“Enough analysis of these human petri dishes. Everyone who wants a vaccine will soon have one, and proof should be required to work, play and travel.”

The following report is by Michael J. Stern from USA Today. USA Today notes that this is an opinion piece and does not necessarily reflect the site as a whole.

Has-been rock star Ted Nugent told the world last week that he has COVID-19.  Nugent’s announcement was an oddity because he previously called the viral pandemic a “leftist scam to destroy” Donald Trump. As I watched Nugent’s Facebook Live post, in which he repeatedly hocked up wads of phlegm and spit them to the ground, I got emotional when he described being so sick he thought he “was dying.” But when he trashed the COVID-19 vaccine and warned people against taking it, I realized that the emotion I was feeling was not empathy, it was anger.

For the better part of a year, as the coronavirus racked up hundreds of thousands of American deaths, the flickering light at the end of the tunnel was herd immunity — the antibody force shield that comes when enough people have survived the illness or have been vaccinated against it. “Go get vaccinated, America,” President Joe Biden said in his speech to a joint session of Congress, referring to the shot as “a dose of hope.” 

Friends Don’t Let Friends Spread COVID

Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease doctor, suggested in December that if 75% to 80% of the population got vaccinated, we could reach herd immunity by the end of summer. And with herd immunity, we’d return to a measure of “normalcy,” meaning indoor dining, movie theaters and hugs. 

But herd immunity is slipping away because a quarter of Americans are refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. “There is no eradication at this point, it’s off the table,” Dr. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, recently said. “We as a society have rejected” herd immunity. 

Hmm, no! “We” have not rejected anything. A quarter of the country is ruining it for all of us.

It’s not just wacky former rockers who have put herd immunity out of reach. It is white evangelicals (45% say they won’t get vaccinated). And it is Republicans (almost 50% are refusing the vaccine). In Texas, 61% of white Republicans say they are reluctant to get the vaccine or would refuse it. You can slap the euphemism “vaccine hesitancy” on the problem, but in the end the G.O.P., and the children of G.O.D., are perpetuating a virus that is sickening and killing people in droves.

Must Read: ‘Christian Nationalism’ Is Hindering Broad Vaccination

‘White Christian Nationalists’ Viewed As A National Security Threat

A big part of the problem stems from the cultish relationship many evangelicals and Republicans have with the former president. They absorbed his endless efforts to downplay the danger of the virus and turn public health precautions into a political freedom movement. But the time for analyzing why these human petri dishes have chosen to ignore the medical science that could save them, and us, is over. We need a different strategy. I propose shunning. 

Biden’s wildly successful vaccine rollout means that soon everyone who wants a vaccine will have one. When that happens, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, barbers, airlines and Ubers should require proof of vaccination before providing their services.

And it shouldn’t stop there. Businesses should make vaccination a requirement for employment. A COVID-19 outbreak can shut down a business and be financially devastating. And failure to enforce basic health and safety measures is not fair to employees who have to work in offices, factories and stores where close contact is required. Things should get personal, too: People should require friends to be vaccinated to attend the barbecues and birthday parties they host. Friends don’t let friends spread the coronavirus.

As I’m writing this I can almost see the Twitter rebuttals: “If people want to risk being microchipped by the deep state, they can protect themselves by getting a vaccine without making me do the same.” Nope. In its real life application, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are about 90% effective. Sure, that’s impressive, but if the roulette wheel makes you one of the unlucky 10%, it’s little consolation. 

There have already been several thousand documented “breakthrough” cases of COVID-19 infections in people who have been vaccinated. Some have died. And with coronavirus variants popping up across the globe, for which the vaccines are less effective, we should expect to see more infections in vaccinated people. 

Half-Witted Personal Autonomy

Unwilling to miss an opportunity to flout common sense, Republican leaders from Arkansas, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and others want to prevent businesses from requiring people to be vaccinated. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already issued an executive order that “prohibited businesses from requiring patrons or customers to provide any documentation certifying COVID- 19 vaccination.”

There are decades of state laws that require vaccination before children can attend schools. There are seat belt and helmet laws, no-texting-while-driving laws, and countless others that restrict individual freedoms to ensure safety for the public at large. Despite this, vaccine requirements designed to curb a global pandemic that has cost us nearly 575,000 American lives is the hill on which Republicans want to die. 

When states pass these laws, designed to tell private companies how to run their businesses, there should be immediate legal challenges. Surely, if a bakery can refuse to provide its services to a gay couple getting married, it can refuse to bake a cake for people who choose to place themselves, the bakery staff and its customers at risk of contracting a deadly illness.

As a country, America has become too tolerant of half-witted individual autonomy that ignores the existential needs of the vast majority of its citizens. While writing this column, I caught a TV promo for a new documentary in which Cher helped save an elephant. It made me think of her performance in “Moonstruck.” Vaccine hesitancy? We need Cher to slap us in the face and tell us to “snap out of it.”


Unfortunately for this guy, true Bible believers and that those that have not bought into the hysteria, were already way ahead of the game and doing plenty of shunning of our own.

But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

2 Timothy 2:16

This Michael fellow is the quintessential “libtard” spewing folly and foolishness. This man is scared of AIR. Think about that. Think about all these people we rub shoulders with at the stores, work, the park, etc. These people are petrified of something that has proven repeatedly to not even remotely close to being bad. Regular readers already know my stances on this whole sham; but even the inflated data were are given shows that Covid is not even close to being deadly unless you are elderly or have multiple pre-existing health conditions.

A Christian is commanded to shun this type of nonsense that USA Today is floating out there. And to be clear: this is not the “opinion” of Stern, this is precisely what USA Today and the rest of the mainstream media believes whole-heartedly.

[11] Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; [12] Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

1 Peter 2:11-12
[16] And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. [17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, [18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 6:16-18

The fact remains is that a Christian always has and always will be mocked, scorned, ridiculed, hated, despised, beaten, killed, and so on. That is Bible doctrine and Bible fact. So when the media advocates the shunning of those who want absolutely nothing to do with a vaccine – FINE: I didn’t want to be around his “kind” anyways.

To address a few other points in this article,

The same old right versus left paradigm was employed yet again. Even though Trump is directly involved with the creation of Operation Warp Speed and has cheerleaded for the vaccine for some time now, the media creates this narrative that he is not, and the people like Nugent play into the paradigm by spouting rhetoric of his own – that the virus was designed by Dems’ to solely get Trump out of office. I had have heard that line of reasoning from day one and it is asinine to say the least.

Secondly, this guy shoots himself in the foot a few times. He says Fauci says herd immunity is somewhere between 75%-80%, but a quarter is resisting the vaccine. Uh… a quarter is 25. So that means herd immunity will be met. We have even reported that Fauci has sighted numbers lower than this and has even publicly admitted to skewing the herd immunity numbers on purpose.

Fauci Receives Fake Covid Shot. Explains His Herd Immunity Estimates

Then this moron also says this:

In its real life application, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are about 90% effective. Sure, that’s impressive, but if the roulette wheel makes you one of the unlucky 10%, it’s little consolation. 

There have already been several thousand documented “breakthrough” cases of COVID-19 infections in people who have been vaccinated. Some have died. And with coronavirus variants popping up across the globe, for which the vaccines are less effective, we should expect to see more infections in vaccinated people. 

What an idiot. So we need to shun people who refuse to get a vaccine that is not a guaranteed solution to solve the virus, as there is area for failure, and the supposed variants are rendering the vaccine ineffective? So, what’s the point?? If anything, STERN is the “petri dish” because he is the one getting jabbed with all kinds of toxic chemicals for something that has essentially been deemed not effective enough.

Covid-19 Will Be Here ‘Forever’, Says Moderna’s CEO

Pfizer CEO Says A Third Shot Will Be Required In A Year

Lastly, this man is calling for violence and total censorship of all those that refuse a vaccine. Be forewarned: the media is going to have manufacture a new crisis or an extension to this current one to cause some serious violence against Christians. Be prepared and be vigilant.

[6] A fool’s lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes. [7] A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.

Proverbs 18:6-7
[10] But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, [11] Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. [12] Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. [13] But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

2 Timothy 3:10-13

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  • Hey at least he didn’t beat around the bush lol. At least he was honest and basically admitted that he worships Satan and wants all Christians to be shunned and drop dead…

    Also, I like how USA Today says that this opinion piece does not reflect the site as a whole, yet they post this article that advocates for VIOLENCE against Christians. If they really cared, why would they even post something like this even though its just someones opinion? They’re clearly in agreement with this maniac.

  • My so called family that I live with has turned on me. I am forced to get the vaccine like the rest of them or leave. I have chosen to leave and God has provided me with a family member that does not want the jab. The family I live with are so called christians (lukewarm of course) that will curse you out by the drop of a dime of you dont do things there way. I have been also scolded for living my life during the scamdemic by them like when I go to the park or beach or even get in a uber I am considered “dangerous” to my family members. I ask them “arent you safe since you have gotten the jab?” And they say no. (I think to myself then why did you get it? Didn’t the news deceive you enough to get the jab and tel you it was 90-95% effective?) The pastors are telling people to get the jab yet I have seen my own family members who have gotten it be more tired and more achey . When I leave I will be okay if they don’t want to see me again since I don’t have the jab. The people I grew up with are not my family anymore but God comforts and provides for me daily.

    • That is awful, but you do well in not compromising. One day all shall be revealed at the great day of the Lord, and those who followed unrighteousness and lies will be ashamed. May the Lord bless you and stay strong.

    • Wow, people have absolutely lost their minds. I am sorry to hear that about your family. My family is so disjointed I hardly speak to any of them, but many of them have bought into the vaccine rhetoric as well. Praise the Lord that he has provided and comforted you in these more than strange times!

  • To all those who say that their families have turn against them because you refuse the vaccine, you are not alone. I also will refuse the vaccine. I live with my Dad, Grandma, Uncle, Aunt, and baby cousin. All of them received at least the 1st dose of the vaccine, even though 2 are fully vaccinated. I know that most of my relatives, if not all (those who are 16+) received the 1st dose of the vaccine, or considering it. I am starting to see my family turn their backs on me slowly. Any who, I noticed that my work place just set up the vaccine distribution event for amazon employees (the distribution will take place May 4 to May 7).
    I am still going to take heed to what GOD says about the vaccine. I am willing to lose my job for righteousness sake, because greater is he that is in me.

  • : – ( . … First thought was similar about Stern etc….well, I’ve been shunning them & their ‘commentary’ & hypocritical bias since I’ve been saved anyways; and about the first time I shared the Gospel of salvation including the offense of the cross & why it’s necessary was when most began shunning me. As I didn’t utterly fall away as expected….and as many did, that led to more shunning. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— But it saddens me to hear the trials of those being pushed from their homes ….the love of many shall grow cold, and without natural affection, because I know it still hurts though Jesus is infinitely worth it. And of those facing joblessness, but I would add that there are a lot of jobs not being filled because of the unemployment extensions etc ….and that might be more easily remedied than we might think. Still no fun to deal with. Praying for you all, & would add that though some of the shaking that shook us from places the Lord didn’t want us to remain in was terribly uncomfortable & grievous: looking back it’s clear to see that staying wouldn’t have been wise & why the Lord allowed it. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Another thought was that Stern should be careful: he could end up like that rapper, or Hank Aaron or such. Never want a lost man to die in that condition, but it wouldn’t hurt for him to have a serious & chronic reaction, maybe paralysis like that young woman in PA & the one in TN, to give him something to think about: like his own mortality & need. Of course, it says he was involved in the ‘justice system’ in Detroit & LA, and he thinks Biden’s vaccine rollout is ‘wildly successful’ according to the article: is anyone really THAT stupid? Or just dishonest, part of the game, & not taking the shot, or faking it, like we’ve seen with others, like Pence, but doing what he’s paid & morally prostituted to do.

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