This report validates many of the points we have made about the deception in the media, Qanon, and these church organizations.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Pay close attention to how this report is worded. Be sure to read my commentary at the end for a further breakdown.

The following report is from The Conversation, written by Monique Deal Barlow of Georgia State University. This is her first report for the website. It was shared by Yahoo.

While the majority of Americans either intend to get the COVID-19 vaccine or have already received their shots, getting white evangelicals to vaccination sites may prove more of a challenge – especially those who identify as Christian nationalists.

A Pew Research Center survey conducted in February found white evangelicals to be the religious group least likely to say they’d be vaccinated against the coronavirus. Nearly half (45%) said they would not get the COVID-19 shot, compared with 30% of the general population.

Some evangelicals have even linked coronavirus vaccinations to the “mark of the beast” – a symbol of submission to the Antichrist found in biblical prophecies, Revelation 13:18.

As a scholar of religion and society, I know that this skepticism among evangelicals has a background. Suspicion from religious conservatives regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is built on the back of their growing distrust of science, medicine and the global elite.

‘Anti-Mask, Anti-Social Distance, Anti-Vaccine’

Vaccine hesitancy is not restricted to immunization over COVID-19. In 2017, the Pew Research Center found that more than 20% of white evangelicals – more than any other group – believed that “parents should be able to decide not to vaccinate their children, even if that may create health risks for other children and adults.”

Meanwhile, there are concerns that many white evangelicals are becoming more radical. Faith is not in itself an indication of extremism, but the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 showed that there is a problem when it comes to some evangelicals also holding extreme beliefs. White evangelicalism, in particular, has been susceptible to Christian nationalism – the belief that the U.S. is a Christian nation that should serve the interests of white Americans.

Those who identify as Christian nationalists believe they are God’s chosen people and will be protected from any illness or disease.

This proves problematic when it comes to vaccinations. A study earlier this year found Christian nationalists were far more likely to abstain from taking the COVID-19 vaccine. It builds on research that found Christian nationalism was a leading predictor of ignoring precautionary behaviors regarding coronavirus.

Christian nationalists tend to place vaccinations within a worldview that generally distrusts science and scientists as a threat to the moral order. This was seen in the response of many on the religious right to guidance on masks and social distancing as well as, now, vaccines.

And in some cases it was driven by church leaders in the wider conservative evangelical community. For example, Tony Spell, a minister at the Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, defied authorities in holding mass church gatherings even after the state deemed them illegal. He has also rejected warnings that the pandemic is dangerous, stating, “We’re anti-mask, anti-social distancing, and anti-vaccine.”

He believes the vaccine is politically motivated and has used his pulpit to discourage church members from taking the vaccine.

This anti-vaccine attitude fits with the anti-government libertarianism that predominates among Christian nationalists. Many within the movement place this belief in freedom from government action within a traditional religious framework.

They feel that COVID-19 is God’s divinely ordained message telling the world to change. If the government tells them to go against that idea and vaccinate, many of them they feel they are either going against God’s will or that the government is violating their religious freedom.

Such a view was also seen before the vaccination rollout. White evangelicals were the least likely religious group to support mandated closures of businesses, for example.

Countering Misinformation

The problem isn’t just that Christian nationalist beliefs will be a considerable barrier to herd immunity. To dispel myths about the COVID-19 vaccination among conservative religious communities, church leaders need to be enlisted to communicate facts about the vaccine to their parishioners – who may trust church leaders more than scientists and the government.

For vaccination rates to be increased, messages must come from trusted people in the community. The opinion of a government official will in many instances matter far less to a Christian nationalist than advice from a church leader.

As such, I argue, faith leaders can guide their followers and use their pulpits to encourage parishioners that the vaccine is safe and in line with religious doctrines.

To enable this, church leaders need to both understand and communicate to parishioners the origins of the vaccine. Many evangelicals are under the mistaken impression that vaccines were developed using fresh fetal tissue and are immensely troubled by that fact.
In reality, none of the vaccinations for COVID-19 available in the U.S. was manufactured using new fetal stem cells, but the Johnson & Johnson one was developed using lab-created stem cell lines derived from a decades-old aborted fetus. Many evangelical churches have determined that it is ethical for anti-abortion Christians to take the other vaccines when there are no other options for the preservation of life.

Some within the wider evangelical movement have begun sounding the alarm over the influence of radicalized Christian nationalism.

After the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, a coalition of evangelical leaders published an open letter warning:

We recognize that evangelicalism, and white evangelicalism in particular, has been susceptible to the heresy of Christian nationalism because of a long history of faith leaders accommodating white supremacy.

And many high-profile evangelical leaders acknowledge that they can maintain their personal and biblical integrity while also supporting scientific breakthroughs by connecting what they see as the wonders of God’s universe to science.

For example, Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health and a devoted evangelical Christian, has said:

The church, in this time of confusion, ought to be a beacon, a light on the hill, an entity that believes in truth.

This is a great moment for the church to say, no matter how well intentioned someone’s opinions may be, if they’re not based upon the fact, the church should not endorse them.

NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, a devout Christian, has urged faith leaders to get behind the vaccine program. Alex Wong/Getty Images


For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

There is a lot to unpack here, so stay with me. Allow me to get some of the “smaller” points out of the way and clear up some misnomers.

Firstly, this nonsense that is being spread by these “Christians” that the Covid-19 vaccine is the mark of the beast is malarkey. There is zero evidence to support that claim. The antichrist, false prophet, and the dragon are not here. All the nations are not one. Everyone is not mandated and forced to take this mark of the beast vaccine. And on and on. So, please do not listen to anyone that is pushing that fallacy. Those people are looking for views and attention which has caused their followers to get superstitious.

Secondly, for this author to say that the “White Evangelicals” are hindering herd immunity is also nonsense and a fabrication. We have noted various reports from the media including the likes of Fauci who has said herd immunity is anywhere from 70%-85%. We have noted Fauci’s hypocrisy and admission that he purposefully skewed herd immunity numbers based on vaccine acceptance. We noted in a separate report as well, citing the Trends Journal, that the Trump administration signed in more federal spending for propaganda purposes to convince the masses the vaccines are safe and trustworthy. In that report, they too cited evidence from the Pew Research Center showing that a solid 20% were absolutely not interested in the vaccine. This conveniently fits with the herd immunity numbers we are told we have to achieve. As Barlow points out, that number has risen to 30%. So how you can single out almost half of “White Evangelicals” as the cause of not reaching herd immunity? What about the other half of Evangelicals? Or professing Evangelicals as a whole including all kindreds? Or the rest of the varying denominations? Do you get my point? 45% of White Evangelicals steadfast in not getting the vaccine is only a much smaller percentage of the entire 30% that is not interested in getting the vaccine. And, that 30% still loosely fits with the determined herd immunity numbers Fauci and others have stated. So, what she is saying is very dishonest.

But that dishonesty has a purpose. This is a total propaganda piece which is why mainstream media like Yahoo picked it up, which I’ll explain more here in a moment.

Thirdly, Barlow is far from some sort of an expert on the Bible – not even close, I can tell you that right now. She is yet another product of these propaganda and brainwashing mills called ‘university.’ College degrees to “study” the Bible (correct it to suit your personal needs and gains) are totally useless. But her degree isn’t even an actual degree directly relating to any kind of biblical study. Here are her self-described views on “Research Areas:”

My areas of interest are the politics of identity, intersectionality of religion and politics, and civil rights for marginalized populations. Currently, I am researching the impact biblical literalism has on women’s political participation. I would argue that biblical literalism is associated with lower levels of gender consciousness and these reductions in religious and gender identities account for lower political participation among women. The findings might provide insight into the ways identities intersect with political mobilization among women and how these influence political behavior. The findings might also have implications for those in the conservative party who wish to increase female participation in American politics, as well as for religious organizations who wish to increase its parishioners’ turnout in the voting booth.

The fourth point, piggy-backing off of the mark of the beast rhetoric, there are a lot of people that are purposefully misinformed on what the vaccines are and are not. I am NOT defending the vaccines and what is in them, but we have to get the facts straight. No, there is not a chip in them, but we have documented quotes straight from Moderna’s own website that their vaccine does in fact reprogram DNA, with their experimental ingredient mRNA. Additionally, the ingredient lists we have been provided by the vaccine companies and health organizations do not list aborted tissues used in these vaccines (but they are certainly in many others); but the Vatican has officially stated in their papal interdicts that it is permissible to make an exception to their doctrines on abortions for the use of vaccines.

But here is the main takeaway from all of this: they are using this propaganda to usher in more censorship, oppression, tyranny, and persecution.

Notice how this author compartmentalizes White Evangelicals/White Nationalists in their own separate category different and distinct from the secularist view of Christianity as a whole – of all denominations and sects. She refers to Francis Collins as being one of the figureheads to speak out against these “conspiracists.” Collins is being portrayed as if he is some great voice of reason and speaks for “true Christianity.” Hence, why Barlow referred to him as a “devout Christian” and just ‘a’ Christian.

However, by looking deeper into Collins’ beliefs and affiliations (beyond him being the head of the NIH), here is what a Wikipedia summary says about him:

Collins also has written a number of books on science, medicine, and religion, including the New York Times bestseller, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. After leaving the directorship of NHGRI and before becoming director of the NIH, he founded and served as president of The BioLogos Foundation, which promotes discourse on the relationship between science and religion and advocates the perspective that belief in Christianity can be reconciled with acceptance of evolution and science, especially through the idea that the Creator brought about his plan through the processes of evolution. In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Collins to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

So not only does Collins reject the Bible’s clear teachings on creation and teaches a false science – a fairy tale for grown-ups known as the Darwinian Theory of Evolution that is in blatant contradiction to the scriptures and so easily disproven by actual and testable – Collins is also a Papal shill and puppet!

Trump, Fauci, and Collins discussing the vaccine creation and rollout in the summer of last year

This report is why The WinePress has taken the time to breakdown and reprove Qanon. We have shown that Qanon is a psychological operation to control the masses who buy into that movement, that Trump and “white hats” in the government and military are fighting to restore the constitutional republic: hence, “drain the swamp.” Q is designed to give its acolytes a false sense of reality that the further depreciation of rights and liberty being stolen in broad daylight is actually a good thing.

Alongside that, we have commented on this reoccurring issue of “voter fraud,” and how one of the dissenting voices pushing this, who is also a mouthpiece for Q and Trump, is Mike Lindell the CEO of MyPillow. We made an important connection with him, and that is, he is a prominent figure for these “evangelicals:” more specifically the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). We deemed Lindell the “fall guy” to be used and labeled as a “crazy” in the media, to which the Charismatics and Evangelical that support Lindell and Trump, will blindly defend Lindell for suffering “persecution” for boldly “standing for the truth.” By doing this it neutralizes its followers and keeps them comatose into thinking they are fighting “Satan’s spiritual wickedness” but unknowingly advancing Satan’s plans.

This is how Q is designed to work. The more the media attacks it, the more validity it gives to those that follow it. The end result is more censorship, persecution, draconian tyranny, and confusion, and disillusion to the actual truth.

But as we noted with Q and the NAR (which is key to understand), both groups have been designed to loosely compliment one another. Q says the white hats in government are trying to takeover and remove the “deep state” and the good guys will prevail. When this happens and is accomplished, a thousand years of peace will be ushered in. The NAR, as explained in other reports about Q, believe that we as Christians have to takeover the media, governments, religion, education, art, business, and the family. When this is completed by the church’s doing, the church brings in a thousand years of peace ruled by Jesus.

This is one of their charts. Normally the mandate is displayed with mountains and Isaiah 2:2 is used as the cherry-picked verse to justify the “mountains”


The NAR has a whole panel of whom they deem prophets, and yes, apostles too – that speak for God and are moved by their “Holy Ghost.” There are many people that can be identified as a part of this movement, faaarr too many to list; but liars such as the prosperity gospel preachers (Kenneth Copeland, Paula White (Trump’s Spiritual Advisor), Jesse Duplantis, John Hagee, Jim Bakker, and so many more) are notable. Then we have the other major influencers and preachers, “apostles,” and “prophets” (C. Peter Wagner, Bill Johnson, Chuck Pierce, Todd Bentley, Heidi Baker, Steve Cioccolanti, Michael Brown, Sid Roth, Todd White, Jim Garlow, Brian Simmons, Rick Joyner, John Crowder, Che Ahn, Lou Engle, and so many more).

These people, like all true Charismatic-Pentecostal-Apostolics, believe that the Jewish sign gifts are still available today. In other words, they believe that they can still lay hands on the sick and heal them and speak in tongues (which means different KNOWN languages, not unintelligible gibberish, which the context of Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 14 makes very clear). These gifts are gone. They are designed for the Jewish people to see and believe (1 Corinthians 1:22). Because the Jews rejected Jesus Christ on a national scale, the gospel by faith was then presented to the Gentiles. The signs eventually started to fade out and by the time the apostle Paul wrote the books of 1 and 2 Timothy (before his martyrdom), he could no longer heal and recommended herbal remedies for healing (1 Timothy 5:23, 2 Timothy 4:20).

The point of me explaining all of this is to further illustrate why Barlow said what she said in her propaganda piece. She is referring to these types of people that have a strong following and support groups among this sect. These charismatics are, to put it bluntly, very simple-minded can be told anything as long it stays within the confines of their mind-controlled thinktank. They are unknowingly lumping themselves up with Q and many of the right-wing outlets that are subtly pushing it as well. This is why Trump had to control and pander to the “Christians” much more than most Presidents so the deception could be sold.

The “Qanon Shaman,” as the media has deemed him – when interviewed in prison as to why he did what he did, one of the things he said was he was doing that for God. So because of this statement, the media went crazy to report this. Additionally, all of them it seemed with one accord mentioned that the shaman wanted “organic” foods while in prison. If the media really wants to pursue this, they can use that statement from him to make all those that want cleaner and healthier foods as “crazies” who are “harming society with their misinformation.”

More Evidence That Qanon Is A Massive Psy-Op

UPDATE: Why This High-Level Vaccine Developer Spoke Out About The Vaccines

But as I have stated, all of this will result in more censorship and actual persecution. When liars like Francis Collins are labeled as a real “Christian,” those that are skeptical about vaccines, the media, government, you name it – whether you are an “evangelical” or Q pusher or not, you WILL be thrown into that group.

Do you see how the game is played? Hopefully I explained how this works.

Thanks to the WinePress contributor who sent us this report because it validates so much of what we have repeatedly emphasized and proven.

To do a bit of self-promotion here, what other Christian outlets dare to speak on these issues and make these kinds of connections? We are doing the best we can with the real gifts that God has given us (not these fake ones from the Charismatic fakes like Copeland, White, Bentley, etc.) to expose the wickedness and deceit of this world, to keep you aware of what is coming and how to prepare; but to also have freedom in knowing the truth.

[31] Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; [32] And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. [33] They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? [34] Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. [35] And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. [36] If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

John 8:31-36

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  • Spot on. Another term for the ‘fall guy’ demonizing, marginalizing & herding technique is ‘controlled opposition’. Very Jesuitical. That ‘Qanon Shaman’ wasn’t trusted by many because of his connections with Oregon ‘greens’ and suspected FBI informant, handled status. Always makes me think of Colossians 2, & verse 8 in particular….and Alex Jones, Steven Andersnake, etc. Also Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8, and the bar-Jesus (antichrist type) sorcerer in Acts 13….co-relating to Revelation 13, & probably much more if an indepth study were done. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–I really wanted to believe that Trump might be a Cyrus type & man of good will despite his obvious lack of salvation, but Cyrus never pretended to be a Jew, & I am no longer hindered by even the vaguest of such hopes now. (Needless to say, I won’t be wasting more precious life following his ‘social media’.) The so-called ‘Christian Right’ was a disastrous error from the get-go. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————-Historically, even Emperor Julian the Apostate who gave tolerance to the Donatists & Bible believers, restoring rights & justice which the Augustinian Constantinian mess and Jewish militance against Christ & the faith had stolen & infringed upon, was better than that sort of subtle papist pretense, & the most subtle Jesuit syncretistic sort that merges the two in the corporatism of MYSTERY, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————–As I review the whole history, unhindered by Augustinian and ‘common ground’ fundamentalist/evangelical/ecumenical interpretation, and read the last recorded words of that pagan emperor (so far as we can trust THAT…though sometimes the enemy witness, as the Inquisitors describing the doctrinal honestly & without realizing they expose their own selves as the ‘heretics’ and ‘apostates’ in doing so!) ….”So, thou hast won, O thou Galilean”, I find myself wondering whether that man, and not the pseudo-pragmatic political convert, Constantine, were actually the true Christian in the end! Heaven is going to be something as these things are revealed. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————I would say that Barlow is a sorted, initiated & promoted social justice mystic & gnostic of the old Babylonian craft of Man & devils, with Eve and Jezebel demonstrating why women are often so involved & so good at influencing, twisting the help-meet role & order, defiling the image of Christ and his Body in those things. Rome’s unnatural 1 Timothy 4 order perverted so much, going with the pagan monasticism and asceticism. In time it devolves into sadism & masochism, ritual abuse, etc. Psych-craft. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Our responsibility and position is high in the family & churches, Romans 1 and all the pertinent passages taken into account, & regardless of what the vain, proud and deceived feminists have to say about it. ……………Not to mention that ‘nice’ witch at Endor who was so concerned for Saul’s welfare, yet so deceived by the ‘gods’ she ‘saw’ & did not prove by scripture. So like a good many involved in social work, psychology and ‘helps’ ministries today, even calling themselves ‘Christian’. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Ruckman had his issues, and Rolloff and Hovind, but they did understand the problem of Augustinian corporatism & Kingdom Now, & state accredited or ‘public’ (common, common ground, consensus, Babylonian ordered) schools & universities. Just not the infiltrating Jesuit and MYSTERY influences so much….the cultivated Babylonian demoralization & ‘honey pot’ traps, the confusion of kingdoms & pride of knowledge & scholarship etc, though Ruckman certainly had a handle on philosophy & was a match to the subtly skewed ‘conservative’ and ‘Evangelical’ Christian brand that Francis Schaffer & the likes of Oliver North embraced & promoted.

    The seven mountains mandate is ancient error brought back. Reminds you of the high places, all the pyramids & mounds of the world’s cults, and of Revelation 17 & Rome, doesn’t it? The pride of works religion. Jason Cooley of Old Paths Baptist & I have our eschatological differences, but his recent comparison of the difference between Ignatius Loyola’s and Martin Luther’s recourse to the hopeless darkness of conviction for sin from the historical writings quoted by J.A. Wylie were so pertinent! Craft is all about works and self-righteousness, & tends to mysticism as a ‘solution’ to the discomfort of true conviction by the Holy Spirit of Truth & the scriptures. A way to accommodate pride through hypocritical handling of the truth & selective censoring as political correctness. Jesuit mental reservation, Islamic taquiyya, Hindu-Buddhist relativism, etc. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————-Luther, too, had his errors….but his turning to Christ & the scriptures for his salvation was so different from Loyola’s turn into mysticism & worship of the Queen of Heaven, would that he would have come all the way out, & not turned to nicolaitan excuse for the Peasant War slaughter, & to haughty Augustinian impatience with regard to the Jews & toleration. He seems to have never reached the biblical baptist conclusion that a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still, and the logic of Christian long-suffering recognizing that dead men can’t convert. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————-The comparison of his responses to Loyola’s though, really reminded me of the importance of every jot and tittle care & right division, and of what these men in the Daughter religions are doing now, turning to craft & mysticism, techniques & disciplines, consorting with familiar spirits, participating in necromancy, aliens & transhumanist demigods….anything but Christ according to the scriptures, as they hasten back to that Mother of Harlots and Abominations due to that lack. Back to that old Romish Babylonian craft, Daniel’s 4th kingdom, which certain of their forefathers had escaped at so great a cost. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————It’s the same impure, bloody, dominating spirit that decimated Europe, & the same spirit as the old Manifest Destiny and persecuting Reformed & Protestants here who relabeled themselves first ‘fundamentalists’ and then ‘Evangelicals’ and then ‘conservatives’, bad as the liberals, and the Jesuits called all ‘liberal’ who were out of step with them & Rome. Here we are again! (I can’t even sing the so-called Battle Hymn of the Republic anymore, realizing what it means! ….and that it so matters & is used to bring reproach on the way & people of Christ by the social justice/woke crowd.) —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–I mentioned Cooley who teaches the old baptist and Bible believing history from the old sources, from whom I have learned, along with James Beller. The animosity between he & Bryan saddens me, though I understand it’s often been so in history between otherwise good men, like Paul and Barnabas. I love them both, & believe you all are in the right on rapture timing. Much agreement on the 501c3 issue, only differing on best response & solution. Men often react so violently against error that has hurt & harmed them that they throw the baby out with the bathwater, & I believe that to be the case here, have testified to what I believe, & now stand back. I’m not infallible either, only Christ & the scriptures. —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I have also learned a lot from the more honest & inconsistent (the heart is deceitful & desperately wicked!) Calvinists like Verduin & Will Kinney about the importance of precise language & communication concerning the reporting of historical Christianity with all distinctives made clear, and in scripture study & preaching. A world of difference between them & supposedly dispensational-but-Reformed John MacArthur who I believe has been an infiltrating craft influence & distractor from the get-go. And am learning even more from Dr. John Asquith of who is a church pastor of the old Bible baptist tradition, & specifically the King James Bible authoritative tradition. Talk about precise! and about knowledge of that Book and the Godhead & Gospel revealed there. Dr. Asquith is a treasure & throw-back to the type of scholars that populated the King James Bible committee in my book. Yet a humble man. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————-I understand the kirk/church issue as God’s ordained polity & means of assuring elder fellowship, headship, & distributed risk & benefit since corruption is always the tendency. In these times of rampant apostasy, the reversion back to the even more distributed & ancient ordaining by God of family as the order of primary polity scripturally seems to be necessary. There must be balance, though, for we do need the order & fellowship of elders by some means & as God ordained, whether we meet in buildings or not, and despite the fact we must use our liberty to disassociate where tradition & philosophy have come to trump scripture & sound practice. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Anyways, yearning for the blessed hope. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Noting that compromise and failing to contend for careful & precise, every-word, doctrinal communications always backfires consequentially, and God does chasten. Lack of precision allowing confusion & corruption to take root in scriptural matters spills over into everything, causing confusion, corrupting & defiling in all of our communications. Reminds me of 1 Corinthians 6, 2 Corinthians 11, 2 Timothy 2&3, 2 Peter 2&3 and Jude. Ephesians 5.——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————–Jesus & the Apostles warned us, & history also evidences that as consequential & worldly threats intensify, the faithful tolerance of weak & pretending brethren alike tends to give way to compromising union first, & then to persecution of the faithful. Romans 13-15. Here we go again. —————————————————————————————————————————————————— -And yet, so much is fulfilled & lined up for the coming time of Daniel’s 70th week and the time of Jacob’s trouble, the time of greatest tribulation this wicked old world will ever see, that we have even more evident hope & faithful, encouraging witness that we should look for that blessed hope expectantly, looking up for our redemption draweth nigh. A time to make our calling & election sure, to purify & ready ourselves, even as we take advantage of the opportunities afforded by the shaking of shocking & uncertain times to warn those finally sensing that we live in extraordinary times, & that things are not as they are presented by the powers of this world.

  • If Francis Collins is a Christian, then I’m an electric eel! He is a satanic blood shedding false convert who is close buddies with Rick Warren and perhaps even with Fauci and Redfield as well even! Who knows, Collins might even be a Jesuit himself.
    God is going to send Francis Collins to hell unless he truly repents and gets born again! You can bet Collins took the death shots and God will spue him out for sure!

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