“Then here in the arm I have another chip, where I have saved my personal information, contact information, blood type similar things, but also my Covid certificate.”

AUTHOR’S NOTE: A reader was able to provide a more accurate translation of the video provided in this report.

People of the Nordic nation of Sweden – which is one of the leading nations for biometric technology – are now injecting themselves with microchips into their hands and body as proof of Covid vaccination.

In a video released by Aftonbladet – a top Swedish news outlet – filmed how the process worked.

One man showed the outlet how it worked, pulling out his smart phone, scanning his arm with a small UV light, and the Covid phone app registering his vaccination. He also placed his phone on his chest to track and monitor other body readings as well, not just his vaccination status.

And not just that, but the implanted chips will allow individuals to open locked doors and other objects too.

UPDATE: A reader provided a translated transcript of the video shown below:

The man said:

Anyone will get a small chip in their hand so you can use it to open doors and other practical everyday functions.

Interviewer: A chip in hand, what does that mean?

Yes it is a small chip as big as a rice grits with a smart ID code in it, which can then be replaced with key tags, access cards and similar things. You can also program the information you want on these chips with your mobile phone.

I currently have two chips in my body, one sitting up here (my chest) that contains health sensors, this chip measures my body temperature and I read it only by swiping my mobile phone outside my clothes.

Then here in the arm I have another chip, where I have saved my personal information, contact information, blood type similar things, but also my covid certificate.

The Swedish outlet also filmed a small demonstration of a Swede getting chipped. The “implanter” pinched a piece of skin near his thumb and pointer finger on his right hand, and slowly injected the chip via a syringe, and gave the man a bandage right after.

I’ll be chipped! I will get a magic chip in my hand, so I do not have to have key tags, I can use Swish, you can swish me directly by holding up my hand.

[Swish is a program for mobile phones that allows you to easily send money to each other through the phone number, etc.]

You can get your vaccination certificate in that one as well.

Interviewer: Is it something you will use?

It’s a lot of meta to have the vaccine passport there.

Many who think they have it, but they do not have it, I shall say for the sake of order. but now I can have it.

Yes you will be chipped with the vaccine for real, as well.

Yes so it will be really cool, absolutely it is definite.


Interviewer: Now a few seconds have passed, how does it feel now?

Now it feels really good, it feels nothing at all, feels like a slightly better person.

The WinePress reported in the beginning of 2021 that Sweden is way ahead of other nations in eliminating physical cash from the nation and turning to biometrics, which was accelerated in 2020 due to fears of transmitting Covid.

However, other nations are doing something similar with Covid passports. Such is the case with some people in Moscow, Russia, are getting scannable QR codes on their wrists as proof of vaccination.


[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

This is obviously not the mark of the beast, but the ever-continuing furtherance of its arrival and acceptance. I believe that more of this type of tech will be used in combination with this coming metaverse garbage.

Say Hello To The “Metaverse:” The Cyber New World Order That Will Control The Masses’ Minds


  • Thank you. I either missed or did not connect the dots on the earlier January 2021 article. This makes absolute sense.

  • Do you think that vaccine shedding will cause the unvaccinated to get colds? I had one about a month ago and i have a mild one now. Or it could be allergies.

    • Very possible, but it’ll be hard to tell what is vaccine induced or just natural colds and stuff. You’re in high school, right? Well, September is when colds tick up because all the germy students spread all their germs. That’s probably what happened to you.
      I recommend apple cider vinegar, camu camu berries, ginger, garlic, truly organic meats, elderberry, echinacea, raw unfiltered honey local to your area, and perhaps a Zinc/Copper would not be a bad idea.

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