“Adding COVID-19 vaccination to our student immunization requirements will help provide a safer and more robust college experience for our students.”

The following report is from the Trends Journal:

On Thursday, The New York Times reported that Rutgers University in New Jersey will require all students to offer proof of vaccination to return to campus next fall.

The Rutgers president, Jonathan Holloway, issued a statement that included,

Adding COVID-19 vaccination to our student immunization requirements will help provide a safer and more robust college experience for our students.

His announcement was followed on Friday by word of a 

study that will be conducted on 20 other campuses to see if people who have been immunized can still spread the virus.

As The New York Times reported,

[According to] the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people who have been fully vaccinated do not need masks in small indoor gatherings with others who have been inoculated, but should still wear them in public. This is because clinical trials of the vaccines focus on whether they prevent serious illness and death—not whether vaccinated people could be infected, even only briefly, and transmit the virus.

The study will have half the 12,000 students from 20 universities jabbed with the Moderna vaccine as soon as they arrive on campus. All 12,000 “will swab their noses daily to check for the virus and, from time to time, provide blood samples for antibody screening.”

TREND FORECAST: The push for mass vaccinations, even to those not catching the virus, will become mandatory at many levels of society.

As we have reported, the recovery rate for people ages 1 to 20 is 99.997%, yet they are and will be forced to get vaccinated. Indeed, Pfizer has begun testing its COVID Jab on children under the age of 12.

Despite the massive ad campaigns, etc., there will be a sizeable sector of society that will refuse the vaccination. Thus, we maintain our forecast for anti-vax, anti-tax, anti-establishment political movements.


Rutgers, along with the other 20 universities that the Times referred to, will not be the only ones requiring this. Pretty much, I would assume, most if not all public and state colleges require the vaccine to return to campus. I’m sure they’ll think of some more insane incentives for that too. And beyond that, do not be surprised when all K-12 students are forced to take that vaccine, adding to the ever-growing list of shots they must take.

These places were a waste of money and time then, just as they are now, and even more useless once they start mandating these vaccines – as the passing grades are continually lowered some more as they have been slowly year over year.

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1 Comment

  • I went to community college but I decided to drop out to make a success of my life. I have never once stepped into a university and I never will. Those places are debtor generators making debtors out of borrowers and graduates. They have degrees that are as useless as paper hammers and they wind up working at McDonald’s and they’re stuck with a five or six figure debt and dues that they’ll be paying off for over five decades literally. No thanks I’ll pass. Work, invest, business, entrepreneurship and the King James Bible.

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