Billionaire investor and former mastermind behind Bridgewater Enterprises – the world’s largest hedge fund in the world, managing over $150 billion assets – is warning of a possibility that the United States could see another civil war, along with other wars and conflicts with nations such as China.
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He explains why:
People and politicians are now at each other’s throats to a degree greater than at any time in my 71 years.
How the U.S. handles its disorder will have profound implications for Americans, others around the world, and most economies and markets.
It is in this stage when there are bad financial conditions and intensifying conflict. Classically this stage comes after periods of great excesses in spending and debt and the widening of wealth and political gaps and before there are revolutions and civil wars. United States is at a tipping point in which it could go from manageable internal tension to revolution and/or civil war.
Dalio said in a post made on his LinkedIn page.
Dalio, according to Unseen Opportunity went onto cite examples of numerous civilizations from 500 B.C. onward, making his case that most successful and prosperous ones were meritocracies – the act of giving the people responsibilities based on merit, and not solely hinged upon inheritance and privilege.
Moreover, Dalio has a new book that he just released discussing the fall of America’s empire, the reasons for it, and some ways to prepare one’s self.
Forbes writes, ‘America’s domestic issues and decline as the world’s leading superpower are more than simply a matter for debate to Dalio. They underpin the core thesis of his latest book, Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: How and Why Nations Succeed and Fail, that comes out on November 30. In it, he builds the case that the confluence of rising U.S. debt and income disparities, along with America’s diminished influence, has put the country at risk of not just economic hardship but war. Specifically, he points to growing debt and near-zero interest rates that have led to a massive printing of money ($16 trillion of debt at negative interest rates this year, by Dalio’s estimates), increased conflict and polarization due to widening wealth gaps and China’s increased ability to challenge U.S. hegemony on the world stage.’
‘Dalio believes there’s a 30% chance that the U.S. will enter into a major “civil-war-type” conflict within the next five years. While other countries face similar challenges, America looks especially vulnerable.’
It’s very important that we deal with this now. We can have a type of civil war or international war based on how we are behaving with each other and our financial conditions.
He describes the imminent turmoil – more than what America has and is been dealing with already – as a hurricane that is coming, but action must be taken.
I’m not interested in making any more money. I’m just trying to pass along now the things that have been valuable to me and to help others.
Dalio warns against amassing piles of cash. He caused a stir in 2020 when he said “cash is trash.” But he raises caution with cryptos, gold, and real estate, etc.
I worry, too many Bitcoin holders, they better be right that it’s Bitcoin and it’s not something else. What you’re seeing is in all assets, you’re seeing it in real estate, stocks, gold, silver, Bitcoin, and so on. From all of that [economic] stimulation they have all gone up. If I were to give it in a nutshell, I’d pick countries [to invest in] that are earning more than they are spending so that they have a good income statement and balance sheet.
I urge those who like bitcoin — or those who like gold — to not make it an all-or-none decision.
Furthermore, he told CNBC, “I think we’re at risk of a war with China. Largely due to misunderstandings.” Dalio is not dogmatic, but offers a real possibility.
The reality is, if it is not war with China that will put the dagger in the economy, something else will.
With Dalio being a multi-billionaire, you’d think he’d be privy to what is going on, and I believe he does, but he’s not specifying. But for all we know, he’s probably trolling us and getting more panic created.
As covered in other WinePress reports, the death shot (this so-called Covid vaccine) is going to be making people very sick, many to the point of death this Winter, and going into 2023; not too mention healthcare facilities losing staff, and military and police kicking the can.
My point is, I covered in a report earlier in the year that a military website – that is rumored to have former CIA agents writing for the site – forecast a 70% reduction for the American population, along with other European countries seeing massive haircuts, too. This all comes from the death shots, economic collapse, ever-worsening political, societal, financial, parental, spiritual divides; domestic and foreign war, and more.
Military Intelligence Group Forecasts A 70% Decrease In The U.S. Population By 2025
When people lose everything, and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
Gerald Celente
Brethren, after taking some time off due to website repairs, I believe the name of the game is patience. I did not say complacency, I said patience. Be prudent to what is happening around you, prepare the best that you can, and hold-down the fort (unless you are in a massively dense city or majorly draconian country, then seriously look to get out if possible), and wait. I will not elaborate too much here, but I encourage you, if you are born again, just be patient: I believe opportunity will present itself in the times to come.
[7] Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. [8] Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. [9] For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. [10] For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.Psalms 37:7-10
Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Ecclesiastes 7:8
Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;
Romans 12:11
As for physical assets, see my position on them in this study below, reasoning from the scriptures on what to do.
Should A Christian Invest In Gold And Silver?
This CEO is not predicting anything that plenty of others have not done. I tend to have a very negative view of anyone that is a CEO of any company in America, remebering how these overpaid jerks left the companies they headed up smoking craters by in the 90s. They have not gotten any better since then. Speaking of predictions, has anyone heard rumors of a “Marburg virus” and its “vaccine” to be the next Plandemic? Of course, the “vaccine” is another RNA-type poison with aborted fetal cells. There is a website I just discovered called which has all kinds of info, most of it from gathered from other sites and centralized in one site. The Marburg virus info came from another source.
Thank you for the encouragement brother