• You know what I just dont get… How you guys can go back and forth over Christmas. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth (as I’ve heard a few of you guys say), but what about Christmas? Why is this an ongoing cause of division?

        • Not all of us. Those of us who follow and study the King James bible know and obey God regarding liberty.

          Romans 14:5
          5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

          Others who criticize and judge others on celebrating Christmas are not aware of scripture. Like what that verse teaches regarding holydays, it’s not an issue, let them be.

          • So the Holy Spirit leads those who are saved and sealed into different conclusions about christmas?? That doesn’t make sense…

      • I haven’t seen it. Been out of touch with movies for a while now. We do have this worldwide, fantasy, science-fiction movie, still running, and with sequels. With a bunch of bad actors and an unconvincing plot.

      • I believe sooner or later, all genuinely saved people learn the truth and will have a proper understanding of scripture and doctrine, through the Holy Spirit. Newly saved people will make mistakes at first, but will eventually be led into studying the King James bible and the truth.

        Like the Christmas debate, Romans 14:5 should’ve been enough to end any debate. And Bryan clearly explained the thing about the tree in Jeremiah 10:3-4, which before I also foolishly thought was about the Christmas tree, because of a “truther” video I saw many years ago.

        Those who claim to be saved for 20, 30 years and still hold major and critical false beliefs? They are surely false Christians. Most of them are the ones who cause division. The FAKE ones. They come in, spread false teachings and rile people up:

        Galatians 2:4
        4 and that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:

        Disagreements are normal, Paul and Barnabas had one recorded in the bible:

        Acts 15:37-40
        37 And Barnabas determined to take with them John, whose surname was Mark.
        38 But Paul thought not good to take him with them, who departed from them from Pamphylia, and went not with them to the work.
        39 And the contention was so sharp between them, that they departed asunder one from the other: and so Barnabas took Mark, and sailed unto Cyprus;
        40 and Paul chose Silas, and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God.

  • I dont get it… why are the jesuits so dead set on trying to pretend they are of the church of the living God? I don’t see the worldly muslims, hindus, buddhists, jews, etc etc pretending to be christians or even wanting to be christians , (other than professing christians who’ve been fooled into believing they are via worldly “christian” denominations)… why them? What is it about the jesuits? Why do they want to do this?

    • Because they’re the imps of the coming Antichrist and the pope who is a precursor to the coming Antichrist system and the MOTB. And they use Protestant denominations as a trap to bring them back to the mother whore church. After all, all roads lead to Rome.

    • Brother Bryan, is your homepage’s paypal working fine? Anyway, thanks for your King James bible studies, I’m learning a great deal from your ministry. Thanks to the Lord God for leading me to your videos.

      I submitted a membership to your website not too long ago.

  • Hello. Still could not open this in the usual browser I used before that always worked, but I got around it. Won’t go into detail. The trouble started right after the time change, but I’ll bet it is hackers.

  • I’d like to hear about the Lord. If anyone has or knows of any testimonies similar to Ruckman’s (as in super detailed when he speaks of the Lord working on him) or anything of the likes, or just in general, please let me know.

    • This might be something that would interest you. It’s not a direct testimony, but still a good study on the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer’s salvation:

      Was Jeffrey Dahmer A Christian? Part 1

      • I’ve seen it. Very intriguing study. Jeffery Dahmer made my blood run cold, but when I heard that he TRULY got saved, I want to get and truly know that I’m saved and in Heaven I meet him and happily call out “hey Jeffery! I’m Andrew!” I’m not being silly, Neil I’m serious.

      • LOL “Cliff Rat”. Thanks for this, Neil… specifically what I’m talking about is similar 30:45 – 31:38, the part where he speaks of the Holy Spirit teaching and gently guiding and what that entails

        Here’s another fantastic example of what I’m talking about and looking for…

        “God is The Perfect Parent” – Sally

        Specifically from 8:49 – 17:21, the Lord teaching her about food and how to cook from scratch, the Lord teaching her how to clean and giving her motivation to do it (oh boy, I’d definitely need that!), teaching her how to manage the pool, teaching her how to love her daughter, etc etc. where she goes into very specific detail on it.

        WOW, I had no idea that was what He is teaching you guys — like every aspect of living!!! That is AWESOME!!!!!! I never really had any idea what exactly you guys meant by saying that the Lord will “clean up your life”… so this is what sanctification is all about? God teaching you how things are done and being the perfect father and mother to you guys?

      • Thanks for posting these, Quintin P! I haven’t seen the what does Bryan do for a living? vids; I have seen his testimony a while ago, but its always worth watching you guys vids again, because there’s so much that I don’t pickup first time around. Do you have a testimony?

  • What’s going on here?!?!?! This is freaking me out! Jacob, Bryan, whoever, ME, go to Jesus and ask Him to send some terrifying curses to whoever might be trying to attack Jacob, ASAP!!! That’s not a request and I’m saying this to ME as well even!!!
    Jacob needs our help!!!

    I pray LORD that you protect and bless Jacob and his ministry and news platform Winepressnews, I pray LORD that any hackers, jesuits, or those losers on rationalwiki, whoever it might be, I pray LORD Jesus that you cause them unrest, torment, illness, broken homes, poverty, the death shot as a counter insurgence attack perhaps, anything from A to Z that might be attacking Jacob, I’m all for it! Not because of papal infallacy (oh no they went against the man of God) no, because Jacob, like Bryan, is one of Your true shepherds and heroes, and I pray you save him as well as Bryan and any potential hackers or attackers get lashed badly by you and if that means you literally kill them LORD, so be it!

  • Hi everyone, I just want to thank both Brother Jacob and brother Bryan I’ve searched for a ministry i could be a part of for a long time and now I have two.. praise the Lord!

  • The cases of the dreaded variant omicron are spreading in Europe.

    Flights are stopped and travelers are quarantined in an attempt to curb the mutated infection.

    In Germany, two infected people managed to enter the country before the alarm came from South Africa.

    – As usual, the mutation is everywhere once we have discovered it, says expert Neil Stone.


    If they found “the mutation” this late, its probably No threat… More fear porn, They want to start “a dark Winter” and collapse the economy.

  • Anybody else having issues getting onto the website from the emails? Error codes keep coming up but when I search from Google I can access the site. Find it super strange. Maybe hackers are trying to take this truth site down because they fear the kind of information that you’re sharing Jacob!!

  • It’s kinda weird that its been over a day and we haven’t heard from JT. 🙁 I figure if it was just the website that’s down for whatever reason, he would have used our emails in the mailing list and shot everyone a message about it. Maybe his website/email/modem/router has indeed been hacked? Hope he’s alright!

  • Yes. There is something wrong. Usually tbere is a daily post found in my email box. For the last few days, there has had been not.

  • Starting to get seriously concerned for Jacob. Has anyone heard anything from him? It’s so unlike him to go a day without posting an article. I pray that he is okay and that whatever is going on is just some super strange occurrence and not hackers or someone trying to harm him physically.

  • The House pass a bill that acknowledges that the federal government is creating a vaccine database. H.R. 550. Type it into google for more details. Praying for Jacob!

  • Look up iceagefarmer on youtube. U.N Taking Down Private Websites.
    This may be what has happened to brother Jacob here.

    • Continuing to pray for you brother Jacob and this ministry. I am a new KJV bible believer and to following this ministry. But my spirit has been very grieved the last week or so not sure why. Has anyone been experiencing this too? Really hoping and praying everything is okay. The Lord Jesus Christ has used this ministry and brother Bryan’s ministry at kingjamesvideoministries to lead me to know and walk in the truth of Gods word.

  • Is Jacob and family ok or is this just people dead set on shutting him down? Our prayers go out to him, God will prevail!

    • And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought:

      But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.

      Nothing to worry about either way.

  • My school is closed for a couple of weeks because they say the cases are rising. It is more than likely the flu or cold. Since it is winter.

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