Recently conservative-patriot advocate and persona Steven Crowder, from his popular podcast “Louder With Crowder,” associated with Glenn Beck’s The Blaze, posted a tweet about the 2nd amendment and background checks.
I support background checks. Good thing they already exist! Requiring an I.D. to vote is no more a violation of your rights than it is to purchase a firearm. Common ground? #ShallNotBeInfringed
Steven Crowder
Crowder’s tweet was well received by getting thousands of likes. However, some are also critical of his tweet.
NOTE: At the time of this posting Crowder’s tweet has received over 12,000 likes, almost 2,000 retweets.
Here are some of people’s thoughts to his tweet:
Background checks are an infringement.
So you’d also support the vax “passport” then.
why is it ok to verify ID to get a Covid shot but not to vote?
Agree 100%!
Each and every one of our most cherished rights has limitations to one degree or another.
We require training and a license to drive. G’luck arguing that’s okay but background checks aren’t.
And keep them MAGA tears flowing, Cold Feet Crowder! Salty and delicious af.
An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
Proverbs 11:9
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Second Amendment
Crowder is a hypocrite. What part of “shall not be infringed” is so hard to understand? You see, this is the type of media propaganda that can be found all throughout the Republican-conservative-patriot movements and thinktanks. Crowder, who works with Glenn Beck (the trained Catholic-Jesuit turned “Mormon”) is very “radical” in his approach with many of the things that he says – that you would think it would get him banned, censored, and ‘canceled’ on social media as some many others have. I see Crowder is yet another plant in the media opposition The WinePress has been documenting.
This is the type of brainwashing and the psychological manipulation that media does so often. As Crowder tells you “#ShallNotBeInfringed,” he advocates for an infringement to your amendment rights! People like him are trying to get the masses on the right to very subtly accept more infringement of their rights without cognitively realizing it. So “infringement” really means “more background checks.”
I used to be an advocate for tougher background checks when I was younger. I was very much in favor of own guns and the right to bear arms, but myself and so many others had become conditioned to think that more red tape and “safety” is a good thing.
The immediate counter-argument and “gaslighting” is to say “Oh, so you want criminals more and easier access to guns? What’s wrong with you?!” -NO, I do NOT want more criminals to have access to firearms, but as a bit of newsflash and food for thought: do you think a legitimate criminal is going to sit around and wait for a background check? I know this argument is a bit of a cliché, but it is very true and relevant – look at the cities that have tighter gun laws or are “gun free zones.” These places are the ones that have the most gun crimes of them all. True criminals don’t care about the laws: they’ll do what they want. And taking away or infringing on guns changes nothing. In Britain, stabbings were a real problem so the government banned knives. Then the criminals turned to hammers. Those got banned. Now Britain and Europe are having a problem with people throwing cups full of acid into other neighbor’s faces, causing lifetime facial distortion and damage. The criminals will do wickedly no matter what, is the moral of the story here.
On top of all that, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is just as guilty as Crowder advocating for these background checks. In a video produced by High Impact Flix (GasMonkey Videos), he documents that the vice-president of the NRA boasting of implementing these background checks on several occasions.
The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.
Pat Miller, Willfully Ignorant
That is all this is as with other obstructions to our true freedoms: willful ignorance among the people that passively accept more rights being taken away. This is why The WinePress exposes this right-left paradigm, the Hegelian Dialectic, because this is how more freedoms and liberties are stripped clean in broad daylight and only the miniscule few that notice or care won’t be enough to matter. Nevertheless, I still keep fighting and try to strengthen what remains (Revelation 3:1-6).
Additionally, what some of the responders said in his Twitter thread is exactly correct. The same logic that is behind the Covid passports that the media from both sides are pushing is present here as well. We recently noted that ZeroHedge is now pushing the vaccination cards as a ticket to freedom, and Republican Senator Rand Paul on Fox News might as well be a spokesman for one of these vaccine companies.
Ammo Shortages
It has been well documented since late last year and going into 2021, that the United States is dealing with an ammunition shortage that is forecast to be around for the remainder of the year, and subsequent years to follow.
American Rifleman reports,
We currently have over a year’s worth of orders for ammunition in excess of $1 billion. This is unprecedented for our company. With demand far outstripping supply and inventory levels in the channel at all-time lows, we see strong demand continuing…
According to data from the NSSF, there are 6.2 million new shooters in 2020. This rate is more than twice the number of new shooters in the former surge. Anecdotally, there is no shortage of reports of sold out shooting ranges and backlogged firearm safety classes around the country.
[The broader demographic of enthusiasts] has led to an increase in participation as they learn and enjoy their new purchases. Data from the NSSF indicates these shooters are more diverse, with large increases in both women and people of color entering the sport.We have cleaned inventory in all retail and wholesale locations. Despite us producing flat out for 6 months, there is no buildup of inventory at any of our customers. In fact, every one of them would like significantly more. Simply put, consumer demand continues to outpace our ability to supply.
Christopher Metz. CEO and Director of Vista Outdoor
In the days leading up to Christmas of last year, Jason Vanderbrink, president of the ammunition manufacturing companies Federal, CCI, Speer, and Remington, made a statement on YouTube getting right to the point addressing the hate mail his companies have received, reports 1945.
I’m tired of the hate mail. I’m tired of people showing up at our factories.
We are making ammunition every minute of every day! We are making all of the ammunition as fast as we can! We are doing our damndest to meet the demand!
We know, ammo seems hard to come by right now. But rest assured, we are building and shipping more and more every day—right here in the USA.
Pew Pew Tactical reports that popular pistol calibers are running on short supply.
Unless demand falls rapidly, we don’t envision a scenario where supply catches up before summer 2021, at the earliest.
Jake Felde. CEO of Lucky Gunner
On top of a shortage of ammo, there are also supply shortages of critical components such as primers.
That shortage is sidelining a lot of smaller boutique manufacturers. They may have projectiles, brass, and powder on hand but no primers.
That creates a situation where they can’t produce any cartridges, and their machines sit idle while demand for ammo rages on, creating frustration for everybody involved.
Jake Felde

As more inflation racks America, and more regulation piled on by our useless government, the more prices will continue to skyrocket as demand continues to rise to new heights.
I would recommend buying up on ammo if you have the means to do so. Even if supply chains finally start to level out, demand will still be high as inflation goes higher.
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