“As we come back together as a society, it’s nice to have to have a way to tell each other I’m safe and I’ve been vaccinated. You get the Immunaband, you upload your card, and it’s with you all the time if you want it. You just use the QR code.”

According to a recent Fox 29 Philadelphia report, a doctor has created a new wristband that stores an individual’s Covid vaccine records in a wristband.

It is called ImmunaBand, and it is designed to replace the Covid vaccination card that validates a person has been vaccinated.

Dr. Tashof Bernton, the inventor of the wristband with the help of his son, explains that a person simply goes to their website, uploads their vaccine card, and that’s it.

The wristband is made from ordinary rubber and has a thin piece of metal on top of it with a QR Code stamped on it, which can be scanned to show proof of vaccination.

The ImmunBand costs $19.99, and customers can get their name etched on the metal piece next to the QR Code, including which vaccine they received.

Everything is password protected.

As we come back together as a society, it’s nice to have to have a way to tell each other I’m safe and I’ve been vaccinated. You get the Immunaband, you upload your card, and it’s with you all the time if you want it. You just use the QR code.

Dr. Tashof Bernton

The media implies that this could become a new fashion trend.

For more information, watch the interview with the doctor and the Fox 29 News hosts:


[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

Gee-willikers, who could have guessed this was coming next? I am being sarcastic of course. WinePress readers already knew this was coming next.

When we first reported on the push propaganda from the media as the vaccination cards as being the “ticket to freedom,” I said this in response:

I can already imagine the sales pitch now: the media and the propaganda will be “‘Tired of losing or forgetting to bring your card with you? What a drag! But now you don’t need a card. Introducing the Mark (fill in the blank for whatever they’ll call it)! You can have it inserted in or upon your hand, or even your forehead, and you’ll never have to worry about losing it again!” -I’m being satirical of course.

Well, this wristband isn’t exactly that, but it is another slow and subtle step there.

Military Commander Issues Vaccination Wristband. Marines Reject Vaccine

This is reminiscent of that Covid propaganda film “Songbird,” where Covid evolves into Covid-23, and the only way to travel to and fro was you had to have a wristband as a sign you were vaccinated. If you were caught out and about without one, you were going to get arrested by the army that patrolled the street corners, or shot down like an animal. Definitely take a gander at it if you have not already. It would not surprise me if they try and pull this off in the future.

Predictive programming for the mark of the beast on a Netflix cartoon

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  • Man, things are moving so fast. We’re REALLY going into some perilous times now. It’s quite exciting though; because I know that yet a little while, and I’ll finally get to see my Lord and Saviour. But I still won’t stop trying to hinder this disgusting mystery of iniquity through prayer!

  • At least we’ll have an indicator of who is possibly shedding, so we can distance ourselves from them.

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