Blockchain provides a transparent and immutable registry of data, meaning produce recorded on the blockchain can be clearly traced from seed source to table.

The following report is from Technocracy News and Trends:

Core Scientific, a leading infrastructure and software solutions provider for artificial intelligence and blockchain, announced it will provide innovative blockchain and AI solutions to the $314 million Agriculture Technology Campus in Early Branch, South Carolina. The high-tech agriculture campus is both the largest agricultural investment in the history of South Carolina and the largest agricultural investment in a Federal Qualified Opportunity Zone.

Located between Charleston and Savannah, the Agriculture Technology Campus is a joint venture between Mastronardi Produce, Clear Water Farms, and LiDestri Food and Drink. The GEM Opportunity Zone Fund, a private investment firm focused on impact investing, will build and own all of the facilities on the campus, which includes greenhouses, a distribution center, and co-packing facilities.

Simply put, this is a major investment for the state of South Carolina, which has never seen an agricultural project of this scale. Additionally, a partnership of this nature between such well-respected names in the industry is the first of its kind.

We’re teaming with Core Scientific to create a bonafide technological epicenter for agriculture not just locally, but globally. Once fully realized, the Agriculture Technology Campus will be able to provide pesticide-free, locally grown produce for 50 to 60 million Americans in the Southeast from the vine to the shelf in just a couple of days.

Zeb Portanova. CEO at GEM Opportunity Zone Fund

Blockchain provides a transparent and immutable registry of data, meaning produce recorded on the blockchain can be clearly traced from seed source to table. Thus, consumers can guarantee the provenance of their food while producers can identify and correct various issues throughout the supply chain. This technology, coupled with AI/ML, will have a broad impact on the interoperable manner the partners in the Agriculture Technology Campus will work.

This is one of the most technologically progressive teams I have worked with. We will be working alongside the GEM Opportunity Zone Fund to commit all of the Agriculture Technology Campus facilities to Smart Agriculture increasing productivity, yield and crop provenance. Using blockchain paired with AI-enabled production processes and technologies, the goal is to create a Center of Excellence for this agriculture category right here in the US.

Ian Ferreira. Chief Product Officer of Artificial Intelligence at Core Scientific

Patrick Wood, editor for Technocracy News and Trends additionally notes this:

In June 2019, I wrote Opportunity Zones: A Technocrat Deception To Plunder America.  OZs provide massive tax shelters for the super-rich and provide the gateway to take over surrounding areas in the process. The AG sector is targeted for complete domination.


This is another major trend that has been quietly occurring as the masses are running in terror over Covid. The elites are buying up more land and farms, and many are getting major technological overhauls with AI and other robots replacing man.

Bill Gates Becomes Largest Farmland Owner In America

Instacart And Fruit Picking Drones Seek To Rob Even More Jobs

Not only that, did you notice yet another reference to having goods tracked and traced? That is one of the core goals of all this stuff surrounding Covid: tracking and tracing everyone’s transactions, movements, vital signs, and inevitably man’s brain.

[16] And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: [17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. [18] Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Revelation 13:16-18

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