“In Telosa, you will live where you work and you are always connected to nature. The women in the photos showcasing this lifestyle are both wearing virtual reality headsets signaling that wearable Internet of Bodies (IoB) devices will be key to working and connecting in the city. The trade-off could be the total end of bodily autonomy.”

The following reports are from What About The Roads?:

Telosa: A Technocratic City In The Making

One of the great myths of the modern age is that of the beneficent billionaire. The tale is simple and told in just two acts. In the first act these men and women rise from humble beginnings to amass inordinate amounts of wealth, power, and influence over society. Their second act begins when they are reborn as philanthropists whose only purpose in life is to save the planet.

This is the story of many of the world’s wealthiest individuals. Variations of it apply to the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, and Pierre Omidyar.

Joining their ranks is entrepreneur and former CEO of e-commerce at Walmart, Marc Lore. His first act is just like those of the other beneficent billionaires. Lore was just a normal kid from Staten Island who would go on to found and then sell several successful companies which already amassed him an enormous fortune before joining Walmart.

His second act is only just beginning. It was only this past January that Lore stepped down from his role at Walmart. In an interview given at the time he stated that he was moving on from the retail giant to commit himself to “a multi-decade project to build  a ‘city of the future’ supported by ‘a reformed version of capitalism.’” That city has now been given a name, Telosa.

Details of Lore’s plans to build the city and notions of what life in Telosa will look like are still relatively scarce. What is known is that over the next 40 years Telosa will grow to cover 150,000 acres and be home to 5 million people. This is approximately the size of Chicago with double the population. The first phase of construction, which would accommodate 50,000 residents across 1,500 acres, comes with an estimated cost of $25 billion and will be ready by 2030 (where have we seen that year before?) The whole project would be expected to exceed $400 billion.

Where the city will be built has yet to be determined but the project’s planners are eyeing the American desert. With states like Nevada welcoming plans for technocratic cities like Telosa by passing favorable legislature this is one obvious choice.

Big Tech To Create “Innovation Zones”. A ‘State Within A State.’

The city’s website is filled with buzzwords and marketing slogans meant to portray the plan as being for the betterment of mankind. Potential residents are told they can look forward to a city that “sets a global standard for urban living, expands human potential, and becomes a blueprint for future generations.” Words like “sustainable,” “equitable,” and “inclusive” are sprinkled throughout for good measure.

Many can already see past the slick veneer of the website and smooth marketing talking points, calling the idea for such city a greenwashed Vegas, the creation of which seems either impossible or simply disingenuous. To ridicule this planned city is a great start but what else is revealed in these plans if they are looked at not as the blueprint for the green inclusive city of the future but rather the enslaving technocratic Plannedopolis of our nightmares?

We won’t cover every detail but let’s scroll through the site and take a look at some of the highlights.

In Telosa, you will live where you work and you are always connected to nature. The women in the photos showcasing this lifestyle are both wearing virtual reality headsets signaling that wearable Internet of Bodies (IoB) devices will be key to working and connecting in the city. The trade-off could be the total end of bodily autonomy.

With fossil fuel cars banned the only way to get around will be autonomous vehicles. Despite the promise of open, fair, and inclusive governance what if there is a protest planned outside of the “Equitism tower” in the city center? Will the autonomous cars and copters still take passengers to the protest?

The city planners promise that every student will have access to the best teachers and resources. Yet, students are shown interacting with ipads rather than human beings. There is talk of “comprehensive training and skills upgrading programs” to continue education but the woman shown participating in said programs is wearing a virtual reality headset once again. This sounds much more like the “pay for success” model of education where investors shape curriculums and outcomes that researcher, Julianne Romanello warns about rather than a classical education meant to expand the mind. And there certainly doesn’t appear to be much human-to-human interaction in Telosa.

Say Hello To 10G: “The Network Of The Future”

How do the planners Telosa plan to address the healthcare needs of its citizens? “All citizens will have access to local health clinics, healthcare technologies, and education on wellness and preventive care to improve quality of life,” they say. The stock image they chose to show alongside this slide is unsurprisingly a smartphone app showing the user’s “Heath Score.” One can only assume that this comes as part of whatever vaccine passport scheme would be rolled out in the city. The onlooker here is once again left wondering how much of life exists only through screens and virtual reality.

People of all incomes and backgrounds will have a diverse selection of housing to choose from. Images showcasing housing options in Telosa range from magnificent skyscrapers to ticky tacky suburbs to container pods. How this is any different from today’s world where the rich and powerful live in opulence compared to the bulk of society is not discussed.

One of the biggest promises made by the planners of Telosa is government accountability. All city meetings are open and accessible so citizens can easily and effectively participate in the decision making and budgeting process. But what happens if at one of these meetings residents criticism these decision makers? Will those in power just shut it down and walk away? If a resident’s Health Score is too low will they be allowed to participate?

The care of the environment is a top priority in Telosa. Efficient water use, renewable energy, and a flexible power grid are all part of the plan. The promise of “clear metrics and high standards to preserve our natural resources and open spaces,” is made to potential future residents. With the city planners controlling the use of all natural resources what’s to stop them from cutting off resources to any citizen they deem to have failed in their civic duties? Or shutting down public spaces should there be an outbreak of a virus? If water or another resource becomes scarce will it be rationed and if so to who?

These and many other questions about how Telosa will actually function need answers. More investigation into Marc Lore and his connections are also needed. For now however, we know enough to see a pattern unfolding where the beneficent billionaire is trying to come in and save the day. We know that these people have no love in their hearts for the masses. Why should we expect anything different this time?

London’s Blueprint For Technocracy

For better or worse, London has long been considered one of the world’s great cities. It has produced many of the world’s great artists, writers, and thinkers. Many of the world’s most renowned museums are here, housing priceless historical artifacts and works of art. London’s palaces, parks, gardens, and squares make it an architect’s playground.

Conversely, London is also known as a place where freedom and privacy are nearly extinct. It is one of the world’s most surveilled cities, ranking second globally in CCTV cameras per square (1,138) and third in CCTV cameras per person (73 per 1,000). The city’s police have recently purchased facial recognition technology in order to process historic images from these CCTV cameras as well as social media platforms and other sources. This is in addition to the Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology already deployed in the city.

But this is just one small part of life in one of the world’s most technocratic and surveilled cities. In 2018 the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan launched Smarter London Together, his roadmap to make London “the smartest city in the world.” This initiative builds on an older so-called roadmap from 2013, the Smart London Plan which was rolled out by then mayor and current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. This perfectly illustrates how politicians may come, go, and move around while the technocratic agenda moves forward without resistance.

Jumping to 2020 we find the Smart London Board, the group which helps bring the objectives outlined in the Smarter London Together road map to fruition, developing the Emerging Technologies Charter,

A set of criteria that digital innovations based on artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, virtual reality and more should meet if they are deployed in the capital.

Meeting the criteria established by this charter is not mandatory in order for new technology to actually be deployed however. This is important to note in order to properly interpret what is laid out in this document.

The most recent version of the charter was published last week. The Mayor, an avowed globalist committed to fulfilling to The Great Reset agenda, says that the charter will play a significant role in the economic and social recovery of London. Let’s examine what that recovery will look like.

The document opens with praise for London already being one of the leading technocratic cities on the planet, highlighting the city as a hub for the research, development, and innovation of 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI). The charter claims this infrastructural is all in place to insure fast download speeds and rapid data processing capabilities. In reality, this is the infrastructure needed for the ruling class to manage all aspects of life, including the human body itself.

The charter then goes on to list the four principles for implementing technology in London.

Be Open

When trialling and deploying emerging technologies, the government will aspire to “work in the open” wherever possible and will describe what the technology is, what it can do, why it is being used and, “where appropriate”, the legal and ethical basis for doing so in what they call “Plain English.”

Translation: the government will work behind closed doors as much as possible, illegally and unethically as often as they feel like it.

When the government says Plain English they mean short words and short sentences meant for anyone with a 9 year old’s reading comprehension skills. In other words, the government will be deploying highly complicated technology, only telling you about it when they feel like it, and when they do, they’ll speak to you like you’re a child.

They also totally promise to speak with local communities, protect personal data, and give regular updates about their undertakings in the name of being open.

There is no mention about being open about the negative effects of 5G on the human body or ethical problems surrounding virtual reality.

Respect Diversity

The second principle of the Emerging Technology Charter contains the usual banal platitudes about diversity and inclusiveness found at the center of any globalist or technocratic statement. However, there is one very telling detail here which reveals how this agenda paves the way for a two-tiered society. Amidst all the concerns about considering people from all walks of life, there is room to exclude others:

For public bodies, setting out how the technology or service meets the Public Sector Equality Duty for example…if certain groups are excluded from the benefit of new technologies, the technology should have a clear reason why it does not serve these groups. 

Who are these certain groups? The charter doesn’t clarify but at a time when the UK government is currently trying to bypass Parliament in an effort to implement vaccine passports via the backdoor it doesn’t take a huge stretch of the imagination to know who this is reserved for. In this technocratic surveillance system a resident of or visitor to London will need a digital vaccine certificate to take part in public life. If this comes to fruition it is only a matter of time until the vaccine certificate is rolled into a digital wallet for a blockchain-based Central Bank Digital Currency.

Today it is just different colored wristbands to differentiate between “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” students. Tomorrow, with just the flip of a switch or push of a button these bureaucrats behind the Emerging Technology Charter and Smart London Board will be able to disconnect anyone they deem unworthy of having access to these so-called beneficial new technologies.

Be Trustworthy With People’s Data

London requires safe, secure, and useful ways of using and sharing data which build trust among our partners and citizens.

claim the authors of the charter 

The principle goes on to list all of the ways in which they promise to ethically collect, review, and store data, including biometric data.

A Transhuman Future: Cloning Mankind, Man-Animal Hybrids, Cyborgs, And “Bio-Pharma”

This is perhaps the most blatantly disingenuous section of the charter. Not only because following this charter is entirely voluntary to begin with but because it leaves out two crucial facets of how data is already collected and used in the United Kingdom.

The first is the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the English equivalent of the National Security Agency (NSA).  The GCHQ collects, reviews, and stores an incomprehensible amount of data on the British public with little to no accountability or oversight and yet the Emerging Technology Charter makes no mention of this fact. So, even if those who follow the charter absolutely respected the privacy of Londoners it would be a moot point unless the mass surveillance of the CQHQ was ended.

Second, is the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, also known as the Snoopers Charter. This law enables the government to lie in court with impunity by enshrining parallel construction in law. It works like this:

Parallel construction occurs when the Government learns of criminal activity through one source, but then gives the information to a law enforcement agency to “reconstruct” the investigation so that the origin of that second investigation is different from the original source.

Again, even if the Emerging Technology Charter was made mandatory and truly protected the privacy of everyone in London it wouldn’t prevent the government from using that data to it’s advantage with the members of the public none the wiser as to how it was really collected.

Be Sustainable

What technocratic guideline would be complete without a pledge to sustainability? “London wants new technologies to be as sustainable as possible [and] contribute to the Mayor’s goal to be a net zero carbon city,” according to the charter. And when does the Mayor want London to be a net zero carbon city by? 2030 of course.

The lives of all Londoners will be recorded, listed to, analyzed, catalogued, tracked, traced, and controlled in Khan’s smart city but at least it will be done sustainably. And by sustainably we are to presume this means whatever it takes to further centralize and control the resources of the planet into fewer and fewer hands as part of what James Corbett calls the The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle.

The situation in London illustrates just how easily new technologies of control can be slotted into our existing infrastructure. That way, neither the residents riding the Underground or the tourist snapping pictures of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace can just go about their business without feeling the noticing the enslavement grid being built around them.  Until one day when they can’t board their flight for lack of a health certificate, buy tickets to a play because the CCTV caught them running a red light, or buy meat because they’ve exceeded their monthly sustainable food allotment. But by then it’s already too late.


The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.

Proverbs 14:15

And it’s not just America and London, but The WinePress reported in February that the car-giant Toyota is creating a smart city in Japan:

And let’s not be ignorant of what is occurring the Middle East with places such as Dubai: that place IS a smart city, just minus the mind control.

But I interspersed other articles throughout that demonstrate that many of the things I have been hammering on are not “tin-hat conspiracy,” but are playing out day-by-day. And yet the masses have absolutely no idea what is going on, and could care less.

Moreover, The WP has been reporting on many of the brain-altering technologies that are coming down the pike and being promoted. But that is all these smart cities are: the people will lose their autonomy and freewill. They will be locked and tied down to the grid.

The Bible prophesized mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16-18) is more than just a simple chip in the right hand or forehead: it is becoming completely locked into the autonomous grid system, as we can clearly see more and more – which, this report did not get into, but 5G is not what you should be worried about, as 6G is the real goal.

China And America Are Leading The Charge For 6G

Scientists Develop Cybernetic Injectable Swarm Of Brain Reading Nanosenors

Engineers Release ‘Magneto’ Protein That Remotely Controls Brain Function And Bodily Behavior

Scientists Discover How To Willfully Manipulate Brain Chemicals For Control

Scientists Discover How To Advertise In People’s Dreams

New Study Says That Video Games Could Be Used To Treat Mental Health Issues

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

Scientists Are Developing MRNA Foods To Replace Injections

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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1 Comment

  • I would rather be homeless and live in the forest!

    I am not gonna miss computers, tablets, smartphones and etc when we get caught up!

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