“Indiscriminate vaccination is a horrendous idea, it’s a horrendous bio-weapon that’s been thrust onto the public, and it’s gonna cause great personal harm, which it already has, thousands of people lost their lives. I’ve never lost a direct patient, but I’ve had my patients lose their family members, lots of them.”

In a recent interview, a highly accredited doctor is speaking out against the Covid-19 vaccines.

Dr. Peter McCollough has much notoriety and many “letters” next to his name:

  • Master of Public Health (MPH)
  • Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP)
  • Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FAAC)
  • The American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP)
  • Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAFA)
  • Fellow of the National Kidney Foundation (FNKF)
  • Fellow of the National Lipid Association (FNLA)
  • Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America (FCRSA)
  • Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine
  • Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist
  • President Cardiorenal Society of America
  • Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
  • Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine
  • Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology

Since February of 2020, when the Covid pandemonium really began to set in, McCollough has since been a leader in the medical responses for the crisis, and wrote “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection,” a piece that was published in the American Journal of Medicine (JAMA) and was eventually updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine – which study published the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatments of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.

On May 19th, 2021, John Leake sat down with an interview with Dr. McCollough to discuss the response to the crisis and the treatments for the virus, such as the four Covid vaccines in circulation.

In the beginning, in my clinical practice, I really didn’t have any viewpoint about prior viral pandemics, and some had mentioned prior influenza, pandemics… We go back to 1300s, there was plagues that occurred across Europe, but point in fact, we were largely and very quickly thrown into emergency mode, and so what happened was a whole series of communications within health systems that really dealt with protection of the doctors and nurses and Americans were introduced to a term called PPE or personal protective equipment, and most of our task force meetings and calls really didn’t have to do with sick patients, it had to do with protection of the health care workers and doctors, so I got a sense early on that fear, group fear was a major driver in behavioral response to the pandemic.

Dr. McCollough

In the early beginnings of the interview, the doctor explains from his perspective what sparked a lot of the chaos in early 2020. A part of the initial shockwave was when Chinese reports and papers were being rapidly pushed out to America and other parts of the world, but were never properly peer-reviewed – which according to McCollough, takes anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. So many of these early reports were being posted and published like an S.O.S warning, and, according to McCollough, the reports were harder to decipher due to the cultural structuring of the Chinese.

McCollough, who says he has probably published more material on Covid than anyone else in America, initially posted a peer-reviewed study noting the most important factors to note: hospitalization and death. However, it was not long after this study was published, the media plastered the “scoreboard” of the case and death data. McCollough said he questioned who they were able to obtain this data so quickly.

When I started to see that scoreboard come up on the major media channels where it listed positive cases and death, and all the Americans remember this, this was up there almost instantaneously, it came from Johns Hopkins, instantaneously, it was cases and deaths, and I kinda wondered, how did they get that information so quickly?

McCollough expressly urged the Trump Administration to sign an executive order to get a daily census on the deaths to determine who was actually dying as to decide where to better allocate resources. But instead, the people received test results.

And I screamed as loud as I could to the administration to say, Listen, get an executive order to get the US hospital census every day so we could see what was going on. It never happened. We got an executive order to get the positive test results to come in from all the major laboratories and through the hospital laboratories because all the tests for the virus were under the emergency use authorization, so it was linked to an executive order.

So the positive tests were just coming into the Johns Hopkins Center, so we knew who was test positive, there was no control over duplicates by the way, so if a patient had one or two or three tests, unless the system had a way of actually filtering out these duplicates, those piled on, and it really didn’t take into consideration who was sick and who wasn’t sick, so we just had test positive and then we had the deaths, which started to take on a cadence of trailing by about four weeks after the positive test cases, but that whole death ascertainment was a real mystery to Americans.

I said, Listen, there are two bad outcomes, hospitalization and death. I’m gonna put together a team of doctors and figure out how to stop these hospitalizations and death. I felt compelled as an academic leader in medicine, if no one in the White House can say that… No one in the White House task force could say that, if no one in the FDA could say that, or the NIH or the CDC, and Americans were pouring into hospitals and dying, no one could make that courageous statement. Uniquely and individually and alone I made that statement.

McCollough then goes on to explain some of his other papers that he published months later. He also went into the treatment options for Covid, such as hydroxychloroquine and many of the other known pharmaceuticals that were already in prior use for similar viruses and ailments – elaborating on some of the scrutiny behind that. He elaborated on a falsified paper published in the prestigious medical journal, the Lancet, that discouraged the use of hydroxychloroquine that led to the subsequent controversy in the media concerning this drug. The doctor goes onto correct many of the false assertions made against it, along with other known drugs, some of which of were used in tandem to treat the virus.

When McCollough’s dad came down with heavy symptoms, he explained what treatment he gave his dad.

My dad was treated with hydroxychloroquine, he was treated with azithromycin, he was treated with aspirin. We put him on Lovenox, it’s a blood thinner. The full nutraceutical bundle, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, quercetin, open the windows, get that virus aired out there. And he got really sick, as expected. He had dementia, his wishes were to not go to the hospital, not go on a mechanical ventilator, we treated him right there. It took 60 days and it was a long illness, but he survived.

Additionally, he noted after that explanation,

I have a Hippocratic Oath, and I have a fiduciary responsibility to my patients. And I refuse to let my patients die of this illness. And when I testified in the US Senate, I told the American people, I have always treated my high-risk patients, always. And at the end of my opening statement, I held up the protocol and I told the American people, I’m not asking for permission to do this, I’m not, but I’m asking for your help.

That’s a very, very important statement, because my patients were appropriately treated to the best of my ability, and we have 600,000 dead Americans that were not treated appropriately and not treated to the best of the ability of their doctors, and that will go down in historical shame for our country. I think it’s a travesty that we have 600,000 dead Americans, vast majority of them didn’t get an ounce of treatment.

In coordination with other doctors McCollough worked with, they determined that his treatments could easily reduce hospitalizations and deaths by 85%. He notes, examining what other doctors have been doing, specifically in South Africa, practically doing anything to treat the patient will still greatly reduce hospitalizations and deaths; versus the “do-nothing” approach that most healthcare workers and doctors were essentially ordered to do.

He also noted that many of these overarching medical groups in the government, such as the CDC, FDA, and NIH, along with the three main branches of government, would routinely tell the medical administrations (that eventually trickled down the “totem pole” of health institutions and hospitals) – would be told what not to do, but in many situations never explained what to do. And even after many institutions and facilities emailed for answers on what to do, they would never get a response.

He goes onto say this about the monoclonal antibodies, that has emergency use clearance, but the media has not updated anyone on it; additionally, that in general, there is a massive suppression on early treatment and information.

What about the monoclonal antibodies? We haven’t talked about these. These are high-tech, they’re produced by big pharma, it’s big money. It was all NIH-funded. They’re emergency use authorized by the US FDA.

How come America has no window to that? How come there’s no updates on how we’re doing with that? How come there’s no 1-800 numbers, how sick patients can’t find out where these antibodies are? So it is a global suppression of early treatment, whether they’re generic drugs or newly-approved drugs. There is a global suppression on early treatment.

Americans will know, they watch the TV every night. The initial dialogue was, “We’re scared. Wear a masks, go on lockdown, hand sanitizer. Okay.” Then there were some reports about terrible things going in the hospital. Then the reports later on were, “Wait for a vaccine.”

There were never regular reports or updates from any local or national TV source that gave regular updates. “This is what you should do when you get COVID-19 at home. Here are the drugs that work. Here are the protocols. Here are the hotlines, so you can get an antibody infusion, which is approved by the FDA. Here are the hotlines so you can get in research.”

Research is important. There’s still no hotline for Americans to get in COVID-19 research at a state or a Federal level. Stunning! There’s been no updates.

When I’ve dealt with multiple congressional and senate offices, I say, “Listen, weekly updates to the American people so they know what to do, so they’re not so in fear when they’re getting these results. Weekly updates through all public channels. Weekly updates on treatment, and then monthly updates to the guidelines.”

We have none of that. We are over a year of this and the Americans have been absolutely let down by the government agencies, by the media. The media, why wouldn’t it come in to any local broadcaster’s thought process to give their listeners an update on early treatment? It’s a stunning oblivion.

Dr. McCollough then turns his attention to the vaccines and the ad nauseating push for the vaccines, mentioning that months before the trials for the shots were completed, pharmacies were already announcing that they will be administering the Covid vaccine when it becomes available – which he says is illegal to do that regarding drugs and biological products.

So things started to go off the rails very early on, and it seems like there was a playbook. The playbook was to suppress any hope of treatment, a complete oblivion to treatment through all the entities that we’ve mentioned, and at the same time, prepare the population for mass vaccination. These two are very tightly linked. And now with mass vaccination, we have… We see things we have never seen. Advertising the vaccine before it’s even available. Massive messaging for the vaccine far out of proportion to treatment.

He questions, and encourages Americans to also ask, why is the media directing attention to the healthy and not to those that are sick.

Americans ought to be wondering, “Why is that happening? Why are we defocusing on the sick patient and focusing on well people? All the messaging about contagion control and vaccines are about well people. Why can we not focus on the sick COVID patient?” That was my message to the Department of Health and Human Services in Texas. 

He further explained that these vaccines were never once tested on pregnant women, but as soon as they were released, women who were child-bearing were urged to get the vaccine – which is very dangerous and never happens with any vaccine minus a few, McCollough emphatically explained.

Very important for Americans to know this. In pregnant women, for vaccination, we only vaccinate with safe, inactive products; inactive flu, tetanus, diptheria and pertussis. That’s it. We would never inject a biologically-active substance in a pregnant woman’s body, that could be dangerous. Never! And with the vaccines, as soon as they came out, the CDC, FDA, media, everybody said, “Vaccinate them. Vaccinate them.”

Furthermore, he explains that this vaccine push is the first ever in history: a vaccine that is being expressly urged with practically no data whatsoever.

We’ve had modern vaccines. Shingles vaccines, hepatitis B, meningococcal vaccines demand a minimum of two years of safety data, two years, by regulatory. In fact, these are kinda written and codified into the regulatory rules for the manufacturers. That was all thrown out and said, “Two months. For COVID, two months.” So two months of observational data.

And Americans ought, just like the Americans should have been getting weekly updates on treatment innovations, Americans should have been getting weekly updates on vaccine safety. Very important. Weekly updates from our Federal officials on safety. Super important.

Those two things are probably the two largest acts of malfeasance in all of medical regulatory history. It will go down in the history of malfeasance, wrongdoing by those of authority. How come there was no updates on treatment and no promotion of early treatment to reduce hospitalization and death?

And now, when we release the vaccine, why are there no safety updates? Why are there no attempts for risk mitigation in terms of making the vaccine program safer? How do we have all these vaccines? How do we know we can vaccinate pregnant women? We know because of years and years and years of safety data. Before a vaccine has ever been injected into a pregnant woman, it’s probably been tested for decades before we try it in a pregnant woman.

We would never, out-of-the-box, take a brand new technology that’s never been tested before, ever. And we know that the vaccine technology produces the dangerous spike protein. It produced the Wuhan spike protein, the spicule on the ball of the virus itself, which damages blood vessels and causes blood clotting, and all of them do. We would never unleash that into a pregnant woman’s body. Americans have to understand something is very wrong. What’s going on? What’s going on now in the world? These are examples, are clear-cut examples of wrongdoing that is at such a high level, the groupthink is in the wrong direction in such a consistent and overwhelming way that people are being harmed in an extraordinary fashion.

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Pregnant Wisconsin Doctor Has Miscarriage Three Days After Receiving Covid Vaccine

U.K. Miscarriages Rise 366% After Receiving Covid Vaccine

Going back to his published papers, he told Leake that he continually gets negative feedback from many other doctors and other institutions discouraging taking action and trying to treat patients, rather than just do the status-quo of doing nothing. The doctor even made a basic PowerPoint slide video and it was uploaded to YouTube. It went viral, until it was removed for “violating community guidelines.”

Later in the interview the doctor again discusses the suppression around treatments other than the vaccines, and just how severe the censorship is.

Mercola Force Retracts Covid Reports After Receiving Death Threats

There is a global suppression on any early treatment. I want the listeners to understand how global this is. If we were to go north into Canada, doctors are threatened that their licenses will be examined or taken away if they attempt to treat an outpatient with COVID-19. They are told this in Canada. In Northern EU, the same is true. Dr. Didier Raoult, who was trying to innovate with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in France.

[It’s] as if we’re back in the Dark Ages. In Australia, in April, they put on the books in Queensland, Australia, a doctor who tries to help a patient with hydroxychloroquine could be penalized up unto the point of going into jail for six months for helping. South Africa, they put some doctors in jail for trying to help patients with Ivermectin.

Listen, the powers that are out there that wanna suppress early treatment and cause as much fear, suffering, hospitalization and death are not by happenstance. These are powerful forces that have created such fear among doctors. People are fearful they’re gonna lose their careers, their livelihood, their medical license. People are afraid of going to jail in just helping their fellow men get through COVID-19. This is extraordinary. Historians should go look through the course of time.

The suppression of early treatment, and even probably the soft attenuation of in-hospital treatment, to make the problem worse than what it is, many methods to make the case count look higher than what it is, make the mortality numbers look worse than what they are, many methods to create the reaction out of proportion to the reality, so lockdowns, fears, economic suffering, what have you, all of these things making the pandemic way worse than what it is, okay, to have that occur, more fear, suffering, hospitalization and death, loneliness, lockdown, in order to promote mass vaccination.

He then turns attention back to the vaccination process, questioning the motion to vaccinate everyone at all costs.

Once the vaccines come out, they’re short-tracked, there’s all kinds of enthusiasm regarding it, needles and all the arms, trucks rolling, Americans cheering, and then the mass vaccination program starts off. And then before we know it, we’re vaccinating pregnant women. Why are we doing that? That can’t be safe.

Now we’re gonna vaccinate COVID-recovered patients. Wait a minute, they have complete and robust permanent immunity. No one’s ever challenged the immunity of a COVID-recovered patient. Why are we vaccinating them? And then it keeps going and going.

At first, we vaccinated high-risk people. I didn’t really understand vaccinating young healthcare workers because they weren’t at risk. There were never any hospital outbreaks in the United States. The only thing that was clear, nursing home workers gave it to nursing home patients. We knew that. So nursing home workers should have been vaccinated, and then may be high-risk people, and we should call it a day.

Dr. McCollough personally estimated that roughly 20 million people would needed to have been vaccinated. But he says it is evident that the pharmaceutical stakeholders are not interested in that.

I always estimated maybe 20 million people need to be vaccinated, but that didn’t seem to satisfy the vaccine stakeholders, which are Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, and any others that come forward, the CDC, the FDA, and the NIH and the White House. Massive vaccine stakeholders. You could throw in Gates Foundation, World Health Organization. You can throw those in as well. Massive stakeholders. And they wanted everybody to be vaccinated without exception.

No one will escape the needle. We’ve actually never had this before. And the vaccine process is extraordinary. There’s a consent form, it says, “This is investigational. We don’t know if it’s gonna work. There’s only two months of data. The side effects could be a sore arm all the way to death, and we don’t know. Sign here. We need your identifying information, we need a barcode on the vial, we need you identified, and now you’re in a database. You’re vaccinated.”

And so this mass vaccination is extraordinarily concerning. We never vaccinate into the middle of a pandemic, never. We’ve never had an effective vaccine for respiratory virus including influenza; it’s only modestly effective.

Next, he explains that the trials that were conducted showed the vaccines essentially ineffective based on the evidence.

And now, all my Lord, now the vaccine within a few months has been completely weaponized. Now travel is related to the vaccine. People can’t go to school without the vaccine. People are losing their jobs without the vaccine. Believe me, there is something very, very potent in this vaccine. It should be disturbing to everybody. The word “vaccine” ought to be the most disturbing word that they have seen.

Dr. McCollough then makes sure to explain to the reader that he is still very much pro-vaccine, but notes that vaccines that have resulted in just a couple dozen deaths causes the termination of that vaccine, such is the case with the vaccine for the Swine Flu in the 1970’s. In that time of the interview, the VAERS system in America recorded over 4,000 deaths.

Now we have 12-year-old children who are told they can decide on their own whether or not they could take a vaccine. So about 70% of my patients are vaccinated, I’m very pro-vaccine, I’ve taken all the vaccines myself about 70%, and they are all vaccinated in December, January, and February.

But as we sit here today in May, we have over 4,000 vaccine-related deaths, and over 10,000 hospitalizations. The limit to shut down a program is about 25 to 50 deaths. Swine flu in 1976, 25 deaths, they shut down the program, it’s not safe. All the vaccines in the United States per year, what AmbuLink has reported in the database is about 200. We’re talking about vaccinating, probably 500 million injections.

Here in the United States at 100 million people vaccinated, this is far and away the most lethal, toxic biologic agent ever injected into a human body in American history, and it’s going strong with no mention of safety by our officials, with wild enthusiasm by our hospitals and hospital administrators, with doctors supporting it. Doctors are saying now they won’t see patients in their waiting room without the vaccine.

I think it’s about what the vaccine means. And Whitney Webb [from Unlimited Hangout] gets credit for this back in April, she said, “A-ha, I figured this out. This is what globalists have been waiting for. They’ve been waiting for a way of marking people, that you getting a vaccine, you’re marked in a database, and this can be used for trade, for commerce, for behavior modification, all different purposes. And you’ve seen it right here in Dallas, they’ve announced you can’t go to a Dallas Mavericks game unless you’re vaccinated. You’ve had people say, “Listen, you have passports.”

You had colleges today announced that they’re not gonna give any credit to natural immunity. Every scientist in the world knows that the natural immunity is way better than the vaccine immunity. If it’s about COVID, why don’t we have COVID-recovered go to the Mavericks games? Why don’t we have COVID-recovered people freely go to college? Why do we have to have faulty vaccine immunity be the priority, and have natural immunity not count?

This is actually about marking. The vaccine is a way of marking people, it’s a way of starting to assert efforts to create compliance, behavior control. Don’t forget, the vaccine is just a starter. Now there’s gonna be updates, there’s gonna be boosters, they’re already prepping people for this, there’s gonna be more… The vaccine manufacturers are all linked, they’re all uniquely indemnified. What medical product is there indemnification, where something happens to you, you don’t have any recourse? A woman gets vaccinated, a pregnant woman, she has no maternal fetal rights, if something happens to her or her baby, she’s out of luck. This is extraordinary, what Americans are doing. It’s absolutely extraordinary what’s being thrust upon us now.

I think this whole pandemic from the beginning was about the vaccine. So I think all roads lead to the vaccine. And what it means… There are already places in Southeast Asia and Europe, they’re laying the groundwork for compulsory vaccination. I mean compulsory, that means somebody pins you down to the ground and puts a needle in you. That’s how bad stakeholders want vaccination. Listen, it’s not of cost, you don’t have to pay for it, it’s all provided. There are people or stakeholders, they do want a needle in every arm. This needle in every arm’s a very important moniker. Why? Why do you want a needle in arm… Let’s take COVID-recovered, can’t get the virus, can’t receive it, it has nothing new, why would they ever want a needle in the arm of a COVID-recovered patient? Why?

Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients Will Be Tracked With Precision Monitoring

The doctor elaborated on the conundrum most Americans are facing: the fear of keeping their jobs but with employers urging them to get the vaccines or just the potential for it. Or parents that had plans for their children to go to college, but now have those plans questioned due to most universities requiring vaccination just to attend.

See, the tension that Americans are feeling right now as they’re try and keep their jobs and go to work is they know they can die of the vaccine. That’s the problem. If the vaccine was like water and we just got it and no side effects, who wouldn’t take it? Say, “I’ll comply. They got my social security number anyway in a database. I’m already marked. I’ll just get marked.” But no, there’s something very unique about this vaccine. There’s something about injecting something into a body that is so important to stakeholders, that doesn’t matter.

Kids, 12 years old, told they can make their own decision on this, and it could be their fatal decision? Think about that. North Carolina just passed that. “Oh, kids, 12 years old, can decide on their own.” There are over 4000 dead Americans. There’s over 10,000 dead people in Europe that die on days one, two and three after the vaccine. Why are we pushing this in a way where people’s jobs and their education and their livelihood decide on a decision that’s potentially fatal?

The tension, you can cut it with a knife. There are parents that say, “Listen, I want my kid to go to college this year, but I don’t wanna lose them to the vaccine.” They know what’s going on. The internet is full of these cases, blood clots, strokes, immediate death.

To conclude the interview, after reviewing all the evidence, and having vaccinated many of his patients with the vaccine, he can no longer in good conscience recommend the vaccine, and goes so far as to say it is a bioweapon unleased upon the masses that will potentially create a “superbug” as a result.

Now, I’m fortunate, I have not directly lost a patient to the vaccine. I told you, most got vaccinated in January, December, January, February. Based on the safety data now, I can no longer recommend it. I can’t recommend it. It’s passed all the thresholds to being a safe product. It’s not a safe product, none of them are. It’s not just Johnson & Johnson, in fact, more of the safety events in the United States have occurred with Moderna and Pfizer.

There are now papers written by prominent scientists, calling for a worldwide halt in the program. There are prominent virologists, many of them, including Noble Prize winners, who have said, “Listen, if we’ve vaccinate people and we create a very narrow incomplete library of immunity, which what the vaccine is, the vaccines are all targeted to the original Wuhan spike protein, which is long gone, that’s extinct, patients are getting vaccinated to something that doesn’t even exist anymore.” That Wuhan spike protein is gone. We’re hoping the immunity covers the other variants, but that narrow immunity is a setup. It’s just like giving everybody a narrow spectrum antibiotic. If you did that, what would happen? We grow up super bugs.

There are warnings out there saying, “Don’t do this. Don’t vaccinate the entire world. All we’re gonna do is set ourselves up for a super bug that’s gonna really wipe out populations.”

So for many reasons, the vaccine… Indiscriminate vaccination is a horrendous idea, it’s a horrendous bio-weapon that’s been thrust onto the public, and it’s gonna cause great personal harm, which it already has, thousands of people lost their lives. I’ve never lost a direct patient, but I’ve had my patients lose their family members, lots of them. I’ve filled out a safety report on a patient who developed blood clots after one of the Pfizer, Moderna vaccine, and I’m telling you, it took half an hour to do it, there was many pages, and each page said, “Warning, federal offense punishable by severe fines and penalties” if I falsify the report. All those thousands of Americans that have died with the vaccine and hospitalizations in the database I think are real, and they are far beyond anything we’ve ever seen.

And as a doctor, and as a public citizen, I am extraordinarily concerned about the vaccine. The vaccine center right down the street here is empty. I drive past it every day. Americans know, they’re talking to each other, the vaccine is not safe, and now the effort is the vaccine stakeholders want kids without parental guidance, and now they wanna be in the church. Americans and people worldwide should be extraordinarily alarmed.

My personal situation, professional situation is a position of strength, and those who have attempted in any way to pressure, coerce, or threaten me with reprisal have paid an extraordinary price. And I think that’s an important message to get out there. There is a position of strength based on principles, of compassionate care, and of the Hippocratic Oath, and of the fiduciary relationship that a doctor has to a patient, and a prominent doctor has to a population that supersedes all of those other ill intents. And what I say is, bring them on.

You can watch the entirety of this interview in the video below, and/or read the transcript for it here:


[12] And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth: [13] And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die. [14] And it was revealed in mine ears by the LORD of hosts, Surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till ye die, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.

Isaiah 22:12-14
[32] If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die. [33] Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. [34] Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

1 Corinthians 15:32-34

I’ve been noticing something lately, and please let me know your thoughts in the comment section about this: every time I go to the store and you see these people that are not wearing masks, you can tell almost right away if they have been vaxxed just by discerning their age or body size, and so many of them carry this smug look on their faces of pomp – people who are proud to be “free” because they obeyed the TV screen and the government, and now they emanate this arrogance that they are immune. Maybe that is just me, but let me know if you are seeing a similar thing occur.

The reality of these so-called “vaccines” is that they are not vaccines, they are death shots. We have explained in other reports that if you take one of these experimental jabs, you have essentially guaranteed yourself death within the next few years. So yes, the assessment made by Dr. McCollough is correct: these jabs are bioweapons.

WARNING: Covid Vaccine Recipients Will Drop Dead Over The Next Several Years

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Why are they bioweapons? To cull off the population in what is essentially the first global eugenics experiment. Hitler had a term for those not adding to or benefitting the Reich in any fashion: “Useless Eaters.” In Hitler’s reality, these were people with chronic illnesses and mental handicaps. They were the first to go into the death camps. Now, think about this for a moment: Why has the media strongly emphasized that elderly must get the vaccine? Why has there been such immense pressure on those that are in the “higher risk” brackets that have chronic diseases and illnesses to get the vaccine? Why are the mentally and physically handicapped being forcibly vaxxed? They are trying to cull off the “useless eaters” first!

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So what we are seeing is what those two Bible passages above say. Right now is the “calm before the storm.” The masses are partying it up because of the vaccinations and the masks are coming off, and people have had enough of dirtbags like Fauci flapping his gums. So now the masses are partying it up. And then, I suspect, by the beginning of fall, the “cases” will rise again and the vaxxed will start to drop like flies.

I very well could be wrong, but I predict a true and bonafide “Dark Winter” this year. I have talked about this before on The WinePress for the potential of one this past winter, but that never truly materialized though Biden said it occasionally. But this time around, I think this winter we will see a real one. For those that do not know what a “dark winter” means: it means a total collapse of the government, economy, the grid goes down, the medical centers are inoperable, resulting in turf wars and fighting for survival in the midst of a pandemic. But those that are awake know it is not the “scary variants” causing the deaths: its the vaccines designed to kill people.

Leave your thoughts about this interview and Dr. McCollough in the comments below. There is plenty I could add, but I’d rather not be a broken record. Though, I will say, people are LEAVING the church buildings, not going to them – for the reason that these hirelings refuse to expose the vaccines and the Covid narrative.

The Mass Exodus From The Churches

‘Christianity Today’ Says “Vaccine Skeptics Need a Dose of Creation Theology”

Also, I will say this much as well, I do find it a bit odd that for all the “questioning” McCollough has had surrounding the Covid narrative, why would he think the vaccines would be “error-free?” Why administer a single one? Maybe I am looking too much into that but that just seems strange to me.

UPDATE: Why This High-Level Vaccine Developer Spoke Out About The Vaccines

[7] Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock? [8] Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also? [9] For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? [10] Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope. (1 Corinthians 9:7-10).

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  • Happens to me too brother, hard to know who to believe anymore… Seems fishy that he just now comes out, but could be? I don’t know.

    Also, remember kids, say no to drugs!… except those the government gives you! If you say no to those, you will get a spankety-spankety!

  • I know that something is fishy. I notice that when I work, my coworkers, including my process assistant are not wearing masks. About that statistic that the USA will see a 70% population decline, how the 70% decrease depends on many factors, including deaths, and migrations.
    Concerning the vaccine, Pfizer & Moderna just made plans, and/or filed for full FDA approval.

  • I just listened to an interview Del Bigtree did with libertarian Ron Paul, & the whole time I was wondering, ‘What’s the angle here?’ and noting what they were NOT saying. I know that men like Pastor Cooley of Old Paths Baptist & other free local churchmen & King James Bible believers have testified that when Paul ran for the presidency, there was a concerted bias & purposeful censoring of reporting the support he had, as well as no counting of his delegates. We know also that those philosophical libertarian types are the ‘stoick’ arm of the old stoick/epicurean elite dialectic. Of a truth, Christians fare better under their governance….but why would Paul not mention that or the interference in our elections? Most all of them are Masons &/or Augustinian, & we should never forget that the Jesuits formed as ‘conservatives’ to go against the ‘liberals’ which they defined as anti-popery & the old Romish European order….nor that their ‘mental assent’ and ‘becoming whatever is necessary to advance their cause’ deceits makes them subtle chameleons. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————- There is so much confusion, yet this encouragement to both ‘sides’ of this issue with the reporting on Fauci & resistance as you allude to, yet the vaccine & Great Reset people also claiming ‘victory’. It doesn’t make sense, & I don’t trust any of it. Given what we know of scriptural prophecy, & that Rick Warren, the CFR & Peter Drucker ‘unity’ crew were conditioning people to receive ‘communitarianism’, or a great advance by merging left & right amongst the new Evangelicals, finding common ground with Masonic-Jesuit Unitarianism & changeling Rome, aiding in the demonization, demoralization & marginalization of truly free & biblical Christian voices & embedding themselves in & steering by funding to take churches, ministries, schools & so forth to ‘transform’ them (2 Corinthians 11). ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– First it was any Bible & accepting psychology & that whole antichrist framework as ‘scientific’ while claiming to ‘stand against evolution’ & for ‘Christian values’, free markets (but meaning cronyism & corporatism) and all that countering to the original intent of separation of church & state ….and the work to redefine ‘America’s Christian History’….which guys like Chris Pinto are still doing, but subtly…and perhaps truly deceived ….teaching that ‘baptist’ American principles have failed, when truly they were subverted by the world and professing ‘Christendom’ both. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Then the mysticism experientialism & ‘supernatural’ emphasis hit, along with the ‘social justice’ move & antisemitism…and so much merging of what used to be opposites as they all found ‘common ground’: you might say common purpose & end to drive towards: unity, as evangelicalism & much that used to be biblical was politicized & the worst sin suddenly became being ‘divisssssssive’, as they hiss the word. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– I believe God is allowing this shaking & trying even as the worldly powers that be & cronies are gearing us through a great staged crisis of unnecessary suffering to remove America & the memory of what America once was due to the biblical literacy & remnant that fled here, God’s blessing & intervention with that unexpected Bill of Rights for the commoner & free biblical church championing, as well as the elites & nicolaitans…to remove what remains as a bulwork against the end they drive towards by a gradual dumbing down & demoralization capped off by a major demoralizing event (the covid & vaccine scandal with American enabling & orchestrating getting all the press) & the consolidation of a unity of the ‘free people of the world’ against Americans, the ‘American’ dollar (orchestrated by Rome, see Avro Manhattan), & ‘American’ corporatism (when it’s truly Babylonian & the spirit behind that old Prince of Tyre & Revelation 17-18 …and what will replace it will be more of the same, but without the hindering biblical literacy & Holy Spirit working through the body of Christ, he who now letteth). We’ve always rather assumed that the rapture would lead to America’s collapse & the Jews comfortable here being given reason to flee back to Israel, but there’s no biblical reason that I can think of why it couldn’t come first & our nation at large is following both the world’s Romans 1 pattern of decline, & Romish-Augustinian antisemitism is on the rise. Of course, religiously our nation is also following the pattern of the Jews which brought judgment (Romans 11 etc). Double whammy? America still existing, but just as one of the ten under Rome, & already gone before the rapture? Interesting numbers of choice and the nations gone out from Babel here: Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- As for the smugness, masks & vaccines, I really hadn’t noticed that here in Ohio so much. But then we live in a conservative cluster of counties & they’re not mandating either directly governmentally, but indirectly & by other. The pressure is coming from unions & employers upon employees to vaccinate, indirectly governmentally so that most don’t make the connection. The smugness I’m noting now in local businesses is more from masked people offended by all the freedom-minded & official-covid-story-agnostics those folks assume to just be ‘ignorant’ and ‘unloving’ and ‘unscientific’….a hindrance to their big dream & change involving technological and ‘scientific’ wonders & salvations. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– I’m interested in what others think, bolstering their opinions with scripture. I’m thinking that the Revelation 17 coalition will be ‘communitarian’, and that it will come of the ‘sides’ lining up in the Gog Magog alliances which are looking more and more to be the crisis & catalyst that will finish setting the stage for the Rome-Israel headed world alliance & final Antichrist ‘problem-solver’, ‘peacemaker’ and ‘savior’. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– The supernatural nature of the outcome of that war would cause a superstitious awe & presumption on the part of Laodicea and unbelieving, but superstitious & equally humanist & sodomite, Israel, coming out the victors, not to mention the watching world. (The upcoming alien disclosure & Vatican’s alien evangelism & so forth, might play into that. And the bravado & presumption of Israel covertly & militaristically is a bit like that of the 400 years of prophetic silence, the rejection of Christ & looking toward a more flattering, nationalist leader/messiah like bar Kokhba. ) They already have an alibi for where the remaining remnant of those ‘stubborn’, ‘divisive’, and ‘unloving’ went, or why they had to be suppressed, persecuted etc. prior to that. It may be so few are caught up, & that children are so rare post covid, or so totally State- and institutionally- permitted, conceived and raised, that it won’t be quite as traumatic & dramatic an event as we’ve been accustomed to thinking. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- The Three Abrahamic Religion thing, the Abraham Accord, has sort of helped to set precedents, & perhaps the final carrot for Israel dividing the land for gain will be the building of that Temple the Temple Faithful are ready for after wiping out the ‘fundamentalist’ Muslims leaving only the humanist & mystical merging types in that Gog Magog war, & blasphemously reestablishing the old sacrificial system & Law which our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ fulfilled. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Somehow this covid and Epstein-Maxwell blackmail, economic corporatism and Roman globalism, social justice & ‘liberation theology’ all interconnect. “Q” and such things part of the spin & distraction to keep folks from truth & Bible proving. Just some thoughts.

  • I agree with you on the suspicion of the doc even administering the vaccine. As I read the article and got to the part where he talked about administering the vaccine in Dec-Feb; I first tried to remember when the vaccines became available (to wonder how he had them so readily available to his office,) and then questioned why he would administer the vaccines so early, given his supposed concern with the whole narrative at that point and, not to mention, his education on how the vaccine process is supposed to happen (at least 2 years of testing – not 2 months.)

    As for the masks/not masks in public; I have never worn a mask, nor have any of my family members (except those that have to wear to work and they only wear at work – not in public – not even in the store where they work when they are off duty.) Anyway, in the beginning, I was always nervous that someone would shame me or insist that I wear a mask (although I cannot, due to PTSD.) I had a few instances from other shoppers but not employees, but nothing that I wasn’t able to “win.” Now that vaccinated people can go around without masks, I do not have that nervousness of being approached or shamed as before, since I feel that it is probably assumed that I don’t have a mask on because I was vaccinated (although nothing is further from the truth.) If questioned while we lived in Central Florida, I was prepared to say, “Isn’t it true that the CDC has said those that have been vaccinated do not have to wear a mask?” and, if they required proof, I would ask if they were referring to something like a “vaccine passport,” because Governor DeSantis has signed an Executive Order stating that there is a $5,000 fine for asking for one. We have recently moved to Alabama and the environment here is much more relaxed so I do not feel like the gestapo is going to question me about not wearing a mask. All that to say: if you were to see me in public now, the freedom I feel now might be mistaken for smugness. (And I haven’t noticed anyone that seems smug, although I think I can point out those with a vaccine and no masks, because they still seem to “run” away from others – making sure to keep that 6 foot difference (insert eye roll here.)

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