“There are children in the second grade who have never experienced a normal school year. Pediatric vaccination has the power to help us change all of that.”

Pediatric rollout of the Pfizer-branded Covid vaccines are now underway, as CDC director Rochelle Walensky gave her official approval for them yesterday.

This was after the advisory panel – who once voted against the use of booster shots but was overruled by Walensky – unanimously voted 14-0 to allow the pediatric vaccine rollout to commence forth, according to The Hill.

This now allows roughly 28 million children in this age category to get vaccinated with a diluted version of the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

As a mom, I encourage parents with questions to talk to their pediatrician, school nurse or local pharmacist to learn more about the vaccine and the importance of getting their children vaccinated.

There are children in the second grade who have never experienced a normal school year. Pediatric vaccination has the power to help us change all of that.

Walensky said in a statement

It will allow parents to end months of anxious worrying about their kids, and reduce the extent to which children spread the virus to others. It is a major step forward for our nation in our fight to defeat the virus.

President Joe Biden said in a statement

With this new authorization in place, administration of these vaccines into a new bracket of children will begin very shortly.

‘Many parents have clamored for vaccine protection for youngsters so they can resume normal childhood activities without risking their own health — or fear bringing the virus home to a more vulnerable family member. But CDC’s advisers said they recognize many parents also have questions, and may be fearful of the vaccine because of rampant misinformation,’ the AP writes.

The WinePress has reported in more detail what this rollout and new wave on inoculations will broadly look like.


  • “rampant misinformation”


    Jacob, I think you and other people who are spreading the truth are really starting to get on their nerves now!

  • I had read that some of these wretched health care workers are sneaking in these shots to children in their flue shots, and then saying “Oooooops we made a mistake. So sorry. It’s o.k., it’s just a smaller “portion” than a regular vaccine”. That’s why I think people just need to stay as far away as possible from these medical miscreants…..some of whom by now are really working for FEMA. No amount of medical power of attorney, notarized orders not to be vaccinated, etc. will be of any avail. I even heard they have been sneaking in vaccines for routine operations, and you sign for it because you don’t notice the 6-point type. I wonder when the started that. I pray a little more that the Lord keeps me safe on the roads when I do have to drive somewhere. I try to keep that at a bare minimum and the higher gas prices are making that easy to do. Additionally, was anyone surprised that the CDC gave the go ahead for children to receive this vaccine? Thankfully, the alarms bells have been ringing for almost a year now and that will make parents more cautious about putting this poison in their kids veins. And even if they won’t allow it, if your kid is in any kind of setting where you are away, they will cajole your kids to take hat jab anyway. These people have had their consciences seared for a while; I would not trust any of them.

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