This interdenominational and Charismatic pastor was arrested for holding services in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. But the conservative media won’t tell you that he breached his contracts with the government.

The following report is from Rebel News:

They hunted him down like he’s a terrorist.

Police cars swarmed him as he drove home from his church. They ordered him out of his car and made him kneel down on a busy highway.

Heavily-armed SWAT police arrested him. But he’s not a terrorist. He’s Artur Pawlowski, a Christian pastor. And he’s now in jail.

Watch this shocking police attack for yourself.

And hear a pre-recorded message from Pastor Artur too.

For more details on the arrest, click here.

Breach Of Contract

On the day of the arrest, the City of Calgary Newsroom posted an official statement on the arrest titled, “Calgary police make arrest in relation to AHS injunction:”

Earlier today, police arrested an organizer of a church service who was in violation of a new court order obtained by Alberta Health Services (AHS) in relation to mandatory compliance of public health orders for gatherings.

On Thursday, May 6, 2021, AHS obtained a Court of Queen’s Bench Order that applies to gatherings including protests, demonstrations and rallies. This order imposes new restrictions on organizers of protests and demonstrations requiring compliance with public health orders including masking, physical distancing and attendance limits.

Earlier this morning, CPS lawfully enforced this order by proactively serving an organizer of a church service with the court order in an effort to ensure that citizens attending the Saturday service were abiding by the current COVID-19 public health orders. The order was served prior to the church service, and CPS did not enter the church during the service.

The service organizer acknowledged the injunction, but chose to ignore requirements for social distancing, mask wearing and reduced capacity limits for attendees, and continued with the event.

As a result, Artur Pawlowski and Dawid Pawlowski have both been arrested and charged with organizing an illegal in-person gathering, including requesting, inciting or inviting others to attend an illegal public gathering, promoting and attending an illegal public gathering.

It is important to understand that law enforcement recognizes people’s desire to participate in faith-based gatherings as well as the right to protest. However, as we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic, we all must comply with public health orders in order to ensure everyone’s safety and wellbeing.

We continue to ask those who may be considering organizing or participating in any outdoor events to ensure they are familiar with public health order requirements and to do their part to prevent further spread of the virus.

Street Church’s Beliefs

Citing Acts 1:8 (not sure what version it is), the Street Church website’s statement of faith says this:

Street Church Ministries is a multi-denominational, multi-ethnical ministry of believers, who have been reborn in the spirit of the Lord, coming together to take part in the call of Acts 1:8. Our vision is to give everyone an opportunity to respond to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the full Gospel. We envision a Street Church in every city and town in Canada, and around the world.

Street Church Ministries is involved in evangelism every week in the city of Calgary where we go out by the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the full gospel, giving everyone the opportunity to respond to Jesus. We know that there is power in the simple message of the gospel.

On the same page, the church congregants,

We preach the gospel at the steps of City Hall.  During the years, God shifted our ministry from preaching just to the poor and the homeless, to preaching to politicians and business people, that leave and enter City Hall.

They also do plenty of charity work, as noted on several different pages on the website.

The church also has a large media presence:

Street Church regularly speaks on TV and Radio programs on different moral and social issues from God’s point of view, and has a regular broadcast on TV three times a week called Evangelism in Action airing Internationally on over 150 million satellite dishes.

Lastly, they also proclaim this:

God has proved yet again that He stands true to His word in Hebrews 13:8. He has not changed. He is the same God He was yesterday, the same God He’ll be tomorrow, and forever. The God and church of the book of Acts is the same today and He is calling His church into action, to go and be His witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).


[1] But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. [2] And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. [3] And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

2 Peter 2:1-3

This is one of those charismatic-kingdom builders, who, based on what I have read, are purposefully going out of their way to create riff-raff. You’ll see this with a lot of these kinds of church groups that put on this pious and sanctimonious attitude that they are so holy and righteous because they get “persecuted,” when in truth, they were asking for it. Maybe this is not the case here with this one, but I honestly think they are want to create controversy to get attention – to get more money to build their churches in every city, as they say.

Additionally, in terms of doctrine, they are all over the place. New versions aside, they are towing the line with all this charismatic and apostolic doctrine. Whenever you see people using doctrine from the early parts of Acts, then you can pretty much assume they are charismatic in nature. Their idea of “winning souls” is akin to that of Roman Catholic kingdom building.

As for the arrest, yes, it is absurd what the police did, as it was designed to make an example out of him and be a warning to all others to not do the same.

That being said, as the conservative-patriot outlets and other professing Christian outlets are screaming out on the rooftops right now, none of them want to talk about the official report the day of Pawlowski’s arrest. Based on what the report said, Pawlowski and his building broke the law because the church building is REGISTERED WITH THE GOVERNMENT. I do not know the Canadian legalities when it comes to government incorporation, but I know here in America with a government-registered church building – the head pastor legally becomes the CEO of the public service organization. This would explain why Pawlowski, and his brother, were the only ones arrested, assuming the Canadian laws are fairly similar.

If you are Canadian, please enlighten us on the legalities of that type of situation.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. [26] Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts. [27] If thou hast nothing to pay, why should he take away thy bed from under thee?

Proverbs 22:7, 26-27

He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.

Proverbs 11:15

It’s basic Bible and secular principle: if you sign a contract with someone, including the government, then you are obligated to fulfil that contract. And if the government says one of its assets needs to do something for whatever reason, they have every legal right to do what they wish because those individuals signed on the dotted line accepting the conditions. Period. Done. Over. Out.

Again, I am not defending the police’s aggression, but if they have someone who is legitimately breaking the law, and they have already dealt this man before, and he acknowledged his legal status, then the government has to get more aggressive. The police already tried to stop the services before, so a few weeks ago the police came in during a service, but the congregants weren’t having it; so, this is why the Police waited to nab him when he left so he would be isolated, because if the congregants got involved it would get messy very fast.

So DO NOT think that this man is somehow some “martyr” or being persecuted for righteousness sake.

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    • For sure. I am waiting to see if it amounts to anything even more, because, as we all know, tensions over there have been going on forever, so I do not necessarily want to “endlessly” report on every rocket that is launched over there, if you know what I mean.

      • This report is actually reassuring and comforting. A false teacher getting, for lack of better words, his just desserts. He can play martyr all he wants, he’s no martyr, he preaches the pentecostal charismatic cult garbage and is 501C3 or the Canadian equivalent of it, being part of the government to get tax free goodies and it’s all backfiring and boiling over on him.
        You Jacob, and other King James Bible believers are going to be safe.

  • He’s another charismatic hierling who is also yoked up with the government, he got what he asked for and deserved. False teacher and government elbow-rubber so don’t expect me to cry for him.
    He has a website where you can donate to his legal causes and lawyer funding, I’m not donating one cent, and I highly urge you and anyone, keep your money don’t donate a penny!

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