“We need to take the vaccine.”

The following report is Yahoo News:

Addressing hesitancy among Republicans to get vaccinated for COVID-19, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urged members of the GOP on Monday to inoculate themselves to help end the pandemic.

I saw on some program last week that Republican men, curiously enough, might be reluctant to take the vaccine. I’m a Republican man and I want to say to everyone, we need to take this vaccine.

McConnell told reporters during a press briefing outside a health care clinic in Kentucky.

PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll conducted last month found that 49 percent of Republican men don’t plan to get vaccinated for COVID-19, compared to just 6 percent of male Democrats.

Similarly, a Yahoo News/YouGov poll found that 50% of unvaccinated people who voted for former President Donald Trump’s reelection said they will “never” get vaccinated.

These reservations need to be put aside. Because the only way I think we finally get to put this pandemic in the rearview mirror is with herd immunity.

So we got a ways to go.

Health experts say that in order to achieve herd immunity, 75-to-80% of the population needs to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18.5% have been fully vaccinated in the United States.

In McConnell’s home state of Kentucky, that number is about 30%.


I could care less what quadruple-chin McConnell has to say. He is just another bought and paid for politician that has been living off the American taxpayer for many years.

So many reports from the mainstream keep coming pouring in that many conservatives want nothing to do with the vaccine, so now all of these lying politicians and news outlets are shifting attention towards Republicans to get them vaccinated. We have noted that Trump wants Americans to take the vaccine and senator Rand Paul might as well be a salesman for these vaccines. And just today we noted the even the independent conservative outlet ZeroHedge is promoting the vaccine card as a “ticket to freedom.”

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

Proverbs 29:2

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