“It’s as bad as I’ve ever seen in my 17 years in New York. [I blame] government assistance where people would rather stay home and pocket their cash.” -New York restaurant owner.

The following report is from the Orlando Sentinel:

A Florida McDonald’s that’s paying applicants $50 just to interview for a job is still having trouble staffing up, according to a news report.

Blake Casper, who owns 60 McDonald’s in the Tampa area, blames unemployment benefits for softening the motivation to work at low-paying jobs, Business Insider reported last week.

Casper said even with the $50 incentive, it’s been a challenge finding applicants to help keep the busy drive-through flowing.

He said that next, he may have to raise the hourly pay from $12 to $13.

Across the country, businesses are having trouble filling jobs, which in turn hurts their ability to keep up with demand for their products or services.

Besides unemployment benefits, other business owners say other factors hurting hiring are potential employees’ fears of catching COVID-19, or parents needing to stay home to care for and home-school their kids.

A Census survey taken in late March shows that 6.3 million unemployed Americans didn’t seek work because they had to care for a child, and 4.1 million said they feared contracting or spreading the virus.

Dangling Even More Carrots

It’s not just that one Florida McDonalds handing out free money: other restaurants are being forced to hand out free money and more incentives just for applicants to show up for the interview or to stay on board for a certain length of time.

The Galley and Mary Margaret’s Olde Irish Tavern, both full-service eateries in St. Petersburg, Florida, are forced to dangle some low-hanging fruit too. As of March 25th, new hires are granted a $200 check. Employees could also earn a raise after a 90-day progress evaluation.

He has been running the ad in a local trade publication for over a month and it is has failed.

It’s been a month and no one has responded to the ad.

Pete Boland. Managing partner told the New York Post

Stephen Starr, a New York restaurant owner who operates Buddakan, Pastis and Morimoto, has resorted to handing out $300 to staff.

In a separate report by the Post, another New York restaurant owner had this to say concerning the lack of workers:

It’s as bad as I’ve ever seen in my 17 years in New York. [I blame] government assistance where people would rather stay home and pocket their cash.

Bernard Collin, a partner in the Upper East Side’s Orsay, La Goulue and Bar Italia.

Jimmy Haber, owner of BLT Restaurants, says the jobs market is so bad he is hesitant to rollout any new business plan. Haber has locations in NYC, Miami, and other cities, and is strongly considering “sign-on bonuses” Between 30 to 90 days after hiring, and the bonuses would go from anywhere between $500-$2,000, depending on the position.

But we can’t find any suitable candidates to offer the bonuses to.

Jimmy Haber

An anonymous McDonald’s franchisee told the Post he is offering $200 bonuses for employees that stay with the company for more than 90 days. He also said he knows other operators are offering $100 bonuses to entice new employees.

Our staffing levels have not really changed from a few months ago, but the demand (from customers) has gone up dramatically,” the operator said. “Stimulus + tax refunds + pent up demand + extended unemployment has given the food industry and enormous boost all at once.

The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

Proverbs 21:25

The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

Proverbs 20:4

It was only a few days ago The WinePress cited a report from the Trends Journal that reported over 40% of businesses cannot fill their open positions. This is further proof of that.

In that report someone made a great comment to consider as well concerning all these vacancies:

… Many of us who lost our travel and leisure careers due to shut downs have been destroyed financially already because the benefits are only 30-50% of what we were earning before as gig workers, the people they hate the most. It does work in the reverse too. They thought of everything. That income differential can burn through a savings account and credit limits in a year, since the losses are in the tens of thousands. This demoralizes a person and makes job hunting a torture. Try going from $400. – $800. an hour for fun, creative project work to $18. an hour to be Target slave cashier and see how excited you are to go to work. Working for the oligarchs who destroyed you to begin with is the fast track to a mental break down. In addition, going back to work but being forced to mask all day due to Orders and also be exposed to the idiots getting vaccinated and shedding dangerous diseases all over us, whlie we work for lower wages than the benefits is understandable: Why risk your good health and accept a poverty wage when they will just close it down again in the Fall again? Toronto is not going to be an exception, it will be the rule. These lockdowns will become permanent. Then Smart Cities and re-education centers for the vaccine refusers. Only then will people really understand what The New Normal really means, it means the 4th Reich New World Order totalitarian regime. We are already in it. There is no way out using their fiat criminal money or using their “Black’s Law”…so until we figure that out, Covid Checkmate. They got us didn’t they? Christ is the only way out. Prayer is the only real currency to bank on. Never forget that. It’s a rare person who can get their mind around what is happening, because a full Satanic takeover of humanity has never happened before now.

This reader is totally correct as what this person said would explain some of the vacancies. I know personally where I live, pretty much all the for hire signs I see are outside a big corporation grocery store or franchise restaurant.

With all that being said, as mentioned in our initial report about this and further vindicated by the evidence from this current report, even small and private-owned businesses are struggling to entice workers. You know it’s bad when you have to give people raises and benefits for just staying with the company for a short amount of time. Or when eateries have to cut checks for sluggards just to get out of bed to come to the interview – which does not even mean that person will get the job! But that is how subpar and pathetic the quality of work is now.

This is yet another way small businesses will be completely culled off. Actually LOSING money because they cannot meet the demand and are having to pay low-quality workers just to roll out of bed. But that is what happens when the government pays for basic living expenses and numerous moratoriums on everything.

New Proposed Rule Will Allow Reprieval On Foreclosures Until 2022

The creation of the slave society is continually being ushered in; and, just like that one WinePress reader alluded to, corroborating with our other reports, the smart cities will be designed for these types of people. “You’ll own nothing and be happy.

Say Hello To 10G: “The Network Of The Future”

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  • The thing is, I am not the LEAST BIT afraid of this Baloney Virus and I would LOVE to work and help someone locally fill a job they need filled! The thing is, I DO NOT want to wear a mask! If there were a workaround on that, I would be absolutely DELIGHTED TO work, as I have a short list of things I’d like to get, mainly a more permanent housing situation, and a job WOULD help me there!

  • this is the only way i can get a message to you i guess–Grider is posting that the resurrected Judas is going to be the false prophet, i dont think this is Biblical…..i also tried to contact Bryan D. and ask him about this and dont know how to contact….can you and him address this please? Grider posted a photo of a naked Jesus forgiving a dead Judas

    • I read his post about that. From what I read, unless he changed it, said that the devil spirit that was Judas will be the antichrist, the man of sin. I actually agree with that.
      John 17:12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.
      2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2 Thessalonians 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
      Revelation 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
      Judas is A devil (John 6:66-70). So when the body of Christ is removed and the man of sin appears, that man will be possesses with that devil spirit.

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