult-like followings, much like the believers in the Donald Trump cult.
I became very concerned yesterday as I was going through my news feed, and saw an announcement in a Right-Wing Conservative, Christian publication that announced this upcoming event.

Notice that the headline of this article talking about the D.C. rally says that the rally is a “protest against COVID vaccine mandates,” and not a protest against the vaccines themselves.
This is a very similar position to what Donald Trump is currently promoting, which is that he is against the “mandates,” but not the vaccines themselves which he wants everyone to take.
[…]It takes some serious financial resources to organize an event like this, so let’s take a look at the event’s three sponsors:
- The Unity Project
- Global Covid Summit
- Children’s Health Defense
The people running these organizations must all be anti-vaccine, right?
No, actually all of them are pro-vaccine, and only against the COVID-19 shots, or at least against mandating the COVID-19 shots.
And most of them all have ties to Big Pharma funding.
Dr. Malone is perhaps the most popular “superstar” doctor making the rounds of interviews in the Alternative Health media who appears to be the point person promoting this event in D.C.
He recently announced this rally on the Joe Rogan show, where he stated:
This is not about being anti-vaccines; it’s about being anti-mandates, and our hope is that we bring people together.
Malone makes it very clear he is not “anti-vaccine,” and his main qualification to speak on this topic that has made him so popular as one of the new “superstar” doctors seems to be that he is “the inventor of mRNA,” the technology used in the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
I have not listened to any of these interviews with Dr. Malone, but has anyone in the Alternative Health Media asked him why he invented mRNA technology, and who funded it?
I assume he developed the technology to be used in drugs and vaccines, and that his funding came from Big Pharma.
According to the pro-pharma Wikipedia site, Dr. Malone was a graduate student researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, in the 1980s. The Salk Institute was founded in 1960 by Jonas Salk, the developer of the polio vaccine.
More from his Wikipedia page:
Malone has served as director of clinical affairs for Avancer Group, a member of the scientific advisory board of EpiVax, assistant professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore school of medicine, and an adjunct associate professor of biotechnology at Kennesaw State University.
He was CEO and co-founder of Atheric Pharmaceutical, which in 2016 was contracted by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to assist in the development of a treatment for the Zika virus by evaluating the efficacy of existing drugs.
Until 2020, Malone was chief medical officer at Alchem Laboratories, a Florida pharmaceutical company.
I think it is safe to say that Dr. Malone has earned his living primarily from Big Pharma, which includes developing technology for vaccines, including the mRNA vaccines.
He is listed as one of the members of the “Strategic Advisory Council” of The Unity Project, one of the three organizations funding the D.C. rally.
Another member of this group is Dr. Peter McCullough, another medical doctor who has achieved “superstar” status in the Alternative Health media since COVID started in 2020. We also have featured Dr. McCullough here at Health Impact News, as he has an excellent message about early treatments and the fraud associated with COVID.
But according to Open Payments, McCullough has profited quite a bit from Big Pharma, even in 2020, by receiving payments from the pharmaceutical industry.
According to Open Payments, McCullough collected over $2 million in payments from Big Pharma from 2014 through 2020, mostly for “consulting fees,” but also including “Food and Beverage” and “Travel and Lodging” among other payments.
In 2020, he received $41,649.05 from Astrazeneca, and $10,000 from Janssen Research, two pharmaceutical companies producing COVID-19 vaccines.
NOTE: It should also be noted that McCollough was on the Joe Rogan Experience and has also been a featured guest on Fox News with Laura Ingraham, just as Malone has as well.
You can view all the members of The Unity Project here. It would appear that most of these members are also a part of Big Pharma. The first person on the page, for example, is Dr. Paul Alexander who is a:
Former WHO/PAHO Washington DC Consultant and Senior Advisor to the US government in 2020 reporting to the Department of Health and Human Services.
The Department of Health and Human Services, of course, is that branch of the federal U.S. Government that also includes the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, Fauci’s NIAID, among others.
So not only are some of the sponsors of this event in Washington D.C. linked to Big Pharma, some of them are also linked to the U.S. Government health agencies, who are recipients of massive amounts of funding stolen from the American public and used to fund Trump’s Operation Warp Speed in 2020.
Another sponsor of the “Defeat the Mandates” rally coming up in Washington D.C. is the “Global Covid Summit.”
Their About Us page states:
Global Covid Summit is the product of an international alliance of doctors and scientists, committed to speaking truth to power about Covid pandemic research and treatment.
There is not a lot of information about their group on their website, but their “News” page and Declaration Page feature a lot of the same names as The Unity Project, and appear to be primarily Big Pharma doctors and scientists.
Their “Resources” page is quite revealing, and is a very strong indicator that they are not “anti-vaccine,” as they list the FDA, the CDC, and WHO as “resources,” and of course these are criminal organizations funded by Big Pharma, and the primary means by which the pharmaceutical industry inflicted the entire COVID plandemic scam on the world.
Most of these doctors and scientists still earn their living from Big Pharma today, and they are “pro-vaccine.”
Then there is the third group sponsoring this rally in Washington D.C., Children’s Health Defense, led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Mr. Kennedy is not a doctor or scientist from Big Pharma, but he is pro-vaccine.
This short video clip was published by Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, an outspoken critic of Mr. Kennedy. He ran for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts against Mr. Kennedy’s nephew, Congressman Joseph Kennedy, so the two are not friends, to say the least.
Mr. Kennedy published a critical piece against Dr. Ayyadurai on his Children’s Health Defense website on April 28, 2020.
The next day, on April 29, 2020, Dr. Ayyadurai published a page on his website with 5 Facts on Robert Kennedy’s alliances, partnerships and endorsements, where Ayyadurai claims that the Kennedy family has a long history of supporting mass vaccination efforts in the U.S., and was a long-time supporter of Hillary Clinton and Big Pharma.
Does Children’s Health Defense (CHD) receiving funding from Big Pharma or Wall Street investors?
I don’t know, but if you support CHD I would encourage you to ask them.
As a 501c3 non-profit organization, they are required by law to make available to the public their IRS tax form 990. I could not find their 2020 IRS tax form online, so I had to email them to get it, and they responded very quickly and emailed it to me.
In 2020, the year the plandemic scam started, CHD’s revenue more than doubled from $2,941,894 in 2019 to $6,834,424 in 2020.
Mr. Kennedy’s declared salary also increased from $255,000 in 2019 to $345,561 in 2020.
Of their $6,834,424 of revenue in 2020, $3,153,040 of that was reported from “Gifts, grants, contributions, and membership fees received.”
We don’t know if there were any large donations from wealthy donors, because in 2018 the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced that non-profits no longer had to disclose the identities of their donors.
So you could ask CHD about that if you support them, and then also ask where the remaining $3,681,384 of revenue came from in 2020 when their revenue more than doubled.
Conclusion: Do NOT Go To D.C. For “Rallies”!
I know I am going to get a lot criticisms for this article, but I want to state again that my intention is NOT to publish “hit pieces” on these people profiting from Big Pharma.
We have featured many of them here on Health Impact News, and many of them have very important and very key voices in exposing how evil the COVID-19 shots are, especially from an insider perspective.
But I am getting increasingly uncomfortable for the “free ride” these Big Pharma-funded speakers are getting from the Alternative Health media, who seem to have no concern about their alliances with Big Pharma and being supported and funded by the very criminal industry that put us all into this horrible situation we are in now with Medical Tyranny.
Are we to now just blindly follow them and accept them as the leaders of the Alternative Health media and movement that for the past many decades now have published the truth about the evil purposes of Big Pharma and their deadly vaccines, which have never been scientifically proven to stop any diseases, let alone be “safe,” and have caused so much death and suffering?
I greatly appreciate their efforts to be whistleblowers during this COVID plandemic scam, but I am certainly not trusting them, as long as they continue to be aligned with and funded by the criminal pharmaceutical industry, with leading us to any political solutions to the situation we now find ourselves in that is threatening the entire human race.
My advice is don’t go to their rally in D.C., especially in light of what happened on Jan. 6th last year. The only benefit I can see to this rally in D.C. is bringing more fame to their “superstar” status as medical professionals, or raising more money for their non-profit organizations.
But there are negative risks as well, and we only need to look back at what happened on Jan. 6th a year ago to see how serious those negative risks can be.
Shilhavy’s report sums it up quite nicely. All these guys are just paid-off big-pharma shills. All they are doing is luring in people as controlled opposition: that’s what they are.
Take heed to this proverb, and engrain it into your brain:
Satan will tell you one hundred truths just to get you to believe one lie.
I am not sure who said that, but that is very true. Satan’s real ministers are not the gothic freaks who wear all black, play with Ouija boards, talk about death and blood, wear pentagrams, and so on. The real ones are the clean-cut look’n fellows who want to befriend you and give you a false sense of reality and hope.
[3] But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. [4] For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him. [13] For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. [14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. [15] Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15
WinePress readers will recall I have called into the question of the legitimacy of Malone and McCollough before.
Malone came onto the scene in the summer of 2021. Prior to that, no one had heard of him and what he previously did. And when I spoke about him, I said:
Perhaps this is me stretching things a bit too far and being my usual pessimistic self, but I cannot help but find it out odd that now – that I would guesstimate that give or take 50% of America has taking at least [one] injection – the creator of the very thing that is designed to kill its recipient (as explained and documented in some of our other reports) decides to now tell everyone the vaccine is bad? To me it’s like, ‘would he not have known its effects?’ It has been established by the NIH years prior to the Covid-19 hysteria the mRNA is a DNA altering and manipulating thing.
Like I said, maybe I am overthinking this, but based on what I know and perceive, there are more and more of these “anti-vaxxers” and “high-level doctors and scientists” that are coming out of the woodworks months after the vaccines have been in distribution: and they didn’t think to alert the masses sooner? If there was nothing stopping from speaking out now, what prohibited them then?
It’s like with the case of Geert Vanden Bossche, this highly accredited vaccine developer and scientist that works closely with Bill Gates, supposedly became a whistleblower as to how deadly the vaccines are – and they are, but then [you] look deeper into what he advocates: which is MORE vaccines, MORE lockdowns and social distancing, MORE face masking, and he also is still working to bring Bill Gates’ lab-grown meats to public fruition.
Or in the case of Dr. Peter McCollough when he decided to sound the alarm on the vaccines, now that a huge number of the broad masses took the vaccine; and claims that he was skeptical essentially from the beginning.
I honestly tried to have a glass half empty/half full approach with some of these doctors who began to speak out: they spoke some truth and said some good things; but that one basic question remained for me: why did they decide to speak out then? They had every opportunity to pipe up when the Covid pandemonium was unleashed or when the vaccines push began, and began to be injected in December of 2020. They did not.
And ESPECIALLY in the case of Malone: after a fairly decent size of the population took the death shot, it was only then did he say something, and, with the same lukewarm approach, will not go all the way to condemn the “vaccines.” My, heavens no: he wouldn’t dare do that, just condemn the mandates? Can anyone NOT see the game that is being played here?!
Moreover, Shilhavy’s question as to why this mRNA tech was created in the first place is a very basic question to ask, but no one it seems is. Why is that? Are the alternative outlets held at gunpoint to not ask that question?
On top of that, Malone will not condemn the fact that the mRNA tech he supposedly worked on and how it is clearly killing people; he just blames the spike proteins. They are the main killers, yes, but it is the mRNA tech that is causing the habitual begetting of these synthetic spike proteins! But again, let’s not talk about that obvious fact!
Death Shot: Scientists Demonstrate That The Vaccinated Are Dying From Autoimmune Diseases
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Ephesians 4:14
I have been quoting that verse more frequently lately, but it fits right in more than ever before with all this deception from all angles these days.
But why the deception? What is the goal? There are a few answers I think, and I shall give some of them.
Firstly, a characteristic the Bible warned would occur in the end times would be:
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7
As I said, Satan will tell you a hundred truths just to convince you of one lie. He did, after all, quote scripture on some occasions.
Leading off of that, the second reason is to create controlled opposition to lead the masses astray, regardless if you are on the side of these protests or not. If you want proof of this, go back read those linked articles The WinePress has published for the crystal clear proof of this.
And why controlled opposition? There are various reasons perhaps, such as more censorship online, more government and military presence and surveillance (which is what the Jan 6th Capitol Riots accomplished a year ago); to further divide the nation even further on different fronts; but mainly, the way I see it, is to ignite the right movement.
Ignite The Right: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Australians And Catholics March For Freedom
In short, you had better be VERY careful who you listen to, and be quite vigilant as to what a person says. This report demonstrates just some of the basic tricks you can find among the shills and controlled oppositions. The list of liars could greatly be expanded on, such as Dr. Joseph Mercola – who I will be doing a detailed report on him as well very soon; Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Project Veritas, Stew Peters, Del Bigtree, Ty and Charlee Bolinger, Dr. Rashid Buttar; and many many more.
The WinePress is much more than anti-mandate: we are anti-Covid “vaccines,” anti-vaccine in general, anti-big-pharma, and stands for only the TRUTH.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).
The WinePress needs your support! If God has laid it on your heart to want to contribute, please prayerfully consider donating to this ministry. If you cannot gift a monetary donation, then please donate your fervent prayers to keep this ministry going! Thank you and may God bless you.
2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Awesome report! Thank you! Malone is just another lover of money and a deceiver.
Very good article. They are trying to combat you and others like Denlinger, H Impact News etc. as people are in a quest for truth and alternative media is increasing in popularity.
The Pharma shills don’t say No to vaccines (no to all vaccines as they could remake all into mRNA types), They mostly don’t mention the KJV bible and neither Rome, Pope or Mystery Babylon. They are also free-masons just like the politicians, bankers, pharma owners etc.
Thank you. You had some information & angles there I hadn’t even considered, but I don’t trust these people either….& the distrust has been growing. It ALL connects back to Rome. Malone was all about his recent visit to the Vatican after some international health meeting, & they keep attaching Right to Life & anti-abortion & ‘Jesus’ to it. But just point out the difference between Christ according to the scriptures & their cult godman & merchandisable ritual cookie jesus though….and the piety & sweet talk ends abruptly while the claws & teeth start to show! Or amend their ‘prayer’ with plainly identifiable characteristics of just who they, and you, are praying to……Then comes censorship.
Yesterday Mercola ran an article on a suit some of these people are bringing to the International Court at the Hague, Geneva, Switzerland for ‘crimes against humanity’. People are being deceived. I spent a good part of the day yesterday interacting with folks, some of whom are confused Christians, on why going to DC on the 23rd was not a good idea; and why allowing the ICC to gain a supranational jurisdictional precedent over our Constitution, or the free Constitution of any free nation would be folly.
Those arguing ‘for’ it actually used the Pope’s recent terminology and rationale for doing so, & saying we needed to give it ‘teeth’. Right. As in throw off the sheepskin & let the wolf’s teeth & claws come to the fray to ‘save us all’.
I don’t think so. They’re taking the suit to the ICC at the Hague, & to Rome. GOOD GRIEF. I told them we’re not Romans.
The US hasn’t joined the ICC in the past because of the repeated attempts to ram the ‘International Treaty of the Child’ down our throats: by which means they remove child custody from parents to State agencies, AND claim the right to redefine what ‘a family’ or ‘a person’ etc is. Antichrist to the nth degree, & very useful to the transhumanism & control these people ultimately want.
The US also hasn’t joined the ICC because they promote the club/big stick of the ‘common enemy’ that the Club of Rome made up: climate change, the green agenda etc making our breath illegal and/or taxable, not to mention destroying national economies. Then puppet-running countries. Just like the central international bank thing has been doing. SAME BEAST.
I also reminded them of the failings of Nuremburg in which only a few ‘swung’….while the rest of those wicked scientists, chemists, psych-specialists were parceled out to the nations of the world by the Ratlines & the likes of Project Paperclip to carry on with their ‘science’ and agendas, undisclosed experimentation leading up to the whole covid/vaccination program we’re suffering under now.
They went to Argentina, Spain, Russia, the US, S. Africa and more…..and why should we trust those ‘neutral’ countries who served as the bankers of the corporatists behind the whole mess of WWII & following? And the seats of these international bodies? Switzerland especially, but Spain as well which remained safely fascist & Catholic through it all. I met some reporting ‘missionaries’ working in Spain back ten years ago or so who gave me the creeps by their response to questioning. Ecumenical. Cold. Duplicitous. Manipulative in turning ‘nice, unthinking’ people against those asking real, pertinent, probing questions. Now I realize Jesuit in tactic.
He said something about how peoples’ attitudes ‘change’ AT 3 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING….and, at the time I thought, what on earth???? That was supposed to be GARBC.
Bill Gates bought a vote equivalent to that of a nation state for himself as a corporation back around 2016 in one of the Geneva international governing bodies having to do with health & development ….and that court is going to try him for ‘crimes against humanity’? My goodness, people, wake up.
I pointed out the voting record of that court at the Hague, how it should hardly give us hope of an honest judgment, & said that if I were a Jew, I’d be shaking in my shoes at the very thought of such a thing. At the end of the day there was some hopeful interaction….hopeful so far as souls go, before all such comments questioning the wisdom of any of it were scrubbed from the ‘comments’.
Oh, I know another thing I should mention. One woman with concerns was from the UK and brought up how Tony Blair sold them down the river & got a knighthood, while Julian Assange is still in prison. I gave some back history on how the ecumenical people brought him in to Tennessee Temple and some of the alumni & preachers went full on prophetic warning on that man….but to no official avail. Then the next thing we heard he was back in the UK converting to the RCC proving them right. THAT thread got censored in a hurry….but I know some saw it, by response, & am always praying for God’s people who need warned & those whosoevers truly seeking truth.
Told the comment ‘monitors’ that I was praying for the Lord’s will to be done, always for repentance of those loving the truth that they might be saved in the end, while those knowingly playing these devilish games were deserving of their judgment & I say, let it come. If America’s that far gone, then judgment is all that’s left, & what other country is ‘better’ & has a military, government, industrial complex etc NOT beholden to, & effectively run by, the hidden hand bankers & corporatists? Come soon, Lord Jesus. The Bible is being fulfilled in ALL of these things.
This is me personally: If a person says that they are not anti-vaccine, but they’re anti-mandate, they’re very lukewarm. Those people need to choose a side.
Of course I won’t be going to the event at Washington DC, but If I was protesting there, I would be actually protesting BOTH the vaccine itself AND the mandate.
Good catches brother. It’s not just what people say it’s also how they say things.
Thank you Jacob for this article, may God bless you and keep you.
This article sounds very similar to a series of videos I viewed many weeks ago. Read the below linked article written my Mike Adams. And then watch the video series also linked below. You say, it is getting “tougher and tougher for people to spot the deception.” Since watching these videos I feel it is getting easier and easier for it is everywhere. But, yes, tougher to explain to people who are completely unaware. For when we do so, we sound as though we have completely lost our minds. Whether these videos are accurate or not, Satan is certainly a master at deceit.
You have great discernment to spot this…..Great article, the shills are coming out of the woodwork. I noticed Rand Paul recently laying into Fauci in court, and thought at first maybe he was against the vaccines. The more I listened, the more he revealed he was against “mandates” not vaccines. He even said he was “for” vaccines. Also everybody should remember that Russel Brand is/was a Hollywood actor, and I don’t take anything to seriously he says because of that and the fact he’s got the number 13 tattooed on his arm among other things. I think he’s a fake or a shill or something. I question everything anymore. You kind of have to these days.
33 not 13, & nothing good comes out of Hollywood.
Thanks. I have not had a chance to watch the entirety of the rally, but it went about is much as I expected it would. At 3:30 the city cutoff their loudspeakers because their permit ran out and the crowd began to disperse quickly thereafter.
Rand Paul is such a fake. The fact that that liar wants NEW vaccines, and has stock in Fauci’s companies, tell the story.
Brand is a perv. His handlers made him play the role of a New Age fruitcake and rattle off the ‘typical’ conspiracy buzzwords. The fact he can make defamatory claims on YT and not get censored tells the story.