The nation of Austria has now been in the news lately due to reestablishing a precedent for new and stricter Covid-related mandates.
Austria is currently forcing the millions who still choose not be vaccinated to be locked down, only being allowed to go to the grocery store or work. Furthermore, the government had decided to then make vaccination a mandatory procedure.
Austria Begins The Process Of Forcibly Locking Down Millions Of Unvaccinated Citizens
But many Austrians still do not wish to comply, and the Austrian government is now ramping the pressure even more.
A leaked draft of what is being titled the “Covid-19 Vaccination Protection Act,” obtained by the Austrian Die Presse Daily, revealed that if this legislature were to pass authorities would be notified of the vaccine-deniers and potentially fined or jailed.
If anyone fails to attend a scheduled appointment to get inoculated, would receive an official summons from the local authorities. Within the next four weeks, the person who fails to show up will be summoned once again.
‘Should the second official request be ignored as well, the person would face a fine of €3,600 ($4,061) or four weeks in prison. The fine would increase to €7,200 ($8,000) for those who had already been fined twice for violating the vaccination requirement,’ explains RT.
The bill would also make subsequent booter shots mandatory as well. The intervals and the potential for vaccine combos are not decided as of yet.
There are exceptions, however: young children, pregnant women, and those who cannot get the vaccines due to “a danger to life or health.”
The definition of who is considered “vaccinated” is also being looked upon, and the lawmakers are discussing if those who are recovered via natural immunity should be deemed “vaccinated.”
RT writes, ‘Still, no one would be “forcibly brought” to a vaccination center or made to get a jab against their will, Die Presse reported.’
If this legislature is passed, then it would stay in place for at least three years.
So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.
Ecclesiastes 4:1
Jesus Christ said and promised he send his Spirit, the Comforter, to all those whom he saves and gives them the new birth (John 14:15-27). As I have said so many times over, with scriptures to follow, unless these nations repent towards Jesus Christ and return to righteousness, then tyranny and oppression will get worse and worse.
In the book of Jeremiah, you see this reoccurring theme where God prophesized through Jeremiah, and told Judah that if you don’t repent I will cause this judgment to occur. From there, the Lord would bring it pass, but would give the people the choice to repent, or he would bring something else to pass. By the time you get near the end of the book, God said he WILL allow the Babylonians to take them over, but if they repented, he would make their yoke light. But they did not listen, and their punishment was quite severe to say the least.
This is happening now, and unfortunately for so many other nations around the world, they have run out of time for their wickedness, and rejection of Jesus Christ and his precepts. If you are an Austrian, or any other nation for that matter, your only hope (as it always was and is) is to be born again.
The Forgotten Verses Of Salvation

What should we do in this situation? Pay the the fines, go to jail or resist the cops who forcibly want to jail us, and eventually go to jail even longer for doing so? What is the best thing to do?
I wish I had the answers. All can say is what I said in my commentary. Severe judgment on a nation such as that is due to a rejection of Jesus Christ and abhorrence to truth. I know for me here in America, if and when the surge teams get forceful, and instigate green zones, I ain’t going, and I’ll go down swinging. As far as I am concerned, if the Lord allows me to go down, I’m taking someone with me.