Former President Trump has officially launched a website to better connect with his supporters.

It is called

The homepage displays various pictures of himself and his wife Melania at different political events, rallies, meetings, and charities.

The Office of Donald J. Trump is committed to preserving the magnificent legacy of the Trump Administration, while at the same time advancing the America First agenda.

The website’s homepage

The about section of the website lists many of his accomplishments including his wife’s contributions.

A Reuters report noted that the website did not mention things such as “the scandals, corruption investigations, two impeachments or the attacks on democratic institutions that framed his presidency.”

The former President is also in the process of launching his own social media platform soon as well.


Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

Proverbs 20:17

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

2 Timothy 3:13

We have explained in many other reports debunking the “Trump delusion” and psy-op being performed in the media and counterintelligence groups like Qanon.

I am not one of these people that thinks that “everything Trump does is evil and “racist,” but I believe in critical thought, which is what we advocate here on The WinePress.

This is not the case with all of them, but there are many people, because of the media propaganda and psy-ops being performed (just like those of the progressive left, the “libtards” as they have been nicknamed) – there are many on the far-right of conservative “patriotism” that are “contards.” You cannot have a cohesive conversation with those types of people. If you dare make small objections to some of what Trump said or did, you would get chastised and accused of being some sort of a God-hating liberal.

This new website is yet another piece of the deception – keeping those who voted for him hanging onto “hope” that is not there or will be. While the country utterly collapses at the seams, Trump still keeping his head around in the media and social media will keep those masses still in the dark. And when his new social network platform comes out, it will make that deception worse and a hotbed for more things such as Qanon that will embolden and relight the fire in many of those that idolize him.

We have proven in our reports that Qanon is in fact a counterintelligence psychological operation to deceive the masses and get those that follow it to buy into the “hopium” (as some of them called it) that there are good guys in government cleaning house of the bad, and getting people to believe that all actions taken by his administration were for the good and that Trump is playing 4-D chess.

Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon

More Evidence That Qanon Is A Massive Psy-Op

The Golden Idol: A Golden Statue Of Donald Trump Is Displayed At CPAC

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  • The Reuters comments show how deceptive and biased the media is.

    The investigations produced no charges or acceptable evidence.

    The impeachments were completely fabricated shams that were voted on by party lines and each was little more than a political dog and pony show. Both failed miserably.

    What corruption investigations?

    Meanwhile, Biden’s son who took millions from Ukraine and China was never investigated and is never mentioned in the press.

    Not to mention that the accusations about the democratic institution attacks is completely constructed from whole cloth and simply based on opinion. Meanwhile, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. So, what so-called democratic institutions are being attacked exactly?

    Personally, have completely stopped watching any political media and concentrating more on the Bible and other areas of interest instead. I don’t miss their biased deceptions for a second.

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