“For the next pandemic, we will make sure we have gigantic mRNA factories in India and the rest of the developing world to achieve our 100-day goal of being able to make vaccines for everyone.”

The third richest man in the world is now changing some of his forecasts for the world, as he feels the spread of the Delta variant, and others, have caused the global timeline to be adjusted – no longer believing the Covid-19 pandemonium will cease by 2022.

Gates sat down for a telephone interview with The Times of India. The following is their questions they asked him, and his responses.

Last year, you talked about the possibility of ending the coronavirus pandemic by 2022. Do you still think it’s possible?

Everyone has been surprised by the Delta variant and how transmissive it is. India was the first place where there was, tragically, explosive growth in cases. The number of cases has come down from that peak, but we have to get these vaccines out far more broadly than we have done so far.

The foundation is very proud that back in the spring of 2020 we got $300 million to Serum (Institute of India). Serum has executed very well on ramping up the volume, making really record numbers of vaccines.

Now, we wish we’d have even more, but in the months ahead the numbers are going to go up quite a bit. Novavax will come into the picture. We’ll have Johnson & Johnson. We’ll figure out what can be done with the booster. We’re not quite sure about that right now, but that’s probably beneficial as we get into 2022. 

I’d say Delta was the worst variant that anyone ever expected, and so we probably will have cases into part of 2022, and the importance of getting the vaccine coverage up, very high, is even more clear now. My prediction, based on Delta, is that we’ll miss that goal somewhat.

In this year’s Goalkeepers Report you highlight the innovations that Covid-19 has triggered. Which are the ones that hold potential?

Now that the world understands its vulnerability to a pandemic, there will be a huge amount of research and invention of new tools. The diagnostics – we could scale that up much faster. The therapeutics we could do a lot better. We should have a goal that we have so much factory capacity that, even within 200 days, we could make enough vaccines for the entire world.

Will this work, to be ready for the next pandemic, and will it have benefits beyond the pandemic preparedness? The answer is absolutely yes. The mRNA platform, we’re working with that German company, BioNTech, to do an HIV vaccine using their mRNA technology. We have a malaria vaccine. We think that we can do a very low-cost flu vaccine and bring the worldwide level of flu down dramatically.

Ideally, we would eradicate some of these respiratory viruses because they actually create quite a significant health burden even in normal years, and of course, they can mutate into a form that cause the next pandemic. I’m hoping that all countries will increase their research in these areas. We’re working with the United States, Europe, and U.K. on increasing their research budgets. I would hope that India would join in that as well.

What is your view about the way vaccine-making has progressed in India?

Most low-cost vaccines in the world are made in India, and that has saved literally millions of lives because of the partnership we have with those three companies (Serum, BioE, Bharat Biotech). It’s kind of natural that, in the spring of 2020, as the pandemic came along, we talked with Serum about both AstraZeneca and Novavax, and we hoped that they’d do a great job making AstraZeneca, and they will be making Novavax.

Likewise, BioE – we’ve facilitated their discussions with Johnson & Johnson. We’re looking forward to that production coming out, either late this year or early next year… Bharat Biotech took the coronavirus vaccine, it’s invented in India, with ICMR, and brought that up as a low-cost vaccine, not only for India but for the entire world.

Over the years, Gates Foundation has partnered with the government of India and with Indian vaccine manufacturers in the development of affordable, high-quality vaccines – for India and for the rest of the world. It is encouraging to see India step up during the Covid-19 pandemic and develop safe and cost-effective vaccines that will save millions of lives.

What should be done to fix the problem in India’s healthcare system in the short term and what are the long-term steps?

India should invest even more in its primary healthcare system to make sure that primary healthcare centres are well-staffed, the people are well trained.

Overall, the health conditions in India over the last decade have improved. We’ve got vaccine coverage up. We’re not as high as we should be. We’ve got the birth attendant quality – delivering in a facility – we’ve got those numbers up, and so maternal-infant mortality has gone down.

Our foundation has focused in particular on Bihar and Uttar Pradesh for health in general. When it came to building oxygen centres for Covid, and special interventions for Covid, we were able to draw on the strong relationships we had in participating there. Although the pandemic is tragic, it highlights the importance of primary healthcare with the need to invest more, both financially and in the quality of primary healthcare.

If you look at the overall spending on primary healthcare, it has not gone up as much as it should. India is a democracy and there will be a debate about that as an increased priority.

The challenge has changed from vaccine availability to vaccine hesitancy. How can governments address it more effectively?

Politicians are speaking out clearly and then setting examples by getting vaccinated themselves, and constantly repeating that message, and making sure that the trust networks – whether it’s religious leaders or people in villages that people look up to and trust – are always delivering positive messages, and whatever negative rumour comes out doesn’t fester on social media in such a way that people are worried.

Every country has had vaccine hesitancy. I’m not that expert on India, but if I look at the numbers, some of the numbers look good. Do we get to 100% of healthcare workers? I’m told that it’s about 70% right now.

The people who are the priority, of course, are the elderly, and I guess, in India, about 65% got their first dose. We should pick that up to 100% for the second dose. The benefit of the vaccine to the elderly is very, very high, and that’s how you get your deaths down. The leadership on the positive message about the vaccine, from what I know, has been quite good in India. It hasn’t turned into one party likes it and another party doesn’t like it.

This is a case where the US has not done the best job, but every country has to really work on this every single day to get every percentage point increase. Right now, you’re not in a big wave but there could be a future wave. So, we have to maintain this as a super-high priority.

There’s a lot of vaccine wastage in several advanced economies. What should be done to prevent this and ensure global cooperation?

It’s been somewhat inequitable. We keep a spreadsheet of where all the doses of the world are, and where they should be given. We weren’t ready, the world wasn’t ready for this pandemic. And so, as we look back on Covax, where the foundation has been very involved, there are some lessons. We could have done some things better, but the key has been the supply, which no one was funding in the spring of 2020 other than the US government.

We got full cooperation between the Western inventors and the Indian manufacturers. The mRNA, sadly, is different enough that there was no capacity for that particular type of vaccine outside the rich countries. Even there, it was completely new.

For the next pandemic, we will make sure we have gigantic mRNA factories in India and the rest of the developing world to achieve our 100-day goal of being able to make vaccines for everyone.

The pandemic has also widened the digital divide. What are the solutions?

A lot of students should have access to at least a mobile phone. And some learning around maths and reading and writing can be done on the mobile phone.

Obviously, when the classroom shut down, in India, a lot of kids simply didn’t learn. And so, there’s a deficit there. Sadly, the education quality in India isn’t quite as strong as you’d like it to be. If I had to say what’s the other thing besides health that, both in terms of resources and quality, should be an increased focus to invest in India’s future, I’d put health number one, maybe because that’s where I work, and education number two.


The next pandemic? Yup, they are going to keep this going for as long as they can. But knowing what we know about Gates so far (based on what The WP has been reporting on), it would make “sense” as to why he’s doing what he is doing.

Gates is continually buying up more and more farmland, along with funding big-ag and big-tech start-ups for for the future (more on that in a separate report); and his big push for the world to accept lab-grown and plant-based “meats.” Just recently The WinePress was one of the first to report on the reveal that scientists are developing foods with mRNA technology to replace injections. Are you putting it together now?

A Transhuman Future: Cloning Mankind, Man-Animal Hybrids, Cyborgs, And “Bio-Pharma”

Agenda 2030: You’ll Own Nothing And Be Happy

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. [4] For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: [5] For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

1 Timothy 4:1-5

I have said it before, but I believe that searing of the conscience is truly referring to a lot of these brain and body-altering technologies that are being developed, that saved Christians alike will be lining up to take. How sad…

And all of this is ultimately leading up to the eventual mark of the beast system of being plugged into the grid and becoming a cyborg of sorts.

Military Developing Chip/Vaccine To End All Pandemics

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

There’s a lot more to unpack here, but I think you can fill in the blanks. Thanks to the brother who sent this, as it fills in more of the gaps of where things are headed.

India Approves The World’s First Needleless DNA Vaccine With Zero Trial Data

Nazism In India. Police Force Vaccine Refusers To Wear A Skull & Crossbones Sign

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Bill Gates must think he’s God; he’s in for a nasty surprise! He thinks because he bought an island off the coast of Belize he thinks he owns the whole world. Hey Bill Dorko Gates, you only own that island temporally as well as only a fraction, JESUS owns that island as well as all the Earth and the Universe too in fact, He created them so Jesus claims it first! Bill Gates is going to bust Hell wide open and his riches and glory will stay on earth and fall to dust!

    By the way Jacob: unrelated topic but just a heads up: I sent ya an email called “Church buildings die” and I think you’ll find it a bit intriguing. Maybe you can do a brief report on it and if not, that’s okay.

  • It’s late now, & the evil has grown & is well developed. The terms & terrain of the battle change, though the commission is the same. Those who only know revised history or presume that only they were fighting, buying Jesuit revisionism, are likely to presume & overestimate their ability to stand, & underestimate the enemy. Jesus knows, and his word faithfully warns even as it foretells. Offenses will come, but woe to them by whom they come.

    If the fakes & the phonies had acknowledged the wickedness of what was going on in India & China with the fake Jesuit ecumenical fornicating unity & merchandi$ing by the global corporatists ….religious & pretending not to be: antichrist and idolators ALL….back when it was just the gmo’s ripping off & putting the little Indian people & lower castes (where all the Bible believing Christians of India end to be preyed upon by the upper castes, Muslims & all assorted antichrist tyrants), into dependent bondage; then God may have blessed the Gospel & sent real freedom instead of hastening judgment. Nobody wanted to hear THAT, & even if the warning was heard or permitted, it was skewed to Jesuit & Bellermine liberation theology & the antichrist Laodicean humanist idolatrous Babylonian framework in such a way as to aid the antichrist kingdom builders’ ends. They are so ‘smart’, you see….as they, with the likes of Bill Gates, serve sin & work their own destruction.

    They are the ‘superior’ ones, the ‘survivors’, the ‘victorious’ serving their black Maria who suffers their sin while promising they can craft & work their own salvation, having no need of change themselves…..only those others out there who exist solely for their merchandising & exploiting pleasure. Matthew 23. Simon the Sorcerer, those like bar-Jesus, advising & confessors/counselors & teachers to the powerful….Acts 13; Revelation 13. Balaamites & men of craft like Jannes & Jambres with their rods of false light & power.

    No one wanted to hear when the Christians of Uttar Pradesh & elsewhere were suffering persecution; when the fake antichrist Bible warpers were shaming the memory of Wycliffe & Carey in the Bengal region & Bangladesh, serving the Romish ambition of taking men back to their darkness, merchandising power & control through purposely mistranslating the Bible to ‘bridge’ to the Muslim, the Hindu, the corporatist socialists….while using America as their ‘host’, sucking the blood of the unwary & careless, the ignorant, as the parasites & false shepherds that they are, using American power as their ‘rod’ and smokescreen. Now, having used it up, and blown the cover, ready to destroy it, scarf up the remains & incorporate it into themselves, while pretending to be righteous, far removed from the corruption, & the ‘saviours’ of the ‘mother church’ & Queen of Heaven…. they exploit & sacrifice the corruption & corrupt they caused & used as the master they served. Liars calling themselves Bible translators & ‘missionaries’ & ecumenists & ‘conservatives’ ….only, their way is the ‘missional’ liberation theology ‘new’ way (that isn’t!), their kingdom building & sorcery craft is ‘superior’ to the ‘old’ way types…..BAH!

    The Bible foretold & exposed it all….if only Laodicea had noticed! Romans 9-11in living color, but God has also foretold the end of those pagan rods & pretenders he uses to chastize, & Hebrews 12 still holds. Better to repent & believe, even to be chastized here & in this temporal, than to continue on in willful ignorance & pride to be judged & found a spiritual bastard, a castaway.

    The Clinton’s were all invested in both the black op drug running AND the legal, ‘sharing the wealth/ill-gotten gain’ with the corporate cronies of the ‘legal’ drug-scam & big pharma ran from India. This included also the importation of so many accommodating Hindus to our upper education certification mill for pharma, healthcare & medicine, computer science & technology for DECADES……while Christian Americans were being turned away or sorted out by the demand for denying Christ & joining the ‘brotherhood’ and ‘sisterhood’ …..transhumanist it-beast-hood ….in order to be hired, promoted or permitted a voice. Even as the ‘big’ ministries not organized according to scripture, or standing for the unadulterated & preserved word, were commandeered as the ‘denominations, and the Reforming & Protesting Catholics not come all the way out to Christ before them….and turned antichrist, taken back to Rome. Daniel 2 and Revelation 17.

    It’s all so plain now. And their agents provocateur & divisive dupes amongst the novices & immature just cutting their King James Bible teeth are even here with their childishness, pettiness, & missing the point misplaced zeal! It was only a matter of time.

    But that also means you’re a threat, Jacob, wielding the sword well & shining the light…..stinging & exposing what thinks itself invincible as its master & hating the pure light of the King James Bible rightly divided. Not drawn away to their byways & serving the subtle Jesuit ends which is a constant temptation & battle with its lures to the flesh & toward one ditch of the other lining the strait & narrow, upward way of plain duty & scripture, the Gospel way of Christ.

    Fruitful & enlightening study! Devour….in part here.

    2 Corinthians 11:20 For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.

    Galatians 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

    Hebrews 10:27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

    1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

    Revelation 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

    Death devours, too. The grave consuming, Hell never full. Proverbs 27:20 Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes of man are never satisfied.

  • The body of Christ needs to start praying HARD against Bill Gates. He has no desire for repentance, and therefore his death and damnation to Hell would be 100% just and righteous. He is a murderer and a liar, and when God kills him, the world can see his power and judgment.

    • Amen Bryan!
      Bill Gates and his Jesuit so called scientist Fauci and Redfield also a Jesuit, trump, all the hirelings that grovel at the feet of Trump also a Jesuit and whom I foolishly fell for until you and Jacob spread the truth (I’m confessing a fault) and Joe Biden, and as a bonus I guess even though he’s not related, Bill Cosby!
      I used to watch the Cosby Show when I was a tv head, boy that was a waste of time, Bill Cosby claimed to be all about “good old fashioned values” but it was all a front he’s a rapist pervert devil!


    • Amen. I pray everyday for God to drop him dead, as well as all the other tyrants behind this, like Fauci. Their deaths would definitely shake some people up and probably wake alot of people up to the fact that this is nothing more than a SCAMdemic.

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