The following report is from Reuters:
Biden administration officials pleaded with Americans on Monday to continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 amid an increase in cases across the country.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with emotion in her voice, urged public officials and others to spread the word about the seriousness of the situation in an effort to prevent a fourth surge.
She said the United States surpassed 30 million cases of COVID-19 on Sunday, and that the seven-day average of new cases was slightly less than 60,000 cases per day – a 10 percent increase compared with the prior seven-day period. Hospitalizations also increased and deaths started to rise.
I’m going to lose the script and I’m going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom. Right now I’m scared.
Rochelle Walensky
Officials cited states opening up their economies and loosening COVID restrictions prematurely, along with an increase in travel, as reasons for the uptick.
Walensky said the trajectory of the pandemic in the United States looked similar to countries in Europe, such as Germany, Italy and France, which have experienced a spike in cases.
We do not have the luxury of inaction. For … the health of our country, we must work together now to prevent a fourth surge.
President Joe Biden has set a goal of getting 200 million vaccine shots in people’s arms in his first 100 days in office, and vaccinations are increasing across the country.
But some parts of the United States have started to do away with mask mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions, while Americans have gotten out to travel more for spring break and leisure, as fatigue over a year of a pandemic-changed way of life takes hold.
Hang in there. It will be a race between the vaccine and what’s going on with the dynamics of the outbreak, and we can win this by just hanging in there a bit longer.
Dr. Anthony Fauci
The officials discouraged nonessential travel and encouraged measures such as mask-wearing and keeping socially distant to stop the spread of the virus and its dangerous variants.
Walensky went so off-script, she tried to hold back tears warning of “impending doom.”
The art of propaganda lies in the understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are.
Mein Kampf
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
Talk about a crisis actor! They are losing control of the deception so now they have to pretend like they are so caring. Of course, they are silent when it comes to the economic destruction and wealth disparity, millions more slipping into poverty, a massive spike in depression and suicide, rises in obesity and weight gain, and so on.
And just to show further proof that the masks have no effect in stopping Covid (which is a sham in of itself), look at this chart from Bloomberg that shows cases LOWERING after the mask mandate was lifted.

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She says she is scared. Probably because she does not have the Lord Jesus in her life.
She’s also scared because soon her little melodrama acting is gradually falling apart and she’s gonna be in big trouble with the people and ultimately with the Lord!
GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! THESE devils pushing their Abomination V! Choose this day whom you will serve. Joshua 24:15 DO NOT TAKE THE ABOMINATION THAT WILL LEAVE YOU DESOLATE….he that hath an ear! THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS IN FULL CONTROL AND HE WILL BE GLORIFIED! CRY ALOUD SPARE NOT! He is truly separating the sheep from the goats……..
Amen, Sam!
“I’m gonna pause here, I’m gonna lose the script” even though my eyes keep looking down at the script after I’ve just said that, whilst I’m doing some terrible acting that is intended to emotionally manipulate you.
I nominate her for the razzie award for worst actress. There’s plenty of panhandlers that have more convincing stories than this buffoon.
Going off script while her eyes are looking down to her left reading the prompter. I pray that the precious Lord Jesus would open wide her own eyes to see her abominable sin and perceive her desperate need for the one true Saviour of the world, my Lord Jesus.
You know the article that you wrote about Krispy Kreme, it turns out, it seems they had change their tactics. Here is the article:
Oh, good grief! Thanks for sharing. I’ll add that to my list of topics.