“Love is love is love, you see, And everyone should love proudly. And we’ll all go marching in the big parade!”

Several days before the official start of pride month, the popular children’s show on Nickelodeon “Blue’s Clues & Me” released a sing-along promoting a LGTBQIA+ Pride parade.

The sing-along is hosted by famous drag queen Nina West, from the hit show “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” who was reanimated for the show and sung an over three-minute long song celebrating a pride parade.

The song is a parody of “The Ants Go Marching.”

The video depicts animal-families in a parade representing some of the various classifications of the LGTBQIA+ community – featuring transgender beavers and non-binary dolphins.

This family has two mommies, They love each so proudly.

This family is has two daddies, They love each so proudly.

These babas are non-binary, They love each so proudly.

Trans members of this family, They love each so proudly.

Some people choose their family, They love each so proudly.

Ace, bi, and pan grown-ups you see, can love each other so proudly.

All families are made differently, They love each so proudly.

This house is a family of kings and queens, They love each so proudly.

Allies to the queer community, Can love their queer friends so proudly.

Love is love is love, you see, And everyone should love proudly.

And we’ll all go marching in the big parade!

Read some of the lyrics

On February 17th, 2021, The WinePress reported that “Blue’s Clues & You” also produced a sing-along teaching children the alphabet, associating each letter with a word associated to it. The letter ‘P’ stood for “Pride,” surrounded by the associated gay pride flags.

In June of 2020 Nickelodeon made headlines by posting on social media their support for the LGTBQIA+ community by tagging some gay characters from their shows – causing a ruckus when SpongeBob was one of the characters, leaving many to wonder if the network was signaling that the famous cartoon character is in fact homosexual.



[24] Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25] Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27] And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Romans 1:24-28

Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Jude 7
[1] Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! [2] It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Luke 17:1-2

I have warned in a few other reports this month that this year’s abominable pride month will be the biggest its ever been, with last year’s celebrations being completely stymied. And with mask and social distancing mandates coming to an end in most places, along with more people getting vaccinated, these celebrations will be the largest this country has ever seen.

Colleges Implement ‘Pride Week’ Ahead Of Official LGTBQ+ Pride Month

“Everyone Is Awesome:” LEGO Releases LGBTQIA+ Set Ahead Of Pride Month

Biden Administration Restores Health Protections For Transgenders

A Messed Up Toy Story: Mr. Potato Head Is Now Gender Neutral And Marries Other Mr’s

This will no doubtably bring swift judgment and vengeance on this once blessed nation. Many of these sodomites, the correct term for them, will be dropping dead in the months to follow because of their Covid death shots they received.

WARNING: Covid Vaccine Recipients Will Drop Dead Over The Next Several Years

Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

Proverbs 16:5

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  • Have to love the fist on the microphone, anyways, thanks for exposing these unfruitful works of darkness brother. This is absolutely repulsive.

  • Here’s some of my modified lyrics, ahem Maestro!
    *grabs microphone
    America is going straight to hell
    hurrah! Hurrah!
    America is going straight to hell
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    This wicked nation has gotten worse
    Inducing the L-G-B-T-Q curse
    And we’ll all preach at…the big parade!

    The sodomites they have no shame
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The sodomites they have no shame
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    They glory and cheer in their blatant pride
    Provoking God right in his sight
    And you better preach hard at…the sick parade!

    The sodomites are oh, so bad
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The sodomites are oh, so bad
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    They target children and abuse them
    They’re soon to be condemned and damned
    And we’ll all go shouting rebukes…at the parade!

    The church buildings are disgraceful
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    The church buildings are disgraceful
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    They’re silent while they play religion
    Or allow them in their congregation
    So you better vacate from…the church parade!

    There’s fire and brimstone coming down
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    There’s fire and brimstone coming down
    Hurrah! Hurrah!
    God destroyed them as an example
    The damage coming will be ample
    So you better flee from the sodomite parade!

    • I had forgotten all about that. That’s sickening. And it’s crazy to think that in 2016 the local news media was speaking about this like it was the crime of the century. Now if you speak a peep about it the Gestapo will come and “take you away.”

    • Here comes God’s Wrath! It’s degenerated into something far worse than an already abomination of sodomy: pedophilia.
      If (keyword is IF) California continues or wins a fight to legalize pedophilia, pray that disaster comes to californication and it will be five times worse than Katrina!
      (Five is the number of death.)

    • Nickelodeon in general gave me weird vibes. I used to watch Rugrats all the time but now I can’t stand it. Angelica that spoiled brat who manipulated her parents and there was even one episode where she sued her parents; yeah that’s not gonna influence a kid to do the same thing!
      Ren and Stimpy, very dark and edgy and gross too. Rocko’s Modern Life was eh. They think gross out humor is good for kids. Yeah, TV does rot your brain.
      Never a fan of Spongebob either.

      • SpongeBob has a LOT of hidden sexual themes in there. There are many examples I could cite, but they had one where SpongeBob, Patrick, and Mr. Krabs went on a “panty raid.” Or when Squidward joined a masonic lodge and everyone was dressed like a Pope in scarlet robes and fish-head hats.

        • I remember parts of the. Masonic lodge episode of Spongebob, that was chilling.
          Spongebob and Patrick are wearing fezzes and chanting and a new inductee is bitten on the head by a snake in a cage and then given a fez upon his initiation. That is a prelude to the mark of the beast!
          Downright creepy! Nickelodeon is just as Masonic and Illuminati as Disney is!

  • In terms of kids shows showing their support for sodomy; this is one of the more all-out, blatant ones that I’ve seen. They really didn’t hold much back on this one. Absolutely disgusting. I have no doubt in my mind that your right brother, that this “sodomy month” is going to be one of the worst ever.

  • Wow, I just don’t even know what to say anymore. After seeing this, it’s hard to believe things will get worse, but in reality, it’s going to get a lot worse.

  • This is disgusting and despicable. The corruption of the children of the world is truly sickening. I couldn’t even watch the Blue’s Clues video. God’s wrath will soon be unleashed on these perverts.

    • I am expecting and anticipating natural disasters this month of June. Perhaps something else like a shooting, but mostly I’m expecting hurricanes or heavy rains that cause damage. I’m not prophesying, just intuition, I guess.

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