‘Scientists say the benefits of raising the dead outweigh the drawbacks.’

The following is from Earthly Mission:

For the first time, scientists have cloned an endangered U.S. species! Meet black-footed ferret Elizabeth Ann, whose “original version” has been dead for more than 30 years.

North America’s only ferret species, the black-footed ferret (also known as prairie dog hunter), had been long thought to be extinct when in 1981, seven specimens were found on a Wyoming ranch. After one of them, Willa died in 1988, scientists sent her tissues to a ‘frozen zoo’ run by San Diego Zoo Global that maintains cells from more than 1,100 species and subspecies worldwide. They were hoping that someday they can perform an experiment like they have just done now.

The cute little ferret arrived via C-section on December 10, and became the first-ever cloned endangered US species. While a domesticated ferret carried the cloned embryo, the new ferret, who is being raised at a Fish and Wildlife Service black-footed ferret breeding facility in Fort Collins, Colorado, has all the instincts and aggression of her wild ancestors.

Courtesy: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

This is a fresh success story for the black-footed ferret that also marks a groundbreaking step in the recovery of endangered species.

The birth of Elizabeth Ann could help address genetic barriers faced by many imperiled wildlife.

The US Fish And Wildlife Service on Twitter said

The black-footed ferret has become an icon of how well conservation and repopulation efforts can work. After irritated ranchers poisoned almost all of the animals in the wild, this species of ferret was thought to have gone extinct altogether. Then, the population grew from a group of just a few specimens to about 1,000 black-footed ferrets living in the wild today. This doesn’t include populations in wildlife preserves, zoos, and other supervised programs.

Courtesy: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Because of the way black-footed ferrets came back from believed extinction, each animal was precious to the genetic diversity of the species. The reason why scientists decide to freeze Willa was exactly this: to allow future scientists to find a way to bring those genes back to the group.

This small number of individuals has put limitations on the species’ genetic diversity, creating challenges for resiliency to changing environments and emerging disease threats.

After Willa’s genes were fertilized into an embryo, it was carried by a “regular” domestic ferret, who then gave birth to Elizabeth Ann. A regular ferret was chosen because scientists wanted to mitigate the risks associated with pregnancy. The success of this procedure has made animal conservators more confident about bringing back other specimens, including ones that will require genetic patching or modification in order to even be successfully cloned.

Cloning Willa is a huge step, but that’s by far not the end of the plans with frozen animals like her.

Eventually scientists may be able to modify those genes to help cloned animals survive.

Associated Press’s Mead Gruver noted

Jurassic Park slowly coming true before our eyes? Scientists are very close to cloning the mammoth and other long-extinct species, so the idea may not be that far-fetched. Of course, fears of unintended consequences in such cases are valid, but as for animals like the dodo or the Tasmanian tiger, they went extinct because of our irresponsibility and not because of a change in their ecosystem or the climate. And scientists say the benefits of raising the dead outweigh the drawbacks.


Scientists Create Embryos That Are Part Man Part Monkey

Senate To Continue To Allow Mad Scientists To Crossbreed Man And Animals

On June 15th, The WinePress reported that a meat-alternative company released plant-based eggs, and in that report I said this:

Knowing that these companies are developing artificial eggs, it is not too farfetched, in my eyes, for them to start to actual hatch a living chicken that can mature and produce its own eggs. We’ll have to wait and see.

This isn’t exactly that, but it is in the same wheelhouse, and now it has become publicly known that these scientists are cloning living breathing animals. More and more as we see man “evolve” (says the humanists, atheists, and most of the professing Christianity), the more they are playing God. That is the Darwinian evolutionary theory in a nutshell: becoming a god in their own mind, pretending that they can out preform the Lord himself. These children of the devil are trying to become what their father envies.

[12] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! [13] For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: [14] I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Isaiah 14:12-14

I say this a bit tongue and cheek, but how much you want to bet that in the years to come they will clone a living and breathing man and woman? And probably program it with artificial intelligence? Moreover, since mankind created by God has a body, soul, and spirit, this lab-grown zombie corpse will have no soul and controlled by another spirit, if you know what I mean, and perhaps AI or not.

Scientist Wants To Engineer Humans To Not Like Meat Anymore

On top of that, I theorize that once men and women are cloned, they will be used for artificial insemination and fertilization. Furthermore, this could be an explanation for (or an outcome) of the forbidding to marry that the Bible prophesizes, along with not eating meat, but turning to the plant-based and lab-grown junk.

[1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; [3] Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. [4] For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: [5] For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

1 Timothy 4:1-5

Only time will tell. Leave your thoughts below.

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • They’re playing God and that is going to end in disaster spelled in capital letters. For all due respect I don’t wanna refer to a Hollywood movie, but there was a movie where people cloned life from embryos and DNA and it all exploded and went very badly wrong: it’s called Jurassic Park!

    • True enough. Or the Star Wars prequels. The lost world prophesying their deaths of sorts lol.
      Ecclesiastes 9:12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.

  • Scientists = Satanist, Masons = Witches, People = Sheep, Education = Indoctrination, Healthcare = Deathcare, I see a pattern here.

    This world is not what it seems or what we are trained to think it is.

    .\\itch – Eph6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  • This is crazy…I mean I knew it was happening but to actually see it with my own eyes… what is that creature, ya know? I mean they are clones so they aren’t “bringing back” a species but simply making a bunch of clones of the last known one alive. Plus, like you said, they are (and I would wager it’s already happening) that the human cloning is already a thing in mind in the article.

    What if the Antichrist, the actual man of sin himself, is literally a lab clone of both male and female genes and somehow they figure out how to make that process work. Then biotech is added in the mix, and literally the dragon (Satan) gives this “thing” his power and his ability to do signs and wonders (with his biotech perhaps). He would be the “true, perfect” androgynous creature and he would proclaim himself and show himself as God and all the world will go after him.

    I won’t be dogmatic about any of that, since I don’t know what the future holds. But it was a thought that came up while reading the article. There’s something deeply disturbing looking at that cloned ferret. It’s just wrong. It’s not creation, it’s simply manipulating God’s creation and mocking the Lord Jesus Christ that what he made can be made better or he’s not managing the species properly so we need to bring them back (even though they admitted that hunters killed off these particular ferrets 30+ years ago).

    This world is so twisted man. Just gotta keep our eyes on Christ, brother. He’s our only hope.

    • Hmmm, I wonder if that is the case. I personally have wondered some of that myself. The Bible does say that the antichrist will have no desire of women, so perhaps that plays into it, though the antichrist is clearly defined as a man.
      Daniel 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
      I my book “The Lord of Glory,” I showed a bunch of quotes from Trinitarians who believe God is sexless and transgender, so perhaps you’re onto something.

  • The fact is that if you do not believe in the Bible, then you have to make the world a better place (not that mankind can). You also want to live as long as possible, as the alternative is what? So thy try their best to extend life, reshape the world (globe joke), and make it a humanist dream. It’s a dream alright, I would call it a nightmare.

    .\\itch – Truth sounds like hate to those who hate truth.

  • With this breakthrough, scientist could bring back extinct kindreds, or make a very ethnically diverse human clone. Or pure breed also.

  • It’s interesting that they used a ferret to break this story. They killed many of them experimenting with the mRNA vaccines, & used them in the passaging means of genetic gain of function studies, creating the terrain, or market, requiring the vaccine ‘salvation’ then tested on select populations without their knowledge, including military personnel. Forced ‘crisis’ and change.
    Supposedly they (ferrets) respond most in kind with mankind for experimentation purposes, so they were used before they began their ‘humanized mouse’ & so forth experimentation (or admitted to it).
    I’ve been following the wing of science supposedly resisting this thing. Mercola just had a panel up of Judy Mikovits, Frank Ruscetti & Kent Heckenlively. As well as McCullough. I’m with Steven Losee that we can’t be dogmatic about these things beyond a certain point. All these people are Catholic & New Age types who became the ‘sole voice’ for sanity & supposed ‘natural’ (God designed) health, medicine & nutrition around the Obama years when all those researchers were dying, suiciding & having accidents. Amazon censors books on the KJB etc, yet Robert Kennedy, Jr.s and Mikovitz & co are still selling their books through there with no problem. Very clever, subtle steering going on. I can’t sort it all out, that’s for sure, but I don’t trust any of them. Heckenlively looked like Aquino in dress, sodomite, probably Jesuit or Opus Dei. All in black, pudgy & puffy, pale. One thing for certain is that there’s no fighting in union with these people, even as we watch them & the narrative they’re spinning from a distance. They are too overtly antichrist.
    God’s in control of allowing these people enough rope to hang themselves, or better said, to manifest what’s in their hearts & which spirit they serve in truth. Our task is still to warn whosoever will listen, confronting not so much because the frontmen & sold out are likely to respond, but for the sake of those watching & not yet committed one way of the other.
    I believe they are setting up a terrible death & chronic disease crisis with this ‘vaccine’, for which they already have the ‘solution/salvation’ ready in the wings, even a solution to the so-called godless Great Reset…..a supposedly Christian, & world spirituality solution of mankind united with the spirit realm, the common ground of all the Babylonian & antichrist cults of men & devils back to Genesis 11 & 3.
    Mikovits & co may be like the first levels of Masonry & such Babylonian orders, & perfectly sincere in deception themselves: the deceiving & being deceived. Still, the ‘salvation’ and solution to this crisis is likely to involve this other branch of genetic technology corrupting God’s book of life yet further, leading people deeper in to corruption. A sort of bait and switch, and hair of the dog that bit you, as all idolatrous, manipulative & superstitious craft involves.
    Turns us all back to the word & eyes on Christ.

  • Raccon city comes to mind because of that animal, resident evil with all the zombies.

    I have played to much games when I was younger. But if they could animate a corpse they would.. count in it.

  • I would imagine they have the giants bones. (you know, the ones they deny being on earth that they and the Smithsonian have hid for so long). Count on it.

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