“In the race to master and harness advanced technology, the Air Force is making strides within quantum research, bringing “Q-Day” to fruition sooner.”

Yesterday the United States Air Force posted a new video about their enhancements in quantum physics and technology, in order to compete and beat China in the technological race.

The narrator explains whoever can first truly harness this technology, they have essentially achieved military supremacy.

They are calling it “Q-Day.”

They tweeted,

In the race to master and harness advanced technology, the #AirForce is making strides within quantum research, bringing “Q-Day” to fruition sooner. @AFResearchLab is leading the way into the quantum frontier.

The video quotes a few different experts and engineers in this field.


Truthfully, under normal circumstances, I probably would not post this. However, (and regular WinePress readers already know where this was going with the title), the fact that the Air Force has titled their new initiative “Q-Day,” has the followers of Qanon (the “anons”) doing cartwheels and beaming with joy.

Perhaps maybe, just maybe, the “Q” is referring to “quantum.” But not in the minds of the Qanon followers. They are convinced this is a more overt “Q drop” (as they are called) to show that the so-called “white hats” in the military and shadow government are working towards a military takeover to restore patriotism, “drain the swamp,” and usher in prolonged peace and prosperity.

If you have no clue what I am talking about, I invite you to read our reports on Qanon to understand what in the world it is, as to not repeat myself.

Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon

Must Read: ‘Christian Nationalism’ Is Hindering Broad Vaccination

More Evidence That Qanon Is A Massive Psy-Op

Q Pusher Mike Lindell Guest On Jimmy Kimmel’s Late Night Show

Trump Says That Biden Is Run By A Secret Cabal

Qanon Spokesman Is A Trained Jesuit. Stop Believing The Nonsense

What is so crazy about Qanon is that its messengers will quite literally tell you it is a militarized psy-op, and the way they skirt around them getting their thousands of predictions wrong is because they say the military is just floating out propaganda to deceive the enemy – which is true in some cases. But that is just how complex Q really is, and why the Lord continues to judge and vex this nation, as the people (not just Qanon) know they are being lied to and they want MORE of it.

[7] Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die: [8] Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: [9] Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.

Proverbs 30:7-9
[3] And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD. [4] Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders. [5] And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity. [6] Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD. [7] Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, I will melt them, and try them; for how shall I do for the daughter of my people?

Jeremiah 9:3-7

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  • I have a bad feeling about the upcoming June UAP announcement they keep hinting about. That & something with quantum, 5g&6g etc would be a natural matches. The science is strange & they worked very hard to keep men like Dr. Gerardus Bouw marginalized who had the ability & prowess in mathematics to discuss geocentricity, quantum, the firmament etc demonstrating its compatibility with the Bible when men claiming ‘science’ disproves the Bible tended to use these things for their own antichrist apologetics. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— It was one of those strange things to me that a mathematician like Bouw would demonstrate both geocentricity and heliocentricity, as Einstein & all the advanced nineteenth century physicists were aware of, mathematically, matter of faith which one actually chosen, yet stand with the anti-gap young earthers. It seemed strange that he would choose to stand w/ geocentricity while denying the Genesis gap which position the modern creationist movement also misrepresents as something ‘new’ that was created to counter Darwin’s evolution when it was discussed & argued biblically from the earliest church, like the chiliast/premillennial anteNicene fathers they all like to deny. And the old angelology which they like to hang on the book of Enoch & kabalist crew, when the Bible plainly teaches Lucifer become Satan’s fall, & he sinful in the Garden, all biblical & not requiring the book of Enoch or any of the apocryphal stuff. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– They do the same thing ignoring the early ante-nicene chiliasts, & claiming premillennialism to be some new thing, and that it was based on Mary Margaret McDonald’s vision when she & the odd Pentecostal-mystical church she was part of was very Catholic in tenor, & taught the old Catholic Augustinian eschatology to boot. So easily disproven on their own writings, makes you wonder why they promote it to those who don’t know any better, & doubt that it’s an honest error since the error has been pointed out & debunked by so many, even personally. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— As strange as Ham & that whole crowd refusing to stand on the King James, debating Bill Nye ‘the science guy’ & looking a fool claiming a ‘stand on biblical authority’ when anyone watching was aware he doesn’t HAVE a sure Bible authority at all….& that his lack of citing that authority only underlined that fact : – (. And they’re supposed to be the ‘conservative’ & ‘biblical’ ones! More strange is how Danny Faulkner & the creationist astrophysicists stand with heliocentricity as though geocentricity wasn’t just as mathematically & observationally feasible, & Darwinian evolution wasn’t rooted in the same sun-god pagan Babylonian sin-accommodating, pride-sparing mythos of humanism. Why get so angry & not just admit that mathematically both work? —————————————————————————————————————————————————————– We know what it is spiritually & biblically, but in worldly terms & consequential outworkings I suspect it has something to do with Paperclip & the awe in which they hold the nazi Werner von Braun, though I don’t like to think that & can’t say for certain sure beyond the fact that it doesn’t make sense how they censor certain information rather than putting it all out there for men & women of faith, & truth-seekers to consider for themselves. Through various bios & testimonies, I’ve learned over the years that Dr. John Whitcomb was a graduate of Yale & worked with the state department during WWII. His family was prominent & highly displeased when he went with theology rather than diplomacy. He spoke of witnessing to Dr. Einstein with Campus Crusade for Christ, and noted sadly that despite Einstein’s brilliance he didn’t receive Christ. But he didn’t mention Einstein’s known propensity for the young co-ed’s, his publicly known ‘open’ marriage, or his correspondence with Aleister Crowley & the Huxley’s which led him to scuttle his first scientific paper in order to put the term relativity in there more prominently which thing they favored. It was nothing due to science or even his own inclination: anyone who’s read Einstein, the Deist, knows that he openly insisted & wrote that ‘God did not play dice with the universe’. Apparently, when push came to shove, though…the powers that be, or big donors, or whatever, still called the shots on those things, even for someone so famous as Einstein. Or maybe that’s why he was permitted to become famous? ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I believe that for whatever the real reason on the part of those actually in the know & steering, Peter Ruckman’s brilliance, and connections with White Sands & so forth, were part of the reason they worked so hard to rile the man, get at him through his wives etc….to marginalize him. Even David Cloud who did good work on the authority of the King James Bible & who is always so on about fighting fundamentalism & making allowances for imperfections of men still in corruptible flesh with that regard, insulted Dr. Ruckman & accused him of hindering acceptance of the King James & the work of other men to defend it. He didn’t give Mrs. Riplinger any slack for her work either. Such things always surprised me when I came across them. I have learned & am thankful for various teaching works faithfully put forth by all of them. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– For the one worlders, the Gospel is dangerous, the Gospel with a strong stand & the knowledge that science does not disprove the Bible, but quite the contrary, is doubly dangerous to the powers that be agenda. I just didn’t expect to find that in ‘Christian’ ranks in its more subtle forms. Look what they did to Hovind, how the social security & teacher union types in Christian schools & circles were the ones who most resented him, who complained to IRS & officials, & who turned their backs on him in his need, misrepresenting the issue really. Yet the big-house, big-name creationists were sent in to schmooze the son & turn the creation work from the King James to the ‘evangelical’ bigtent model in his father’s absence. The elder Hovind was moved so often that his own family rarely was in communication with him or even sure where he was, yet certain cultists were doing online phone interviews with the man & apparently had no trouble getting in communication with him. Something fishy with all of that. And, yes, he’s made some really unwise moves, but the female groupie thing is one of the oldest tools in the craft’s toolbox & the Lord alone knows what went along with his solitary confinement & ‘diesel therapy’, knowing the history of Rome & black ops, & now, with 2020 behind us. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– I do not believe that Ruckman’s son & grandsons’ deaths so shortly after his death were quite as they were officially reported either. Smelled way too much like what they did to former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer, & you don’t need the ‘Q’ crowd & their spin & damage control, controlled opposition, diversion or whatever it is to realize that really dark & evil, perverse things are going on with many elites in this world. America was never utterly free of such things, but the influence of the Bible was such here that there was a strong hindrance here & strong national revulsion of such things when Booth & the Salvation Army were fighting trafficking in England & Europe in the nineteenth century, & wicked Kinsey was mocking the British Evangelicals with his ‘love beyond Christian understanding’ as their covetousness overcame their faith & historical literacy with Gibbons even, & they risked their sons to his ‘academic expertise’. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Tragic, wicked things turn up when you study history without blinders & with both eyes wide open. It’s always a shock to learn who doesn’t want to know, or who can’t see the connection biblically while facing & sharing these things as the cruxes of choice & decision present themselves. Things bringing judgment on this world as God will bring all those things into the light, and destroy those destroying the earth. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I wonder, could we see a foreshadowing of the open spiritual warfare in the heavens before the time of Jacob’s trouble? or could this be a big fake to confuse & demoralize Bible believers, & premillennial rapture folks in particular? I don’t see a biblical reason why not, & Jesus did say men’s hearts would fail them for fear of what was coming on the earth. Though the context there (Luke 21) seems to be the war of Ezekiel 38&39; mid Revelation 6…the terrible shaking of the heavens & the earth. The rapture taking place just before? Yet we sure see the sides of that war being drawn up. Perhaps I’m missing something others can point me toward. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————- Regardless, I don’t fully trust any of what the people in power have to say about world events, has to be spun for plausible deniability & to set themselves up as the ‘good guys’. Not with this, or with many other things.

  • Then there are these odd things from DutchSinse the earthquake livestream guy, another plume & quake showing up at Pisgah crater in the Mojave….just like the one in 2011 denied by official state sources though using tools like google earth show it plain as day. Reminded me of these interconnected propaganda releases, ‘Q’ and the UAP…. and the article you had up on Revelation & Yellowstone etc. https://youtu.be/Bqr8A1w1V0M?list=UUHE92x768p8h-fMrqhsnE1Q

  • And age is showing itself: Dr. John Whitcomb was a Princeton graduate, Presbyterian & Calvinist school. Like W. Wilson. The Hodges stood against Darwinism, but caved on the King James under the influence of the German school. McCosh who assumed the college afterwards was a Scottish philosopher type who thought Darwinism would prove true, so there were two schools of thought there amongst the Presbyterians for a long time. Come to think of it, that might explain some of their insistence that the Scots brought in long ages via the Gap…they’re still wrong on that. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— My apologies, I should have doublechecked that, I was thinking the wrong president & Bush, but the roots of the problem are much older.

  • And, again : – (….First post, Kinsey should be Keynes. (same proclivities, but different academic specialties, times & location). Been busy with spring work outside, & I need to restrain myself from commenting when tired. Give the Lord the glory for recalling these things to mind as I’m laying down to rest or driving about…but not pushing it. Surely the flesh is corruptible.

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