A new campaign has been launched by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) to promote the health and safety of business, schools, banks, sports arenas, churches, and many other establishments.
The IWBI has developed a system to deem and label those they feel are going above and beyond the mandated protocols for Covid-19 – things such as face masking and social distancing.
If the established building or business has met their criteria, that business can register to have a sticker or ‘seal’ sent to them to display outside the building. The WELL Health Safety Seal represents that the building is verified and safe for health and well-being.
A commercial was released over two months ago with many celebrities from different avenues such as movies, music, sports, and others – endorsing this new initiative, such as Jennifer Lopez, Michael B. Jordan, Robert DeNiro, Lady Gaga, Venus Williams, Deepak Chopra, Wolfgang Puck, and even the 17th Surgeon General Richard Carmona.
This advertisement briefly explains what the seal represents.
Refinery 29 notes the fine print of the final frames of the commercial:
The WELL Health-Safety Seal is awarded after an annual review of a building’s written policies and protocols. Achievement of the WELL Health-Safety Rating does not guarantee that a space is safe or free from pathogens.
The WELL Safety website explains more about this initiative.
Here is some of what they say:
We spend 90% > 90% of our time inside buildings.
Staying safe indoors means more than masking up & social distancing.
It means…
Air Quality: *Improved air flow and ventilation are key to fighting airborne illnesses — like the cold, the seasonal flu and COVID-19.
Hand Hygeine: *Proper hand hygiene can help reduce the incidence of disease.
Surface Spread: *Research suggests that the COVID-19 virus can remain airborne for up to three hours and on some surfaces for up to 72 hours.
Cleaner Clearners: *Low-hazard cleaning products and practices can reduce impacts to our health and well-being.
Preventions & Preparedness: *Robust emergency preparedness and response can help to slow the spread of infectious disease and save lives.
That’s the deal with the seal.
It showcases brands that are doing more to put your health and safety front and center.
BusinessWire notes that this movement was actually launched last year in 2020, but the organization states that this was already years in development, and was released to meet the moment when the pandemonium began.
While the WELL Health-Safety Rating was a response to this moment in time, it was developed to address broader health and safety-related issues well into the future.
We collaborated with our global community to create something that’s flexible for all building types and organizational priorities. This consistency across market sectors means people will see the seal at their favorite restaurants, stadiums and hotels, and at their office, childcare center or college campus and know it stands for the same thing in every location, that science-based strategies have been implemented and safety has been prioritized.
Rachel Hodgdon. President and CEO of the International WELL Building Institute
Additionally, WELL Certified, further explains what the initiative is all about, explaining how hundreds of people that have been involved in working for the Covid Task Force, to help us feel safer wherever we go.
A rating to meet the moment.
Informed by the WELL Building Standard and more than 600 experts from the Task Force on COVID-19, the WELL Health-Safety Rating for Facility Operations and Management helps buildings and organizations address the health, safety and well-being of their most valuable asset—people.
A visible indication of confidence and trust, the WELL Health-Safety seal communicates to everyone entering a space that evidence-based measures have been adopted and third-party verified.
In other words, the WELL seal outside means you can feel safer inside.
The seal, however, is more than just a simple window sticker. The seal has a built-in QR Code that can be scanned via a smart device.
Visitors can easily scan the QR code and gain insight into how your health and safety efforts are third-party verified by the Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI).

Attached with the seal comes a rating of just how safe the building really is, based on over 20 “features.” Only 15 need to be met, which include, according to their website:
- Cleaning and Sanitization Procedures
- Emergency Preparedness Programs
- Health Service Resources
- Air and Water Quality Management
- Stakeholder Engagement and Communication
Additionally they explain where these standards originate from:
The strategies within the WELL Health-Safety Rating have been informed by existing features within the WELL Building Standard, IWBI’s Task Force on COVID-19 and guidance by the World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), global disease control and prevention centers and emergency management agencies, as well as recognized standard-making bodies such as ASTM International and ASHRAE, and leading academic and research institutions. Industry experts and researchers across the WELL Concept Advisories, the WELL Research Advisory, the WELL Advisory for Sports and Entertainment Venues, the WELL Advisory for Hotels and Resorts and the WELL Airport Advisory also provided extensive insights for the WELL Health-Safety Rating.
On top of all that, WELL Safety expands its use of the seal for not just restaurants, businesses, and stadiums, but also churches and other establishments that have a lot of commons-areas.
The impact of COVID-19 in relation to the places where we live, work, learn and play is unprecedented: offices, restaurants, stores, venues, schools, industrial facilities, residential common areas, places of worship and space types of all kinds have been closed across the world, in some cases for months. As these spaces and places begin to re-open, people across the world are wondering whether it is safe to return. Organizations seeking to navigate the impacts of COVID-19 are faced with important decisions about when and how to restore their operations, how to support the safety of occupants and employees, and how to prepare for the inevitable changes to their facilities over the coming months. The WELL Health-Safety Rating is designed to help guide organizations to evidence-based best practices for operating through this crisis, as well as for long-term preparedness on other critical health and safety issues.
The site also provides a booklet explaining all of the criteria’s in detail.
A WinePress contributor sent an article about this and thought it was very strange and could develop into something sinister. At first I thought it was some dorky sticker, but after doing more research into it and seeing who is involved, and who they want to give it to, I agree completely this has the potential to become far bigger than it is right now.
It is also interesting that they say this was already in development and was then “coincidentally” launched when the Covid pandemonium struck. The way I see it, this was planned far in advance, especially seeing all the groups involved.
In my video titled “The New Nazi Youth,” I showed some footage from my old high school, and they made a big stink out of installing new filtration systems. This is what this seal initiative repeatedly emphasizes.
This is a bit of a hypothetical, as I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, but through bureaucratic bungling, federal and state laws could implement this for all establishments to “help” them reopen. WinePress readers know the numbers floated out by the mainstream are bogus: more and more people are resisting the vaccine. Many businesses do not care if you wear a mask or are vaccinated.
All of that to say, if the government wanted to pinch small businesses some more, they could require mandatory inspections and force them to get the seal or run the risk of the government forcing their doors to close. Or potentially make them pay a fine or additional taxes; or the inverse of that.
I thought it was quite intriguing that one of their criteriums is “Stakeholder Engagement and Communication.” As we have explained in some of our reports explaining the World Economic Forum and their “Great Reset,” they talk about what they call “stakeholder capitalism” – which is to be the “new normal.” As they explain it, it is literally the blending of public and private sectors of government and business. In other words, fascism.
Fascism should more appropriately called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.
Benito Mussolini
And not just the control of small businesses and venues, they include churches. As I have covered before, these church buildings, predominantly, are government-controlled and owned. So if this is accepted by the government, they could leverage churches to obey these new “health standards” in order to remain operational and “preach the gospel.”
This is something I think we should keep an eye on and see what becomes of it. Is this just a farce? Will it remain optional? Could the government adopt this? Is this just the forerunner for something ever more stricter? Please leave your thoughts below.
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Here is something: An 8 year old boy received the vaccine. Here is this article: https://nypost.com/2021/04/02/8-year-old-accidentally-receives-covid-19-vaccine/
We are soon approaching to a point that soon, school kids would be receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. You should check out what Pfizer did. The vaccine madness will only get worse. In New York, almost 1 in every 5 New Yorkers are fully vaccinated. When they reach a certain number, they will then begin to test their systems. This will lead to forced mass vaccinations.
Re “Well Health Safety Seal”:
Go to:
I can envision a day not too far off when one of the criteria for a ‘safe’ environment is it being an emotional safe space for people of every sexual inclination, then teaching from Romans will cause an establishment to be labeled unsafe. Another place will only be labeled ‘safe’ if it has the prescribed ratio of ethnic groups and fines will accrue until said ratio has been achieved.
Just another attempt to force the agenda that the deceived believe will bring about their earthly utopia. Unfortunately for them that utopia is always just out of reach and tyranny shows up instead. Only Jesus Christ will be bringing that peace on earth and I sincerely hope many will figure that out before it is too late.