“If we can get patients to start treatment early before they progress to severe illness and unfortunately death, everyone wins in the fight against COVID.”

The media is buzzing over pharmaceutical giant Pfizer’s new pill that is said to be highly effective in reducing severe effects of Covid, limiting the chance of hospitalization and death.

According to a report by ABC News, over 1,200 Covid patients with reported higher risk were examined, and those who received the company’s new pills were reported to have reduced chances of hospitalization and death by 89% in the wake of developing symptoms.

Pfizer noted that 10 people who received placebo pills in their experiments died, while known died while taking the actual thing.

This data is still only viewed as preliminary, as this data has yet to have been peer-reviewed.

If we can get patients to start treatment early before they progress to severe illness and unfortunately death, everyone wins in the fight against COVID.

Dr. Simone Wildes, a board-certified infectious disease physician at South Shore Health and an ABC News contributor

Drug giant Merck currently has their own pill in circulation, that is reported to also be effective reducing hospitalizations and death by roughly 50%.


[25] And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, [26] And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,

Mark 5:25-26

Now that the bulk of many Western populations are vaccinated with the death shot, now these drug dealing sorcerers can roll out their pills – that I still would NEVER take.

The media, government, and health organizations, never tell you to get truly healthy by eating clean and organic diets, plenty of sunlight, proper exercise, getting rid of the plastics, poisons, pesticides, gmos; but to just take their magic pills like its Halloween candy.

Pfizer Forecasts Over $33 Billion In Revenue Attributed To Covid Vaccines And Coming Boosters


  • Jeremiah 46:11 (KJV) Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured.

  • Wow, Anthony. Studying out that chapter & connecting passages is pretty amazing. I just love this stuff. The King James Bible is AMAZING.

    For starters, 46 is the number of the complete genome of a man…23 from the mother, 23 from the father; and 11 the number of confusion & the Gentile nations. Pharma is getting into genetic corrupting & engineering. Genesis 6 and Revelation link on this.

    This passage obviously has partial past fulfillment & more yet to come, for it speaks of the regathering of Israel, and a comeback for Egypt. Some of which we read in Isaiah 19 which I do not believe refers to Nebuchadnezzar but to the coming Antichrist spoken of in Daniel…the references to the South. The Nile has NEVER dried up, but there are some strange things going on now that some blame on HAARP and such. I don’t know about that. But I DO know that China & Ethiopia just completed a huge dam on the Upper, the Blue, Nile which is lowering the water level of the Nile. Egypt appealed to the UN and got nowhere. Fascinating.

    Egypt is one of the currently Muslim nations that abstains from the Ezekiel 38&39 wars, whether they are the same….or two different wars: one soon to come to pass around the time of the catching away, & the other referring to the Gog-Magog war of Revelation 20 at the end of the millennial reign as men like Peter Ruckman posited since slightly differing nations are listed.

    And Egypt is represented in the millennial kingdom, reading the Old Testament prophets.

    So, pertinent stuff to bear in mind.

    I keep noticing as I read Romans 9-11 with the warning not to boast against the branches broken out, and through the Bible as a whole, how the nations who’ve had access to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the scriptures for 2000 years now, parallel the history & pattern of the Jews in fidelity & apostasy. Not exactly, but close enough to be notable.

    The pattern of Romans 1 declining of nations is obvious enough! Along with days of Noe, days of Lot.

    But, back to Jeremiah 46: There is in Daniel the prophecy that was fulfilled with Antiochus Ephiphanes before Jesus, yet Jesus spoke of another fulfillment of that yet to come, & linked it with Daniel so that the reference is unmistakable. I’m sure you are familiar with that.

    I believe some of these other passages, like Jeremiah 46 here, are also like that by the contextual & cross-referencing clues. Can’t be dogmatic because it’s not plain until it’s plain…unmistakably, but there are definite parallels & themes that are suddenly coming into view with our own current events.

    The first historical fulfillment of Jeremiah 46 was when the last Pharaoh of note that was of Egyptian blood, Pharaoh-Neco was defeated in the north with his empire-seeking armies, near the Euphrates, 18 years before Jerusalem fell & the Jews went into their 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Jer 46:1-12 KJB. He was allied with the Assyrians, & both were defeated. The Battle of Carchemish May/June 605 BC.

    On the way to that battle, 4 years prior to that, King Josiah presumed, went out to war with Pharoah-Neco, and was killed. At Megiddo. 609 BC. Megiddo is significant. So is a king out of Jerusalem being involved.

    So, if the type & pattern holds true exactly as I’m interpreting some of this, that would put the sexual & genetic corruption & craft that was culminating in Egypt, ripe for judgment, & just before it engulfed Jerusalem ….right about where we find ourselves today. Not date-setting, just observing.

    The ties to Egypt up through the Greeks & Romans to our nation today, & to Rome, & the secret/occult societies & crafts coming together globally are becoming obvious. From the influence of Aleister Crowley to the all-seeing eye & pyramid on our money….of which Rome was instrumental, along with the Masons & Saudis, the central bankers, etc in establishing as the world currency. A rod in their hands.

    Crowley’s influence connects into the arts, but also pharma and sophisticated & ancient psych-sorcery control, manipulation, and merchandising. He was connected with the Huxley’s (of Darwin’s bulldog & Brave New World fame: pagans’ pagans who were into everything from Erasmus Darwin’s love of the filthy Western pagan philosophers to Vedanta & Eastern mysticism, and DRUGS). It’s weird where these names turn up. There are extent letters from Crowley & Huxley leaning on Einstein to make his work sound relativistic, & threatening him with loss of tenure or ability to publish if he published as originally written.

    I’m no flat earther, but geocentricity is a different matter, and every test of the velocity of the earth through space ever done measured ‘0’. Einstein wanted to publish that fact, noting that it was really a MATTER OF FAITH, because his math worked either way.

    Historians tend to leave out the Talmudic & kabalist influences that affected ‘great men of science’ like Freud & Einstein, & with Einstein you don’t hear much about his ‘open marriage’ or his fondness for the pretty young co-eds unless you read old books and Jewish publications! It explained a lot about John Whitcomb’s testimony of witnessing to the older Einstein with Campus Crusade for Christ post-WWII to no effect.

    And there was more to that story, too….for John Whitcomb’s family was involved with the State Department, & he was involved with settling things post-WWII. There are certain areas which the big house, ecumenical ‘Creation Ministries’ will not touch. They were mum of this concerning Einstein. They will NOT stand for the King James Bible. And they almost worship that former nazi, Werner Von Braun in their astronomy departments.

    Sorry, bit of a rabbit trail….but it DOES connect back to where we find ourselves today, & how they did it. Not surprising God at all, & all without violating anyone’s free will choice regarding loving the truth that they might be saved, or turning away, handling it selectively. : – ( It gives me no pleasure saying that. I love much of creation science which never contradicts the King James Bible when it’s whole & on the up-and-up. Pragmatism & 1 Timothy 6:10 KJB.

    Anyways, the defeat of Pharoah-Neco left Egypt in turmoil, & it went on to be sacked by Nebuchadnezzar from one end to the other. Type fulfillment. The Jewish leadership that counted in Egypt as an ally, & those Jews who fled to Egypt dragging the reluctant Jeremiah didn’t profit much.

    (But they did lay the groundwork for Alexandria’s heretical influences which were kabalist corruptions, & the corrupt text of Origen that Rome preferred, the gnostic Desert Fathers who came later & so forth. If the Septuagint legend is true at all: it came out of that mess….but all copies are late, & the oracles were entrusted to the Jews…Romans 3…and not to the Greeks, so I doubt the legitimacy of the Septuagint. David W. Daniels of Chick Publications has good work on that.

    It would have been to this community that Joseph & Mary fled with the toddler, Jesus, so he was God’s son called out of Egypt…Hosea 11:1; & Matthew 2:15….some more interesting numbers there, & these prophecies should have given the Jews a heads-up. The high priest Caiphas, who was pretty much puppeted by his father-in-law Annas. They, and most all the ruling class, were Sadduccees who were strongly influenced by the Greco-Egyptian philosophy. )

    Jeremiah 46:13-26 were after the fall of Jerusalem, & when those rebellious Jews took Jeremiah & fled to Egypt….Nebuchadnezzar wasn’t far behind them, & as noted above, he sacked Egypt.

    After the Medes& Persians, Alexander the Great swept through & at his death the Ptolemies, who were Greek, reigned until the defeat of Cleopatra Ptolemy & Marc Antony by Augustus Caesar when they passed into Roman hands. So much could be said about all of these things! & the cross-pollination to the Jews of Judea, AND to the filthiness & corruption of today’s culture, the corruption of God’s people as those Jews who fled to Egypt…. the ideal of Laodicea arising during those years. But I’ll shoot for some main points linked with ‘medicine’ and ‘pharma/sorceries’.

    The confusion of the serpent raised in the wilderness (Numbers 21: three seven’s), Nehushtan Hezekiah called it (2 Kings 18: 2=choice; and three six’s), and Greco-Babylonian-Egyptian Gentile versions grew out of that confusion.

    We remember the rod of Jannes & Jambres, priests of Pharoah, working by the power of Satan. (Exodus 7; 2 Timothy 3) In Exodus it says Pharoah called his wise men & sorcerors: and those magicians were able to turn their rods into serpents by enchantments. We have to remember that ‘Queen of Heaven’ and ‘Tammuz’, too….Jeremiah 7 & 44 KJB. Been hearing some creepy stuff out of the uniting cosmic humanists about the ‘human trinity mirroring the Godhead trinity’ that hearkens back to these things & the filthy fertility cults where the rod is the phallic, the stelae, and enough said. (Though Jacob raised a pillar at Bethel, and to mark between him & Laban, & so did Joshua….so, again, it’s imitative and relating to choice…..not necessarily evil.)

    When we cross-reference that with Numbers 21 & John 3, and then with the references to sorceries and the global antichrist system in Revelation….things get interesting, and even MORE relevant. The numbers are sort of secondary, but when they corroborate what’s already there, I tend to take them seriously.

    Historically, we know the Babylonian priesthood fled to Pergamum when Babylon fell, where the Attalids reigned as priest-kings, the head was the Pontifex Maximus, until they were defeated by Julius Caesar at which time the last Attalid king, Attalus III, bequeathed that title to Caesar. This was where the cult of Roman emperor worship began. Note that this apes Jacob’s Ladder at Bethel (Genesis 28…4 seven’s…and like the 4 connecting Gospels of Old & New Testaments) and compare with what Jesus told Philip in John 1.

    DNA bears a striking resemblance to a twisted ladder, like the antichrist swastika and Horus thing are like twisted crosses. Romans 1 and Satan’s counterfeits? The ‘seed’ of Genesis 3, of the woman.

    Anyways, Pergamos was known for its temple of healing & priest healers. They would take in patients who slept there in the temple which was filled with non-venomous snakes, & give ‘readings’ concerning their healing or prognosis based upon the snakes’ behavior.

    It was also where the Lord’s faithful martyr, Antipas, was slain, where ‘Satan dwelleth’…Revelation 2. The Lord warns of the doctrine of Balaam and the nicolaitans being there. Antipas probably died in the hollow copper Bull idol of Pergamos where sacrifices of men took place that the ancient historians described. They would place the victim in the hollow bull, bound, & head toward the open mouth of the idol; and light a fire beneath to heat the bull. The agonizing of the victim as they were roasted in the night ritual would make the bull seem to ‘come to life’.

    The bull the face of the cherub. Ezekiel 10 KJB. 10 is an interesting number, and Ezekiel 10 is a clear chapter concerning ‘choice’ and judgment.

    Pergamos was excavated in the nineteenth century. The bull had long since been scavenged for the copper, but they found the huge altar & throne. They called it the Throne of Zeus, and removed it to the Berlin Museum where it inspired Hitler & Goebbels. The seat of Satan was there the Bible says. Go figure! Goebbels made a model of the thing & they used it in their night rallies lit by torchlight as the nazis gathered power & mesmerized the people.

    And, there’s MORE. The Ptolemies were into syncretism, like Rome, to unite their kingdom & consolidate their hold over the Egyptians. They were not well-loved by the native Egyptians as Greeks, or by their priests….so they would syncretize Egyptian gods with Greek ones, or totally create them & use the drama of theater etc to promote them to the people & the priests, giving stipends & privilege to the priest-class. (There’s an archaeology website called Nebataea.net that covers the Ptolemies well.)

    One of those ‘gods’ was Asclepius. He was a hybrid of earlier Egyptian gods with a Greco-veneer.
    There are several versions of him & his daughter, Hygeia….and their myths, but you can get the gist despite the confusion, & what the modernists fall all over themselves trying to explain away.
    Men are still arguing over the ‘true’ source of the cadeuceus that came out of that….one a rod with one serpent, and the other a rod with two. But if you go to the ‘new’ history, that one they call ‘common’…..my, oh my, the hay they are making of this. AND they say that Christianity & Jesus were myths built on these ‘earlier truths’……a LOT of the UFOlogy stuff, Black Hebrew Roots, Chrislam and such are mining this….and I keep noting Jesuit Italian historians and experts authoring many of the articles as I study it out in the hope of turning some confused young people to the scriptures which make far more sense. It’s obvious how this helps the antichrist spirit and sytem.

    But both the single & double serpent versions are associated with medicine, drugs & craft to this day. And their sick ‘Great Awakening’, kundalini.

    First responders & the military use it officially, & it is frequently worn or displayed by those scholastically ‘certified’ by state to practice medicine. Most haven’t a clue, but God’s people are to be aware of these things & able to handle them soberly, not as those who merchandise or leap to conclusions, or ‘hype’ ….1 Thessalonians 5 KJB.

  • Brother Jacob,

    Does the pill have the same effect as the death shot? If the pill claims (as their witches and sorcery says) to cure their made up sickness, would this bring an option for everyone to not take the death shot?

    brother in Christ,

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