Yet another week of abysmal news; but you wouldn’t know its abysmal if you believe the mainstream media and “expert” economists.
The Labor Department released the jobless claims from last week and we are told that America has lost yet another 553,000 jobs. Just stop and think about that for a moment. To the naysayers and unenlightened, allow me to put a new perspective on this:
The University of Michigan’s football stadium, “The Big House,” is the largest college football stadium in the nation. They have seated over 115,000 fans for a few of their games. If you divide just this week’s jobless claims by a round number of 115,000, that would equate to almost FIVE stadiums (4.8 to be exact)!

Now that you have seen this picture, it puts things is perspective now doesn’t?
But the mainstream media wants you to think that what you are looking at is a sign of progress and recovery.
Here is what an AP report said:
The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits dropped by 13,000 last week to 553,000, the lowest level since the pandemic hit last March and another sign the economy is recovering from the coronavirus recession.
You have got to be kidding me? -But they aren’t, and they want you to lower your guard to think 553,000 is good news. Nonsense.
Shadow Stats, which provides far more accurate numbers, says the real unemployment rate is 25.7% when all of the necessary data is factored in.
Continue to prepare accordingly.
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Lots of canned food is my strategy thus far. and buckets of rice