The prize is $500,000 to who can create a more effective mask.

As more states around the United States are lifting lockdowns and masking restrictions, and more Americans are getting a Covid vaccine, the Biden Administration has begun a competition as to who can create a more effective face mask.

The prize money is $500,000 to whomever can improve the current design of the standard face masks “for general public use.”

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Wednesday the contest stating they,

launched an innovation challenge competition, encouraging American inventors to aid the nation’s COVID-19 response by designing effective, comfortable face masks for personal use that resolve the common concerns people have about wearing masks [such as] fogged glasses [and] difficulty speaking through face coverings.

According to a report by The Blaze, Submissions for the contest are due by April 21, and up to 10 winners will be eligible to receive $10,000 prizes in the first phase. Up to “5 winners will be selected to split a total $400,000 prize purse” in the second phase.’

The Daily Mail had this to say,

The CDC along with other health experts and organizations claim that total vaccination will end the need for face coverings and social distancing used over the last year to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

It’s unclear why Biden is looking to improve masks if they will likely no longer be needed once Americans are vaccinated and the administration’s goal of a return ‘normalcy’ remains July 4, 2021.

The head of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, recently was interviewed by Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, where Walensky had this to say:

We are oh-so-very close. The president announced today 90% of Americans will be eligible for a vaccine by April 19th, and 90% of Americans will be within five miles of a vaccination site by April 19th. Extraordinary measures to get to where we need to be, so we’re just asking people to wear masks for just a bit longer.

Additionally, she said “we know the masks work.”


More boondoggling nonsense as usual. More confusions and strife and usual. Same old song and dance. The head of the CDC, the one who did some crisis acting the other day crying about “impending doom” and how she is “scared,” says the masks are effective and work. Biden has said the same thing, as has Fauci, formerly Redfield at the CDC, and so many others in the media – who have also pushed double-masking. But now the government wants to reward more money it doesn’t have to make a better mask. Based on their logic, that is like saying making a better mousetrap or better wheel.

The WinePress has reported on a handful of some absurd masks already in use or currently in development.

Face Mask Zombies!!!

Razer’s New Ridiculous Hi-Tech Mask

Biden Administration To Deliver 25M Masks To Health Centers

Ridiculous Mask Designed For Babies

CDC Recommends Wearing Hosiery Along With Face Mask

Some Dentists May Require Patients To Wear This Mask

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  • I’m not wearing a mask regardless it is a waste o 500,000 grand how bout we award the 500,000 grand to the first person who comes up with a creative idea on how to get our country back this nonsense has gone on long enough

  • I’m not wearing a mask regardless it is a waste o 500,000 grand how bout we award the 500,000 grand to the first person who comes up with a creative idea on how to get our country back this nonsense has gone on long enough

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